Any Suggestions on products for success in FB Marketing?

4 replies
Hi Everyone

I'm looking at doing some facebook advertising but also perhaps posting videos or other content to niche related groups on facebook.

For those of you with some experience selling on Facebook.

Have you found any products or niche which tends to sell well in Facebook from what you've seen?

Any ideas would be great
#facebook marekting #marketing #products #success #suggestions
  • Profile picture of the author Mastery1
    I think everything (as long as the product, sales page, and ad are good) can work with FB ads.

    FB allows you to really target a specific audience. If you can find the right audience for your product and you set up everything right, almost everything can be profitable.
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku

      Originally Posted by Mastery1 View Post

      I think everything (as long as the product, sales page, and ad are good) can work with FB ads.

      FB allows you to really target a specific audience. If you can find the right audience for your product and you set up everything right, almost everything can be profitable.
      the beauty of FB is that you can whittle down to your EXACT target audience.

      the problem is that ppl dont login to shop...

      send them to a squeeze page with an attractive lead magnet and build a relationship

      -Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author techwizard
    Did you tried Adsense and facebook ? If you find the golden campaign then I don't think you'll need to advertise any product anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Catherine Bueno
    Hello there,

    As long as what you sell on Facebook is of value to people, then you can make sales on this platform! But, Ike's right. Send them to a squeeze page and build a connection with your clients. It would also help to add more value to your products by offering freebies and discounts.

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