by pabda
3 replies
Hello, I have 10,000 subscriber on my you tube channel, but I've never made a email list,so my question is? if I start today put up a squeeze page then my list building start from today and not the 10,00 I have, and also where do I store these addresses do I need a hosting company. I am going to do some websites blog sites and thinking using host gator can I use them to store my lists.
when some one lands in squeeze or landing page can you send them to your affillicated sites and you also got their email address.
#page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author zdebx
    For list building, you will need something called an auto-responder, which is a service that helps you manage your list and send out emails, etc.

    Probably the best one out there is Aweber and it starts from $19/month for up to 500 subscribers. As for actually collecting the emails, then you will need to have a "squeeze page", where you will have the Aweber form to collect visitors names and email addresses.

    You can learn more about squeeze pages here > How to Create Squeeze Pages: What Makes a Great Squeeze Page Design? | WordStream
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  • Profile picture of the author jimwayde
    Basically here is what you should know:

    Autoresponder: this is used to store the emails you collect. You can also build premade messages to be sent out automatically to your list. You're free to promote your offers to your list, but make sure to build a relationship and keep a balance between promo and content.

    Squeeze Page: this will be the page that your visitors first land on. This will usually have a field to enter emails. Make sure you use a lead magnet in order to give your visitors a reason to give you their email.

    I hope this clears up some of your questions
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  • Profile picture of the author RotatingProxies
    Here's a tip I have: On your squeeze page, consider making a flow where they are offered something by subscribing to an email list. Then once they get that something by subscribing, offer a paid upgrade.
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