Passive Income with Exponential Growth?

16 replies
Has anyone here read the book "The Parable of the Pipeline" by Burke Hedges? He's talking about building sources of passive income with exponential growth.

I built multiple sources of passive income over the years (youtube videos, adsense websites, articles with affiliate links etc.) but none of them has that "exponential growth" he's talking about. It's something like an MLM where you sell a product but you also bring new people in and they bring new people and so you earn on multiple levels, even after you stop working.

Does anyone know such opportunities online? Especially in the Health/Fitness niche. I know of Beachbody, but unfortunately they are only available in the US and Canada.

P.S: I want everything to be online, not to have to join a classic MLM where I have to make phone calls, meet people etc.

#exponential #exponential growth #growth #income #online mlm #passive #passive income
  • Profile picture of the author Sven300
    No I do not know this book and I do not know this method.

    But, at first glance, it seems a new version of a "quick rich scheme". There is no magic formula for exponential growth.

    If you have a good product, good service, and use a good marketing strategy, you will see growth.

    Companies that have achieved exponential growth were those offering a new solution in a market without competition: Facebook or Apple in their early days for example.
    I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson
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  • Profile picture of the author Ole Didriksen
    Hi Rhadoo7,

    No, I haven't read that book, but it sounds quite

    As mentioned earlier in this post... I think you will
    do far better by providing value and service by doing
    your unique twist...

    If you take a close look at the big guys having the exponential growth
    that you want and are talking about... they have 2 things in common:

    1. They are in the minority... which begs the question WHY and
    what do they do DIFFERENT than everybody else?

    Partially the answer to that is...

    2. They are different... it's always better to be Different... because
    you compete from another level. Think about how many MLM'ers compete
    for the same products and the same customers... not a good place to be in...

    Well... one of the things they do differently is that they form groups of
    like minded people... in short... they make their own product that support
    the main MLM product... and have meet ups and contests.

    So while they have the growth... it's not a get rich quick thing... and
    it takes work. Basically all can be trced back to doing their own thing.

    Does that makes sense?

    Best reagrds from

    Originally Posted by Rhadoo7 View Post

    Has anyone here read the book "The Parable of the Pipeline" by Burke Hedges? He's talking about building sources of passive income with exponential growth.

    I built multiple sources of passive income over the years (youtube videos, adsense websites, articles with affiliate links etc.) but none of them has that "exponential growth" he's talking about. It's something like an MLM where you sell a product but you also bring new people in and they bring new people and so you earn on multiple levels, even after you stop working.

    Does anyone know such opportunities online? Especially in the Health/Fitness niche. I know of Beachbody, but unfortunately they are only available in the US and Canada.

    P.S: I want everything to be online, not to have to join a classic MLM where I have to make phone calls, meet people etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    A lot a hard work and a good team to leverage. It's much easier with a team than trying to do it all yourself.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    passive income with exponential growth

    you have all the pretty words without any of the ugly ones.

    the ugly ones come first you know:
    -testing conversion rates
    -testing traffic sources
    -content promotion

    dont even think about the "pretty ones"for now..

    find your specific niche and voice weight loss but: slow carb diet for new mothers

    then.. build out your home base: you site, your funnel, lead magnet and squeeze page..

    then you can do one or both of these... get "free" content, this will cost u time and energy.

    and/or test paid traffic..

    -Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    IMO, what you are asking about, just doesn't exist..

    Passive income and internet marketing is like trying to combine oil and water.

    The only I can see you obtaining such a goal, is by automating and using VA's and build it into a business that you could then just oversee and will require the least amount of time possible to do.

    To me, that is the closest way of obtaining such a goal long term.
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    • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
      Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

      IMO, what you are asking about, just doesn't exist..

      Passive income and internet marketing is like trying to combine oil and water.

      well generally yes, but there are exceptions when you can rest on your laurels
      for a while, even for years without doing much other than a few updates once a month. [seo top 10 position with a promotion order that is paid monthly]

      However besides that the only true hands-off income with Exponential Growth
      is investing wisely and doubling your capital every month. Then you're basically
      out of IM and have no idea what these people raging about. No more need for
      landing pages, optimizing anything or doing stuff like article rewriting.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rhadoo7
    Thanks for all the replies guys!

    Here is what I mean by "exponential growth". In the book the author gives this example: the guy who invented the chess board has to be rewarded for his invention and the king says he can ask for anything.

    And he only asks for a grain of rice. BUT to double this grain for every square on the chess board. Everything sounds great, the king he starts to double the grains...1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on.

    "Following the exponential growth of the rice payment the king quickly realized that he was unable to fulfill his promise because on the twentieth square the king would have had to put 1,000,000 grains of rice. On the fortieth square the king would have had to put 1,000,000,000 grains of rice. And, finally on the sixty fourth square the king would have had to put more than 18,000,000,000,000,000,000 grains" (Source)

    Or the same principle applies if you take a penny and double it every day. By day 31 you could end up with 10 million dollars (Image Source)

    Of course I know that it's not possible to achieve this so easy, and neither the author of the book. He does mention that it takes 3-5 years to build a stream of passive income, which is still better than putting money in the bank and having a million dollars in 50 years.

    To apply this principle in online marketing would mean to have a MLM type of business where you earn for every guy that you bring...and for every guy that he brings and for every every other guy that he get the idea

    I know the basics of question is which website or network offers such an opportunity? In the meantime I found the Empower Network. Any others?
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    • Profile picture of the author Sven300
      Originally Posted by Rhadoo7 View Post

      Here is what I mean by "exponential growth"......

      .....Or the same principle applies if you take a penny and double it every day. By day 31 you could end up with 10 million dollars (Image Source)

      .... my question is which website or network offers such an opportunity?

      I'm sure the majority of forum members knew the definition of the word "exponential".

      The first time I heard the story of the chess board and rice grains... I was a child. Since I have read or heard it at least 10 times.

      If there was a website or a method that really allowed to do this (passive income with exponential growth), the authors of this method would retain it for them.

      Frankly I do not believe in any of this. I think you run after a mirage.

      It's like the book and movie "The Secret". The only people who have become millionaires with the book or the film are the author of the book and the film's director.

      The bank account of the "passive income with exponential growth method" author will probably grow exponentially if enough naive people buy his method but the likelihood that others do the same by applying it is very low.

      Nowadays, I feel that many marketing methods are based on: "tell the wannabe entrepreneurs what they want to hear!". And everyone dreams to learn that there is a new and magic method that would allow them to earn a lot of money!
      I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Originally Posted by Rhadoo7 View Post

      I know the basics of question is which website or network offers such an opportunity? In the meantime I found the Empower Network. Any others?

      Your examples are not real world and you're falling for the "get rich quick" mindset that removes you from reality.

      All of your examples, like the penny being doubled every day for 31 days to get you to $10 million, break down as soon as the numbers begin to get large. Sure it's easy to double your return when it's early in the cycle. But as soon as you hit, say $1,000 the "exponential" nature of the example begins breaking down. 90% of the ten million comes in the final 5 days.

      For exponential earnings and growth you need exponential demand in the marketplace and the ability to meet that demand.

      Please, I invite you to join Empower and any and all other MLMs that you choose . . . then report back to us in 31 days and share how much money you've made. I'm anxious to hear your story after you've made $10 million!



      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author Rhadoo7
        Originally Posted by Sven300 View Post

        It's like the book and movie "The Secret". The only people who have become millionaires with the book or the film are the author of the book and the film's director.
        Oh yes...that f**ing book. It was the first "motivational" book I've ever read and it created a lot of frustrations and disappointment seeing that just to visualize the things you want will definitely not bring them to you

        Originally Posted by kk075 View Post

        I think you answered your own question about how to experience exponential growth- stop looking for MLM's to promote (where the creator cashes in for years with you as the worker bee) and create your own product.
        I'm already involved in way too many projects to start a new one. So there you go...a good business idea. If anyone will build such a network, I would gladly join.

        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

        Please, I invite you to join Empower and any and all other MLMs that you choose . . . then report back to us in 31 days and share how much money you've made. I'm anxious to hear your story after you've made $10 million!
        Those were just some examples for people to understand the meaning of "exponential growth". I know they are not achievable in the real life. And like I've said before...I am willing to invest 3 to 5 YEARS to build such a source of passive income! I know that it won't work in 31 days!!
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  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    Originally Posted by Rhadoo7 View Post

    P.S: I want everything to be online, not to have to join a classic MLM where I have to make phone calls, meet people etc.

    I think you answered your own question about how to experience exponential growth- stop looking for MLM's to promote (where the creator cashes in for years with you as the worker bee) and create your own product. But for it to sell itself through an MLM platform, it can't be the typical garbage that people promote these has to be something that delivers genuine value. Find that and you have your answer.

    Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    The only people who make a lot of money with MLM schemes are those at the very top.
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    • Profile picture of the author yorkiedale
      Originally Posted by BradVert2013 View Post

      The only people who make a lot of money with MLM schemes are those at the very top.
      I think, in years gone past, yes, that was true. But now, it's illegal to have a comp plan that automatically means that if you're in the biz before someone else, you will earn more.

      Basically the guys who do well in MLM are the ones who either build a big team, and so as such get their downline team %ages, or, ones who sell the products well.

      I guess, in some respects, what you say is true, in that someone (person A) who is at the top of his team, and has say 1000 folks below him, will earn more than those below him, who have less than 1000, depending on the structure of the comp plan etc.
      But, if one of his team members (person B) below him works hard, connects etc and gets over 1000 team members themselves, then they should be out-earning person A because the compensation plan rewards workers.
      Similarly, if person C sells a lot of product, and doesn't necessarily recruit people, it is possible to out-earn your uplines.

      Every company's compensation plan does vary, but the days of pyramid type schemes, where your downline buys their product from you, so it is impossible to out-earn them are gone, and any company with a comp plan like this wouldn't last long, as it is regulated, and also would probably struggle for people joining it.

      A lot of MLM comp plans also have bonus plans etc and rewards, to incentivise people to hit targets and levels.

      There have recently been a few cases of big MLM companies getting fined and their businesses suspended if their comp plans don't work correctly, and very recently, it has been regulated, that a company should emphasize at least as much, or more-so on product sales, as it does on team member recruitment.

      I'm not a big MLM junkie, like a lot of folks in them are . But I can see the benefits, and drawbacks, and know a fair bit about comp plans. I also do other IM, Affiliate and on and offline biz consulting etc as well. Multiple, and varied streams of income are the way ahead these days I think .....

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexis Gil
    'not to have to join a classic MLM' - you can simply find someone who is subscribed to MLM and suggest him your services. You can look for customers/clients for fee without joining to MLM.
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  • Profile picture of the author John47
    I haven't read the book but I am sceptical about MLM in general. Although 'Yorkiedale' comments are interesting and sound like the way to go with MLM type schemes.

    The other way to create passive income is to join affiliate programs where there is some element of lifetime/residual income and you get commissions on a single customer as long as they remain. This works best with high paying commission programs with payments on some type of funnel down the line with each customer.

    Of course a lot depends on the system you have in place. It is often said why promote a Clickbank product and make only a small commission on a single sale? However, some Clickbank products have two or three upsells, downsells etc. and if you get customers through a squeeze page and an autoresponder series of about 10/12 emails and add in extra complementary products, then you will create a constant income stream. Not exponential , but constant and that is the whole point after all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Julien Fletcher
    If you put the exponential within a time frame - ie peak growth from 0 to peak growth - then I believe you could have a form of exponential growth (more readily subjective however) but only over that time frame and to peak growth. After peak of course you have a return to zero - time to get out at around the halfway to zero point.

    This is an issue that many people dont encompass in their overview. What is the determination of peak point. In some cases of course the forecast for long term sales can be achieved in regards to an industry that is unlikely to change (unless for disasters on a global level) ie the pet industry. People will always keep pets 'most' probably and pets will always catch fleas. As for exponential growth you would only have a time span where you have exclusivity on a product and until that product is bettered - again you see the peak time frame.

    take into account - that 100,000 hits a day = 10 days for a million = 1000 days for a 100 million = 10,000 days for a billion = 27.3785079 years.

    Big numbers....! But when would peak occur ? Of course obviously what im showing you here is that there is no exactitude in the universe and people are OF the universe, thereby where marketing is about people your question is not really feasible and by that paradoxical. There are however certain qualities that human beings possess - these qualities may not include a majority however but still have longevity. This is of course referred to as a Niche...!

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