The Best Payment Gateway

35 replies
Hello Everyone,

Help needed here. I am organizing a live event (conference) and I need to know which is the best payment gateway for collecting online registration fees. My webdesiner suggested Paypal but I am not comfortable with Paypal. Please, if any of have idea of the best payment gateway to use it will be most appreciated.

#gateway #payment
  • Profile picture of the author onlineincomes247
    I use they work very well for me. They transfer the money to your main bank account.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPG19
    Hey there! Why are you not comfortable using PayPal?

    Anyhow there are many another options other than PayPal or your own merchant account with Authorize for example. One good option could be Stripe.
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  • Profile picture of the author Antony Micheal
    outside 2 suggestions you can try Intuit or 2CheckOut. but i recommend you Paypal is common
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  • Profile picture of the author luvbuggal89
    Moneris merchant with Authorize Gateway is fantastic.

    I am an ex 2Checkout and Paypal user.
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  • Profile picture of the author enigmamach
    Originally Posted by Successfacilitator View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    Help needed here. I am organizing a live event (conference) and I need to know which is the best payment gateway for collecting online registration fees. My webdesiner suggested Paypal but I am not comfortable with Paypal. Please, if any of have idea of the best payment gateway to use it will be most appreciated.

    When I ran a computer repair company about a year ago, I used Stripe. It worked well for me since people could swipe their credit cards on the spot and they would be given the choice to get a receipt.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hiep Le
    You can use Stripe, Stripe is growing fast now.... easy to integrate than PayPal also.
    But Stripe only support some countries, not 'all' like PayPal, so must be check to make sure Stripe support your country first.

    Check out iMarketing Center app to send bulk sms marketing and bulk email marketing from your android phone.

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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by Hiep Le View Post

      You can use Stripe, Stripe is growing fast now.... easy to integrate than PayPal also.
      But Stripe only support some countries, not 'all' like PayPal, so must be check to make sure Stripe support your country first.
      PayPal does not support all countries by far. There are a currently a lot of unhappy residents of Turkey, among other countries, who cannot use PayPal anymore.

      I can totally understand the OP's hesitancy to use PayPal.

      Any number of things can happen to throw a wrench in the works. For instance, just because he is collecting more payments than usual could result in PP suspending his account so they can "investigate" all of the LEGITIMATE payments he is bringing in to his business.

      My recommendation would be to use Stripe.

      They are easy to use and will send the money directly into your bank account. You will also have no worries about all of a sudden being cut off from collecting payments in the middle of your program or launch.
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      • Profile picture of the author jideofor
        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        PayPal does not support all countries by far. There are a currently a lot of unhappy residents of Turkey, among other countries, who cannot use PayPal anymore.

        I can totally understand the OP's hesitancy to use PayPal.

        Any number of things can happen to throw a wrench in the works. For instance, just because he is collecting more payments than usual could result in PP suspending his account so they can "investigate" all of the LEGITIMATE payments he is bringing in to his business.

        My recommendation would be to use Stripe.

        They are easy to use and will send the money directly into your bank account. You will also have no worries about all of a sudden being cut off from collecting payments in the middle of your program or launch.

        Is Stripe FREE or one has to pay monthly fees to use them?
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by Successfacilitator View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    Help needed here. I am organizing a live event (conference) and I need to know which is the best payment gateway for collecting online registration fees. My webdesiner suggested Paypal but I am not comfortable with Paypal. Please, if any of have idea of the best payment gateway to use it will be most appreciated.

    I personally like Stripe. If you're not a developer though, maybe try Gumroad or Sendowl.
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  • Stripe seems to be growing fast and I've read good comments about it.

    I can understand the hesitancy to use PayPal as they have been suspending accounts for no obvious reason.

    A good solution would be to use PayPal along with another PP like or Stripe on your site, so in case any issues with Paypal come up along the way you still have another way to receive payments. Don't put all the eggs in one basket.
    Anderson Goncalves
    My Blog | Build Any Business |
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    paypal payments pro with gateway

    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    PayPal would be a great option for you. However If you are not comfortable with PayPal than you should look out for Payza, 2Checkout,, Skrill etc.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author markGustaff
    Paypal is reliable and trustworthy for me.
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  • Paypal is the Best payment Gateway.
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    • Profile picture of the author research
      Originally Posted by Career Guidance Charts View Post

      Paypal is the Best payment Gateway.
      No Doubt About It

      Paypal is the best online payment gateway

      Sometimes I get to thinking Paypal is too good

      They leave very, very little choice.

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  • Profile picture of the author stewie48
    PayPal is still the popular one, though I have heard that some marketers have had issues with PP lately...

    I would suggest you have a few payment methods, that would give those paying you the fee a choice...

    Have a great day...
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    Support Stripe.

    Paypal has been king for far too long and they suck. Maybe some competition will make them realize how shitty they've treated their customers and they change their ways. But I doubt it...
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  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    Don't trust PayPal? What other hindering life issues do you possess?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kristinajozy
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by Kristinajozy View Post

      Apple Pay is the latest service introduced by Apple Inc. in countries like US and UK. The payment gateway supports in-store and online payment processing through Apple Pay in countries where the services are available till date. It helps to simplify the payments without compromising the security.
      One small wrinkle may not have an Iphone
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  • Profile picture of the author Vintage Leather
    I have used PayPal a lot over the years and have generally found them to be very helpful and efficient. Customer service very helpful, easy to use and for that would recommend them very highly.

    However, after all that, due to an increase in sales (cutting a long story short) my account was frozen for 2 weeks. They are keeping quite a few thousand pounds of mine 'for security' and are expecting 20% of all my sales for 40 days 'for security'.

    My company grew very well this year and like all start up online businesses had its difficult times. But my dispute rate is very low and have always been settled very quickly. Look on Google and you will see page after page of references to PayPal freezing and limiting accounts.

    If it can happen to me it can happen to anyone.

    Whatever happens, protect yourself and make sure you do not rely on PayPal. Use them, but use another aswell. I have had to withdraw PayPal as a payment option on my site. They will send me under if I continue with them.

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  • Profile picture of the author BlayerTonny
    Guess Paypal is the best payment gateway and its the most secure.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexGill
    PayPal or Stripe

    Have you had experience with PayPal?
    If you all of a sudden took in a lot of money they'd get suspicious. But if you give them a call in advance and let them know it should be fine..
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    PayPal is the most popular for web payment system. So if you are looking to collect payments from website, it is the best option available for you. I am not sure why you are not comfortable with PayPal.

    You can also set up payments from credit/debit card as well. I guess it would be bit complex for the web developer to implement.
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    i also suggest you paypal but If you are not comfortable with Paypal then i sugggest you Payoneer.
    Payoneer having the ability to easily send payments to multiple users at once, worldwide, payoneer plateform
    also easy to manage. PayPal would be a great option for you. also check out Payza.
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  • Profile picture of the author GlobalTrader
    Paypal is a service that exists solely to make profit, like your business. Yes, there are some horror stories out there about accounts getting frozen, etc., etc, but understand that PP is freezing these amounts to have a buffer for potential fraud. They have attempts at fraud coming from both the seller and buyer who may be working in collusion with one another to steal money from PP.

    I am nearing retirement of my online business ventures and in the 12 years I have had a PP acct I had one incident of the acct being frozen, very temporarily, to have me upgrade the acct to a business acct. Once I complied with PP's requests, the acct was unfrozen and I have not had a problem since.

    The one remaining B2B vendor I deal with lives in Canada 6 months and Mexico 6 months out of the year. His sole processer has been PP for years now and he does tens of thousands of dollars in orders while his minimum order is $200USD.

    One final suggestion, if you have concerns with PP, call them up, speak to them about what those concerns are, wouldn't you do the same with your bank or other credit card processor? I have only ever spoken by phone with their CS personnel a couple of times but always found them to be helpful and responsive.


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  • Profile picture of the author swamuluk
    If you are conducting the same in India , i can suggest you to try PayUMoney or Instamojo for your live event. They offers exceptional support to integrate on website without much technical knowledge required. These payment gateways offering at very lowest processing charges on credit /debit card transactions.
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  • Profile picture of the author TouchDownAsia
    PayPal is best for web payment system. So if you are looking to collect or transfer payments from website, than use PayPal.
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  • Profile picture of the author namehero is the best because of flexibility. Make sure you own your account though and don't buy from a reseller.

    Stripe is good for beginners.
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    • Profile picture of the author YourBizAid
      Originally Posted by namehero View Post

      Stripe is good for beginners.

      Stripe isn't just for beginners. Beats PayPal pants down.
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  • Profile picture of the author sktravellink
    Most of the people are using the PAYPAL. so you have to use the Online payment gateway, where most of the people are using. Most of the time I use the Paypal. Beside the Paypal, I use the Skrill also. So you can use the another site, which is more convenient for you. Thanks for your advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOMastery
    No doubt PayPal is the mostly used & popular one. But, there are some other payment gateways that combines with various popular payment gateways together.

    Multiple payment supported gateways (including paypal): #
    Stripe is another best processor.
    (For US/ UK/ DE/ FR - Very Affordable Price)
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  • Profile picture of the author erpsandeep
    The best way take payments from online by using Payza it is world wide online transaction site if you have doubts can check once and paypal also one of best site but my opinion is Payza
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  • I use only Paypal because offer the best protection
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeac
    Use Moonclerk for the checkout page and integrate it with stripe. You should stay away from paypal especially if you are putting on a professional event. Your buyers may tell you they dont have a paypal account or they may get confused on how to enter their credit card number on paypals checkout page. You need something easy and simple where a 5 year old can pay without any hassle.
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  • Profile picture of the author alambd1963
    According to me, most of the people are using the Paypal. So it is the easiest way to get money from all of the people who wants to register/ pay you. So you should use the it. Beside this you can use another payment gateway also. I have been using the Paypal & Skrill for a long time. Thanks for your interest.
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