How to Hire and Work with Blog Writers

8 replies
Hello Warriors!

Have you hired part time/full time blog writers before and if so, how do you go about doing that?

Do you provide them with your wordpress login info and just ask them to post regularly by accessing your blog, or just have them email you their article instead?

I'm a little apprehensive to give out my login info, especially when I plan to outsource most of my articles overseas.

How do you guys do it?

Thanks everyone!
#blog #hire #work #writers
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    Have you hired part time/full time blog writers before and if so, how do you go about doing that?

    got them right here on the good'ol WF

    Do you provide them with your wordpress login info and just ask them to post regularly by accessing your blog, or just have them email you their article instead?

    give them limited access to your wordpress blog..

    How do you guys do it?

    again just give them limited access..

    dashboard> Users> Add New> Role> Contributor

    all the best,
    Ike Paz
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    • Profile picture of the author Catherine Bueno
      Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

      Have you hired part time/full time blog writers before and if so, how do you go about doing that?

      got them right here on the good'ol WF

      Warriors For Hire

      Do you provide them with your wordpress login info and just ask them to post regularly by accessing your blog, or just have them email you their article instead?

      give them limited access to your wordpress blog..

      How do you guys do it?

      again just give them limited access..

      dashboard> Users> Add New> Role> Contributor

      all the best,
      Ike Paz

      Ike's right. You can also let your writers submit you the articles, then you're the one who's gonna post them on WP.

      Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I'll confirm what Ike said. You'll find great writers in this forum for sure. Then start your discussions. If you don't want to give out a log in, you can take the articles and post them yourself.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author krees
    You could check out some other freelance sites. Fiverr, Odesk ect.... as an option.

    I think Ike gave the best advice. I would do that.
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    Most freelancers ask for $4/ $5 per hour. I tried to get a full time SEO writer for my business, took me couple of months, and i found him through referral from another freelancer
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  • Profile picture of the author redone111
    You can find some from upwork and give them limit access
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    • Profile picture of the author Expont
      I agree with the Upwork idea. Most talented writers I've seen. And as noted you should give the author limited access or ask him or her to send you the Word document and then you can format it and it to your blog, if you want to avoid any complications.

      There is also Fiverr, where you can find a lot of high-quality writers who want to help you.

      Good luck in your quest!

      Finding decent writers is not an easy task, but if you look hard enough, he or she might be just around the corner. You did well by asking.

      Make sure that he or she know the basics of SEO writing. Because writing for the web is a whole another animal. The deeper his or her knowledge of SEO, the better and faster results you will get. If he or she knows SEO writing, he or she will give you the highest value for your dollar.

      Once again, Good luck with your quest!

      I'm a content writer on Fiverr, use my services.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheMechanic
    I used Fiverr, freelancer and odesk. A good writer would need to be paid with at least $5 per hour. Recently I've started looking for writers on warriors for hire.
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