Realtor marketing site: What would you charge to set it up?

5 replies
Thanks in advance for your help...

I started setting up simple marketing sites using Wordpress for real estate agents a few months ago & have gotten enough orders that I think with a little effort I can expand the business. However, some realtors ((gulp)) at the cost- while others are fine with it.

I think I'm charging too little.

Right now I'm charging between $250-$300 and here's what they get:

-Domain name & hosting
-Site setup on Wordpress- all the plugins, bells & whistles added
- Custom header graphic
-A 30 second custom video commercial set up on their YouTube channel- which I create for them & posted on their site
-10 Keyword focused articles for their market posted on the blog section of their site
-A short report/ebook on their niche- optin on their site- delivery of the ebook to their client & monthly reporting of their leads
-7 day autoresponder series to their client

I'd like to add a video library to my sales site & start charging a monthly fee for agents to have access to the videos that will help them market their custom site & services.

Am I on the right track...or am I grossly underpriced?

#charge #marketing #realtor #set #site
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    I think that is a heck of a deal. My accountant charged $1,400 to do a tax return and some book balancing. The next year I had someone that did the same job for $50. The one that charged $1,400 was a CPA firm with fancy offices and put my return in a nice embossed binder. The $50 one worked out of her home and put my return in a clear school binder. Both are doing a good business and are taking the clientel they want. The CPA firm is making much more money and they have no lack of business. They positioned themselves as experts.

    I think price is not as much a factor as quality and ease. I would pay more to have an "expert" do their job and give me the best they can. When I get a hair cut I expect the stylist to know what to do. I hate being asked "how do you want it?" I'm a guy, how do I know? Just make it look good and put more hair on the bald spot.

    Realtors want to sell homes. If a site sells just one additional home per year because its set up right, it's worth thousands. You might find that increasing your price gets you more business. Testing price is the only way I know to make sure.

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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    • Profile picture of the author Mmfh
      As a Realtor myself I would say you are probably a little on the cheap side.
      Realtor's are a very cheap bunch and going only after the most productive agents is what is going to work.

      If you could setup their site to show all of their own listings with virtual tours of their listings it would be great for the big boys without a site already.

      If they do have a site now just tell them you would make it better and try to find out what they are paying now.

      Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    I have a Realtor friend who pay about $300 per year for a similar
    service. If they are all getting the same ebook and autoresponder
    service then you are within the region that other companies
    charge for this kind of service.

    If they are getting DIFFERENT articles, ebooks etc. then you're
    waaay underpricing your service.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author blase40
    Go with a price you are comfortable with. One of the best things I have learned in the business of offline marketing is this:

    Instead of lowering the price, add more value

    How do you do this with a realtor site? Easy! Set up a facebook fan page for them, set it up to automatically post new property listings to the wall (this is easy to do, use your wordpress feed and the notes application in wordpress.)

    This puts all the listings on facebook automatically! Plus, anyone that is a fan of the facebook page will have the new property listings posted on their wall... talk about exposure! This would take about 20 minutes to set up and add huge value. You could also toss in a quick tutorial on how agents can get more facebook fans, which would further increase the exposure of the property listings.

    You could also set up a twitter account for the realtors and use Twitter Tools to automatically create a Twitter post whenever a new property is listed to the site.

    All of a sudden your price will sound like a bargain!

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  • Profile picture of the author Rachel Embry
    Yeah- each site is "semi-custom" - so the graphics are custom for them, the ebook is the same but has 3 customized pages in it to promote the agent, the articles are keyword researched & written just for them and I also customize the video for them with their photos & whatever they want.

    I think I'd rather have fewer good quality clients than a bunch of cheap clients...the cheaper ones always complain more anyway

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