How to generate free leads
so i've been having alot of success lately and i like to give back and help others. This is mainly for people new to IM or others who just want another revenue stream, but i've been in those shoes of being completely lost and confused not knowing how this whole marketing thing worked. But now i figured it out and i'd like to just share what i've learned.
So for this post i am focusing on internet marketing.
Internet marketing is this:
Traffic -> Conversion
that's it, it's really that simple.
So traffic, how do you get traffic? Well there are alot of ways, free and paid, you don't need to pay for traffic, you can use free methods, i will list what i use below:
Free traffic methods: (i use these)
- facebook groups - This is my favorite, read below for easy posting
- Forum marketing
Paid traffic methods: (havent used these)
- Facebook ads
- Google ads
- Bing ads
The way i see it is this, you have this online store, (your website) and your store needs customers, or traffic for you to make money, so everyday you have to drive traffic to your store and hope that people buy.
But i dont like the word hope, so how do you take this traffic and convert it into paying customers or leads?
Well it starts with the headline, there are so many ads fighting for peoples attention that if you don't do something with the words that you write in your headline people are going to go right over it. so make a headline that catches attention and creates interest. the headline's only job is to get the customer to click to your page. thats it.
Next once they are on your website you have to do a few things:
- make it look trustworthy
- write strong copy
- give a reason to act right now
- make them an offer they can't refuse
this will create leads and sales.
Now there is an art and a science to this, i just gave you the gist of it, but if you want to get deeper into it, which i suggest you do. Pick up these 3 books:
- The copywriters handbook - Robert W. Bly
- Dotcom Secrets - Russel Brunson
- No B.S. Direct Marketing - Dan S. Kennedy
So get the traffic to your online store, keep experimenting, use google analytics to see what people are doing on your site, and just keep experimenting, eventually you will make some leads and sales, then you just keep practicing.
Also grab the tool ninjablaster it is a facebook group auto poster, you can post to 1000's of groups with the click of a button.
and the last tool i would suggest is to manifest leads and customers, it really works, if you want the best manifesting information, go look up higher balance and get their direct manifestation course or get it in the book Prescient Visions by higher balance (eric pepin)
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Swamulu Kakumani ,
Tech For Small and Medium Business
Steven Lucas, Willing to teach. Always Learning.
Free Traffic System
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