Central List Of Possible Resell Rights Terms
I am hoping to start this thread and have people post various rights terms that they have seen or use when selling products with rights other than personal use.
I will then maintain and follow the thread and copy your suggestions into this main post so that it can be referred to anytime.
I thought I had seen this type post before but performing a search here I wasn't able to find it if there was.
I am looking for:
[Yes] You can or can't do this or that
Does anyone wish to start off with some suggestions?
Here is the ongoing list as of 09-05-09 9am GMT -7
Sean Roberts Contributed:
[YES] Can be edited.
[YES] Can put your name as the author.
[YES] Can be broken down into articles.
[YES] Can be used as web or e-zine content.
[YES] Can be added into membership sites.
[YES] Can be sold in any format.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be given away for free (any format).
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.
[YES] Can be published offline.
Yogini Contributed:
[YES] Can be submitted to article directories if re-written xx%
Didier Faucher Contributed:
[] Can be offered in exchange for an email address
[] Can sell as part of a package (maximum: [N] products)
[] Can alter the sales letter and other sale material
[] Can edit [the product or components]
[] Can add in giveaway events
[] Can use on a dime sale event
[] Can sell / give away for free the source files
[] Can sell the source files separately [especially the graphics]
[] Can use the graphic source files to create new graphics/products, or/and use to sell a different product
[] Can add up to [N] products [when selling more than one product] to any one domain name
[] Can claim copyright ownership
[] Can be sold offline
[] Can be sold in printed version [for ebooks, etc.], on CD/DVD, etc.
[] Can translate [the product, the sales copy, etc.]
[] Can sell outside the [LNG]-speaking markets
Anything not expressly allowed is forbidden.
Any violation of this agreement will be subject to a revoking of this license
in which case all monies paid will be forfeited.
Thanks to all who participate.
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