(Part 1) How become a super affiliate - to earn and make more money online
In this series, we will discuss 15 affiliate strategies which you can use singularly or in combination to become a super affiliate. In each thread, we will discuss one of the strategies and allow fan over that strategy to talk their hearts out... lol
Really, it quite simple to become a super affiliate. All you need is to identify the strategies (or combination of strategies that works well for you. Stick to your game plan and work it out till you don't want to make any more money.
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1. The Supposed "Original" Affiliate Marketing Strategy
It is agreed by most people that Webmaster Affiliates were the first kind of online affiliates and majority of the super affiliates we have today started that way. Anyway, it does not mean they are still sticking only to the format.
In reality the key to becoming a super affiliate is to successfully combine a minimum of 3 of the affiliate marketing strategies this series will cover.
Webmaster Affiliate Marketing tactics are used by website owners who promote affiliate offers through display ads, newsletter spot, social media posts, and other online property related promotions techniques.
There was a time when the webmaster affiliates tactic was great for entry level but it isn't so anymore. However, to reach a peak in your affiliate marketing career, you must evolve to become webmaster affiliate. Most quality super affiliate marketers are those relevant websites to the products and services they promote.
Like already stated having a full blown website might not be a strategy for a beginner wanting to make some quick cash in affiliate marketing but it has its advantage for after you have already made some money and wants to become a super affiliate.
1. It presents you as a professional, expert and stronghold to your customers, affiliate programs and competitors. (Great brand awareness)
2. It provides you with a 24/7 system of generating lead and growing your email lists.
3. It gives you access to thousand of web traffic (seo, referrals, social, and others) on a daily basis.
4. It diversify your income streams as there are various options available to you
5. and many more....
So if you want to become a super affiliate, the full webmaster strategy must be part of your arsenal. If not today, in some near future.
So what did you think? What are the fans of the "Webmaster Affiliates Strategy" here? What other pros and cons have you come across?
Also do check out the other 14 tips on becoming a super affiliate - somewhere on these forum.
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