how do you manage scheduling?

4 replies
What do you guys do to keep everything scheduled, organized, and focused?

right now i'm using google calendar on my phone and laptop, but what do you guys do?

i have a service business where i meet with the client and film
#manage #scheduling
  • Profile picture of the author Simpilot938
    I use Buffer to schedule social content and a pen & notebook to write my daily to-do list.

    No more than 3 items per day - to keep things in perspective.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

    i have a service business where i meet with the client and film, i cant keep track of all the dates
    Every heard of a day planner or a desk calendar? It should be relatively easy to keep track of dates and times.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

    i have a service business where i meet with the client and film, i cant keep track of all the dates
    Hire a secretary or PA. If you're getting bogged down with those sorts of details it's likely to affect the quality of service you provide your clients.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author 4DayWeekend
    A combination of Google Calendar and Trello works for me.
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