Examples of the best kind of social proof you can offer

2 replies
Think social proof isn't important?

Think again!

20 Examples of Social Proof in Action

has an excellent article about 20 ways social proof can work for you, including:

Expert Social Proof
Celebrity Social Proof
User Social Proof
"Wisdom of the Crowd" Social Proof
"Wisdom of your Friends" Social Proof

#14, BuzzSumo, is my fav example... I think others can greatly help you in business as well.

#examples #kind #offer #proof #social
  • Profile picture of the author PPG19
    I agree. Everybody wants to know that the choice they are making is the right choice and by analyzying other people actions people find a confirmation if what they are doing is right or wrong.

    This is valid for both offline and online shoppers but i think demonstrating social proof online is even more crucial and can be easier demonstrated online.

    Testimonials, ratings and reviews, badges, subscribers/clients counts, influencer or celebrity endorsments, social counters can improve conversions considerably.

    Thanks for the article Barbling.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    yup every body is hesitant to jump into still water..

    ...but if you got people giggling and laughing, splashing around then your next customer just might cannon ball herself/himself into the pool

    -Ike Paz
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