Has anyone any experience writing crowdfunding pitches?

by ColinB
2 replies
Ive been asked by a friend to write a pitch for a crowdfunding website. Ive never done this before and I was wondering if any experienced heads out there could tell me, in their experience, what the most important boxes to tick are when writing one of these.
#crowdfunding #experience #pitches #writing
  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    Originally Posted by ColinB View Post

    Ive been asked by a friend to write a pitch for a crowdfunding website. Ive never done this before and I was wondering if any experienced heads out there could tell me, in their experience, what the most important boxes to tick are when writing one of these.
    Oftentimes is best to tell your 'friend' that this is simply an area that you have no expertise in and it might be in his best interest to look elsewhere.

    This is not something you are going to pick up overnight as it is a discipline all its own with particular points that need to be properly addressed. There are a large number of psychological touchstones that need finessing.

    That said, a good Google search could give you some pointers. Probably more than you will get, here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ealiche1967
    I think every writer had no experience of writing in the beginning if you will not start then how you will get experience so start writing and after some time you will be a great writer.
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