Which way should I go?

15 replies
HI, Everyone,

I have build many wordpress websites but all of them was regular blog style.

That is why regular blogging or posting is essential. So, I decided my new site will
contain only pages. Recently I found websites containing just five or six pages are
ranking well in Google than a huge blog. Please guide me should I go with only page website so I don't have to post regularly and still get good ranking?

Thanks in advance for guiding me.

- Pradeep
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by bhagwat68 View Post

    HI, Everyone,

    I have build many wordpress websites but all of them was regular blog style.

    That is why regular blogging or posting is essential. So, I decided my new site will
    contain only pages. Recently I found websites containing just five or six pages are
    ranking well in Google than a huge blog. Please guide me should I go with only page website so I don't have to post regularly and still get good ranking?

    Thanks in advance for guiding me.

    - Pradeep

    You're confused.

    Post and Pages are both HTML source code and can literally have the same URLs.

    The amount of webpages on a site is also irrelevant.

    It doesn't matter and has absolutely nothing to do with SEO or ranking on Google SERPs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Is your only goal getting a good ranking? What benefit will that have to you? How are you monetizing your site?


    Originally Posted by bhagwat68 View Post

    HI, Everyone,

    I have build many wordpress websites but all of them was regular blog style.

    That is why regular blogging or posting is essential. So, I decided my new site will
    contain only pages. Recently I found websites containing just five or six pages are
    ranking well in Google than a huge blog. Please guide me should I go with only page website so I don't have to post regularly and still get good ranking?

    Thanks in advance for guiding me.

    - Pradeep
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  • Profile picture of the author jipolis7
    Yukon is right. It doesn't matter whether it's a page or a post. Only matters whether it's on-page optimized, Backlinks from authority sites etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author skymann
    Pages or posts, it doesn't matter.
    Getting ranked in Google is only the first step, then you need to moneytise.

    Your content MUST be what people are looking for, do your research first
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  • The number of pages doesn't effects the ranking of your website keywords. It can be effective only if your website has not been built according to the google guidelines or you built the spam backlinks. Previously, Penguin was a sitewide penalty. But the new update is page-specific. It has not been effecting your whole website. So, give the priority to the content of your website according to your ideal customers. You should have to add the blog section and update them regularly. This will make the customer's interest to your website. Updation is required.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexis Gil
    I agree, there is no big difference. You should post a good content and promote it through social media networks for example.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by bhagwat68 View Post

    Please guide me should I go with only page website so I don't have to post regularly and still get good ranking?


    What is your purpose for having a web site? If you don't want to post regularly, what are you going to do to build an audience and create a list of niche subscribers? How are you going to engage your visitors?

    If you model the successful and profitable web site owners, every one that I know engages with his/her audience and provides answers to questions, or in some way fulfills their desires.

    If all you want is a hands-off no work web site, I think you will be consigning yourself to the dusty and seldom visited corner of the Internet where all the other dead sites call home.

    No work, no prospect engagement = no money.



    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author zdebx
    How can a site with 5-6 pages rank better than "a huge blog"?

    Or even if it does, it's probably a black-hat site with tons of crap links, which sooner or later will be disregarded by Google and the site will fall onto page 999.

    Looking at your signature, I can see you are hosting your website with Weebly? Have you thought about getting your own hosting and install a self-hosted Wordpress blog?

    Your site will look much more professional with a proper domain and then you can start building up a nice blog with decent content.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    dont create a reason to fail..

    you know what you said really isnt true.. since pages and posts are the same

    that's just a way for wordpress to differentiate..

    provide value and promote content.

    and ull be fine

    -Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    The main thing about ranking is going to be the content that you post. Google wants to see quality content (and prefibly text content) that it can index. Also it wants the content to be natural, and by that I mean content that is not spammed with keywords. If you post consistent, quality text content, you will rank. Keep in mind though, ranking is not something that happens over night, you need to build up to the point where your ranking well.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Clifton
    Unfortunately, you will always have to post updates. Google doesn't like outdated content when ranking websites. It will help if you change the contents on your pages regularly, but why not just post content?
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by James Clifton View Post

      Unfortunately, you will always have to post updates. Google doesn't like outdated content when ranking websites. It will help if you change the contents on your pages regularly, but why not just post content?

      Not true and matter of fact editing a ranked page can potentially drop that same page/URL in Google SERPs by diluting whatever ranked the page in the first place.

      When you rank a page, leave it alone.

      If the page is sitting on page 30 (or whatever number) of Google SERPs you can edit that page all day long, nothing to lose.

      I have pages ranked that were last edited 10 years ago. Yes there's competition obviously targeting the same keywords (exact page titles, anchor text, etc...).
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  • Profile picture of the author Aravision74
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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    Generally, the best thing is to a pick a theme or niche marketing and start blogging (or posting) about that regularly.

    If you are interested in marketing on the Internet, start blogging about marketing on the Internet and the things you learn and achieve along the way.

    Doing this, you can get followers of people who want to learn or find out more about whatever topic you are posting about. And of course will help your website get ranked in search engines.

    Thanks so much
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  • Profile picture of the author roy mag nuson
    Think more about your target audience. What info about your niche are they searching for in 2016? Do your 5-6 pages cover that? Your goals should be to make your website useful and an authority site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nico Puegher
    You can rank on Google even with a single freaking post.

    If you find any site ranking better than a super active blog is for 2 simple reasons:

    1) The site has an insane amount of backlinks (inside the large number, most of the backlinks are pure crap, but the few that are important are super powerful).

    2) The guy behind the site has a lot of experience, he can rank pretty easily probably for his contacts or even other authority sites from the same person linking to it, creating a high-quality backlink that beats all the shitty competition.

    For example, Nail Patel has few websites, all authority sites with very similar content.

    Even with all this crap, no matter the keyword, a site with less than 5 posts will never beat an active blog, maybe you rank lower but that's just a matter of time. You have real people from social media giving you shares, building a community, helping people, creating amazing content in a regular basis .... you think you will not beat him as an authority and backlinks with some time?

    Don't go for the lazy site, make an amazing blog, super active and be awesome!
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