Need Advice for my niche

2 replies
I've been blogging for 2 years now. My niche is Anxiety

My strategist is using facebook group fanspage and profile

Facebook group : Comented on people post

Fanspage and Profile : Share 5 contents everyday

But all of that only give me 500/uv per day

anyone have similiar niche with me ? Please I need you advice
#advice #anxiety #niche
  • Profile picture of the author apache421
    First of all your advice and content should be good, if that works you will gain followers and reputations both. Create pages, blog about it, and most importantly if you've gone through something like this and survived then tell your story to people. It is always more influential and inspirational when people hear it from the one who's gone through it by themselves and succeed. Someone who's the experience of walking in the same shoes. Add some diversity also. Explore. Don't rush in for money, if what you're doing is real, you will build a loyal following and they will award you righteously.
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  • Diaz212,

    Originally Posted by diaz212 View Post

    My niche is Anxiety
    I think that's a broad subject, not a niche.

    >> Zone in much further -- I think of niches as specialized fields of expertise. It isn't something that many would want to (or know how to) specialize in. That's even if there's significant (or profitable) demand from particular groups of people and organizations ...

    >> Start with where you'd be able to find prospects -- I suggest looking for places where many different groups of people with varying degrees of anxiety problems congregate on the Web. They should be there to get advice and find relevant content, products and services that can help them (or their loved ones) with their anxiety problems; and

    It's simpler and more straightforward that way -- When you find your ideal traffic sources, you can then study what the people in those places want. This'll allow you to zone in on a significant niche market that you can serve with targeted content, products and services ...

    >> For example, let's say your comparative analysis of what's happening in your ideal traffic sources and of your current fiscal and non-fiscal resources point out that you can get the most reasonable (and realistic) RoI if you zone in on any of the following niche markets:

    ** Young caucasian pregnant women in Australia. They're looking in those online platforms for natural exercises that can help them stave off the ill effects of their mild anxiety problems; or

    ** Middle-aged African American finance executives. They want to learn from those online platforms mind relaxation techniques for controling their moderate anxiety attacks; or

    ** Retired hispanic vegetarian seniors in the UK. They're searching in those online platforms for organic recipes that can help them control the irritating effects of their serious anxiety problems, which can be caused by other ailments like hyperthyroidism or so; or

    ** Or or or ...

    >> This can often lead to better focus on more high impact work -- You'll just need to tweak and optimize what you're doing to get the best results. That's instead of worrying about where to find prospects, how to lure them to look at your content and offers, how to compel them to buy whatever you're promoting or do whatever you want them to do, how to convince them to share your content with their peers and so on only after you've already zoned in on products and services to promote, created your content and offers, etc. ...

    Originally Posted by diaz212 View Post

    I've been blogging for 2 years now. My strategist is using facebook group fanspage and profile ... Facebook group : Comented on people post ... Fanspage and Profile : Share 5 contents everyday ... But all of that only give me 500/uv per day
    That'd be a horrible story if nobody from those 500 unique visitors per day does anything that you want them to ...

    >> So, how has that been working for you so far?

    Out of those 500 unique visitors per day:

    >> On average, how many of them do what you want them to, i.e. How many of them buy what you're promoting? Opt into your mailing list? Comment on your posts? Share your posts? Link back to your content from their own blogs and online communities? Become your followers? Like your posts and so on?

    Essentially, you want them to keep on doing things that would be mutually beneficial for you both. So:

    >> Check what's working. Verify what isn't. Improve what's working. Confirm if you can scale these things up to get better results. Drop what isn't ...

    Originally Posted by diaz212 View Post

    anyone have similiar niche with me ? Please I need you advice
    You're probably a competitor for many of them; and

    >> I doubt it's in the interest of anyone doing business in the same or even similar niches to share their advice and experience with their competitors?

    Hmmm... You can instead look for those in non-competing niches, especially those with content, products and services that might be supplemental and complementary to your content, products and services for your target audience?

    >> There could be mutually beneficial partnership arrangements waiting for you with those guys ...

    Hope this helps!
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