What is the most significant trend in Internet marketing today?

15 replies
Hey Warriors,

Been diving a lot into talks from MozCon as well as the Growth Summit.

Seems to me Content Marketing is all the rage right now. Everybody is talking about it, everyone is teaching how do it, writing case studies, videos, etc.

A couple of years ago it was the same rave with growth hacking.

And before that with SEO.

(both of them are still important but it's not the topic in everyone's mind)

What do you think is the most significant trend in internet marketing today?

Could be anything, not only related to traffic generation.

And more importantly, what do you think will be the future trend?

#internet #marketing #significant #today #trend
  • Profile picture of the author robinbarney
    growth hacking
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  • Profile picture of the author EugeneWHZ
    I think that conclusion is obvious. Most internet users big part of their time spend for various Social Network and I think that it is the place where marketing should took place. That gives the best targeting and you always have lots of marketing opportunities there
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  • I think one trend that should not be missed out is making your content optimized for mobile devices. You ask why? Most of the users now are using mobile devices or tablets to navigate the web. If you do not make your pages or content optimized for mobile you may lose potential sales. Personally, I don't like visiting pages that are not fitting my screen properly or is not readable enough on my phone.
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  • Yes as 'premiers pas of the world' said, mobile optimization, Content marketing as usual and automation are the latest trends today
    Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant - Daily Internet Marketing in a budget!
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  • Profile picture of the author Happster
    Nowadays its all about Google vs Facebook. Not surprisingly Facebook is catching up with Google pretty fast and in some cases already past over Google. Few reasons why:
    1. Much more effective and cost efficient ad campaigns
    2. Targeted audience
    3. Brand/product recognition

    Also Google's 1st page became very "crowded" with several constant places which are barely impossible to outrank. An average search results might look something like this :
    3 top places News (usually same sources such as BBC,Verge,USAtoday etc)
    followed by Wikipedia or Amazon, then Mashable, CNET and others. Your chances being at the top are pretty close to 0, no matter how good your "SEO" will be done.

    Content marketing - yes it works but you need a LOT of it and it ain't cheap unless you are journalist or writer/product/graphic designer yourself.
    Uniqueness is the key to success. Always has been always will be.
    VR is the 2 to 5 years future: websites, apps, content, navigation and etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

    What do you think is the most significant trend in internet marketing today?


    Certainly it's not a welcomed trend, but it is very significant.

    It's always been around and it seems to me it's getting worse every day. There is a significant cost to every business owner online because of spam. We all deal with its effects and it costs us time and effort.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author dansilvestre
      Do you feel it's more than before?

      I quite think that a few years ago I was bombarded a lot more with spam than these days...
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      • Profile picture of the author norahwhitlow
        I agree with you. Even facebook have very efficient prevention on spam messages, it almost cant touch me... and even un-spam messages sometimes haha
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  • I agree, going mobile is a smart move. In addition to that, if you are not yet into email marketing might as well grab that opportunity. Email marketing not spamming. When you send emails to your target clients that share the same interest there is a bigger chance to get sales and maybe referrals too. With a great newsletter with relevant and engaging contents, there is a higher chance of making your product known and sold.
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  • Profile picture of the author zdebx
    Content marketing has been the rage since 2007, because it's the easiest thing to push as an MMO product for all the big boys in the industry. They pitch it to newbies as something that anyone can do, as long as you know English, can write articles and got a few hours to spend on your site every day...

    With regards of today, I think it's all about social media. Everyone emphasises the importance of using Facebook, Twitter, marketing your website on social sites, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    market segmenting into smaller pieces because of social media..

    every time a new social media platform "makes it."

    it divides the pie even more..

    i dont think they take away from other social media sites

    ultimately this is a good thing

    -Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author xx 8c
    That is true, social media plays a big role now in internet marketing. It is affordable, has wide-range of connections available, definitely online and can reach target locations. It is a great way of communicating with your potential clients and lets you build relationship with them in a very accessible way.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Hey Dan,
    I think Content Marketing is not necessarily a Trend per say as it's been a mainstay since the inception of the Internet over 20 years ago. And always will be relevant in some form of fashion or another

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    Email marketing is becoming more popular because business owners are now realizing how important the followup process is when it comes to generating a stable income. It seems like everybody is obsessed with traffic and lead generation and less focus is being placed on the followup process (email,webinars,etc).
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    Mobile should be the #1 trend. But I'm glad people are still neglecting to make the big switch. Means cheaper traffic for me.
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