Are Wordpress Tag Clouds Worth It?

5 replies

I'm currently in the process in listing products for my niche minisite and contemplating whether or not to have a tagging system (tag cloud). Are these still effective for search engine results?
#clouds #tag #wordpress #worth
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    not so much for SE results (i may be wrong here)...


    register your blog at technorati...

    for every tag, your blog appears on a technorati tag page somewhere.....adding possibility of traffic from there.

    additionally, there has been talk of google starting to disregard the no-follow attribute on links....

    in which case you will have a load of acknowledged links coming from technorati.....

    jus my 0.02c
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    what it will help for in terms of seo...

    if you have your tags displayed beneath every post, it will link to the tags pages - good for navigation and internal linking.

    as for the cloud - what you may want to do is this:

    there is a plugin called WP tweaks -

    among others, it allows you to ONLY have the tag cloud on the home page.

    your call
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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  • Profile picture of the author katiec
    I find it to be helpful, but not as far as SEO optimization. Someone suggested to just have it on the homepage, and I think this is a great idea.

    Please read the sig file rules

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  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
    Well, I think it can be helpful for SEO depending on what your tags are. The reason being, for every new tag you end up with a new permalink. If that permalink has good keywords in it, then that can help you.

    Primarily though, you should think of tags as a navigation aid for your readers. It's more about creating a good user experience.

    The rule of thumb is use categories for your high level organization, and tags for your lower level specifics. Think of categories as the branches, and tags as the leaves.

    If you take this approach, this is when a tag cloud can be helpful. It lets your visitors navigate those more specific groupings of information.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Mechanic
    I personally love the Tag Clouds, gives you some kind of semblance as to the posts done and the keywords use. I don't know if tag cloud helps in SEO, but for a user experience perspective. It is something nice to have.
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