Struggling to find an OTO or Backend? This might help...

5 replies
Hello Warriors,

Just wanted to share a little strategy I've been using to come up with OTOs for my products which you may find useful.

When I first began writing short reports to give away for free or low-priced ebooks to build up my lists, I really had to spend a lot of time in coming up with a proper OTO to offer to the buyers.

Now I use a simple system to design my sales funnel all the way from the initial short report to the OTO/backend to other offers.

Here's what I do:
  1. The Entry-Level Report

    This is either a free report OR a $1 to $5 report that answers ONE question or solves ONE problem in very short manner. The answer I provide is basic but very useful.

    In either case, the person gets added to my list.

    Gist: Answer their one question or provide solution to one problem
  2. The OTO:

    For the OTO, I take the same problem as in the entry-level short report and provide a detailed solution to that building upon the short report. This is priced anywhere from $12 to $20, depending on what has worked for me in that niche.

    The point of difference between the OTO and the entry-level report is that the OTO is comprehensive and very detailed and provides all possible solutions to their said problem.

    Gist: Provide detailed solution to their problem(s)
  3. The Backend

    Once someone has purchased the OTO, I hit them up with the high-priced backend offer.

    The offer is to SOLVE the problem for them. Every one loves a hands-off solution and that's exactly what they get in this case.

    Let's say I talked about how to setup a niche blog in the initial report and OTO. For the backend, I offer to setup the blog for them without them needing to do anything.

    Gist: SOLVE the problem for them.
  4. Beyond The Backend

    You can 'augment' the backend at times. In the blog example, instead of asking them to hire me to setup their blog, I setup blogs in advance and offer them up to be bought.

    Gist: Provide the SOLUTION that's ready to be bought

Hope this helps

#backend #find #one time offer #oto #struggling
  • Profile picture of the author SRLee
    Nice post, that's a simple blueprint that is eay to follow!
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    • Profile picture of the author ronaldco
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      • Profile picture of the author kevinfar
        Hey Saga Mehta,

        nice post there. Just one question. How much do you typically set your backend to be? I see that most people typically set it to around $97.

        Is that a general rule?

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        • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta
          Originally Posted by kevinfar View Post

          Just one question. How much do you typically set your backend to be? I see that most people typically set it to around $97.

          Is that a general rule?

          The prices vary according to niches but I've seen $97 being used in the Make Money Online quite a number of times.

          What I like to do is to create a short survey asking what kind of information my list is looking for and how much they may be willing to pay for it. That gives at least a rough idea about how to price the backend offers.

          Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author katiec
    This was very helpful and easy to understand. Thanks for sharing it!

    Please read the sig file rules

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  • Profile picture of the author BJ
    Nice post. Thanks!
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