Selling Products: Baiting With Numbers VS. Focusing On Content

by 2 replies
Hey guys,

the title might sound a little confusing, but I relate this to the headlines, pitches and promises of MMO products. They appear in basically 99.9% of all offers throughout any category, whether it is eCommerce, CPA or whatever. Often people don't even talk about the product or service itself - just about the numbers.

"Find out how to make $19,382.19 in two months without hard work" , followed by a huge texts that does basically nothing than glorifying the "method" - without saying more than some shady words like "marketing method", "money domination" and stuff like that.

Personally, I find it really awful to adapt to that kind of marketing. Coming from eCommerce with several huge success stores, now offering personal coachings and eventually selling a course as well soon, I never did this so far. I always focused on the learning aspects - what will be covered, how will it help, what will you learn, whats your exact benefit. But I'm not dumb, I know that these headlines work. In my YouTube channel, the only video having a headline related to that has almost 2,000 views, while the second best has 1,200.

So customers are really seeking for that kind of stuff, they don't care about how certain things are done, just how they can get the same results asap with some kind of workaround. Then, in the end, they are upset because they paid for something which didn't hold its promises.

What are your opinions about this? Do you use this "make xxx" advertising in your products? Do you maybe even think its impossible to do it else? Do you use it but think the same as I do?

#main internet marketing discussion forum #baiting #content #focusing #numbers #products #selling
  • Hello Splatterfox,

    Yes, sure I totally agree with you. It is like in presidency campaigns where they try to tell people how great they are and how bad is the other, but they do not say anything about the solutions and how they will be addressed if they get elected. And the worst part is that PEOPLE STILL VOTE!

    What I think is people has a pain and you need to mention the pain and a solution to such a pain for people to give their attention. I don't thing that is wrong. I think it is natural.

    What I believe is wrong is that using the pain-solution method people give promises and do not deliver.

    But we need to also be honest on this. People might pay and get the best training and the greatest secret to success, but they might not be ready to take advantage of it. They might not take action or they get cough in something that is a stopper for them (Each case is different).

    I think those systems will not work for most of their subscribers with out a One to One coaching.

    I have paid tons of money to many of those offers and I have experience the frustration of receiving great information but not being able to breakthrough. In my case there were internal stoppers, things that I did not know how to handle or want to change and then I was spinning for months..

    I did my breakthrough after long time. How fast would it be if I had a coach by my side? perhaps 90% faster and 90% cheaper?

    This is just how I think and I hope it will give you ideas to implement in your project!. If you really care about your subscribers give them real help one to one. That will make you GREATER and they will bring you more customers as they become successful.

    To Your Success!
    • [1] reply
    • Hey man,

      nice answer. I agree with you, these messages are easy to understand, address what the customer wants and to the point. From a marketing perspective they totally make sense.

      But you mentioned the point: promising and delivering. I mean seriously, people tend to blaim "effort and work" all the time. But if you give commonly known info on your product, use "techniques" that are proven to not work (anymore) and mix it up with Wikipedia definitions, it may be the fault of your product, not the customer "not working hard enough".

      I'm totally with you regarding the internal conflict with the customer. The ultimate step has to be made by him and not the best coaching in the world can make money if you are not creative, persistent, focused and more. But in the end it also comes down to the product itself, whether it was highly glorified and phenomenally expensive just to teach some common old stuff.

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