All-In-One: All About Article Marketing

by admin Administrator
170 replies
All-In-One Threads:

All-In-One threads is something I'm starting here where we as a group try to list damn near everything known about the subject of the thread. When you see an All-In-One thread feel free to speak up. It can be a 'secret', just a technique you happen to use or even something you haven't used, just heard about - whatever. Feel free to join in.

Please do not use the term All-In-One anywhere on this board. It will be saved for these threads specifically so at some point all one will have to do is search for the term "All-In-One" and all these threads will be easily found. At some point these will become some of the most sought after threads on the forum so it might be a good idea to participate if you have something to say people are going to really like.

If you have a great idea for an All-In-One thread please send me a PM and let me know about it.

To Find All All-In-One Threads Just Click Here:

Thank you..

This thread is all about Article Marketing. Please list any tips, strategies, sources, etc. that you have that you feel like revealing..



#allinone #article #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert

    Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

    Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      3 tips...

      Automation and outsourcing is the key

      Don't be a sheep

      Build a list
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    • Profile picture of the author henry21r
      Thanks buddy for sharing the list of directories... i need it very much because my son use to write articles for would be helpful...
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    • Profile picture of the author jhon567

      you provide a great list of the article directory.
      But i want to telll you that in these articles site some of the site were not provide the anchor text link. they just add the article.
      The most popular article site are.
      Website Designers In India | Graphic Design Company
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  • Profile picture of the author kendrickyi
    Keyword density; try to have your keywords or key phrases appear 2-5% of the time in your article
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    • Profile picture of the author JAIDEEP2959
      Originally Posted by kendrickyi View Post

      Keyword density; try to have your keywords or key phrases appear 2-5% of the time in your article
      Google and Ezinearticles don't accept keyword density over 2%.

      However Yahoo and Msn accept keyword density upto 5%.
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      • Profile picture of the author JAIDEEP2959
        1) Make sure you write articles in good English or get it done from native English speaker.

        2) You should write articles using long tail keywords which has less competition to get on the first page of search engines and provide extremely targeted information. You can get those keywords from Google keyword tool.

        3) Articles shouldn't be too long, shorter articles like 300-450 words get more views.

        4) Don't reveal all the important information in the articles. You should hide some important details to make sales.

        5) It is better to put a link of a squeeze page in the resource box with strong call of action to collect the leads.

        6) You can bookmark your articles and share it with your friends on Email, Facebook, Myspace etc.

        7) If you participate in forums, use the article link in signature file to get more views.

        Good Luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author christineconte
      Originally Posted by kendrickyi View Post

      Keyword density; try to have your keywords or key phrases appear 2-5% of the time in your article
      Do you really recommend as high as 5% keyword density?
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by christineconte View Post

        Do you really recommend as high as 5% keyword density?
        I can't speak for him, but I think it depends on how you define "keywords"...

        If you're writing the typical short teaser piece for backlinks or clicks, and you are targeting a single keyword, 5% would likely render the piece unreadable.

        If you have a main keyword, 3-5 related keywords and a handful of semantically related words, and you are writing a longer article, 5% may be fine.
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    • Profile picture of the author nlquyen
      Originally Posted by kendrickyi View Post

      Keyword density; try to have your keywords or key phrases appear 2-5% of the time in your article
      Yeb, you should search on Google Adwords Tools for niche keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    This is a modification of an idea I stole from a guy named Allen Says

    Go to the sales page of the product you are going to promote and write down the bullet points. Now write articles to answer a couple of the points using them in the title along with your keywords.

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    • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
      Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

      This is a modification of an idea I stole from a guy named Allen Says

      Go to the sales page of the product you are going to promote and write down the bullet points. Now write articles to answer a couple of the points using them in the title along with your keywords.

      This strategy is cool. Thanks for sharing.
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      • Profile picture of the author drmani
        It's ALL about the 'Resource Box'.

        Spend time, tweak and test to come up with the most killer "About the
        Author" resource box with a compelling offer that gets most readers to
        click-through to your site.

        Then direct the 'flow' of your article to get the most readers to stay
        with you until they see the 'Resource Box' - and click to visit your site.

        Next come correctly targeting your audience by using keywords and
        crafting an eye-grabbing article title - but even those are 'wasted'
        without a great 'Resource Box'.

        All success
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      • Profile picture of the author da11
        great idea....thx
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        • Profile picture of the author JoeMartin
          Hey all!

          So I'm curious. Does it hurt you now to submit your articles to hundreds of sites via directories or the likes? Wouldn't google just look at this as duplicate content and not rank it well at all? Say I create an article and submit it to ezinearticles, squidoo, and hubpages. Wouldn't those pages do horribly now because google sees the same article on 3 different sites? I guess this question really came around because of the farmer/panda updates.


          --Joe Martin
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          • Profile picture of the author John Coutts
            Originally Posted by JoeMartin View Post

            Hey all!

            So I'm curious. Does it hurt you now to submit your articles to hundreds of sites via directories or the likes? Wouldn't google just look at this as duplicate content and not rank it well at all? Say I create an article and submit it to ezinearticles, squidoo, and hubpages. Wouldn't those pages do horribly now because google sees the same article on 3 different sites? I guess this question really came around because of the farmer/panda updates.


            --Joe Martin
            Duplicate content is obvious not what you seem to think it is. Read this post: Article Marketers - Lay the Duplicate Content Myth To Rest Once and For All | Internet Marketing and Publishing

            Think of all the press releases, for example, that are sent out every day. Thousands of them are published as-is without changing a word. Google does not penalize one of them.

            This is known as syndication. It is normal and perfectably acceptable. It is NOT duplicate content - something nasty to be avoided at all costs - the way that most people think of it.

            Here's that link again: Article Marketers - Lay the Duplicate Content Myth To Rest Once and For All | Internet Marketing and Publishing

            Read it an become enlightened :-)

            Write System - superior web content
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            • Profile picture of the author JeromyS
              Originally Posted by John Coutts View Post

              Duplicate content is obvious not what you seem to think it is. Read this post: Article Marketers - Lay the Duplicate Content Myth To Rest Once and For All | Internet Marketing and Publishing

              Think of all the press releases, for example, that are sent out every day. Thousands of them are published as-is without changing a word. Google does not penalize one of them.

              This is known as syndication. It is normal and perfectably acceptable. It is NOT duplicate content - something nasty to be avoided at all costs - the way that most people think of it.

              Here's that link again: Article Marketers - Lay the Duplicate Content Myth To Rest Once and For All | Internet Marketing and Publishing

              Read it an become enlightened :-)

              Just as I was thinking it, I see this topic on the thread! Physic or something I have used article spinners in the past, The Best Spinner, very good software. He also sells a product called instant article wizard that is pretty good. What I am reading here is that it doesn't matter if you send the same article to 20, 30, 50 sites? I am not sure that would be entirely correct. I understand the syndication thing...but still would it not be of value to be careful not to "fill the web" with the exact same article? I know the other thing with this is the spin quality, I have seen some pretty ugly content out there and poor spin jobs are likely the source of much of it. So, spin, spin well, is this not the best approach for at least the larger sites?

              My other thought is on submission services/software, anyone have any thoughts on which are some of the better and if this is a good thing to do??

              Great All-In-One idea! Love it!
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    • Profile picture of the author hjalte81
      Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

      This is a modification of an idea I stole from a guy named Allen Says

      Go to the sales page of the product you are going to promote and write down the bullet points. Now write articles to answer a couple of the points using them in the title along with your keywords.

      When you say bullet points, do you mean the questions (tired of..., are you annoyed by..., Fed up with the fact that... etc.?)
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      • Profile picture of the author DeePower
        How to Write Articles That Pull in Readers.

        Choosing topics: The easy answer is to choose topics that are the same as the website/blog you are promoting. Narrow down the topic so it's manageable in 350 to 400 words. That may sound like a lot if you aren't proficient in writing but the words will fly by.

        Write as if you were talking with a good friend and answering her/his questions. For example: If you have a dog care website one question you could answer is "How do I know how much protein is in dry dog food?"

        Handle one question or topic per article. Go to yahoo answers for ideas for questions. Go to article directories and see which categories have the most entries. Leaf through hard copy publications to see the topics of their articles.

        How to use keyword phrases in your article
        Use the keyword phrase in the title as the first few words of the title. Use it once at the end of the first paragraph and again in the last paragraph. Don't use it more than 4 or 5 times throughout the article. There used to be a rule that a good article, one that shows up on the first page of Google, uses the keyword phrase as a total of at least 10% of the article. That would mean that for a 400 word article, natural dog foods would be used 13 times. That rule, also known as keyword stuffing isn't relevant any more.

        Duplicate content penalty is a myth as far as articles are concerned
        Google penalizes for duplicate content but not in the way that affects articles. The penalty is for the same, or nearly same content, on a website or blog that is used to manipulate the search engines. The same narrative is used on different pages within a website with the only difference being the keyword phrase.

        Duplicate content penalty doesn't apply to articles of blog posts. If it did, newspaper syndication companies, like the Associated Press, wouldn't use it. Here is what Google says about the penalty.
        Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Demystifying the "duplicate content penalty"

        3 different methods of writing

        Sitting and staring at a blank computer screen while you struggle to get started on your article can be frustrating. Here are three methods that work.

        1. Tell them what you're going to tell them. Tell Them. Tell them what you told them. In the first paragraph state what the article is going to be about. Make a list of 3 bullet points that will be covered in the article. Write a paragraph to explain each bullet point and why it's important. The final paragraph is a summary of what has been covered in the bullet points.

        2. State the problem. State why the problem is important to the reader. Provide a general solution. Provide a specific solution.

        3. Introduction of the problem. 3 or 4 tips to solve the problem. Conclusion

        Spelling and grammar are important

        Using correct spelling and grammar is a courtesy to your readers. While just about everyone except perhaps, your high school English teacher, forgives a spelling error or two, articles loaded with mistakes take away from the content of the article. The mistakes get in the way of the information you want to convey.

        Take the time to proof your articles. One way is to let the article sit for 24 hours and then go back to it with fresh eyes. If you're terrible at proofing see if someone else will do it for you. A clean grammatically correct article shows you value your reader's time and that they are important to you.

        The importance of the author bio box

        You've incorporated a killer keyword phrase in the title of the article, creatively used it throughout the article and given your reader critical content. Don't lose them at the author bio box.

        Most article directories allow the author to use a credit box at the end of the article with a couple of live links. A good way to capture the reader and motivate them to click on your link is to offer a teaser of more information through the link. Another way is to offer a free report on the same topic as the article.

        Spend a little time on your author bio box. Use it to establish your credibility as an expert. Be friendly. Build trust with the reader.


        So what are you waiting for? Get writing those articles.
        FREE Pump Up Your Profits With PLR
        Are You a Writer? Then you need this FREE guide Convert Your Words to Ca$H Make Money Writing Online
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    • Profile picture of the author jhongren
      Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

      This is a modification of an idea I stole from a guy named Allen Says

      Go to the sales page of the product you are going to promote and write down the bullet points. Now write articles to answer a couple of the points using them in the title along with your keywords.

      I love this is leveraging on research done
      by the product owner and save lots of time.

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      • Profile picture of the author tito4444
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        • Profile picture of the author howinfo
          Do not spinn your articles. If you have well written original article then by spinning it you would make it virtually unreadable. If you want your article look different every time you submit it to a new article directory then have it professionally rewritten or just get a new article.
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      • Profile picture of the author coby8740
        Originally Posted by jhongren View Post

        I love this is leveraging on research done
        by the product owner and save lots of time.

        Agreed John.

        Great way to save a boatload of time and get the job done without having to think too much.

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      • Profile picture of the author FreeLinkJuice
        I am a big fan of PRLog.Org.

        One of the reasons is because they let you post YouTube videos right in the article.

        This is a VERY cool feature.


        Thanks for reading my post. Click below to get your free gift! (No opt-in required).
        Click here for your FREE gift!

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      • Profile picture of the author dmksj
        I have a few approved articles with ezine articles. Can I now put those same articles on my site for additional content or will Google squash me for duplicate content? I can spin these articles if needed or combine them for a longer version of all the articles. I just don't want to be pushed further back in google (page 2 and climbing for my link, but I know that I need more content for my site).

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      • Profile picture of the author jamestylor
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    Instead of posting articles in article directories and have to get them approved, you can use web 2.0 sites and post them without approval.. and even borrow higher authority.
    to name a few...
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    • Profile picture of the author Simon74
      Originally Posted by JasonParker View Post

      Instead of posting articles in article directories and have to get them approved, you can use web 2.0 sites and post them without approval.. and even borrow higher authority.
      to name a few...
      Thanks for sharing this great info Jason!

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    • Profile picture of the author Jag82
      Originally Posted by JasonParker View Post

      Instead of posting articles in article directories and have to get them approved, you can use web 2.0 sites and post them without approval.. and even borrow higher authority.
      to name a few...
      Why not post to both article directories and web 2.0 sites? And spin the articles for individual submission (to make the content unique) while at it?

      Let's try to get a bigger piece of the internet pie.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    Hi there,

    I always submit a unique version of my article to Ezinearticles as that gets the most traffic. The rest of the article directories I pretty much use for backlinks. I've just started using Google Knoll as that seems to be a good site too and I reckon Google may like it !

    I was using ArticleBot but found it a bit too time consuming so bought Magic Article Submitter recently and found that has freed up a lot of time when it comes to submitting articles.

    The main thing is to get your keyword in the title, write naturally and well with your keywords in the body and then use a keyword for the anchor text in the resource box.

    I'd recommend taking some of your articles and using them in web 2.0 properties such as Squidoo and so on as these are great places to get traffic from and if you comment / participate / rate in Squidoo you can get a lot of article views.

    All the best

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    • Profile picture of the author theimdude
      Originally Posted by Jason Johns View Post

      Hi there,
      I was using ArticleBot but found it a bit too time consuming so bought Magic Article Submitter recently and found that has freed up a lot of time when it comes to submitting articles.
      Hi Jason,

      Magic Article Submitter works great but I submitted a article to 600 directories and only 98 have been approved and the rest still under review. It has been 6 weeks. Another drawback is that it only submit to article dash board sites but a plus is you can submit spin ready articles. We must twist Alex's arm and ask him to include other directories in the program as well.

      A friend of mine started a new site using article dashboard and has 7000+ article on already. It is so you might want to add that to your submitter.
      Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

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      • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
        Originally Posted by theimdude View Post

        Hi Jason,

        Magic Article Submitter works great but I submitted a article to 600 directories and only 98 have been approved and the rest still under review. It has been 6 weeks. Another drawback is that it only submit to article dash board sites but a plus is you can submit spin ready articles. We must twist Alex's arm and ask him to include other directories in the program as well.

        A friend of mine started a new site using article dashboard and has 7000+ article on already. It is so you might want to add that to your submitter.

        Can there be potential problems with so many links coming from lower authority directories like these?

        Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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        • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
          Originally Posted by LilBlackDress View Post

          Can there be potential problems with so many links coming from lower authority directories like these?
          I personally don't believe there could be many potential problems, but I certainly don't see any potential advantages - at least not in the last several months.

          I believe the juice from these sites has been all but squeezed out!

          Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author desmond11
    Concentrate on one niche and become an expert in the marketplace. By spreading your efforts to thin you become master of none.

    Reverse engineer the top author for your chosen category. These guys have done this for years, tested formats, tested resource boxes and tested landing pages (wow, lots of testing). You can reinvent the wheel, but success is going to take a lot longer.
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  • Profile picture of the author ramkarthik
    My Tip:

    Keywords will get you to the first page of Google, but only backlinks will keep you there

    On a side note, any article marketing resource list will be incomplete without this:
    Bum Marketing Method - Free Traffic Tips
    Sit back and relax, while you take advantage of this freelance writer.
    Special Price:$10 per article (normally $25). PM Me for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gavin Stephenson
    Always bookmark you links. I use bookmark demon to bookmark my content. works well for me
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    • Profile picture of the author betsyanne
      Originally Posted by GavinStephenson View Post

      Always bookmark you links. I use bookmark demon to bookmark my content. works well for me
      I totally agree with the bookmarking idea. I use Firefox for my bookmarks, and I make a copy of them every so often, using the Bookmarks-Organize Bookmarks-Backup and Export HTML features.

      Also, I keep backups of ALL my computer files (including business files) at There is a free 2GB account you can get there too. Of course, a backup hard drive also works for this.
      Elizabeth Sheppard
      My SEO for Beginners Page
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  • Profile picture of the author Jag82
    Just like to expand on Jeremy Kelsall's points which
    I'm in full agreement on:

    To automate in general:
    => iMacros
    => A certain Windows Automation software (*hint - see my signature) =P

    Specialized article submission software
    => SE Nuke (automates social bookmarking, video submission and others as well)
    => Incansoft's ArticleBot

    => Odesk
    => Agents of Value
    => Or do simply do a search in Warrior Forum in the WSO,
    Warriors For Hire, and Warrior Classified Ads section. There
    are plenty of good Warriors offering their services here.

    I use to do everything myself. But no more. Enough is enough.
    Leverage is extremely important if you want to scale fast.

    Automation and outsourcing will be your 2 best weapons.

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  • Profile picture of the author warriortx
    (Video Video Video) Use keywords as the title and uploade to all video websites..
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    • Profile picture of the author adamv
      Make sure your resource box has a strong call to action. Readers want to know what clicking on your link will do for them.

      Nobody cares that Sally Jo is the best puppy sitter in Camden County with 14 years of experience doing blah, blah, blah. People just want to know how to get the puppy to stop peeing on the carpet.

      The resource box should tell people, "to solve your problem, click the link", and little else.

      Get a professional voice over for your next audio or video project at an affordable price -- I will record 150 words of text for just $5.

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      • Profile picture of the author Mrs S
        Originally Posted by adamv View Post

        Make sure your resource box has a strong call to action. Readers want to know what clicking on your link will do for them.

        Nobody cares that Sally Jo is the best puppy sitter in Camden County with 14 years of experience doing blah, blah, blah. People just want to know how to get the puppy to stop peeing on the carpet.

        The resource box should tell people, "to solve your problem, click the link", and little else.
        I'd disagree with this one - I put the CTA up front in the resource box but then I finish up with a sentence about me and what makes me qualified to discuss the topic. I get a higher CTR on bio boxes with the 'about me' sentence than those without.
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        • Profile picture of the author Zack Lim
          Originally Posted by Mrs S View Post

          I'd disagree with this one - I put the CTA up front in the resource box but then I finish up with a sentence about me and what makes me qualified to discuss the topic. I get a higher CTR on bio boxes with the 'about me' sentence than those without.
          I agree with you to put CTA up print and put the "about me" sentences below.

          Another point I would like to point out is to ensure that there is at least one full url with the http:// in front of the domain name in the resource box. I have seen some resource box where it only contain anchor link.

          I personally think it will be a good idea to have one full url link and one anchor link in the resource box. This ensure that when the article is being syndicated, one of the links will still be live in case some website do not recognize the html coding.


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    • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
      Submit your RSS feeds, ping when new article is live.

      Think about video sites, things like TubeMogul, then turn your articles into voice over videos, over a powerpoint presentation, people do like this.

      Write 2 articles per day, it's easy done!

      Remember what people type in google..

      "I was doing a fart, but it came out all runny what do I do?"

      Your article could appear for that big long sentence even if you weren't meaning for it to, that's what's great about having more articles - 2 per day!

      Never underestimate the power of ezine articles, but never underestimate the power of good research before choosing where to put your article.

      Also not always is it best to put your articles on web 2.0 properties and instead it could all be done on a blog!

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      • Profile picture of the author Lifeimprovement
        A great submission strategy is to:

        First, post article on own site. (Wait a couple days for it to get indexed)

        Second, rewrite it slightly and submit to main directories. "Article Submit Auto" works great for this.

        Third, Mass Submit with "Magic Article Submitter" (Signups up to hundreds of directories in minutes). Drawback is that only about 80-100 directories actually review the article and post it.

        If you want to spin articles and use spun articles, "Magic Article Rewriter" is the best I have found.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
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          • Profile picture of the author sndas
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            • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
              Originally Posted by sndas View Post

              I agree with Tina's article marketing tip. As I also use all my articles following the same procedures excluding any audio or video clip.
              It provides a great result.

              Do you re-use your articles AFTER they have been published on EZA?
              *** Affiliate Site Quick --> The Fastest & Easiest Way to Make Affiliate Sites!<--
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              *** HIGH QUALITY CONTENT CREATION +++ Manual Article Spinning (Thread Here) ***
              Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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        • Profile picture of the author Lifeimprovement

          From my research, the Duplicate content penalty is a myth, unless you are trying to spam the engines by posting the same content many times on your own domain.

          Many times if Google finds duplicate articles, they will just show the first couple or so on the search results. However, sometimes it will show all several of the same articles on page 1.

          By submitting to your website first, you let google know that you have the original article. The other duplicate articles provide back links, can catch more visitors, and may rank different in the search engines because of the sites they are on.

          Spinning is the best, but getting article out is good and don't worry about the duplicate content.
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          • Profile picture of the author hireseowriters
            Duplicate Content Penalty don't work often. But sometimes, Ezine suspend your account for content similarity
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      One thing I don't understand is the obsession over do-follow vs. no-follow links. Unless, of course, your sole reason for submitting the article is the link.

      Wanting to get something for your submission is obvious. But there is more out there than just link juice.

      If the link is no-follow, but people read and click on it, you get something out of the placement.

      If the link is no-follow, but other people syndicate your article - and your links - you get something out of the placement.

      As I see it, that's three valid reasons for submitting articles to other peoples' sites, and only one has anything to do with do-follow/no-follow.

      1. Direct traffic via click-through
      2. Syndication, spreading your article across the web
      3. Any SEO benefit for the link

      If a given site doesn't give you at least one of those three, then go ahead and cross them off your list.
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    • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
      Originally Posted by Gitonga View Post

      this is about article marketing,do you mean i submit my articles to video sites?how is this possible.
      Article Video Robot will convert your articles to videos in a matter of minutes.
      Digital Marketing Author | Speaker | Consultant

      Read my Blog:

      @ Bangalore, India.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesPenn
    Not many people realise that when you submit an article to you can have an anchor text link within your article.

    I think it has to be after the first two or three paragraphs though.

    It's a great way to get more click-thru's without having to optimize your resource box.

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  • Profile picture of the author sree94
    Be just vague enough to not give away information that you can sell, but include enough info that the viewer will keep reading and will click on the link to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author businessIM
    article title part 1 and then the reader will want to see part 2 so then you would put part 2 on your resource box
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    1. Jack Duncan's formula (available in this forum) + is a goldmine.

    2. Use the RSS function on EZA to your advantage.

    3. Gain an audience and you will live on the "Most Viewed/Most Published" section of EZA.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1165951].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1166048].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gerardS
      I think Keywords location, number and rate have a lot to do with the result.
      I still do a lot of testing, and that´what I found out so far.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1166072].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Okay, see all these tips that everybody has been giving you (and I'm sure
        many more to come)?

        Test them.

        Do not take ANYTHING as gospel.

        Niches are different.

        People are different in how they respond to things.

        You have to know your audience as far as what writing style they respond to.

        A person interested in hip hop is NOT going to respond to the same
        style of writing as you would write for an article on gall bladder trouble.

        Know your market.

        Know who you are writing for.

        Put yourself in THEIR shoes. Start thinking like a prospect and NOT like
        an article writer.

        There is no one size fits all for this business, no matter what anybody
        says to you...including me.

        Absolutes in article writing will get you killed.

        Believe it or not, I found a niche that responds to those boring resource
        boxes that go like this.

        "Steven Wagenheim is a blah, blah, blah."

        There aren't many of them, but they exist. If you try to sell to these
        niches with your call to action rah, rah, rah, resource boxes, you will
        drive them away.

        So test...everything.

        Find what works for YOUR niche.

        And if you do Bum Marketing and tackle multiple niches, don't think what
        works for one will work for may not.

        Not everybody wants your free report. Some people just want to go right
        to the sales page and buy the damn thing...especially if they're in certain
        niches where the prospects are just plain nuts. Those of you in those
        niches know what I'm talking about. They will buy just about anything
        related to it. Sure, you can build a list for them. But the selling point
        for those niches should be...

        "Be the first one notified when <blah, blah, blah> comes out"

        You'll have a mob riot on your hands keeping these maniacs away.

        Again, John Doe suffering from asthma does not have the same mindset
        as Johnny Cool who is looking for all the hot new MMORPG's out there.

        Test, test, test.

        Don't be a sheep following what some guy tells you to do just because
        you THINK he knows what he's talking about.

        Hopefully, somebody will get what I'm trying to say here.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1166194].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jag82
    Why not "type" - with your mouth?
    => Nuance - Dragon NaturallySpeaking Speech Recognition Software

    With Dragon Naturally Speaking, you can be churning
    out multiple articles in a single day. Imagine how many
    you can create in a month?

    This is turbo article marketing on steroids!

    You can even use it to do your sales copy!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1166291].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Terry Hatfield
      Go to Ezinearticles . . .

      Click through author profiles until you find someone who wrote a bunch of articles on one niche.

      Those are your "money niches" that you should start focusing on.

      And if they are back linking them, even better.

      Stop trying to guess what niche to go into.

      It is all out in the open right in front on your eyes.

      Once you find a good niche start writing the articles for your own site. Start back linking your own site.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1168740].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Han Fan
      Originally Posted by Jag82 View Post

      Why not "type" - with your mouth?
      => Nuance - Dragon NaturallySpeaking Speech Recognition Software

      With Dragon Naturally Speaking, you can be churning
      out multiple articles in a single day. Imagine how many
      you can create in a month?

      This is turbo article marketing on steroids!

      You can even use it to do your sales copy!

      This software doesn't understand my Chinese accent...

      ha ha..

      anyone else has trouble with this?

      I think it's waste time try to train the software over and over again...

      - Don't Wanna miss that Early Bird Special Again?
      Sign Up HERE:

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2004426].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author marketguy
        Originally Posted by Han Fan View Post

        This software doesn't understand my Chinese accent...

        ha ha..

        anyone else has trouble with this?

        I think it's waste time try to train the software over and over again...

        I am for a moment assuming, that you where serious (if that isn't the case do not read on).

        It is worth training this software! The amount of time i have saved in the last few months using it is simply incredible.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2484591].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Kumar
    This is a cool idea, Allen! Another way to add tons of value to this forum.

    I love article marketing. It's gotta be my top strategy (has been for a long while.)

    The title of your article is more important than most marketers realize.

    Think of the tips you've read or heard about creating powerful headlines. Many of the same principles apply here. Your title should:

    • Relay a strong benefit to the reader (preferably a specific one.)

    • Include 'hot button' words, trance words, or Keywords. The reader should immediately recognize what the article is about, and whether or not it relates to him. (These are also the keywords/keyphrases that your targeted buyers would be searching online for.)

    • Phrase your title in the form of a question, just as many powerful headlines are. Ex: "Would you like to improve..."..."Do you make these xyz mistakes...", etc.

    Hot Tip: Your headline should appeal to both humans and search engines. Here's an easy way to do that...

    Place your strong keywords at the beginning (for search engines,) then follow with a strong/specific benefit (for humans.)

    Example: Fly Fishing - Do You Make These 3 Common Fly Fishing Mistakes?

    And, don't be subtle! Get the reader's attention by spicing your headline up a bit. (If you can make it controversial, shocking or outrageous, go for it. Added tip: Do read and review the article directory's terms/rules and sample articles to get an idea of what you can and can't do.)

    Remember, your goal is to get their attention, just as you would when creating a powerful ad.

    The Summary / Description of your Article(s)

    The summary or description is a short blurb you submit to the article directories. It's like a soft ad for your article. If your summary is interesting and compelling enough, the reader will want to read more.

    If your article gets picked up by search engines, your summary/description is what they will display below your headline. Again, this is what will further entice your reader to click on your link, to read the rest of your article. (There may be 100 other articles on the subject of your choosing. Why should readers pick yours?)

    You want to use powerful keywords in your summary as well, and you also want to offer a powerful benefit.

    And, just like with the headline, you can phrase your summary in the form of a question. Then follow up with a promise to answer that question inside the article.

    Example: Would you like to improve your fly fishing results dramatically? In this article, you will learn 3 quick and easy ways to do just that.

    Notice how the first sentence asks a relevant question, and the second one promises to answer it - inside.

    Here's something else that will get your articles picked more often than others...

    Certain types of articles tend to draw more clicks, readers and exposure than others. So, it only makes sense to learn about these proven formulas and formats for creating articles, and then focus only on those. (Time is our most precious commodity, yes?)

    Here are some of the best article formats to use, for maximum results:

    • A "How To..." article: "How to Do xyz"..."How to Be xyz"..."How to Have xyz", etc.

    • A "Steps" article: "5 Steps to XYZ..." (This one is similar to the 'How to' article.)

    • A "Tips" article: "5 Tips For..." (improving your golf swing, curing athlete's foot, etc.)

    • A "Lists" article: "Top 5 List of xyz..." (places, services, mistakes, snappy comebacks, etc.)

    • A "Reviews" article: Here you would basically write a review for a product, service, etc. (Great to use with / promote affiliate programs.)

    • A "Mistakes" article: "5 Common XYZ Mistakes..." (And How to Avoid Them...etc.)

    You can also spice things up by using some of these types...

    • 5 Warning Signs...

    • 10 Rules of...

    • 7 Deadly XYZ Mistakes...

    • 5 Questions You Must Ask (Your ABC...Before You XYZ...etc.)

    It's cool that Allen has chosen this as the first "All-In-One" topic. If I had to choose one traffic strategy that would bring in traffic and sales consistently (long after I put in the work,) I would choose article marketing.

    Start using/testing the tips on this thread.

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    • Profile picture of the author pheonix44

      This may seem very vague because your numbers will not be the same, but try your best to know what is the MINIMUM average number of views you typically get per article along with the MINIMUM ctr. If you know these numbers you can manipulate them in ways that will bring in more cash. Like me for instance, I know that when I use article marketing my goal is to get 500 total views to my article using various sources other then the article directory. I use videos, forums, and blog commenting to get some of this traffic. I also know I will get at least 10% ctr. So if I write 10 articles I know I will get 5000 total views, 500 total hits to my landing page. At least 25% sign up to my list, so this will be 125 subscribers to my list. I also know that after a couple of days of using an autoresponder series to get closer to them that when I do introduce an affiliate product to them I will get at least a 3% conversion for the list. I only deal in products where I get at least a 40.00$ commission and up, I try to go for 50.00$. I simply make it my goal to know my numbers. I do my best to automate every step of the article marketing steps to save time, and if I do really good I will pay for a little traffic to the landing page or advertise offline in cheap targeted publications. Small ads usually only run me about 50.00$. KNOW YOUR NUMBERS AND THEN FIND WAYS TO MANIPULATE THEM.
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      • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
        Write "articles" specifically for video sharing sites and social bookmarking sites...

        Every niche is different, but I have found that in certain niches this can actually be more effective than submitting to article directories! (Hint: think along the lines of entertainment... games, music, comedy, etc). To minimize the time spent on this task while at the same time maximizing your results, do this...

        1) Use your favorite keyword research software or technique to find good keywords in your niche. Focus on keywords which target not just "info seekers", but also "BUYERS", which have plenty of monthly searches but little or no "Web 2.0" competition (in other words, when you type the keywords in to Google, you want to see little or no presence from video sharing sites or social bookmarking sites on page 1 of the search results). Google loves certain "Web 2.0" sites like YouTube, Squidoo, Digg, etc., and it is often not too difficult to get on the first page of the search results by using them, even in niches with strong competition!

        2) Write (or outsource) 1 very good original article, which contains the keywords you want to target.

        3) Use a good article spinner or service to get several *quality* variations of the article. 40 to 50 variations is plenty.

        4) Create a simple "slide show" style video. All you need is some free stock images, a simple video editor (like Windows Movie Maker or Sony Vegas Movie Studio), and a little creativity. If you are not comfortable doing this though, just pay someone to create one for you. There are many services on the web, and even here at the WF that will create this kind of video for you very cheaply. Important: At the end of the video, make sure you use a compelling "call to action" (ie one that promises something of value for free at your website).

        5) Submit the video to 15 or 20 of the top video sharing sites. At each site use a different video title and description. Use your spun article titles for the various video title variations, and the spun article body for the various video descriptions. Then use your keywords from step 1 for the video tags/keywords. Video submission services such as TubeMogul can save you a lot of time with the submission part, but they only allow a single title and description for each video, so if you use their service, make sure to go in and randomize the titles and descriptions for each video after they have been successfully submitted (using your spun article variations). Video sharing sites are great for backlinks AND for live targeted traffic!

        6) Now, using your remaining article title and body variations, go submit a different variation to 20 or 30 top social bookmarking sites (use the article titles for the social bookmarking entry "titles", and use a random paragraph from the spun article body for the social bookmarking entry "descriptions"). It takes a little time to sign up for accounts with several social bookmarking sites, but you'll only have to do this once. Programs like Bookmarking Demon can save you a ton of time with both the sign-up and submission process. In my opinion, social bookmarking sites aren't quite as good as video sharing sites for live traffic, but they are VERY good for backlinks! (which can of course boost your page rank and send you more organic search engine traffic over time).

        Well, that's pretty much it! It is a little bit of work, but you can outsource and automate pretty much all of it. One good thing about this method is that many video sites and social bookmarking sites have a fairly small character limit for what you can put in the "description", so there's no need to write articles any longer than 200-250 words. It's usually pretty easy to write articles that short!

        You can direct the traffic from the video sites and social bookmarking sites to pretty much anything... your own offer, or your affiliate link for someone elses offer. But I've gotten the best results directing this traffic to a squeeze page using a free ebook or video as a bribe (the free ebook/video soft-sells the main product, as does the multi-day autoresponder series that they just signed up to).

        One thing to note is that some video sites and social bookmarking sites aren't keen on you linking directly to a product sales page, so with some of them it's best to just link to an informative article on your site (which pre-sells and links to your main offer). Also, it's a good idea to "mix up" your bookmarks a little at each social bookmarking site (in addition to your "money" bookmarks, also try to bookmark various other subjects and websites). If you have a bunch of very similar bookmarks at a particular SB site that all link back to the same salespage, they will likely get deleted (or you will get banned).

        Again, this can be a killer strategy in some niches, but not so great in others, so there ya go!

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    • Profile picture of the author MattSteel
      Originally Posted by Bryan Kumar View Post

      This is a cool idea, Allen! Another way to add tons of value to this forum.

      I love article marketing. It's gotta be my top strategy (has been for a long while.)

      The title of your article is more important than most marketers realize.

      Think of the tips you've read or heard about creating powerful headlines. Many of the same principles apply here. Your title should:

      • Relay a strong benefit to the reader (preferably a specific one.)

      • Include 'hot button' words, trance words, or Keywords. The reader should immediately recognize what the article is about, and whether or not it relates to him. (These are also the keywords/keyphrases that your targeted buyers would be searching online for.)

      • Phrase your title in the form of a question, just as many powerful headlines are. Ex: "Would you like to improve..."..."Do you make these xyz mistakes...", etc......


      Lots of good tips here, Boss! This thread is terrific! This is good advice for a variety of writing types. Good of you to share! KUDOS!
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    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      Disclaimer: This is NOT a plug for my service. Now with that said...

      I can not tell you how much I harp on my members about choosing titles for the articles they submit to my network.

      I'd like to add that doing some keyword research on your topic is a GREAT way to find long tail keyword phrases that you can convert into titles.

      Additionally you can add variations like Bryan has suggested to you can churn out different versions of the phrase you picked from your research.

      I am of the opinion that one must first find what people are searching for in your niche by doing research. Then write the article around the phrase people are searching for while making the phrase the title of the article.

      If you have the luxury of placing links in your article content refrain from doing what I call the link cluster. This is the practice of placing all your keyword based links in the last one or two sentences of your article. Nothing screams spam to search engines more, and just think what readers think.

      They are called in-content links for a reason. Weave them naturally into your articles instead of spamming your own article by placing them all at the bottom.

      Just my 2 cents.

      Originally Posted by Bryan Kumar View Post

      This is a cool idea, Allen! Another way to add tons of value to this forum.

      I love article marketing. It's gotta be my top strategy (has been for a long while.)

      The title of your article is more important than most marketers realize.

      Think of the tips you've read or heard about creating powerful headlines. Many of the same principles apply here. Your title should:

      • Relay a strong benefit to the reader (preferably a specific one.)

      • Include 'hot button' words, trance words, or Keywords. The reader should immediately recognize what the article is about, and whether or not it relates to him. (These are also the keywords/keyphrases that your targeted buyers would be searching online for.)

      • Phrase your title in the form of a question, just as many powerful headlines are. Ex: "Would you like to improve..."..."Do you make these xyz mistakes...", etc.

      Hot Tip: Your headline should appeal to both humans and search engines. Here's an easy way to do that...

      Place your strong keywords at the beginning (for search engines,) then follow with a strong/specific benefit (for humans.)

      Example: Fly Fishing - Do You Make These 3 Common Fly Fishing Mistakes?

      And, don't be subtle! Get the reader's attention by spicing your headline up a bit. (If you can make it controversial, shocking or outrageous, go for it. Added tip: Do read and review the article directory's terms/rules and sample articles to get an idea of what you can and can't do.)

      Remember, your goal is to get their attention, just as you would when creating a powerful ad.

      The Summary / Description of your Article(s)

      The summary or description is a short blurb you submit to the article directories. It's like a soft ad for your article. If your summary is interesting and compelling enough, the reader will want to read more.

      If your article gets picked up by search engines, your summary/description is what they will display below your headline. Again, this is what will further entice your reader to click on your link, to read the rest of your article. (There may be 100 other articles on the subject of your choosing. Why should readers pick yours?)

      You want to use powerful keywords in your summary as well, and you also want to offer a powerful benefit.

      And, just like with the headline, you can phrase your summary in the form of a question. Then follow up with a promise to answer that question inside the article.

      Example: Would you like to improve your fly fishing results dramatically? In this article, you will learn 3 quick and easy ways to do just that.

      Notice how the first sentence asks a relevant question, and the second one promises to answer it – inside.

      Here's something else that will get your articles picked more often than others...

      Certain types of articles tend to draw more clicks, readers and exposure than others. So, it only makes sense to learn about these proven formulas and formats for creating articles, and then focus only on those. (Time is our most precious commodity, yes?)

      Here are some of the best article formats to use, for maximum results:

      • A "How To..." article: "How to Do xyz"..."How to Be xyz"..."How to Have xyz", etc.

      • A "Steps" article: "5 Steps to XYZ..." (This one is similar to the 'How to' article.)

      • A "Tips" article: "5 Tips For..." (improving your golf swing, curing athlete's foot, etc.)

      • A "Lists" article: "Top 5 List of xyz..." (places, services, mistakes, snappy comebacks, etc.)

      • A "Reviews" article: Here you would basically write a review for a product, service, etc. (Great to use with / promote affiliate programs.)

      • A "Mistakes" article: "5 Common XYZ Mistakes..." (And How to Avoid Them...etc.)

      You can also spice things up by using some of these types...

      • 5 Warning Signs...

      • 10 Rules of...

      • 7 Deadly XYZ Mistakes...

      • 5 Questions You Must Ask (Your ABC...Before You XYZ...etc.)

      It's cool that Allen has chosen this as the first "All-In-One" topic. If I had to choose one traffic strategy that would bring in traffic and sales consistently (long after I put in the work,) I would choose article marketing.

      Start using/testing the tips on this thread.

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    • Profile picture of the author athanne
      I am new in the forum.The article is very resource and I will keep referring to it all the time when I am writing an artcle
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  • Profile picture of the author VladWorks
    I am looking for lists of sites that let you link directly to affiliate pages from articles.....I normally use landing pages but I am working on a series of articles that are better suited to just go straight to the affiliate sales page.....Any help on this one?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1168659].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rick Britton
      Originally Posted by VladWorks View Post

      I am looking for lists of sites that let you link directly to affiliate pages from articles.....I normally use landing pages but I am working on a series of articles that are better suited to just go straight to the affiliate sales page.....Any help on this one?

      I want to ask exactly the same question

      I want to promote affiliate products that directly solve a particular problem without sending the reader to my site first, where they may get distracted by other content and leave without seeing the sales page.

      Is it possible to link directly to affiliate sales pages?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4512917].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by JudoRick View Post

        I want to promote affiliate products that directly solve a particular problem without sending the reader to my site first
        You'd be seriously well advised to change what you want, then, Rick.

        In general, doing that will be chasing about 10% of the potential income you might produce, and ignoring the other 90%.

        However you look at it, selling affiliate products steadily boils down to three main things ...

        (i) You have to select the products wisely: without getting this part right, it doesn't much matter what else you do;

        (ii) You have to pre-sell effectively to well-targeted traffic;

        (iii) You have to build a list and form relationships with the people on it, so that they'll buy on the strength of your recommendation. Without doing this, your conversion-rate will typically be somewhere between "very low indeed" and "non-existent".

        These things aren't optional: you really do need to do all three of them, otherwise you're probably chasing 10% (if that) of the possible money and ignoring the other 90%. There's a huge turnover of affiliate marketers trying to use article directory marketing (it's not "article marketing" though some imagine it is) and "direct-linking" (no website) and mostly not being too successful, but I think the above is pretty typical of those who make steady money from it.

        Two of those three things (no, not just the third) can't be done properly without your own site.

        The "site you build" can be a one-page blog, which you can build in an hour, but if you don't have one at all, bear in mind that your competitors (who get anywhere) all do.

        Just being realistic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Here are some of the best threads I've read thus far about
    the topic of article marketing from this very forum.

    TimG -

    Daniel Molano -

    Jeffrey Louis -

    David Raybould (War Room Access Only) -

    Allen Graves -

    Dean Shainin -

    Of course... that's not all. Just visit their user profile
    and go check out the threads/post they've made and
    you can find some really good, solid stuff.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1168823].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    To add more value to this thread, here are some of my
    own points of view really quickly...

    1. Remember What Article Marketing Is

    Article marketing is using articles to market or promote
    something. It's not meant to boost your ego (though
    it's a side-effect)

    2. Remember "Spice Girls"
    • "Tell me whatchu want, what you really-really-want!"
    Do the keyword research to find out what people are
    searching for and create an article around it.
    • "I'll tell you what I want, what I really-really-want!"
    The results are in the research results. If it's there,
    people are looking for it - create the article with those

    3. Assume = @SSUME = Making an @$$ out of U and ME

    People who write articles without doing the research are
    naively believing that they know what people want... even
    if the article is written well and amazingly, eventually, it'll
    be undiscovered because it was never written to a person
    who was looking for it.

    The only people who will read it are those who see it
    published on the day/week itself. After that, the traffic's
    almost non-existant.

    4. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter

    That's the age-old code for "Contra" for unlimited lives to
    play over and over again... so, you get to play the article
    marketing game over and over again.

    Chances of writing your first article and having it score
    9,423,454 views is absolutely possible, yes... very
    possible - if you refreshed long enough. Just keep at it...
    Most quit too early, in my opinion.

    And that's it... those are my 4 really quick points about
    article marketing.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1168852].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kevinpotts
      Take a look at Article Submission Service - Article Distribution With an authentic bulk submission service. Leverage but forget anything remotely Black Hat.

      PM me if you are seriously interested in my first year's list of 150 article directory sites that I used. You're welcome to have them with my compliments, but I'd rather not publish them randomly.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1168864].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tomo
      If you write a article, whats the point of auto submission to more than one article site, google would not class it as unique content and throw on the bottom of the pile.

      I feel it would me more valuable picking one major article site and working on the SEO of that article and getting back links.

      This is what i don't understand about Article submission software?

      any advice would be appreciated?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1168870].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Asher

        Please read this thread... it should answer all your


        Originally Posted by tomo View Post

        If you write a article, whats the point of auto submission to more than one article site, google would not class it as unique content and throw on the bottom of the pile.

        I feel it would me more valuable picking one major article site and working on the SEO of that article and getting back links.

        This is what i don't understand about Article submission software?

        any advice would be appreciated?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1168877].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Bruno
    I know most people will shun when they here this but if possible but make all your article content unique out there and get good high PR and dofollow backlinks going to a .org domain name.

    Frank Bruno
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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    Great thread!

    I would add make sure you don't answer all the questions or tell everything in your article or they won't need to click through to your site.

    Also, don't put a conclusion in your article. Your bio will be your conclusion.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1169861].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyLambert
    Articles don't have to be mammoth monsters. They're like teasers - they whet appetites for more. I see a lot of people getting bogged down in trying to churn out some 750-word articles. A 300-400 word piece will do just fine.

    If you feel intimidated writing, remember the basics from school. Write your article like you build a hamburger:

    Top Bun - The introduction where you state your opinion or the fact, plus add 3 reasons why this is true.

    Lettuce - Reason #1 backed up by some explanation about it.

    Tomato - Reason #2 backed up by some explanation about it.

    Meat - Reason #3 backed up by some explanation about it.

    Bottom bun - Restate the fact/opinion in a different way, followed by (in the case of article marketing), a call to action to learn more. This bottom bun can often be your bio box.

    This is fundamental, you can certainly use another type or style, but it's good for those struggling with writing. Here's an outline example using that formula:

    Top bun: Diets Don't Work (reasons: hunger, favorites, failure)
    Lettuce: They leave you hungry
    Tomato: They force you to give up your favorite foods
    Meat: Statistics show most people regain the weight
    Bottom bun: Diet's don't work, but you can still lose weight eating all you want without ever going hungry again. Click here to download a free report about mindful eating...blah blah blah

    Just remember that article marketing is NOT your platform to showcase your entire library of knowledge about a particular topic. It's the bait you use for consumers to get on the hook.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1170076].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kendrickyi
      Originally Posted by TiffanyDow View Post

      Articles don't have to be mammoth monsters. They're like teasers - they whet appetites for more. I see a lot of people getting bogged down in trying to churn out some 750-word articles. A 300-400 word piece will do just fine.

      If you feel intimidated writing, remember the basics from school. Write your article like you build a hamburger:

      Top Bun - The introduction where you state your opinion or the fact, plus add 3 reasons why this is true.

      Lettuce - Reason #1 backed up by some explanation about it.

      Tomato - Reason #2 backed up by some explanation about it.

      Meat - Reason #3 backed up by some explanation about it.

      Bottom bun - Restate the fact/opinion in a different way, followed by (in the case of article marketing), a call to action to learn more. This bottom bun can often be your bio box.

      This is fundamental, you can certainly use another type or style, but it's good for those struggling with writing. Here's an outline example using that formula:

      Top bun: Diets Don't Work (reasons: hunger, favorites, failure)
      Lettuce: They leave you hungry
      Tomato: They force you to give up your favorite foods
      Meat: Statistics show most people regain the weight
      Bottom bun: Diet's don't work, but you can still lose weight eating all you want without ever going hungry again. Click here to download a free report about mindful eating...blah blah blah

      Just remember that article marketing is NOT your platform to showcase your entire library of knowledge about a particular topic. It's the bait you use for consumers to get on the hook.

      Haha very nicely said. That gave me a different perspective. Thanks! (:
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      • Profile picture of the author vicone
        So often I see articles written that provide the reader with too much information. The author appears to be driven by the need to inform and educate the reader.

        However, the purpose of the article goes beyond that - from the marketer's perspective it is a marketing tool which will hopefully generate clicks through to the website contained in the link that has been provided in the resource box.

        It is tempting to provide information in an article which contains the details you expect to find in a catalog. This needs to be resisted.

        Provide Useful Information That Is Incomplete.

        When the reader's appetite has been whetted and they are eager for more details the resource box tells them how to get what they want - by following the link it contains.

        Control the reader's flow of interest all the way to your website.

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        • Profile picture of the author KathleenHobbins
          Originally Posted by vicone View Post

          So often I see articles written that provide the reader with too much information. The author appears to be driven by the need to inform and educate the reader.

          However, the purpose of the article goes beyond that - from the marketer's perspective it is a marketing tool which will hopefully generate clicks through to the website contained in the link that has been provided in the resource box.

          It is tempting to provide information in an article which contains the details you expect to find in a catalog. This needs to be resisted.

          Provide Useful Information That Is Incomplete.

          When the reader's appetite has been whetted and they are eager for more details the resource box tells them how to get what they want - by following the link it contains.

          Control the reader's flow of interest all the way to your website.

          I learned this by testing it. When I first started article marketing, I treated my articles like a short term paper, not like a marketing tool. I always gave away all the information because that's what you do with term papers.

          But I had the advantage of getting on a lot of email lists of some very successful IMers. (Yes, that can be an advantage if you learn from them.) And I often clicked through to read the sales pages. When I noticed how they balance what they give away, I started imitating it. You need to give away some information to build credibility. But you need to withhold enough to build motivation for the reader to do what you want -- click through or sign up for your list or click the "buy now" button.

          When I learned that, my CTR soared.
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          • Profile picture of the author dadvocate
            I posted basically this (just added a little more here) elsewhere to try and help someone, so I thought I may as well contribute here too:

            I would recommend that you keep your article between 300-500 words at the most. Longer articles have a tendency of boring the heck out of people. Keep in mind that A LOT of people don't actually read a whole article. They 'scan' it. The longer the article they have to scan through, they may never end up at your link.

            I personally have clicked away from articles that were to lengthy. ;]

            Plus, don't EVER try to sound like you're selling something. You also want people to feel like they've gained something from your article, so give them enough information to provide this, yet at the same time keep them wanting more (which they'll get through your link ;]). Add personality to your article, like as if you were addressing a friend.

            Keep your keyword density at around 3-5%. That will be enough to get listed in the search engines without becoming spammy, which search engines don't like.

            The most important thing is to develop a trusting relationship with your audience. Like I stated before, address them like you would a friend. This is extremely important when it comes to developing a list of subscribers as well. Trust is and always will be the most important thing in IM.

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  • Profile picture of the author snapfinger
    Another easy way to write an article is by listing a number of tips, such as 5 tips to help remove carpet stains. Then you just list the 5 ways as the article. Make sure to create a great resource box that will make the reader want to click on your link for more info.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Pateman
    Here is an article list. If you want the Alexa and Google Pagerank numbers then follow the link.
    List Of Top 50 Article Directories By Traffic and PageRank

    Did I mention I love lists.

    James Pateman
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    • Profile picture of the author boaterscott
      When I posted this last night, I thought perhaps I'd get a few late-night responses. Wow, great insights. I've learned so much. I've decided that I'm going to:

      1. Do good keyword research (I feel like I can handle this).

      2. Use those same keyword(s) not only in articles, but in video titles too.

      3. Start writing using many of the suggestions here

      4. Submit, submit, submit.

      If anyone is stil reading this thread - does anyone have an example of a short article that includes many of the things talked about here?

      -keyword(s) in title
      -keyword(s) in article
      -good resource box
      -catchy statement at the bottom
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    • Profile picture of the author LadyL08
      If you have Windows Vista you don't even need Dragon Naturally Speaking. There is speech recognition built in.

      I've found I can type faster than speaking and correcting using speech recognition, but it is so much nicer to be relaxed and not so hunched over the keyboard.


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    • Profile picture of the author Kylerudy
      thanks for the great idea

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  • Profile picture of the author acedalright
    Beware of Nofollow directories!

    Why give your blood, sweat and tears driven content to them if they won't give you a miserable dofollow link?

    2 directories at the time of writing this that are nofollow enabled are Articlebase and articlealley.

    I say boycott them in favor of dofollow directories.

    I liken it to painting a friends house and not been offered so much as a drink.

    Your Call?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1205648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
      It's a shame that articlebase is nofollow... however, they give you really decent rankings (sometimes even better than EZA). I submitted an article last week and it got ranked FIRST in Google in less than 24H.

      And the keyword is super profitable.

      I say: do not boycott AB because you still get a lot of traffic and branding. This is good.



      Originally Posted by acedalright View Post

      Beware of Nofollow directories!

      Why give your blood, sweat and tears driven content to them if they won't give you a miserable dofollow link?

      2 directories at the time of writing this that are nofollow enabled are Articlebase and articlealley.

      I say boycott them in favor of dofollow directories.

      I liken it to painting a friends house and not been offered so much as a drink.

      Your Call?
      Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
      >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

      Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
      Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1449992].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Diane S
      Originally Posted by acedalright View Post

      Beware of Nofollow directories!

      Why give your blood, sweat and tears driven content to them if they won't give you a miserable dofollow link?

      2 directories at the time of writing this that are nofollow enabled are Articlebase and articlealley.

      I say boycott them in favor of dofollow directories.

      I liken it to painting a friends house and not been offered so much as a drink.

      Your Call?
      I believe it is unnatural for a website's backlinks to be all do-follow and it is nearly impossible to make that happen. I don't think it is in our best interest to shun no-follow links. Yahoo and Bing follow them. I make money off of yahoo and bing searches, don't you? "Follow" is a Google thing. Heck, even Google itself will sometimes follow a no-follow link because the Google bots travel so fast, they hve been known to inadvetently jump right over the no-follow gate. I believe all kinds of links will benefit any website.
      KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
      My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Ski
    Keep resource box short and stir up curiosity...

    "Best Article Writing Robot in the World"

    will almost always pull better than,

    "John is a nice guy who likes to sell stuff and blah blah no one cares... and he also has this article software at this site"
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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      You might want to refer to or mention another article, or have a part one and a part two which provides you with more ammo to use.

      The first thing is, of course, to know what you want your article to do. Many will just say they want it to SELL something. Well, I'm of the opinion most articles should sell YOU, the first sale you make will be your EXPERTISE on the subject.

      I've found this demonstrated by the quality of articles and not necessarily the number. If you are the person who wrote 6 great articles on a subject...and someone else has 60 oh so so-so, then YOU get the cred. Get the cred, get the bread.

      A poorly written article will give you instant crud and thud, you want the cred and bread.

      The problem here at the WF is, there are so many people who have used article marketing and have had their success, well it is hard to give any across the board or general advice other than to say, they're doing it and making dough. OH, I just wanted to use a sentence with the 'theres' in it.

      KNOW what you want the article to do, then construct with the reader's response in mind. It ain't rocket science, but then, I ain't no Einstein either.

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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Warriors love this thread, so I just thought I'd add it here. Download the 3 step by step pdfs on the thread:

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    There has been lots of debate in the past about publishing articles to your OWN website first. This proves that you SHOULD.

    From Buzzle:
    "Eventually your article will get posted on potentially 100's of web sites. Search engines need to know where the content originated from. This is why it's important to post your articles within your own blog, or web site before you submit them online to other sites."

    Post Your Articles 1st Before Submitting Them Online!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    When you write a resource box, do not waste your time focusing on who you are or all that you accomplished. Lay aside your ego and make the sale. Give them a reason to want to click on the link in the box.
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  • Profile picture of the author hamed
    Here are some tips to convert your article readers to buyers.

    1. Do not overdo it.

    You do not need to overdo your promotion when it comes to your articles. Internet users these days are much wiser than they are before. They can easily see through it if you are simply trying to stick much advertisement in their throats. Instead of overselling and hard-selling, aim to establish credibility through your articles.

    2. Establish credibility step-by-step.

    You cannot instantly create credibility over a single article but you can accomplish this step by step. You have to make sure that your article content is honest and believable enough. Instead of blunt promotions, you can try providing information related to your niche or you can create product reviews which compare your product to the competition. This way, readers can know why they should prefer your product or your company over others using verifiable information.

    3. Create opportunities for them to get more.

    Once you have established credibility, then you must provide them opportunities to have more. You can lead them to other articles; you can lead them to your site for more ideas; you can lead them to your sales page to buy; or you can lead them to another page to regularly subscribe. The important thing is, do not stop with your articles as they are only stepping-stones to making each reader become a buyer.
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      1. You need to have high quality articles ;
      2. You should create more articles in a short period of time ;
      3. You need to facilitate article creation and syndication process so that you will have time to create more and more articles ;
      4. You have to create search engine friendly articles ;
      5. You have to get your article published in as many high traffic sites as possible, etc.
      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author Nahar
    SEO checklist (some of the on page factors)

    The following is a list of factors which will increase your chances of your article being listed on top of google results. Keep in mind that search engine robots will never buy your stuff but people will - if your web pages read and look attractive to humans. So, please keep the following factors in mind but make things feel natural and convincing. Designing your content for both spiders and humans might be tricky at times. As a general rule: whenever you cannot make both sides happy - consider the people your priority.

    To avoid the repetition of "keyword phrase", the word "keyword" is used to convey the same meaning. Also - unless indicated otherwise - the word "keyword" means the "page's main keyword or keyword phrase"
    • Title: Include the main keyword in the title (for best results: let your title start with the keyword, for example: "keyword | 5 tips", etc.)
    • Start a sentence with the keyword (once or twice)
    • Place an LSI keyword (related keyword) close to the page's main keyword (once or twice - don't overdo it)
    • Use LSI keywords in the text (1 to 4 times)
    • H1, h2, h3 tags - include the keyword at least once
    • bold or italic - emphasize the keyword at least once
    • image's file name - as long as the image directly relates to the keyword
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    --> Always talk about a PROBLEM and a solution

    "How can i ..."
    "How to..."
    "How to Fix..."

    and so on are GREAT titles. Combine with effective keywords.

    You would be amazed if you'd know how many people look daily on google for a VERY concrete solution to a problem "How can i fix...." <-

    In your article, make it clear that you are competent and you know what you are talking about. Dont over-promote a product, sound neutral and knowledgeable.

    PROVIDE the solution. Dont spill the WHOLE solution in the article - the "ultimate" and "best" solution for the reader is always to click on your link <---

    Eg. the article *could* be about some freeware software which does this or that, you mention this in the article, but you make it clear that the comerical XYZ has more features and is better for only few bucks....and...guess where you can get it? Yes...from clicking on your link.
    *** Affiliate Site Quick --> The Fastest & Easiest Way to Make Affiliate Sites!<--
    -> VISIT *** <- Internet Marketing, SEO Tips, Reviews & More!! ***
    *** HIGH QUALITY CONTENT CREATION +++ Manual Article Spinning (Thread Here) ***
    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    Article marketing is not a get rich quick scheme, it takes hard work and constant upkeep. At some point you will reach a level where you don't have to write everyday etc to keep your income flowing but it will take you time to reach that point. Don't expect the results to hit overnight. It is a long term strategy. Keep at it and it will pay off.

    Do your research, what works in one niche may or may not work in the next, and for this reason understand it takes testing and fine tuning each niche to get the perfect formula. And on the same note, remember what works for one person may or may not work for the next. Some people can get away with longer articles and not bore the crap out of the reader, where other authors are better suited to the shorter articles, so as not ot lose th reader before the click through.

    Just keep trying.

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    • Profile picture of the author dadvocate
      Originally Posted by Sylvia Rolfe View Post

      Some people can get away with longer articles and not bore the crap out of the reader, where other authors are better suited to the shorter articles, so as not ot lose th reader before the click through.

      I'm sorry. I should elaborated more. =)

      MOST people get turned off just at the SIGHT of a lengthy article as well, in most niches, therefore do not even bother to check it out. This is exactly what you DON'T want when trying to get a click-through. If they want more info, they will click.

      An exception to this though would be something like the relationship niche. Someone trying to salvage their relationship/marriage will be extremely desperate and therefore would most likely read a lengthy article, provided it has great content to offer. Therefore, in such a niche, you could provide a lengthy article indeed, offering enough information without giving too much away.

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  • Profile picture of the author James English
    One big thing I am not understanding here. Most people here seem to be advocating giving tips, answering questions, solving problems etc. in your article like you are writing a paper on a certain topic.

    Why would you solve the problem in your article? Isn't the product you are trying to sell, or the report you are trying to give away meant to solve the problem?

    Shouldn't the article itself be reminding people what their problem is, and why it is a problem in the first place? From here we can suggest our product as a solution.

    It seems to me that doing it the way that most people suggest just solves peoples problems and sends them on their way...what is their incentive to click on our link or move on to our next offer?
    Signature Performance Driven B2B Prospecting and Appointment Setting
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  • Profile picture of the author dadvocate

    IMO it works best to give them SOME tips, but keep them wanting/needing more. This is a way of showing them that you actually CAN help them, and that you WANT to help them. By the end of your article, you have to have them WANTING to click that link and KNOWING that it will definitely be worth their while. Anyone can say, "click the link and I'll show you how", but if you give them a "taste" of what your offering, they will be "salivating" for more, in the process increasing the amount clicks. ;]

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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Article marketing method is useful for link building regardless the article is duplicate content or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author AvidAZ
    Some good advice here. I tend to write long articles as a few of the sites I like to post too require 750 words as minimum. I usually have to write a trimmed down version for eza.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOQueen
    Article Marketing remains one of the best ways to draw your target market to your website and convince them that you are the best answer to their needs.

    Only Article Marketing Can Give You The Traffic You Need To Increase Your Exposure And Skyrocket Your Profits
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Beware of Nofollow directories!

    Don't you think it would look a "little" suspicious if ALL your backlinks are dofollow?
    I am pretty sure Google analyzes that aspect too to determine how "natural" links are...
    *** Affiliate Site Quick --> The Fastest & Easiest Way to Make Affiliate Sites!<--
    -> VISIT *** <- Internet Marketing, SEO Tips, Reviews & More!! ***
    *** HIGH QUALITY CONTENT CREATION +++ Manual Article Spinning (Thread Here) ***
    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author kungfumarketer
    Hello friends! A lot of great tips here! I'll have to come back & read more of them. I have been doing a lot of research on articles with tons of views & testing myself.

    There are two things that really stand out to me. A great headline can be incredibly effective, even if you don't do well with many other aspects. I'm not saying write garbage, but I've seen articles where people don't do much of anything right, but they have a great headline & get massive views.

    The other aspect would be great SEO & use of keywords. It's not about density, it's about placement.

    Write your article first making it natural & readable, then go back & optimize. It doesn't have to be super keyword dense, it's more about placement. Use keyword(s) as close to the beginning of your title as possible.

    Also use them at the beginning of your teaser copy (summary or meta description). Use them close to the first word of three to four paragraphs as well as in your author resource box. Having them peppered lightly through the article (3-5 times), but properly placed will do far more than trying to put them in there a ton of times.

    Happy Holidays to all,

    Scott Blasczyk
    MLM Peak Performance
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    • Profile picture of the author John Tighe
      I posted this elsewhere before discovering this thread. I think it ought to go here too!

      I've been doing a lot of article marketing recently and I thought it might be helpful to put together my list of top 20 sites.

      The sites that have made it onto the list have done so based on a combination of Alexa Rank and Page Rank: ie, a site has to have a good combination of both to make it onto the list.

      For convenience, I've arranged the sites in order based on their Alexa ranking.

      Please feel free to add your suggestions if you think there are other sites that should have made the cut!

      Page Rank

      Even though links may be no-follow I felt that Page Rank was an important ingredient as the higher the PR the more likely your article is to show in the organic results.

      Figures in brackets = 2007 rankings

      The figures in brackets show the sites' respective rankings in May 2007 - I've added these because they give an indication of which sites are on the way up and which are on the way down.

      It's interesting to see how many of the sites (11) have lost page rank in the last couple of years. Only two - ArticleBase and GoArticles - have gained page rank. Of the remainder, three have stayed the same and there are four sites for which I don't have figures - these are marked (n/a). :confused:

      Of the 16 sites for which I have figures all of them have increased their Alexa ranking.

      EzineArticles remains the Daddy of them all, but ArticleBase is catching up fast.

      My personal top three (marked with an *) are EzineArticles, ArticleBase and GoArticles. In addition to their combination of high Alexa and Page rankings, these seem to be the sites that are most likely to get your article a high organic ranking in the search engines.

      Alexa Rank / Page Rank * 128 (499) / 6 (6) * 471 (8735) / 5 (4) 1343 (9698) / 5 (6) * 1647 (3592) / 6 (4) 2486 (n/a) / 4 (n/a) 3089 (14259) / 5 (5) 3265 (5255) / 5 (6) 4529 (13121) / 3 (4) 4703 (17509) / 2 (5) 4843 (9653) / 5 (6) 5848 (6032) / 5 (6) 8374 (8791) / 6 (6) 8792 (n/a) / 4 (n/a) 8982 (n/a) / 3 (n/a) 9029 (11526) / 5 (6) 9303 (17633) / 3 (5) 9930 (15945) / 3 (5) 10983 (49044) / 5 (6) 16040 (30664) / 4 (7) 18811 (n/a) / 4 (n/a)

      Alexa rank and Page Rank are as listed on 17-19th December.
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  • Profile picture of the author chukwuma
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    • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
      It depends on your niche. Noone can really give you an answer.

      but as a rule of thumbs, you'll make $1 per article (I'm talking about direct sales).

      I also wanted to say that the money you generate is not just from the first sales (affiliate/your product), but from your sales funnel.

      You must focus on building a list.


      Originally Posted by chukwuma View Post

      Now , how many quality articles do i need to write in a day in order to make $200 p/day
      Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
      >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

      Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
      Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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      • Profile picture of the author frankstar
        I like to work backwards.. also known as reverse engineering. Find something that works / looks like its working, then copy and add to it. Here is a method of finding the best articles in your niche on EZA. If you know the successful articles you can use them as templates and also get an idea of how they are being promoted.

        You've all seen this thread by Jack Duncan right?

        He gives a great method of searching EZA with a search string on Google like this: "been viewed 0..301100" "submitted on * *, 2009"

        This will search EZA for all articles viewed between 0 to 301,100 times submitted in 2009.

        If you play around with this, you can count the number of articles on EZA that have been viewed under 1000 times, under 2000 times, 3000 times etc for the whole year.

        To cut a long explanation short, 95% of all the articles submitted to EZA in 2009 were viewed less then 7100 times. The top 2% of articles were viewed over 10100 times.

        To find the "best" articles I like to cut out the top articles, as often the viewing figures are skewed because people have bought traffic, or its been featured on Oprah or something.

        So the "best" articles are often ones that have been viewed over 7100 times, but under 10100 times. To get the good articles in a niche (e.g vegetable gardens), you'd do a search like this: "been viewed 7100..10100" "submitted on * *, 2009" "vegetable garden"

        You can then see articles that have "worked", and make your own from them. Also you can get an insight into how the author has promoted the articles by putting the title of the article in quotes into Google.

        As Steve Wagenheim said earlier in the thread niches behave differently, so finding good articles in various niches allows you to tune into that niches perculiarities. The fact that they have had good viewing figures also means that they have been tested to a certain extent.

        You could also adapt this method to a monthly level

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  • Profile picture of the author 7_8_shortcuts
    Leaving the classic "conclusion" part from your article
    may increase your Click-Trough Rate...

    (People subconsciously expect the conclusion but
    get to your resource box and are more likely to click)

    Another way: Give like 2-3 tips and tricks that
    make a lot of sense and are very helpful and then
    begin the last one but leave something out to
    increase the curiosity and get the visitor to your site


    If the help-factor of your article isn't great, then you
    will not benefit much from getting the click anyway.
    You need site visitors that are warmed up for what is to come.

    If you are new, don't try to work too many niches simultaneously.

    Write for one niche for couple days/weeks and see
    what they respond to best.
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  • Profile picture of the author PCRoger
    Forget about article views and click throughs, unless you are going to dig deeper.

    As was revealed in a thread the other day, stats at EzineArticles are showing way fewer views because Ezine came up with a better algorithm to filter out "bots" and just show views by real humans.

    Some people are reporting 75% drops in views from what they used to get on a new article.

    Now that you know that, doesn't it make you feel kind of silly for checking stats so frequently?

    Pay attention to where sales come from; then duplicate those types of articles, those types of headlines, those types of resource boxes.

    An article with 10 views and 1 click that led to a sale is infinitely better than an article with 10,000 views, 2000 clicks and 0 sales.

    A guy I worked for years ago taught me that it's not how hard you work but how smart you work.

    Work smart, you'll make more money on less effort.

    Track your affiliate sales back to the ARTICLE or WEBSITE that generated the sale. CBSaleTracker

    I was making money in days with the 4 Day Money Making Blueprint

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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    One little thing, don't submit your article to just one directory. Seriously, people
    who use only 1 directory such as EZA have no idea how much traffic they're losing.

    After your article gets accepted by EZA, submit it to other directories. Then
    submit it to document directories such as scribd, and on websites like hubpages.

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  • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
    Every niche is different. Same strategy doesn't work in all the niches. If you see a little success in one niche, try to maximize it instead of try to get the same success in other niches.

    Once you feel that you cannot leverage anymore, automate it and then move to the next niche. Until then, make the maximum out of it.

    "When you have found gold, you dig more... you do not go to other places to find more gold until the first spot is depleted."
    Digital Marketing Author | Speaker | Consultant

    Read my Blog:

    @ Bangalore, India.
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  • Profile picture of the author JGLinked
    Thanks for the sharing of lists and ideas, I have certainly turned to web 2.0 properties in addition to directories, and found the results to be awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeevee
    So far I have done all my submissions manually. I submit to my favourite three directories: EZA, GoArticles and ArticleBase.

    Do Article submission services save a lot of time, and if so which ones are the best to use? From this thread "Magic Article Submitter" seems to be well thought of.

    What tool do you use?
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Keep your articles short...400-500 words...

    Use only two back links...choice 1, choice 2...
    Do Your Copywriting Skills Suck?

    Let Us Help You Develop Your Writing Skills!

    Submit Guest Posts With [ TheBitBot.Com ]
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1913214].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dhira
    Besides building links to your own sits, use article marketing to build passive income - i.e. submit to directories that pay you.

    And by pay I mean:
    - Let you post affiliate links in the articles.
    - Let you revenue share adsense with the directories (at least 50-50).

    Then automate (or outsource) the process.
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  • Profile picture of the author areaK
    Know WHY you're article marketing in the first place... Article Marketing – The Scoop :Link Vines
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  • Profile picture of the author Darren Hodgson
    Know your target audience, if you're target audience is 18 -25 year old men do you think they'd respond to your article the same as a 65 year old woman. The simple answer is no. Put yourself in the shoes of the people who are going to buy your product and write for them.

    Your target audience may not aways be what you think it is. To give you a rough idea of who you are writing for go to and type in your root keyword. i.e dog training, diabetes, car insurance etc and click on a result with a high alexa ranking. Click on the 'audience' tab and scroll down to find your audience demographic.

    Hope this was useful to ya'all

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  • Profile picture of the author frankstar
    Hello everyone,

    Here's my tip for the day....

    Take a good look at the search results for your keyword/s on Google before you submit your articles.

    Google does not like any particular site to dominate the top results. I've never seen more then 2 results from the same website in the top 10.

    Why does this matter? Let's say you put your keyword into Google and find that there are already 2 results from EZA in the top 10, but you don't see many other results from other directories such as buzzle or articlesbase in the top 100.

    Putting the 2 EZA articles on yahoo site explorer, you see the 2 articles have loads of backlinks, and so could be more difficult to outrank. If you submit your article to EZA then under these circumstances you won't get into the top 10 without a lot of promotional work on your articles, which will have to do better then the 2 EZA articles already in the top 10.

    So in this situtation its best to submit your article to another directory (for example goarticles, articlesbase, buzzle), and concentrate on promoting that. This way the article could get into the top 10 with far less promotional work.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2004131].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
      Originally Posted by frankstar View Post

      Hello everyone,

      Here's my tip for the day....

      Take a good look at the search results for your keyword/s on Google before you submit your articles.

      Google does not like any particular site to dominate the top results. I've never seen more then 2 results from the same website in the top 10.

      Why does this matter? Let's say you put your keyword into Google and find that there are already 2 results from EZA in the top 10, but you don't see many other results from other directories such as buzzle or articlesbase in the top 100.

      Putting the 2 EZA articles on yahoo site explorer, you see the 2 articles have loads of backlinks, and so could be more difficult to outrank. If you submit your article to EZA then under these circumstances you won't get into the top 10 without a lot of promotional work on your articles, which will have to do better then the 2 EZA articles already in the top 10.

      So in this situtation its best to submit your article to another directory (for example goarticles, articlesbase, buzzle), and concentrate on promoting that. This way the article could get into the top 10 with far less promotional work.



      Frank, not only will you not find more than two articles from the same domain on the front page of Google for any one search term, you will not find more than two top level domains shown for any one search term no matter how far down you drill in the Google listings.

      This is, as you said, why it is not in your best interest in writing an article targeting a keyword phrase if there are two EZA showing high in the Google listings. You would have to beat one of them out in Google's eyes or your article will never show in Google for that search term no matter how good it is.

      It is HUGE that you understand this fact! --Mike

      I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
      Check it out here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2042575].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
      Originally Posted by frankstar View Post

      Hello everyone,

      Here's my tip for the day....

      Take a good look at the search results for your keyword/s on Google before you submit your articles.

      Google does not like any particular site to dominate the top results. I've never seen more then 2 results from the same website in the top 10.

      Why does this matter? Let's say you put your keyword into Google and find that there are already 2 results from EZA in the top 10, but you don't see many other results from other directories such as buzzle or articlesbase in the top 100.

      Putting the 2 EZA articles on yahoo site explorer, you see the 2 articles have loads of backlinks, and so could be more difficult to outrank. If you submit your article to EZA then under these circumstances you won't get into the top 10 without a lot of promotional work on your articles, which will have to do better then the 2 EZA articles already in the top 10.

      So in this situtation its best to submit your article to another directory (for example goarticles, articlesbase, buzzle), and concentrate on promoting that. This way the article could get into the top 10 with far less promotional work.



      One easy way around this or way to take advantage of it is to find those two that are currently ranking and go to Backlinks Checker Tool - Backlink Watch

      If one or both do not have backlinks then you are in business ... just go and use the same keywords and bada bing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2042596].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author betsyanne
      Originally Posted by frankstar View Post

      Hello everyone,

      Here's my tip for the day....

      Take a good look at the search results for your keyword/s on Google before you submit your articles.

      Google does not like any particular site to dominate the top results. I've never seen more then 2 results from the same website in the top 10.

      Why does this matter? Let's say you put your keyword into Google and find that there are already 2 results from EZA in the top 10, but you don't see many other results from other directories such as buzzle or articlesbase in the top 100.

      Putting the 2 EZA articles on yahoo site explorer, you see the 2 articles have loads of backlinks, and so could be more difficult to outrank. If you submit your article to EZA then under these circumstances you won't get into the top 10 without a lot of promotional work on your articles, which will have to do better then the 2 EZA articles already in the top 10.

      So in this situtation its best to submit your article to another directory (for example goarticles, articlesbase, buzzle), and concentrate on promoting that. This way the article could get into the top 10 with far less promotional work.


      I like this idea. It sounds like it would save a LOT of extra work. Thanks for posting it!
      Elizabeth Sheppard
      My SEO for Beginners Page
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  • Profile picture of the author Sabryan
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    • Profile picture of the author marketingva
      Create a strategy by answering these questions:

      1. Your target audience:
      Who is your most desired reader?
      What size business does your reader own or work for?
      What needs does your desired reader have that you can fulfill?

      2. Submission goals:
      Are you submitting in order to receive incoming live one-way links?
      Will you be promoting a blog, forum or website?
      Are you hoping to increase sales of a particular product or service?

      3. Search engine benefits:
      What targeted keywords will you use in your title, article and byline?
      How will the one-way links from sites publishing your articles increase your
      search engine rankings?
      Will you agree to a reciprocal link if asked by a publisher?
      Will you display a "Featured Author" graphic on your site if requested by the publisher?

      4. Submission formats:
      Which of these formats will you offer when submitting your articles?

      5. Submission list:
      Will you be submitting your articles in print and/or online?
      Do you have an existing submission list that targets topics of interest to your
      target audience.
      If you do not have a submission list where will you obtain one?
      How often will you search for new submission sites to add to your list?

      6. Scheduling submissions:

      How often will you write an article for submission?
      Will you be sending out an article weekly, monthly or quarterly?

      7. Stand out in a crowd:
      What will you do enhance your relationships with publishers?
      Will you offer customized versions of your articles for free or for fee?
      Will you display the list sites that published your articles on your web site?
      Did you consider allowing publishers to insert their affiliate link in your article or
      your byline?

      8. Tracking your results:
      Have you asked publishers to notify you when they use an article?
      Will you spend time checking to see if sites publishing your article gave you a live link to your site as required?
      During what time intervals after submission will you search Google for your
      article name?
      How often will you check your website metrics to see traffic driven by your article

      Magic Wand Author Services helps writers polish their manuscripts and connect to readers.

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  • Profile picture of the author Wechito
    I write a good article and rewrite it 2 times (to get three versions). I submit the one I like better to EzineArticles in order to get, not only a backlink, but also traffic. Then, I use software to spin the three versions and submit the resulting articles. With that process I get several dozens of articles that I use mainly for backlinks.
    From the article I write for EzineArticles I also like to make a video and submit it to Youtube with the purpose of getting traffic.

    With that method, from just one original article, I get a lot of backlinks and plenty of traffic.

    For me the key here is to write good content using good keywords (the ones with more searches and less competition). Even though this requires more work than "copy-paste" type articles, it is way more effective.
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    • Profile picture of the author tbone3
      If you hate writing, use your voicerecorder and then have it transcribed.
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  • Profile picture of the author zoro
    There's been a few mentions here for ArticleBot. Can anyone tell me if this software allows you to paste the article, or do you still have to type it in.?
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    Cut your time in half and buy DNS ... you can find it for 80% off or more if you know where to look.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
      Originally Posted by Marhelper View Post

      Cut your time in half and buy DNS ... you can find it for 80% off or more if you know where to look.
      I think that I just lost the bubble here.... DNS?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2098308].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
        Originally Posted by Chris Grable View Post

        I think that I just lost the bubble here.... DNS?
        It stands for Dragon Naturally Speaking - it's a great piece of speech recognition software. If you go to and type in the name it will compare prices at a bunch of websites and give you the lowest price. I've also picked up copies on eBay, Fry's Electronics, and Best Buy......just shop around and you can almost always find it on sale. Oh yeah, TigerDirect too.

        Also if you have Vista it has a decent built in speech recognition program. I've used it recently and it's actually pretty good. It's not at DNS's accuracy level, but it definitely does the job. I don't know if Windows 7 does.

        "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
        - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author imava12
    Hello Warriors,

    I am new to this forum but I am learning many things from you.. thank you co-warriors.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ty Neal
    I would say book marketing your site all the time and shoot a video about that article and submit it to the video shearing site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terri LC
    Use a "call to action" in your resource box instead of going on about who you are and your creds.....use a word like "Next, you're going to discover xyz, etc. so your reader will naturally want to click and learn even more about the topic.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    How does EzineArticles feel about you linking to a squeeze page, I notice person suggested it here, but anyone else got any experience?

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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    1. Spend more time on the title than anything else. Next in importance comes the first sentence and then the conclusion.

    2. My articles always get clicked/viewed more whenever I have a number in the title...

    The 5 Reasons To...

    Twelve Mistakes....

    My testing shows that with two almost identical titles - the one with a number in it always comes out on top.
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  • Profile picture of the author dankas
    I really like some of the tips here, tho I'm not sure how video marketing falls into same category.
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    • Profile picture of the author m100k
      WANT TO KNOW HOW TO CONVERT THE PRODUCTS YOU ARE PROMOTING? commercials and pay attention to what they are saying to convince people like us to take action. They've done the work already so why not leverage off the hard work.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    Write more articles! No matter how many you have, more = more traffic.
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
    (4 days only!)
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    • Profile picture of the author mlord10
      Originally Posted by ArticlePrince View Post

      Write more articles! No matter how many you have, more = more traffic.
      While I agree with this on some levels, you should also make sure that you are not just pumping out article after article in a blind manner. The real power of article marketing (besides getting listed in the search engines) is the ability of your articles to be syndicated around the web.

      I have had a few of my articles from go viral, and I even had one big time internet marketer send my article to their list. When this happened I added over 150 subscribers to my email list in a single day, and made and made 11 sales of my OTO (one time offer) for $17 on the front-end.

      The true power of article marketing lies with creating great content, and getting your articles syndicated around the net!
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      • Profile picture of the author yongjj
        For beginner or advance article writers - there are few things that you can explore in your article marketing:

        Create a Title that people that would like to read:

        In the beginning, start performing a basic keyword research before you start writing an article.
        Once you've compile list of high-competitive keywords and long-tail keywords, select a keyword phrase and include it in your title. Here's some basic "templates" for your title creation:
        • How-to related titles - How to Create a eBook that Sells, How to Find a Reputable Loan Provider...etc
        • Negative-form titles: How to be the Worst Hairdresser in the World, Ways to Lose your Business to Your Competitors, No. Steps in Becoming America's Worst Parent, Ways to Fail Your Entrance Exams
        • Cause-and-consequences-like titles: 5 Bad Things Would Happen If You Don't Listen to Your Partner, Will I Get an Ultimatum If I Don't Buy Her Flower - Tips to Make Her Happy
        • Facts/Reasons/Must-know titles: 6 Important Facts about Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle, 5 Reasons that Make Her Cry, 6 Must-Know Tips about Dog Training
        • Top/Best titles: Top 4 Ways to Earn Extra Money, Best 4 Dog Training Schools in Mississippi
        • For beginners, if you can't think of any titles - you can get some ideas for your titles from top EZA authors that write articles related to your niche. Subscribe Google Alerts

        Warning: If you're submitting articles to EZA - please don't include the product name/model no. in your titles or else, your articles will be rejected by EZA.
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  • Profile picture of the author zoro
    I recently publish an article to and they put sponsor anchore text links through out the article and deleted mine in the resource box.

    Anyone else had this happen with ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
      Originally Posted by zoro View Post

      I recently publish an article to and they put sponsor anchore text links through out the article and deleted mine in the resource box.

      Anyone else had this happen with ?
      Not sure but I do well with just using EZA.
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  • Profile picture of the author Derwin
    You have made an outstanding thread bout the article marketing. Your tips re nice and cool.article marketing is becomig more important and famous these days.People are expanding their business through article have done good research work and shared here.I appreciate your this effort for bringing such nice article here.
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  • Profile picture of the author christineconte
    Definitely make sure you know your target market and try as best as you can to appeal to them. You may need to do some research to see how they talk, what they're interested in - but that research will pay off in the long run.

    And yes - spinning articles when you're focused on article marketing as your primary / secondary main source of marketing is sabotaging your own efforts.

    Just write them yourself, add some value, contribute, and you'll get good results.
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankPDF
    Article marketing is still one of the best ways to drive a lot of traffic to your site, if you make it correctly. I encourage submitting your articles in Digg. It is very popular and interesting website that Google really like. Tell your friends to comment and digg your articles to make them appear one first pages then many people will read them. You get visitors and they recommend them to others. Social media made this a step easy but it always needs a right start and popular niche to write about.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jillthetoolgirl
    All-in-ones are a great idea, thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghalt
    Write your article like you are explaining the topic to an 8th grader. It will keep your lingo at the appropriate level, and force you to explain certain concepts (adding to both related keywords and overall length).

    If you're stuck with writer's block, try to solve someone else's problem for them. (Use google to find out what those problems are!)
    Got eBook?

    Save money - make your eBook Cover yourself with free software (GIMP), and our detailed guide:
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    The way I see it, article marketing is the basic step every internet marketing newbie should take. Yes, you can outsource your articles but I will advise you to learn how to write articles and earn money first before doing this. So that you will be able to brief the freelancers better and pay them, make sense?

    Once you know how to write articles, you should have little problem applying all other strategies be it blogging, email marketing, writing ebooks, adding content to your sites, doing audios or videos.

    If you have problem writing articles and don't want to spend money, go to Free PLR Articles and get free account. Then this guy Robert Dickson will email you articles on different topics everyday. Each topic consists of 20-25 articles in one zipped folder pack.

    In schools, you write articles just to impress teachers and get better grades. Now you write to make money. So simply impress readers is not enough. You need to get them to take action. Such clicking the link in your resource box.

    As to which directories to post, click here for top 50 articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Though Ezine Articles does not allow affiliate links, they allow Blogger or Squidoo links. So if you do not want to spend money on domain name and web hosting, you can set up a free Blogger account and blog from there. Same goes for Squidoo.

    Did a test by posting articles about Hyper Facebook Traffic and have them approved.

    You can check out my Ezine articles here.

    You can also check out my blog here.
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    • Profile picture of the author Carlsbadd
      Originally Posted by amuro View Post

      Though Ezine Articles does not allow affiliate links, they allow Blogger or Squidoo links. So if you do not want to spend money on domain name and web hosting, you can set up a free Blogger account and blog from there. Same goes for Squidoo.

      Did a test by posting articles about Hyper Facebook Traffic and have them approved.

      You can check out my Ezine articles here.

      You can also check out my blog here.

      I just wanted to add that this is a great way to test a niche or affiliate product, use free webspace to test a market. If the market looks good and you want to develop a product or website around it always keep the squid or blogger page to point to your new website.

      I think of it as every property you have is a traffic opportunity, I am just the traffic cop standing in the crowded intersection trying to direct the traffic where I want it to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghalt
    Here's another quick tip for writing articles:

    Google Voice Transcription

    For those of you who hate typing, or can't type their thoughts very well, can you explain your thoughts verbally?

    Create a Google Voice account (free). Then call that number and leave yourself a message with your article. Google does a pretty decent job of transcribing the message in your 'inbox'. You can then copy/paste and edit.

    Leave the voicemail in the style as if you are leaving a detailed message for someone who just asked you a question about your article topic. It will sound natural, and be a helpful article.

    Some of you might find this a bit easier than sitting down and trying to bang out something on the keyboard.
    Got eBook?

    Save money - make your eBook Cover yourself with free software (GIMP), and our detailed guide:
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  • Profile picture of the author terrencewan
    My suggestion is to submit your first article
    to Ezine directory, upon accepted, post your
    article to other directories with minor amendment.

    Reasons are Ezine directory are extremely strict
    on article, but provides you with a lot of traffic.
    Some other directories, give approval almost

    Try to write the articles yourself before
    you decide to outsource the work,
    if you don't try you will never know
    what is good or bad.
    So at least you have tried, so you can
    better understand how it works and what you
    want. Don't let others tell you what to do,
    you are the boss when you outsource your work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zero
    Might as well share the topic regarding me asking about how 1 can write killer resource boxes - alotta people shared some great advice:
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  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    Never spin articles. They come out unreadable. Remember that your articles are for people, not the search engines. Search engines don't read, they crawl. So stop focusing so much on trying to get on the first page of Google. Just write good content that your readers will find valuable and Google, along with all the other search engines, will find it.

    When you write valuable content people will tweet about it, like it on facebook, bookmark it and share it with their friends. This of course makes the search engines think your content is important and they will send you more traffic. So again I say, FOCUS ON WRITING GOOD, VALUABLE CONTENT.
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    It's always a great idea to check some of the top articles being featured on sites like Ezinearticles, having a look at the site in their resource book, and seeing how yo can improve if you were doing the same for that site
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  • Profile picture of the author cryst
    i usually do all submissions manually .... i think it is the better way...
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  • Profile picture of the author Gullybaba
    I always try to submit unique & quality content
    1) Short & Interested title related to my site,
    2) I always try to make article at least 500 words,
    3) 3-5 keywords for per article,

    There is alot of sites that where we can submit our article,
    but I submit into:
    and much more..

    Then do bookmarks for these articles, share with & twitter.

    So, This is some basic steps to submit articles and then, make it popular and get more visitors..
    Thank you...
    IGNOU ASSIGNMENTS - Best Exam Study Guides, Assignments, Final Project Guidance
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    • Profile picture of the author davidstar
      What do you want? Backlink count from directory or ranking that properties. There are all different approach. Than you decide whether you want to submit original content, keyword reseach, competition analysis and etc.
      Link Building Service at SEOdigy
      Link Buiding Service

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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger

    UNDERSTAND - Article marketing is not a short term strategy. It is long term and this means you have to put in the time and you have to build up your business.

    Another thing to understand is that article marketing is not easy peasy like so many want to make it sound. It is not hard work, but it is still work that you have to do.

    One last thing QUALITY over QUANTITY. You want to write quality articles with proper SEO instead of just a ton of articles. This will ensure that even when Google makes changes you will still continue to get a large amount of traffic and high rankings.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author Bergryen
    You have good collection of Artical Directories. Thank You for adding it, James.
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  • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic
    There may be all these changes but High Quality Content will always remain as the key
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  • Profile picture of the author vikram singh
    If you do the Social Bookmarking of your approved ezine urls, it will help you to get MASSIVE Traffic on your sure, so social bookmarking is also a good method to attract the people.
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  • Profile picture of the author vikram singh
    There is one more good option to get heavy traffic on you site, first post 5 unique articles in and after getting the approval from ezine do rewrite of each articles 3-times and post these rewrite articles in with resource file. Uniquearticlewizard will automatically post these articles in hundreds of article sites, so its a easy to attract peoples.
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  • Profile picture of the author imthebest
    Thank you for all you seo experts here! Really a fantastic place with very practical information for people like me!
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  • Profile picture of the author Duncan Munene
    I've learnt lots from this posting thanks people
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  • Profile picture of the author autumnsmith
    wow, this is a pretty good source of information.
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