Self-Taught Marketers are the Best Marketers

21 replies
There's no school for marketers, at least not in the formal sense, or there is?

By reading the biographies of the most successful and well-known marketers, I have realized that most of them are self-taught. They had to learn all they know by themselves. Guess, where was a will there was a way to learn and improve new skills. They had to learn how to improvise and be extremely resourceful.

On the other side, I'm not saying that the marketers with some formal degree (marketing, programming, design, etc.) weren't successful, as well. But, also my best guess is, they had to learn quite a few new things in order to reach their current success level.

So, is it an exaggeration to say that self-taughts aren't only the best, but also the only only marketers in IM?
#marketers #selftaught
  • It does not matter whether you are self taught or taught by a mentor .

    The bottom line is are you successful in what you are doing .?

    Personally i am a big believer in mentorship(it drastically reduced my months of frustration) others may be not .But i can bet every successful person have had some sort of guidance from someone be it for a relatively short period of time .

    Happy thanksgiving in advance
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    • Profile picture of the author neshaword
      Originally Posted by chyanitseospecialist View Post

      It does not matter whether you are self taught or taught by a mentor .

      The bottom line is are you successful in what you are doing .?

      Personally i am a big believer in mentorship(it drastically reduced my months of frustration) others may be not .But i can bet every successful person have had some sort of guidance from someone be it for a relatively short period of time .

      Happy thanksgiving in advance
      Great! I totally, totally missed the point and importance of mentorship. Maybe, you don't have to go to school for marketers, but you definitely need to find a mentor to reveal you all the IM secrets, quickly and efficiently. Now, we need a thread about the things you need to know, if you want to find the right IM mentor, lol. Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author markGustaff
    I think only your success will show you how well you've been taught independently by a mentor or your self.
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    • Profile picture of the author neshaword
      Originally Posted by markGustaff View Post

      I think only your success will show you how well you've been taught independently by a mentor or your self.
      Just being curious, does having a mentor mean you are no longer in the self-taught category? I mean your mentor was once a self-taught marketer. Right? Did he have a mentor or he was totally self-taught? Would really like to know. Did we have a "zero patient" IM mentor, lol. Thx=)
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  • Profile picture of the author zuberr
    In my opinion, the best marketers are simply more disciplined than others.

    Knowledge can be acquired in one way or another, whether self-taught or by a mentor, but it's the marketer's discipline to put his knowledge in practice and really pushing himself to succeed that makes him a best & successful marketer.
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    • Profile picture of the author neshaword
      Originally Posted by zuberr View Post

      In my opinion, the best marketers are simply more disciplined than others.

      Knowledge can be acquired in one way or another, whether self-taught or by a mentor, but it's the marketer's discipline to put his knowledge in practice and really pushing himself to succeed that makes him a best & successful marketer.
      The magic word - discipline. Definitely something worth remembering. I've been thinking. Discipline vs Talent. Hm, sounds like an interesting idea for a new thread, lol. Thx.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    The whole term is a misnomer. No one is self taught in marketing If you read a book,blog or forum you are still learning from other people.

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  • Profile picture of the author ArikTe
    Every marketer learned best "tricks" on their own.
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  • Profile picture of the author matteomatt
    It helps to have guidance, I feel like a good mix of both works. Being able to figure some things out and make it happen on my own has greatly increased my abilities and knowledge.

    However, having the right mentor can greatly reduce that learning curve, but i never see IM mentors anyways. There are plenty of legit people teaching others though.

    If you would like some basic tutorials and useful info, please visit my site at

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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

    There's no school for marketers, at least not in the formal sense, or there is?

    By reading the biographies of the most successful and well-known marketers, I have realized that most of them are self-taught. They had to learn all they know by themselves. Guess, where was a will there was a way to learn and improve new skills. They had to learn how to improvise and be extremely resourceful.

    On the other side, I'm not saying that the marketers with some formal degree (marketing, programming, design, etc.) weren't successful, as well. But, also my best guess is, they had to learn quite a few new things in order to reach their current success level.

    So, is it an exaggeration to say that self-taughts aren't only the best, but also the only only marketers in IM?
    Of course there are schools for marketing... many of them... at just about
    every university in America. My daughter has a degree in marketing from the
    University of Iowa. She does very well online.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    You can have a mentor or not.

    Of course the knowledge is over there: how to start building a list, how to market the leads, how to nurture them, provide value etc....

    The difference is in the ORGANIZATION: with a mentor or a program mentorship you can have all the information in a sequence without goin here and there for catching the right infos and filter the bad ones.

    But there are also the cons: if you encounter a scammer he can drain your hard earned money and it ends in a waste of time.

    So stick to the basics: you know that email marketing works. You know that you have to make a list. You know that you have to choose a topic.

    So look for people who teach these and all the other aspect correlated: brand awareness etc... and then learn from them or learn by yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author ColinB
    I would agree. I think successful marketing takes a creative/entrepreneurial streak that cannot be taught. I took some courses in marketing but the most important lessons that I learned and the ones that still serve me are the ones that I learned myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaqsquash
    There actually are schools/classes for marketers. Generally you'd get a degree in marketing or business. There are also formal schools that offer internet marketing degrees.

    But there is so much to learn in marketing and business you can't possibly learn it all in school by taking theory. You have to eventually go out there and find things out. So in a sense, you're right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Mann
    They have a school for marketers coming this fall. That Chris Record and team, are going change marketing online game. Help people, become better, at web design and SEO and Social Marketing and so much more. The name of the school is called. " Teckademics "
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  • Profile picture of the author Gabynto
    I don't think self taught marketers are better. There is much difference between a self taught marketer and one that is mentored.A marketer that is mentored has definite series of course curriculum to follow through while a self taught marketer might take years to get what they are looking for. Its just like saying a child left on his/her own would do well more than a well parented child. You need to have a background knowledge about any discipline before you can further. Most times inventors/creators of a new idea take years to deliver what they had set out to do but the application of it takes a very short time. A marketer under mentor ship would always outshine a self taught marketer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Just being curious
    Me too.

    Are you on WF payroll or do they pay you per post, or some other arrangement?
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10931035].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      Me too.

      Are you on WF payroll or do they pay you per post, or some other arrangement?
      Have you only just noticed?
      Where have you been?
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      • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
        Dammit - You mean I've done over 10,000 posts without being paid?

        nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Jeffels
    Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

    By reading the biographies of the most successful and well-known marketers, I have realized that most of them are self-taught. They had to learn all they know by themselves.
    I don't know where you've read this.

    Most of the top internet marketers will clearly admit that they've borrowed little nuggets of information from the people that have come before them.

    Frank Kern openly admits he uses John Carlton's sales page structure because it's been proven to work.

    So, I'm not sure what biographies you are reading.


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  • Profile picture of the author unlimitedoptions

    There are 1000's of colleges in America that offer marketing courses and degrees. There are even more colleges around the world that offer on-line marketing courses. That's the formal part of education. The marketing courses usually are taught with the idea of the student eventually graduating from college and going to work for a company (Pepsi, Coca-Cola, P&G, Honda, etc.) in that company's marketing department. They teach how to apply your book knowledge to be an employee.

    The self taught idea you mention is learning from books, on-line courses, etc to get the marketing knowledge. Most of the gurus are better at sales and selling people than the average person. They aren't necessarily better marketers. They combine a sales and marketing system to generate more leads and conversions and therefore more revenue. They teach to start your own business as opposed to going out and working for someone else.

    The big difference between formal education and self taught is that formal education trains you to go out and get a job working for a company. The self taught guys or paths are selling the idea of owning your own business. The self taught people offer a informal and somtimes a faster way to "quit your 9-5 job to start a marketing company.

    Formal education teaches you to go to work for someone else, while self taught usually teaches go to work for yourself.

    Exactly What I am Doing to Easily Build Consistent Recurring Income.
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