Affiliate Website Question

6 replies

I may be two years late, but I'm really considering creating my first niche affiliate link website popularized by Pat Flynn. I've been reading around the how-to's, but most how-to's I find are from 2012-2014 and the newer ones from 2015 and up I find are saying it's becoming increasingly difficult. Even Pat Flynn's affiliate stuff haven't been updated since 2014.

My question is, is this still a viable area to start for an online business or has it become over saturated? Are their anyone who recently started late 2015-2016 who can give me some input on how it has been like starting a affiliate site in the past year?

Thank you guys in advance for your time!
#affiliate #niche #question #website
  • Profile picture of the author James Clifton
    It is definitely oversaturated, but the way to rise above the rest is and always will be great content. Offer great content first, get the traffic and then start converting that traffic to sales.

    There's still money to be made in affiliate marketing, but you need to be smart about it. Modern internet users can smell a salespitch from a mile away.
    When they eventually get to your landing page, they have to think that it was their idea.
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    • Profile picture of the author ryukyuchamploo
      Originally Posted by James Clifton View Post

      When they eventually get to your landing page, they have to think that it was their idea.
      I love that line. Those are some great points you bring up. Thank you so much! Do you do affiliate websites yourself?
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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    Affiliate marketing will not become over saturated as long as you stand out from the rest and add value before selling your affiliate products.

    Consistency is the key here . As in my experience, one cause of affiliate marketing failures, is because some believe they can just do something once or twice in order to make money through affiliate marketing business.
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    • Profile picture of the author ryukyuchamploo
      Originally Posted by Omarkenawy View Post

      Affiliate marketing will not become over saturated as long as you stand out from the rest and add value before selling your affiliate products.
      That's exactly what I needed to hear. I believe the key to anything is adding value to peoples lives and that's how I like to approach everything I do. Thank you!
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      • Profile picture of the author zdebx
        Originally Posted by ryukyuchamploo View Post

        That's exactly what I needed to hear. I believe the key to anything is adding value to peoples lives and that's how I like to approach everything I do. Thank you!
        I don't know exactly what Pat Flynn recommends to do as an "affiliate marketing business", but I've got a feeling it must be content marketing and blogging.

        If that's the case, then you definitely need to know that SEO is not what it used to be, and also when you start worrying your about positions for whatever keywords, don't get sucked into never-ending SEO, because one thing you have to remember is that you can't rely on Google for traffic, so whatever you decide to do, make sure to diversify your traffic sources and can your visitors from as many different sources as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    In affiliate marketing, almost 90% things that will decide whether you success or not are SEO and Traffic. So at the first time running, I think you should focus only to SEO (White hat SEO) for your long term business. WHen you have your keywords get on top SERPs then you will get many organic traffic and sales/leads.

    Good luck to you,
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