Trouble Starting WordPress.

by Xarzu
14 replies
Hello forum.

I am trying to install Version 4.6.1 for the first time.

I was following the readme file

But when I did this, I got:

HTTP 500 error

I had to ask the web hosting company about this and they seemed to fix the problem and I was able to install wordpress. Now I have another problem. After I log on, I see the directory of the admin area. Please advise.
#starting #trouble #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author inetmilionaire
    Who is your hosting company? I can't remember what a login does without a theme, but have you installed a theme? Was this a manual or automated install of wordpress?
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  • Profile picture of the author Marian
    It seems like it's not installed correctly, re-run the install, using the scripts in your cPanel or ask your web host to install it for you - it should be no problem.
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    • Profile picture of the author lindseysan494
      If you have the experience, you can FTP into your site hosting and see if anything is wrong there.

      Otherwise I'd call you hosting company before you make any changes.
      Rank First, Pay After - If you don't rank, you don't pay!
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  • Profile picture of the author louiem
    Must be an installation error.

    Check the wp-config.php file if it's there.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    sometimes it is easiest to contact your hosting companies support and they can help you through it.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    I am suspecting an index.php file in the root of the WordPress installation is missing.

    If it's a new installation, Then I would recommend you to re-install WordPress.

    Feel free to share, if it helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Pearl
    I think your Wordpress was not installed properly. So better you can uninstall it and make reinstall again.

    Issue will be cleared
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  • Profile picture of the author Hatuko
    It's not normal that it shows the directory listing even if Wordpress itself is not working. There should be a rule in .htaccess (for Apache or equivalent thing for other webservers) that forbids the directory listing for security related reasons... so there is definitely something wrong with the configuration of the host besides Wordpress..
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  • Profile picture of the author Ellac
    I think you did not setup the database correctly.
    Check your database in cpanel and the wp-config file.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sev Dev
    Your hosting company should have that already as part of softaculous. if not, you will be in for a long night.
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  • Profile picture of the author jlsh007
    If this is your first installation, the quickest way is to reinstall wordpress from your cpanel.

    Go to your cpanel, and there should have option for wordpress install. For Hostgator you can find it under Software and services, Quick install, from there you'll see Install Wordpress. Or at the top screen you'll see Get started with Wordpress today, you can go through that way too.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    get on your hosting's live chat and have them fix the problem..

    or have them define the problem on live chat and HAVE THEM create the ticket.

    put your hosting company to work

    -Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author Catherine Bueno
    Hello there,

    I think it would help to reinstall the WordPress, or call your hosting company and ask what measures they can do to fix the problem.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    This issue appears due to some alterations of technical configuration of your hosting. You may contact your hosting provider and provide them the detailed report of issue. They will sorted out your problem.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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