Huge list of Bonuses do scare me...and you?

by bwh1
42 replies
Don't know if it's just me but recently I found the volume of bonuses offered outrageous.

It immediately scares me to hell when I see such a huge amount of bonuses telling me that the main product is actually not worth even the entry price.

Are buyers mainly Bonus addicted?

I personally don't care that much about them, really more look into the product but as mentioned, have goosebumps when I see a huge list of gifts.

Do you sell with a bonus overload (like 10 bonus products for a 10 bucks front end offer) or a normal amount (whatever that might be...for me it's about doubling the front end value, some like 2 to 3 products).

What's your opinion about this?
#bonuses #huge #list #meand #scare
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    yea, thats on old tactic to sweeten the pot..

    I do provide bonuses but at MAX 2.

    and they all add value to my initial product.

    but some marketers go wild with it.

    -Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
    to be honest, my harddrives are always almost full - so a lot of bonuses is not an incentive
    for me to buy anything. 1 good bonus is welcome. 20 bonuses: I never download them,
    dont have the time, patience and interest to go through them to find out what they do or dont.

    Its something newbies like: a lot of stuff. I already have a lot of stuff. I only need 1 item
    that i REALLY need, nothing else. Besides: the higher the quantity of the bonuses the lower
    the perceived value of the main product. "If they give me so much crap - the main product
    must be crap as well"

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  • Profile picture of the author Catherine Bueno
    Hello there,

    Yes, bonuses are overwhelming and scary at times, but as long as you keep in mind that the competition is tough, marketers do all of its efforts just to win a client. You know... that's how business goes.

    Anyway, what makes it scary is when it's not legit, or you get less or none from what you paid for.
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  • Profile picture of the author zerofatzreturns
    Many times you are seeing all those bonuses because product vendors have allowed affiliates to position their products in BONUS SPOTS. This is a tactic used to bring bigger affiliates on board for your product launch. YOu are essentially sharing the buyers list with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author chippen2188
    I do agree. Many bonuses tell me that the product is bad and the bonuses are bad as well. If a there is 2-3 bonuses and they clearly explaining how they will help me when I purchase the main product, I'm okay. In my world, bonuses should be valuable and relevant to the product.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Over delivering in value... If the main product is no good then the long term sales of the customer is not going to be good either. Lets try and think a little further down the road and not so much on the instant gratification...
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    Don't know if it's just me but recently I found the volume of bonuses offered outrageous.

    It immediately scares me to hell when I see such a huge amount of bonuses telling me that the main product is actually not worth even the entry price.

    Are buyers mainly Bonus addicted?

    I personally don't care that much about them, really more look into the product but as mentioned, have goosebumps when I see a huge list of gifts.

    Do you sell with a bonus overload (like 10 bonus products for a 10 bucks front end offer) or a normal amount (whatever that might be...for me it's about doubling the front end value, some like 2 to 3 products).

    What's your opinion about this?

    What do you expect? The IM/affiliate niche is spammy by default.
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  • Profile picture of the author jcmunoz
    THEY DO!

    That is just my personal opinion tho. It is actually very effective in many cases, but it all depends on the specific strategy that you are approaching. I feel like too many bonuses take away from the main products and they overwhelm the customer. If you have a quality product, keep it that way. No bonus will increase its value.
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  • Profile picture of the author William Waltham
    I'm actually more likely to stay AWAY from a product if it has too many bonuses. Most bonuses are just re-hashed PLR material that is of little use to me. If I see a long list of bonuses like that with a product, I typically won't buy it. I don't need to clutter up my computer with things I'll never look at or use.

    That's not to say ALL bonuses are useless. I've seen some excellent ones. But, those are usually offered in small numbers, such as just one or two bonuses, on a product that is already high quality. Those are bonuses I might actually be able to use.

    So, when it comes to bonuses, my policy for buying a product is to avoid it if it has too many, but one or two are usually okay.
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    • Profile picture of the author bwh1
      Originally Posted by William Waltham View Post

      I'm actually more likely to stay AWAY from a product if it has too many bonuses. Most bonuses are just re-hashed PLR material that is of little use to me. If I see a long list of bonuses like that with a product, I typically won't buy it. I don't need to clutter up my computer with things I'll never look at or use.

      That's not to say ALL bonuses are useless. I've seen some excellent ones. But, those are usually offered in small numbers, such as just one or two bonuses, on a product that is already high quality. Those are bonuses I might actually be able to use.

      So, when it comes to bonuses, my policy for buying a product is to avoid it if it has too many, but one or two are usually okay.
      Exactly my point and I can see that most of you see it the same way...

      Guess the Bonus Overkill is to get the newbies on board while it scares away the seasoned Marketers....some to remember when launching new stuff

      Thanks to all...

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      • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
        Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

        Exactly my point and I can see that most of you see it the same way...

        Guess the Bonus Overkill is to get the newbies on board while it scares away the seasoned Marketers....some to remember when launching new stuff

        Thanks to all...
        Illustrating exactly why it's so important to be specific about and thoroughly understand your target market, something that beginning marketers (and more than a few non-beginners) don't pay enough attention to.

        The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

        Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    Don't know if it's just me but recently I found the volume of bonuses offered outrageous.

    It immediately scares me to hell when I see such a huge amount of bonuses telling me that the main product is actually not worth even the entry price.

    Are buyers mainly Bonus addicted?

    I personally don't care that much about them, really more look into the product but as mentioned, have goosebumps when I see a huge list of gifts.

    Do you sell with a bonus overload (like 10 bonus products for a 10 bucks front end offer) or a normal amount (whatever that might be...for me it's about doubling the front end value, some like 2 to 3 products).

    What's your opinion about this?
    Yeah I know over at Warrior Classifieds I have seen some people with Absolutely the most insane amounts of bonuses for this like WP Profit Builder and Optimizepress.

    It's absolutely ridicolous. Like over 100 bonuses
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  • Profile picture of the author go4wardnow
    What really irritates me is when the bonuses come from a JV partner and you have to subscribe to get the bonus from an offer you paid for!

    I have seen offers though, when bonuses have really added up and been valuable...more valuable then the product itself. This usually happens when it is a huge launch by a well known marketer, and another well known marketer is an affiliate. In this case it is the affiliate offering the bonus if you buy through their link. They do this because there is potential for big time up-sells in the sales funnel.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I refuse to offer bonuses as a "bribe" to buy a product I'm promoting.

    Seems like it's all the rage now but I don't do it and it hasn't hurt my sales any.

    I don't see the point.

    Most of the time the bonuses are just a bunch of PLR or MRR products that have been passed around like crazy.

    I make sure I only promote good products that are well worth their price so I don't see any reason to offer dozens of "bonuses" to get people to click my affiliate link.

    Either my list trusts me or they don't. If somebody on my list is not going to buy through my link because I'm not offering a bunch of junk bonus products then I probably don't want them on my list in the first place.
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    • Profile picture of the author james flynn
      Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

      I refuse to offer bonuses as a "bribe" to buy a product I'm promoting.

      Seems like it's all the rage now but I don't do it and it hasn't hurt my sales any.

      I don't see the point.

      Most of the time the bonuses are just a bunch of PLR or MRR products that have been passed around like crazy.

      I make sure I only promote good products that are well worth their price so I don't see any reason to offer dozens of "bonuses" to get people to click my affiliate link.

      Either my list trusts me or they don't. If somebody on my list is not going to buy through my link because I'm not offering a bunch of junk bonus products then I probably don't want them on my list in the first place.
      Your strategy is offensive which I always prefer. Always go for the best lot from your inventory and use it as a leverage to gain maximum conversion. This reduces the need to loosen up your cheap inventory which sometimes you end up giving away for less than what you paid for. Most of the time this tactic is used just to fuel the greed to get more permanent clients. Use it but only when you feel that there is no way out.


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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    I agree . . . giving good value is one thing, but giving away too much makes you seem needy, desperate, or that your products are not of good value.

    As others say, some people get away with it. But overall, if your main product is genuinely worth what you are charging, then you don't need to go crazy to sell it.

    I've sold products with lots of reviews and free bonuses, I've sold products which had no bonuses and no reviews at all when I launched them and still sold. It's difficult to compare like with like in this area, as each product is different, and each location or traffic-source (or even day of the week) is different, so an exact A/B comparison is not easy with a WSO (unless there are some ways to do that which I am not aware of . . . I know it's possible on your own site).

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    Don't know if it's just me but recently I found the volume of bonuses offered outrageous.

    It immediately scares me to hell when I see such a huge amount of bonuses telling me that the main product is actually not worth even the entry price.

    Are buyers mainly Bonus addicted?

    I personally don't care that much about them, really more look into the product but as mentioned, have goosebumps when I see a huge list of gifts.

    Do you sell with a bonus overload (like 10 bonus products for a 10 bucks front end offer) or a normal amount (whatever that might be...for me it's about doubling the front end value, some like 2 to 3 products).

    What's your opinion about this?
    They don't scare me, but ever since the days of "buy my $15 book and get $10,000 worth of bonuses (including a $197 copy of Scientific Advertising)" i've had this OCD tic. My hand compulsively move my cursor to the top left corner of my browser and my finger twitches over the Back button.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikerj
    I tend to shy away from buying any product with more than 2 bonuses.
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  • Profile picture of the author SamNuku
    For beginner marketers its attractive. By that i mean people who are still shiny object syndrome.

    They aren't really in it for the long run or for big purchases. They're digital horders if you will. They aren't there to really implement but rather to GET.

    So the more bonuses the better!

    What does this mean for you? It means that if you are targetting low level offers. Affiliate marketing thru clickbank jvzoo wf then its good to have a big list of bonuses as it'll stand out to these people.

    If you're looking for someone as a long term customer not the way to go. Cos they're more focused on WHAT's on offer rather then how much is on offer. Make sense?

    Depends what you're going after... State a little more I could share more of an insight.
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  • Profile picture of the author Virginia Sanders
    In most cases I agree when you offer too much it rings a bell that you are really offering nothing. However, in one instance. Someone offered so many bonusues that had direct correlation to the product that I was purchasing that I could not say no. If you are building niche webistes and someone offers you 10 niches that you can change and append to your liking... I think what the heck they just made my life easier. But when you offer some old staid, worn out PLR content that was 20 years old when it came out.. I just say NO to the original offer because it means you are either cheap or your product is weak.
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  • I always try to keep my bonuses at two per niche..

    Although one of my products in the 'self help' niche has 6 bonuses, and it still sells well.

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  • Profile picture of the author bigballin6161
    Top copywriters recommend a lot of bonuses they say it helps with conversions if it is related.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cesar Sampaio
    Yep, my personal opinion is that huge volumes of bonuses cheapen the main product.

    Also, $9997 in products for $27?
    A Step-By-Step Guide! Do Just This One Thing And Finally Make Money As An Amazon Affiliate
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  • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
    Bonuses and one time offers INFURIATE me.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPG19
    Generally speaking to me this is an idication the product is not good and even the marketer himself knows it and that is why he bundles many extra things with the product. It's something psycological to me but is not always the case.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    It immediately scares me to hell when I see such a huge amount of bonuses telling me that the main product is actually not worth even the entry price.

    I think you're getting lathered up about something you can't control.

    Really, it's the marketer's prerogative as to whether to offer bonuses, how many, and what their value is. Isn't it? So don't be scared.

    You can read into it what you want . . . but you can't control what someone else does in their marketing. Would you want to be controlled by others in your business? Of course not.

    In the end, they do what they want. If you don't like it . . . simply click away.

    Do differently in your own marketing. But don't lose sleep over what you can't control.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author bwh1
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Do differently in your own marketing. But don't lose sleep over what you can't control.

      kkkk it's not that serious Steve, trust me I can sleep very well


      Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    First I haven't made my own product yet. Maybe someday. I am like you in I don't really care of bonuses. If I see value in the product itself and of a need to my business then I would consider it seriously. Other than that, some products I have bought in the past did have bonuses that really helped with the initial product.
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  • Profile picture of the author SasaIlic
    Personally everything over 1-2 bonuses is just load of crap. Sorry for the language. But offering same 20 bonuses over and over again on every promo you do just makes your customers feel like the product they are buying isn't worth anything. Stick to 1-2 bonuses and that should do the trick just fine.

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  • Profile picture of the author SadiyyaPatel
    I always feel it's better to offer a few, really high-quality, relevant bonuses rather than dozens of crappy ones. There have been many times when I have been put off from purchasing a product simply because the bonuses offered were absolute rubbish.

    Some of the best bonuses, in my personal opinion, have been templates, cheat-sheets, checklists and even software and scripts, all tightly related to the products. In other words bonuses that helped me consume and use the main product in a faster and easier manner. These types of bonuses have always appealed to me (and I'm sure a lot of other people as well).
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  • Profile picture of the author james flynn
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    Don't know if it's just me but recently I found the volume of bonuses offered outrageous.

    It immediately scares me to hell when I see such a huge amount of bonuses telling me that the main product is actually not worth even the entry price.

    Are buyers mainly Bonus addicted?

    I personally don't care that much about them, really more look into the product but as mentioned, have goosebumps when I see a huge list of gifts.

    Do you sell with a bonus overload (like 10 bonus products for a 10 bucks front end offer) or a normal amount (whatever that might be...for me it's about doubling the front end value, some like 2 to 3 products).

    What's your opinion about this?
    I make sure that the bonus I'm offering to my clients doesn't exceed 10 % of my total profits from the sale. I consider this number as a peanut in front of the conversion I'll receive . Therefore it's a healthy business practice but excess of everything is definitely a complete catastrophe for your business.

    Cheers - James
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  • Profile picture of the author lowgz79
    Bonuses really annoy me as a buyer! ...but I'm sure the sellers will tell you how great they are!

    If the bonus is of good quality and not some rehashed PLR/out dated product. Then the buyer will be more likely to return for more..
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    I also personally don't care about the bonuses, when buying anything I just focus on the main features on the product, if they meet my requirements then I will buy or I will ignore all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    I like calling out the outrageous bonuses other people offer and tell my subscribers that I won't put them through that torture haha. Seriously doh, 90% of all their bonuses are PLR and junk anyways. I prefer to offer 1-2 real valuable bonuses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Jeffels
    If the main product has been sold correctly in the pitch it won't matter if there are bonuses or not.

    And I do agree with you it can get out of hand with the bonuses. When I see that It would lead me to believe the initial product is subpar. That's just the feeling, I, and it looks like others get as well.

    When there is a product that has been sold well and there is a bonus that is complimentary to the product,also, looks of value, that tells me the sales pitch has been done correctly.


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  • Profile picture of the author shazshaz
    not a good sign,
    worst is a 7$ product with 15 bonus worth 16,000$
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    I immediately close the page when I see many bonuses.. I know it's PLR re-hash and the graphics usually give it away.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    There's a saying that "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit."

    In this case, we simple change the word 'baffle' to 'bury'...
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  • Profile picture of the author TenaciousGrease
    You mean you don't want a $45,000 bonus for your purchase of a $49 product?

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  • Profile picture of the author angelazar7
    I quite like looking through the bonuses. Some are really great and often recently launched products. It's the ones that are a few years old that I'm not too keen on. But hey, they're bonuses, it's just to sweeten the deal. If the original product doesn't interest you, then I'd rather not buy just for the bonuses. In saying that, I must admit that I've actually seen more value in an offer with bonuses than the product, so there is that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexis Gil
    I agree that there are too much bonuses. A few will be enough. But we can speak about % of bonuses in the whole quantity of goods (If you have for example 10 goods then 2-3 bonuses will be too much. But if you have 100 positions and more, you can use more bonuses.)
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  • Profile picture of the author shazshaz
    in some case, i was really interested by a product,
    until i saw the crappy bonus, that i found sitting on my harddrive,
    so i just skip the offer,
    it's usually a PLR rewritten material from an old offer
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