What is the best marketing strategy for my client a diving instructor?
He will launch a website at the beginning of 2017. We are working hard on the content. He makes notes and I turn them into quality content. He has a lot to say about his work. Now, the important thing to remember is that his website and services aren't oriented toward guys like you and me, who want to do some occasional diving while on holiday. My client provides services to future diving instructors. Guys who want to learn diving as pros are my client's future clients. So, as a part of our content marketing strategy he will show that he knows his stuff. Obviously, diving is much more than knowing which piece of equipment to choose. Now, here comes the part where we need some help.
He told me that he keeps a record of all of his students. This guy was methodical about his work and his working records. I saw excel files with hundreds and hundreds of emails, names, addresses, phones, and other contact data. Yet, there's a problem. These people already went through his diving school. They got what they wanted and they are already working as divers. This is something I already discussed with my client. I said that we can expect from some of them to wish to get additional certificates and training. This is something my client can definitely help them with. But not all of them wish to improve. That's the first problem.
The main goal is to attract new divers. How? Well, he can certainly take an advantage of his existing network of former students. They can recruit and recommend him to new students. OK, we can send emails to them informing them about my client's decision to offer new type of services. We can create a Facebook group and invite all former students. However, we still haven't solved the problem of attracting the newbie inexperienced divers planning to get their first certificates. As you could have expected, the competition is tough. There are schools and some well-known names in this business. On the other side, my client has built a respectable reputation for himself. So, this is a fight worth fighting.
Needless to day that if my client prospers I will be also able to keep my job. I mean if he gets more clients and more work to do, I will be in a position to take care of all other things, regular blog maintenance, emails, newsletters, and similar. So, this is supposed to be a win-win for both us. However, we need to do something first and attract all those clients. How?
Passive income since 2007. Trying to consistently crack 5-figures/month. find what you love - dream big - work hard
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