Facebook ads and Squeeze Page Conversion Rate

3 replies
Hello guys,

I'm starting with list building these days and I want some tips for my journey... All my traffic and measures are coming from Facebook ads.

1) My squeeze page is having 14% of conversion rate (I'm measuring people that goes to the thank you page after give me the email). Is it good?

2) My CTR is as low as 1%. Right now for 1962 people reach, only 35 clicked. What's a good average that I should try to get?

3) How can I choose the best audience for a musical instrument course? Let's say it's a piano course... Right now I'm selecting:
- people from my country: Brazil
- age: 25+
- interest on piano, some pages like: learn piano, piano student etc.
- and also must have interest on ebooks

4) With the above settings my audience is still 3.2M. Should I narrow even further? If yes, what should interests should I narrow?

5) The bad thing is that if I leave Facebook to autobid my ads, my CPC goes to $0.45 (which I think it's too high compared to some headlines that I read on this forum like $0.01 CPC. So I changed to manual bid of $0.10 and I'm not receiving too much traffic... So my question here is how can I set my cpc or leave facebook autobid but still goes under $0.10?

6) Also what do you think about mobile vs desktop ads? Right now I'm using mobile ads only, because I imagine people using their cellphone are killing their time on fb, so they could probably get interested to get a free ebook to learn the instrument... I don't know if I'm thinking correct. What's your thoughts?

Thank you very much IM gurus!
#ads #conversion #cpc #ctr #facebook #facebook ads #page #rate #squeeze #squeeze page
  • Profile picture of the author jcmunoz
    The conversion rate for the squeeze page depends on the quality of the traffic. It doesn't really matter if people are optin in if they are not gonna be interested in buying something at some point. So if you are making a descent amount of sales from it I would say it is good.

    About the CPC. If you are not getting enough traffic you might have to raise your bid. Remember it comes down to the keywords that you are using so maybe the ones you have just have more competition than you expected at the moment.

    I think that you should still go with desktop ads.

    How long is this ebook you are talking about? I would personally prefer to read an ebook in desktop than in mobile.

    To your success,
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    • Profile picture of the author Leo Ribeiro
      Originally Posted by jcmunoz View Post

      The conversion rate for the squeeze page depends on the quality of the traffic. It doesn't really matter if people are optin in if they are not gonna be interested in buying something at some point. So if you are making a descent amount of sales from it I would say it is good.

      About the CPC. If you are not getting enough traffic you might have to raise your bid. Remember it comes down to the keywords that you are using so maybe the ones you have just have more competition than you expected at the moment.

      I think that you should still go with desktop ads.

      How long is this ebook you are talking about? I would personally prefer to read an ebook in desktop than in mobile.

      To your success,

      Thanks munoz! Yeah of course it makes sense... So basically I should focus in have good ads to atract buyers right? (Is there any free material or cheap that I can afford to learn that?)

      Originally Posted by jbsmith View Post

      Your targeting seems fine for initial run, I would focus on the ad (run multiple variants to test different headlines and copy) and squeeze page variants (testing different ad copy there)

      1% is low for targeted ad, and 14% can be improved as well, though I would start with getting the ad to hit a higher click rate so your cost comes down and then tweak your squeeze page until you get a version that is above 20% (ideally even into the 30's, but more than 20% for a start)

      Thanks Jeff! Oh ok, thank you for the information... So I should focus on 30% of my squeeze conversion right? (So can I assume imagine that this 80% rate of Becker video here is just a bullshit?)

      Well overall, what should be my average goals?
      XX% for CTR?
      XX% for Lead conversion?
      XX% for mail opens?
      XX% for mail clicks?
      XX% for mail sales?

      Can anyone give me some directions in what are the overal base rates for a beginner?

      Thank you guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Your targeting seems fine for initial run, I would focus on the ad (run multiple variants to test different headlines and copy) and squeeze page variants (testing different ad copy there)

    1% is low for targeted ad, and 14% can be improved as well, though I would start with getting the ad to hit a higher click rate so your cost comes down and then tweak your squeeze page until you get a version that is above 20% (ideally even into the 30's, but more than 20% for a start)

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