Crazy marketing experiment to "get more sales" - the results

75 replies
OK your definition of crazy might differ to mine..

Anyway.. loads of info is thrown around.. most of it from people who've never done the stuff they're preaching..


A while back I read a blog post (can't remember where) that said adding a phone number to your sales page can increase the conversion rate..

The post didn't show any hard data to support the claim..

...For clarification... You can't add just anybody's phone number.. it's gotta be yours.. not the local strip joint or pizza place or wherever you IM types hang out these days..

So I figured I'd add it to my list of things to test and share the results with my inner circle members, my FB group members... and you guys.

Here's what happened when I tested it:

BTW: This is the conversion rate NOT the number of sales

As you can see, looking at Test B, which had a phone number at the top of the page.. that increased the conversion rate... but only by less than 1%

On the surface you might think it's not too great right? It's not going to set the world on fire..

But I'll still take it.

Add up those extra sales over the course of a week.. a month.. etc.

I think this works because you're giving people an immediate way to contact you, should the have a problem.. it also conveys that you're a *real person*.. not some anonymous entity that might vanish overnight.

So for that reason, I think, it might increase overall trust.

If you have different results to share from your own tests, we should compare notes.
#crazy #experiment #marketing #results #sales
  • Profile picture of the author PinkStar
    Thank you for sharing.
    Yes, as a online shopper myself I like it when I see those little Chat windows for quick on the spot contact so I can see how this would help.
    Move it along folks, nothing to see here
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  • Profile picture of the author Mastery1
    Great share!

    Looking trustworthy is crucial for high conversion rates.

    Things like having a privacy policy, terms of use, disclaimer, and contact form on your site make you look more trustworthy immediately. Didn't thought about adding my phone number, but I'll consider it.

    In an AB test I run on one site of mine, adding a "featured on" (with some big names) also drastically increased conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author rimam1
    I've read the same thing. A real phone number and your real picture on the homepage increase conversions.

    This was for a Yahoo ecommerce store that sells hunting equipment. I heard the same for a guy that sold cardboard boxes for moving.

    Make your site authentic and trustworthy and you'll increase the chances of people buying from you.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    1%, I'll take it..

    every little advantage, I'll take it!

    thanks for the share Mike.

    -Ike Paz
    >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
    80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
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  • Profile picture of the author William Waltham
    Interesting results. And you're right, any little bit helps. I would get a separate phone number just for the business, though. I wouldn't want my personal phone number published in public. But, I presume most people who do this use a dedicated business phone number.
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Did you receive alot of phone calls or was adding the number more of just a mental comfort for customers?
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    • Profile picture of the author Hippos
      And was the extra 1% worth the time spent handling these phonecalls?
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by DURABLEOILCOM View Post

      Did you receive alot of phone calls or was adding the number more of just a mental comfort for customers?
      I think it provided comfort to customers.. and I received, an average one or two phone calls per day.. mostly from people who weren't sure if the product was right for them.

      The calls typically only lasted for a couple of minutes, where I listened to see if my product was a good match for their needs.

      In some instances it actually wouldn't have been any use to them and they appreciated being told the truth.

      One chap kept phoning me... several times over the course of a few days..

      ..he was just trying to get free advice.. fair enough.. and he stopped after I invited him to join the waiting list for my very expensive coaching service..
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  • Profile picture of the author EugeneWHZ
    What you did: you made process of starting order faster. So potential client is intersted in the service and have phone or live chat by the hand and use that right here and right away.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Nathan
    Great post! These 1 percenters can definitely make a difference when added together!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aart95
    Your title is a bit misleading but thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I have an ecommerce site that sells custom golf clubs and we put a phone number on the site. It is my business partners phone number and he answers the phone 24/7. And, many of the calls are from people that just want to be reassured that there are people behind the site. But, for our business, the benefit has come from many seniors that want to purchase from us. These seniors sometimes are not that savvy when it comes to making a purchase online. So we are able to walk them through the process.

    I am not sure about the increase in conversions but it does go a long way for customer service and we do get a lot of repeat business as well as referrals. This is not because we have a phone number on the site, it is because we answer the phone when it rings


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexis Gil
    Good experiment! I support the idea about telephone number. Even 1% is a good result to start with. And even that fact that it brings more trust to your page makes it worth.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPG19
    Having a phone number is a well known practice to increase conversions but i can't tell you exacly how our business benefited from adding a phone number because we had it since day 1. Getting 1% more conversions seems to be the average, or little above the average, when adding a phone number..

    This is an experiment from a successful blog:

    Test Conditions

    Test Duration: From September 9, 2011 to October 24, 2011. (approx. 6 weeks)
    Test Item: Website home page vs. home page variation.
    Test Type: A/B Test (only difference between variation was a phone number and associated call-to-action).
    Test Goal: Increase software sign ups from home page.
    53.96% of sign-ups originated from the home page variation with the phone number.
    46.04% of sign-ups originated from the original home page without a phone number.
    Conversion Increase: +.5% (half of a percent increase)
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  • Profile picture of the author chooseyourself
    I think this is a good idea.

    Could be a Google Voice number that you can give right?

    That way you could track it as well without having to pay for a toll-free number.

    I like that, think I'll test this out meself (I feel Eueopean now).

    Thanks for the tip man.

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  • Profile picture of the author Eden A
    Great of you to share this info.

    I just want to add
    that also a Facebook contact
    button can help.

    Plus, if you add a picture next
    to it can make a great difference
    and make you look more trustworthy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B

    Thank you for the thread and the share of your personal experience. It brings up some questions in my mind:
    1. A seven day "experiment" is not a very long time, and in fact, would probably not be seen as a valid sample size by most statisticians. But your results certainly look promising.
    2. So what was the result of adding the phone number? Did anyone call? The reason I'm asking is this: if you received a number of calls and answering them took you two hours, I am wondering if selling one more product (in terms of your profit) was worth two hours of your time? It begs the question: is the 1% increase worth the added time it takes to manage the calls?
    3. Looking at your graph, the average increase in your business is less than one sale a day. So how much is that worth to your business? If you're selling a $10 product . . . not much. If you're selling a $1,000 product then it makes sense.
    4. Are these subscribers to your marketing that you're selling to or are they cold leads? Maybe they already trust you or maybe not. It would be interesting to see. Maybe it's important to have your contact phone number on your web site or home page, but maybe it's not important on a sales page. I don't know - just asking.
    Some things to think about. And by the way, I am a believer of having a phone number in your contact information but I have never personally tested having one versus not . . . so thank you for your experience.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      A seven day "experiment" is not a very long time, and in fact, would probably not be seen as a valid sample size by most statisticians. But your results certainly look promising.
      From my research, the minimum sample size that is recommended by statisticians is 100.

      I greatly exceed this figure.

      If you are able to point me towards more credible information please do.

      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      So what was the result of adding the phone number? Did anyone call? The reason I'm asking is this: if you received a number of calls and answering them took you two hours, I am wondering if selling one more product (in terms of your profit) was worth two hours of your time? It begs the question: is the 1% increase worth the added time it takes to manage the calls?
      Yes I received calls, typically lasting no more than 2 minutes each.

      Yes it is worth the time.

      An unexpected benefit of being able to speak to customers in person, was the ability to hear objections that I hadn't considered previously, which allowed me to amend and address them in the sales copy.

      I also suspect I have reduced the refund rate, as I could tell people directly if the product wasn't right for them.

      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Looking at your graph, the average increase in your business is less than one sale a day. So how much is that worth to your business? If you're selling a $10 product . . . not much. If you're selling a $1,000 product then it makes sense.
      The graph does not include in the number of sales per day. It was not less than one per day.

      It shows the daily conversion rate, which is different to the number of sales.

      A conversion rate is the percentage of sales made... for example, if 8 people out of every 100 purchase, then I have a conversion rate of 8%.

      The graph doesn't take into account back end sales, and the lifetime sales that customer will make with me, the reviews they'll give me and word of mouth.

      This only reveals front end sales.. so even if each sale was for a $10 product (it wasn't), then it would be still well worth my time.

      Big picture thinking.

      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Are these subscribers to your marketing that you're selling to or are they cold leads? Maybe they already trust you or maybe not. It would be interesting to see. Maybe it's important to have your contact phone number on your web site or home page, but maybe it's not important on a sales page. I don't know - just asking.
      I wish I knew how to convert cold traffic at 7% - 8%, don't you!?
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      • Profile picture of the author PvPGuy
        Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

        From my research, the minimum sample size that is recommended by statisticians is 100.
        Not to be a bugaboo, but to be statistically valid, you really need 10,000+. But I would say you could get by with 1k+ and have a reasonably accurate number (assuming you isolated factors that could cause unusual flow)
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  • Profile picture of the author PvPGuy
    I remember a video by Mindvalley, where they stated the 800# increased conversions by 8%.

    Definitely a trust signal.

    just a quick edit: They presenter in the video also stated that any phone calls they received were an insignificant part of that 8% better conversion. This was during a launch.
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  • Profile picture of the author krees
    That is very interesting. Thanks for sharing that. Getting a couple phone calls a day wouldn't be that bad. Getting a hundred phone calls a day would not be fun. I am going to research that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jodie Davis
    This has been on my to-do list.
    Any suggestions as to where to get an 800 number that can be sent to my cell phone?
    Has anyone tried offering chat, or does a link to Facebook IM work as well?
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  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

    it's gotta be yours.. not the local strip joint or pizza place or wherever you IM types hang out these days.
    And please explain to me, just how, by looking it it, I would know that the phone number belonged to you and NOT Santa Claus??

    Thank you.

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

      And please explain to me, just how, by looking it it, I would know that the phone number belonged to you and NOT Santa Claus??

      Thank you.

      Man, you just upset that he keeps giving you coal..
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

        Man, you just upset that he keeps giving you coal..
        Just looking for logic, which is in short supply around here.

        I notice you couldn't answer the question, but I knew that when I asked it. lol

        Deflect, much???

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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Just looking for logic, which is in short supply around here.

          I notice you couldn't answer the question, but I knew that when I asked it. lol

          Deflect, much???

          You gotta chillout.. and lighten up.

          The UK area code, combined with my charming British accent.. might give them a solid indication that they're phoning the right person.

          And if they're untrusting of the phone number, then they ain't gonna buy from me anyway..
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          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

            You gotta chillout.. and lighten up.

            The UK area code, combined with my charming British accent.. might give them a solid indication that they're phoning the right person.

            And if they're untrusting of the phone number, then they ain't gonna buy from me anyway..
            lol. You still have not answered the original question. Read it again, and then give it another shot. You won't be any more successful on your next attempt.

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            • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
              Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

              lol. You still have not answered the original question. Read it again, and then give it another shot. You won't be any more successful on your next attempt.

              And that's me done talking to angry people on forums for the evening.
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              • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
                Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

                And that's me done talking to angry people on forums for the evening.
                The point is, and it's a valid one, is how in the world does anyone know that your name is Michael Meaney, that your forum avatar is really you, and if you listed a phone number it is really your phone number?

                Having contact information just seems like good business and common sense to me.

                But if you listed your neighbor's phone number because you were too broke to have your own phone, would anyone really know? Wouldn't the effect be the same - the prospect has someone to call and they have some internal reassurance that you are "real."

                Word games? Perhaps. But I think it's relevant to the discussion because a couple posters talked about the necessity of posting "real" contact information or pictures. Not angry or trying to cause trouble at all. But that's just my opinion.

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                • Profile picture of the author aizaku
                  Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

                  Word games? Perhaps. But I think it's relevant to the discussion because a couple posters talked about the necessity of posting "real" contact information or pictures. Not angry or trying to cause trouble at all. But that's just my opinion.
                  Nope, completely irrelevant..

                  it was a test to see what would happen if you added a phone number.. The OP reported on his results and that's it!

                  The OP made a side note as a courtesy:
                  ...For clarification... You can't add just anybody's phone number.. it's gotta be yours.. not the local strip joint or pizza place or wherever you IM types hang out these days..
                  but we all know some people will abuse.... its a given!

                  we could only hope that most of the people reading this will use this information ethically..

                  We shouldn't waste another second on 'what other people might do with fake phone numbers'

                  We could be talking about:

                  -phone number placement on page

                  -toll free numbers

                  -adding an answer machine

                  -anything relevant to the test..

                  we have a 1% foot hold so lets discuss ways to increase conversions from here...

                  -Ike Paz
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                • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
                  Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

                  The point is, and it's a valid one, is how in the world does anyone know that your name is Michael Meaney, that your forum avatar is really you, and if you listed a phone number it is really your phone number?
                  You're right.. There's absolutely no way you could prove to me that you are really Mark Singletary, and vice versa.. unless we met in person and exchanged ID.. and even that could be faked.

                  Reverse image searches might show, in some cases if the avatar is being used elsewhere..

                  Doing the same thing with a phone number... a reverse phone search might show the physical location? Or the person behind the number... in some cases maybe not.. temp numbers are easy to come by.

                  But beyond that, I suppose if someone had doubts about the number on a sales page, then they wouldn't pick up the phone.. or actually buy in the first place.

                  So.. with you or that other guy up there.. you might not feel comfortable making a call.. in which case, you are free to not do that.

                  As a quick test, it's shown me that people do call, and the presence of a phone number increases the conversion rate.. and I think it's already been mentioned here, but I imagine that adding a toll free number would boost it too.
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

      And please explain to me, just how, by looking it it, I would know that the phone number belonged to you and NOT Santa Claus??

      Thank you.

      That's easy Santa only uses # Kringle

      Disclaimer: for anyone that tries that number it's just a joke !

      You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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  • Profile picture of the author PvPGuy
    If you're just going to use the 800# and forward it, I'd recommend kall8 there are several good choices out there depending on your needs.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jodie Davis
      That looks like exactly what I need. Just wish a number ending in CUCKOO was available. Doesn't really matter though. Just would be fun since I sell cuckoo clocks. Thanks much PvPGuy!
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  • Profile picture of the author Catherine Bueno
    Hello there,

    This is actually helpful. At least we have a basis that it works! Not much, but at least it works.

    Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author desireedavid
    Yes, customers do like seeing phone numbers. They like knowing that there is someone they can call for questions or when something goes wrong. We always put our phone number at the top.

    Thank you for sharing your experience, with data to match.
    “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
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  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    Thank you for admitting that no one can ever know that the phone number you place on your website is real unless they actually call it. That was my only point and it has now been validated.

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    • Profile picture of the author kilgore
      Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

      Thank you for admitting that no one can ever know that the phone number you place on your website is real unless they actually call it. That was my only point and it has now been validated.
      Of course you can put whatever you want to on a site and most people -- at least at first -- won't have a clue. I imagine, however, that if your site has anything but the smallest size and stature, word will eventually get around when people try calling the number and get an unexpected result.

      My site isn't exactly a Google or a Facebook, but even so, it's regularly mentioned by small bloggers and on related forums. I can easily imagine someone recommending my site and someone else commenting back to them, "I'm not so sure about that site. I tried calling them and..."

      The other problem is that there are other people who I do want to reach us, customers, potential partners, reporters, etc. Again, I can easily see any number of people trying to call me, failing and then just giving up rather than trying the contact methods I do want them to use. Lots of potential lost opportunities.

      So while you're technically correct that "no one can ever know that the phone number you place on your website is real unless they actually call it", I think your statement doesn't quite get at the whole picture. At least not in my experience.
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

        So while you're technically correct that "no one can ever know that the phone number you place on your website is real unless they actually call it", I think your statement doesn't quite get at the whole picture. At least not in my experience.
        My statement had nothing to do with the 'whole picture.' It had to do with the solitary fact that I put forward, which you have deemed as correct, whether it is, 'technically correct' in your estimation, or not.

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        • Profile picture of the author kilgore
          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          My statement had nothing to do with the 'whole picture.' It had to do with the solitary fact that I put forward, which you have deemed as correct, whether it is, 'technically correct' in your estimation, or not.
          I guess I just don't see why you care so much about being right here.

          I'll say it again: You're right. Nobody is going to know if the phone number on a website is a real phone number unless they try calling it.

          But what's the point? What's the implication? How is this going to help someone with their own website? How should someone use this fact that you've spent several posts trying to make?

          Or is all that matters to you that you are right about some fact that has no relevance to anyone's life or business? If that's the case, you win. Congratulations.
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          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

            If that's the case, you win. Congratulations.
            You still seem to miss the point, but thank you! :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    I would not put a phone number on my website even for a 20%+ increase in conversions. Many years ago the reason I chose to start an online business is so I would NEVER (or at least rarely) have to talk to someone on the telephone or in person. A simple business that allows me to work when I want is more important than more money or subscribers.

    Having said that.... I applaud people that actually test things rather than going on hearsay to make decisions. A 1% here a 1% there is how some of the most successful businesses stay in the game and keep growing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
      Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post

      I would not put a phone number on my website even for a 20%+ increase in conversions. Many years ago the reason I chose to start an online business is so I would NEVER (or at least rarely) have to talk to someone on the telephone or in person. A simple business that allows me to work when I want is more important than more money or subscribers.
      I don't know the size of your business, but for a medium-to-large business, 20% extra conversions would mean a lot of money, which would mean they'd afford hiring someone just to answer phone calls.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post

      Many years ago the reason I chose to start an online business is so I would NEVER (or at least rarely) have to talk to someone on the telephone or in person.
      I know what you mean.

      There are hundreds of companies that you can outsource this to, they become your virtual customer service team.. that's what I'm going to do if the stats continue to look like this.
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      • Profile picture of the author desireedavid
        I get what you mean. I do get phone calls and text messages left and right. In the beginning, I was very eager to answer all of them and I even walked through a number of customers. For about a year or two I dealt with the customers myself.

        It worked well for me, because customers posted on social media how nice I was, and that, I believe provided comfort to new clients. Eventually, they didn't have to call, and I did not have to answer messages as much as I did, but the business still kept coming in.

        I think this is important for startup online businesses.
        “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Interesting. I guess it improved your conversions because having a telephone makes you look more like an authority figure.

    It gives them the confidence to believe your claims more because you have your number out there. You're not hiding behind a monitor so you look more "human".

    I'm surprised the conversions weren't higher than 1% though.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

      Interesting. I guess it improved your conversions because having a telephone makes you look more like an authority figure.

      It gives them the confidence to believe your claims more because you have your number out there. You're not hiding behind a monitor so you look more "human".

      I'm surprised the conversions weren't higher than 1% though.
      OMG! Telephone number? Authority figure?? Seriously???

      I'm sorry, but it can't just be me.

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      • Profile picture of the author aizaku
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        OMG! Telephone number? Authority figure?? Seriously???

        I'm sorry, but it can't just be me.

        Keyword there is "more like" an authority.

        and he is absolutely right..


        take a bum off the street.

        wash him up and put him into a lab coat.. Give him a script with medical jargon and have him bark orders to the new staff in a clinic.

        some will obey

        give said bum a clipboard (authority figure appearance level up) and more will obey

        give him a stethoscope (authority figure appearance level up) and even more will obey

        and so on...

        by the time people land on your sales page we can assume they've clicked through and are engaged (somewhat or fully) into the narrative you've created..

        the more related signals (phone number, testimonials etc ) you create the more likely you'll have the appearance of someone who has power and control over a particular subject (an authority).

        -Ike Paz
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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

          Keyword there is "more like" an authority.

          and he is absolutely right..


          take a bum off the street.

          wash him up and put him into a lab coat.. Give him a script with medical jargon and have him bark orders to the new staff in a clinic.

          some will obey

          give said bum a clipboard (authority figure appearance level up) and more will obey

          give him a stethoscope (authority figure appearance level up) and even more will obey

          and so on...

          by the time people land on your sales page we can assume they've clicked through and are engaged (somewhat or fully) into the narrative you've created..

          the more related signals (phone number, testimonials etc ) you create the more likely you'll have the appearance of someone who has power and control over a particular subject (an authority).

          -Ike Paz
          Oh, I get it. The name of the game is just make every attempt possible at fooling people into believing you are someone or something you aren't.

          Excellent plan.

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          • Profile picture of the author kilgore
            Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

            Oh, I get it. The name of the game is just make every attempt possible at fooling people into believing you are someone or something you aren't.

            Excellent plan.

            Especially once people start to realize that the orders being barked are a bunch of nonsense.

            Or in the online business equivalent -- once they figure out that despite whatever trappings of authority you may put on your site (phone number, cheesy "As seen in..." logos, whatever) your product/service/site still sucks. I suppose you might fool people into buying something from you once. But in my experience real business growth happens through satisfied customers, repeat visitors, and word-of-mouth referrals -- not by fooling people into believing something you aren't.
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            • Profile picture of the author aizaku
              That 's a pretty long name for a game but yes,I'm sure some marketers play it that way.

              You've seen extremely late night infomercials for wack products, I'm sure.

              but you also have ethical marketers..

              Lets say there is a guy, lets call'em Big Francis

              lets say he got on a low carb diet and lost a ton of weight, now he's Fit Francis..

              along the way, he documented his weight loss journey, appearing on weight loss forums and providing sound advice on how to make the transition to a low carb diet.

              he then creates a product, a sales page etc...

              he creates a whole weight loss narrative on how he went from BIG to FIT.

              He launches his weight loss product and tells people about it.

              they land on his sales page, they read about his success story

              they see his pictures of an obese guy in a jersey to the fit guy he is now on the beach.

              they read the testimonials of the forum people he helped

              and on top of ALLLL that, right there in the corner, they have Fit Francis's phone number..

              yup they too can call F.F. and ask questions..

              we both now F.F. is going to make a ton of sales.

              he didnt have to fool a soul, dont you think Fit Francis deserves it?

              now that's an excellent plan.

              -Ike Paz

              Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

              Oh, I get it. The name of the game is just make every attempt possible at fooling people into believing you are someone or something you aren't.

              Excellent plan.

              Originally Posted by kilgore View Post


              Especially once people start to realize that the orders being barked are a bunch of nonsense.

              Or in the online business equivalent -- once they figure out that despite whatever trappings of authority you may put on your site (phone number, cheesy "As seen in..." logos, whatever) your product/service/site still sucks. I suppose you might fool people into buying something from you once. But in my experience real business growth happens through satisfied customers, repeat visitors, and word-of-mouth referrals -- not by fooling people into believing something you aren't.
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              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10868632].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

                That 's a pretty long name for a game but yes,I'm sure some marketers play it that way.

                You've seen extremely late night infomercials for wack products, I'm sure.

                but you also have ethical marketers..

                Lets say there is a guy, lets call'em Big Francis

                lets say he got on a low carb diet and lost a ton of weight, now he's Fit Francis..

                along the way, he documented his weight loss journey, appearing on weight loss forums and providing sound advice on how to make the transition to a low carb diet.

                he then creates a product, a sales page etc...

                he creates a whole weight loss narrative on how he went from BIG to FIT.

                He launches his weight loss product and tells people about it.

                they land on his sales page, they read about his success story

                they see his pictures of an obese guy in a jersey to the fit guy he is now on the beach.

                they read the testimonials of the forum people he helped

                and on top of ALLLL that, right there in the corner, they have Fit Francis's phone number..

                yup they too can call F.F. and ask questions..

                we both now F.F. is going to make a ton of sales.

                he didnt have to fool a soul, dont you think Fit Francis deserves it?

                now that's an excellent plan.

                -Ike Paz
                lol That's a long way from the fraudulent BS scenario you proffered in your previous post, which was obviously indefensible.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10868892].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author aizaku
                  Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                  lol That's a long way from the fraudulent BS scenario you proffered in your previous post, which was obviously indefensible.
                  ah shucks...

                  I didn't get you with that second story, huh

                  really? even after I made it all relatable..

                  you sure you don't want to get on board with Fit Francis? ...come on guy

                  -Ike Paz
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                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10868937].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                    Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

                    ah shucks...

                    I didn't get you with that second story, huh

                    really? even after I made it all relatable..

                    you sure you don't want to get on board with Fit Francis? ...come on guy

                    -Ike Paz
                    I'm amazed that people can't or won't read before posting. Folks were happy to attempt to refute my original post without grasping the focus and context of my assertion. They all failed, miserably, regardless of how hard they attempted to pat themselves on the back.

                    Now, you seem unable to understand that I have no problem with your latest scenario, but felt it necessary to point out that it differs significantly from the original low-rent concept you tried to claim as a valid marketing technique, which was ethically-challenged.

                    Apple and oranges. Your apples sucked, but your oranges seem viable. :-)

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10868968].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
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                      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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                        • Profile picture of the author aizaku
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                          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10869062].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
                      dont confuse apples and oranges for those sour grapes your tasting

                      like i said before, you lost your point on page one.

                      I see the 'education' I administered to you last night was deleted...

                      it's ok, I know you remember :-)

                      -Ike Paz

                      Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                      I'm amazed that people can't or won't read before posting. Folks were happy to attempt to refute my original post without grasping the focus and context of my assertion. They all failed, miserably, regardless of how hard they attempted to pat themselves on the back.

                      Now, you seem unable to understand that I have no problem with your latest scenario, but felt it necessary to point out that it differs significantly from the original low-rent concept you tried to claim as a valid marketing technique, which was ethically-challenged.

                      Apple and oranges. Your apples sucked, but your oranges seem viable. :-)

                      >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
                      80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10869379].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                        Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

                        I see the 'education' I administered to you last night was deleted...
                        Yes. The mods have become very proficient at deleting delusional bullshit. lol

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10869800].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author aizaku
                          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                          Yes. The mods have become very proficient at deleting delusional bullshit. lol

                          behave nice now.

                          im sure you dont want a repeat of last night.

                          take care
                          Ike Paz
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                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10869921].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                            Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

                            behave nice now.

                            im sure you dont want a repeat of last night.

                            take care
                            Ike Paz
                            I'm sure you'd love a repeat of last night. Getting a good night's sleep must have felt great after I pleasured you into submission. lol

                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10869931].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author aizaku
                              Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                              I'm sure you'd love a repeat of last night. Getting a good night's sleep must have felt great after I pleasured you into submission. lol

                              you sure did, that silence i got from you was heavenly

                              -Ike Paz
                              >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
                              80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10870740].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author discrat
                Behave guys. Btw, ain't nothing wrong with a little pleasurable submission from Big Francis :>)

                Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10870316].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                  Originally Posted by discrat View Post

                  Behave guys. Btw, ain't nothing wrong with a little pleasurable submission from Big Francis :>)
                  Another satisfied customer. Every marketer's dream :-)

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10870324].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author DABK
              Why are quality product/service and 'trappings of authority' mutually exclusive?

              I don't know about other people, but, for me, a phone number on a site I'm buying something from, means problems, should any arise, will be quickly solved.

              Logically, not a great assumption... but I asked myself why I like phone numbers on those sites, and that's my reason.

              The 'trappings of authority' are misused, for sure. But usually they're not. Usually, they're legit and convey a certain, even if subconscious meaning, to the visitor. Why not convey 'stable' or 'easy to work with' or 'trustworthy' or whatever you are?

              Why bother coming up with a great logo, headline, etc. but not other elements that get you more sales? Because someone called them 'trappings of authority?' Because some people misuse them?

              Originally Posted by kilgore View Post


              Especially once people start to realize that the orders being barked are a bunch of nonsense.

              Or in the online business equivalent -- once they figure out that despite whatever trappings of authority you may put on your site (phone number, cheesy "As seen in..." logos, whatever) your product/service/site still sucks. I suppose you might fool people into buying something from you once. But in my experience real business growth happens through satisfied customers, repeat visitors, and word-of-mouth referrals -- not by fooling people into believing something you aren't.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10870376].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PinkStar
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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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          • Profile picture of the author aizaku
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  • Profile picture of the author Mothergoddess
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire_LeGrande
    Great post - something I never even thought of trying before on the sites I run and I might have to split test something like that in the future
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10869043].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vour1995
    It is without question important to add your number and face when looking to make a sale. It's a deal breaker for me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10869449].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PinkStar
      Originally Posted by vour1995 View Post

      It is without question important to add your number and face when looking to make a sale. It's a deal breaker for me.
      A dealbreaker! Really?
      It's a nice touch but hardly something one need to shop at a webshop...
      Move it along folks, nothing to see here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10869541].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremusic
    Good split test. The thing with percentages is that you think you 'only' increased your conversion by 1%. False. You had an average of 7.5%, now you have an average of 8.5. your actual percentage increase is (8.5-7.5)/7.5 i.e. 1/7.5 = 13% more conversions, which is a big difference for a simple tweak like that. Find a few more of those and your 7% conversion could become 12 or 15% overall visitors. Of course, look at ways of increasing the congruency of your traffic, by perhaps pre-filtering so the visitors you're getting to that are already more targeted.

    Jez Feldmesser - "Your entrepreneur friend" My self-made entrepreneur blog

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10870430].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by Jeremusic View Post

      Good split test. The thing with percentages is that you think you 'only' increased your conversion by 1%. False. You had an average of 7.5%, now you have an average of 8.5. your actual percentage increase is (8.5-7.5)/7.5 i.e. 1/7.5 = 13% more conversions, which is a big difference for a simple tweak like that.

      That's awesome.

      What a cool way to think of it!

      Thank you for that Jez
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10870551].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 1fundament
    Nice experiment! Hope this will work for a long time period, not for 1 day...

    I think the phone number on the top of web-store increases Trust to your shop and to you as a seller.

    You can also add your location on Google Maps - it will increase your sales too.

    No Pain, No Gain

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10870852].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by 1fundament View Post

      Nice experiment! Hope this will work for a long time period, not for 1 day...
      You can also add your location on Google Maps - it will increase your sales too.
      I love the Google maps idea..

      Now if there was only a way I could incorporate that into a sales page without either directing them away from the page itself, or diverting their attention away from absorbing my message.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10872437].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PinkStar
        Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

        I love the Google maps idea..

        Now if there was only a way I could incorporate that into a sales page without either directing them away from the page itself, or diverting their attention away from absorbing my message.
        If you just want to show your location, why not make a screenshot of google page with your location? They can see it, but won't click off to maps and forget why they were at your page - to shop, not stalk
        Move it along folks, nothing to see here
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10872455].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Gazdecki
    Awesome results! I think this proves just how much adding credibility and increasing trust in your sales materials can impact sales results! Nice work sir!

    Andrew Gazdecki - CEO at Bizness Apps, Inc.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10872449].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Gazdecki
    You should also consider adding in REAL company testimonial and compare. Rather than Steve, said your product great. Having a company logo compared to that with Steve to go along with it can be another test to run? Just a thought.

    Andrew Gazdecki - CEO at Bizness Apps, Inc.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10872648].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lindseysan494
    Customer service is very important, especially because so many e-commerce stores and businesses skimp on that area. I tend to agree about the chat box, customers like to be able to reach out for instant assistance and it lends credibility to your store.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10872656].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Point-Blank
    Best method to improve conversion rate is to over deliver on your after service and support - let your customers feel like kings and queens.
    A well treated customer will...listen carefully...instead of tell Two, or Three persons about your product or service will tell the world...thus therefore there lies the power of the most powerful way to advertise...word of mouth.

    Digital marketing strategist, finance and product consultant. Products at Warriorplus - Holiday Campaign Booster 3.0 and at JVZoo CPA Affiliate Marketing

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10876189].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dansilvestre
    Love this thread.

    Reminds me of the story of Dave Brailsford and Team Sky on marginal gains.

    1% is huge in conversions considering the long run.

    If you can add a couple of AB test per month then you can skyrocket your conversions year on year.

    The best way to describe it visually:

    Thanks for sharing Michael.
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