Needing Honest opinions

4 replies
I'm been in my current network marketing company for a few months now and I'm trying to branch out into other states. Besides flooding social media websites, what's the best way to get people interested in this company? We have less than 1% market penetration and if they get in now, they will start on the ground floor and get to override it all.
#honest #needing #opinions
  • Profile picture of the author XDude
    Slap Chop videos?

    Demonstrations that whatever-you're selling solves problems, people need it badly, etc.?

    Social-media flooding is just gonna cost you money, unless you have something hilarious or awesome that people will want to share on their own.

    At the end of the day, if your product makes peoples' lives better and you feel really passionate about it, find the niche (online and "in real life") that suffers from whatever problem and show them what you can do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    If it were me, I would specifically target successful network marketers of competing companies or in related markets.
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  • Profile picture of the author unlimitedoptions
    Hi Curtkriel:

    If you have the time then you could host several webinars introducing the product to your potential audience. Create several YOUTUBE videos about the program and create a FB fan page all about the product. Tie both of these back to your webinar and get people interested like that.

    This is one possible solution.

    Good Luck,

    Exactly What I am Doing to Easily Build Consistent Recurring Income.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Let me ask you something real fast if I may! Are you currently making money now with your advertising in which ever state or country it is?

    If you are not then I would find what other good people are doing in your traffic source and ask yourself are you doing it that way?
    Working to achieve higher results...
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