Can I buy the upsell and skip the front end product?

6 replies
I am planning to buy a JVzoo product and I have an account in JVZoo so I can see upsell sales page of the product. I am planning to buy sinfiltrator which has a 67$ front end product and 97$ white label upsell. Can I just buy the 97$ white label product for 97$ thru the JVZoo salespage? Or does it work like an upgrade?
#buy #end #front #product #skip #upsell
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Why don't you just try to purchase the product if you have the sales information and "buy" links? If it works - great . . . if not - you'll know you can't do it. Seems simple enough. Front end products should never be dependent on upsells and vice versa.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author rccnls27
      Hi Steve,

      The weird thing is a similar product (Elementio - 37$) which says "upgrade" to PRO for 67$ which is an upsell of that product. I tried to buy the PRO directly from the upsell link in JVZoo and it seems it will push through since It is already asking me to pay.

      I am afraid to pay for a PRO version and then later on they will ask me to buy the first front end product to be able to use it.

      Sorry this is my first time buying from JVZoo..

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  • Originally Posted by rccnls27 View Post

    I am planning to buy a JVzoo product and I have an account in JVZoo so I can see upsell sales page of the product. I am planning to buy sinfiltrator which has a 67$ front end product and 97$ white label upsell. Can I just buy the 97$ white label product for 97$ thru the JVZoo salespage? Or does it work like an upgrade?
    You can if you have the link to buy the Upsell and skip the front end .

    I do not know if the upsell products depends on the front end .

    If they are 2 sepearte products by all means you can do it .

    If they are not then you cannot

    Hope this helps

    Have a good day
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    So if you are worried that you will need the front end product to make the upsell work, contact the product owner and explain that you only have enough money for one product or the other and that you would rather buy the upsell for now. See if he/she will give you a link to do that. You have nothing to lose.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author anhvu
    Originally Posted by rccnls27 View Post

    I am planning to buy a JVzoo product and I have an account in JVZoo so I can see upsell sales page of the product. I am planning to buy sinfiltrator which has a 67$ front end product and 97$ white label upsell. Can I just buy the 97$ white label product for 97$ thru the JVZoo salespage? Or does it work like an upgrade?
    To be sure, I recommend you that contact with the owner of that product. Most of the products out there have supporting service for customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
    There's really two questions

    1. Can I practically buy an oto/upsell separately and get the complete product delivered.
    2. Can I morally omit the front end product and just pay for the oto/upsell.

    Upsells/OTO/Upgrades or whatever you want call them generally come in two types.

    Either (A) it is a completely autonomous product i.e. a piece of software, a set of templates, a video version of the main course etc.

    Or (B) it can be a real upgrade i.e. a developer licence, a PLR licence or extended version of a software.

    Clearly in the first examples if you buy the OTO's they are almost certainly going to be complete and usable.

    In the second examples you may or may not get the full product. Purchasing a PLR licence may only get you the actual licence and not the product for instance.

    That leaves the moral question.

    If the OTO is offered as an 'Upgrade' then the price of the OTO is an addition to the price of the original product so the seller expects to get both payments.

    In that scenario, by buying only the OTO, you are really avoiding paying the seller his rightful dues.

    If the OTOs are autonomous, as in examples (A) then likely you will be paying just for that product. However the seller may have priced that product based on the expectation of you buying the front-end product. So morally this may be a gray area.

    As always each person will draw their own moral line usually based on how beneficial it is to them personally. So the sellers view and the buyers view may be very different.

    I guess the right answer is to contact the seller and ask if it's OK?

    Any answer you get here will be personal opinion and in that sense there is no 'right answer'
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