Newbie Internet Marketer seeking advice :) (I have a product hosted on Gumroad)

8 replies
Hi everyone

I'm new to Warrior Forum and after my first posts got rejected, I'm now not too sure what I can/can't say in this forum lol. So I hope this time round I've got it right!

I have just launched my nutrition and health coaching program and right now I have it hosted on Gumroad via my website. It has been developed from over a decade working in the industry as a transformational nutrition coach, personal trainer & yoga teacher and also through my own health challenges.

I'm super proud of my program and brand and now looking to grow online in a big, BIG way.

I'm new to online marketing and going through a steep learning curve!

I'm wondering how best to maximise results for my program in terms of $$$ and brand awareness and wondered if anyone had any advice before I waste (any more!) time and money focusing on the wrong things.

I've just got a FB ad up and running after I invested in a FB ads course, which was excellent, but I probably don't have a big enough budget to make a huge impact on there.

I've asked my website developer to look into getting my program onto ClickBank, so we're looking into how that could work for me - since all my program files are hosted on Gumroad right now and not my website, so we need to work around that.

I haven't yet properly looked into WSO and if that's a good alternative for me. JV Zoo?

Any other recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

#advice #gumroad #hosted #internet #marketer #newbie #product #seeking
  • Profile picture of the author Pablo Montanas
    Yes you can go with JVZoo. Lot's of hungry affiliate people waiting for offers to promote.
    WarriorPlus maybe also a place you can look.

    Also I would suggest just starting out with Facebook Ads for $5 a day and run it to a highly optimized blog post linking to your product.
    Run some PPE (Page Post Engagement) ads and scout the audience. Then retarget site viewers with pixel you've set up and optimize for WC (Website Conversion).

    I don't think Facebook is too happy about people linking towards their sale page from Facebook. Also usually people on Facebook are not in the buyers-mood. You have to convert them with value to try and pitch them the product.

    This actually just popped up in one of my e-mails:
    Quite a good link if you want to get little bit more into Facebook Ads
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy McLean
    Hi Kate,

    Instagram and YouTube are great platforms to build a following in the fitness industry. Especially if your budget is limited.

    A lot of the huge fitness gurus have built their brand through these avenues.

    There is a good YouTube video on starting your own fitness coaching business:

    The info is really good, and he explains how to charge premium prices. I am talking one thousand dollar packages and higher.

    He goes over paid traffic methods too.
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  • Profile picture of the author k8wellness
    Thanks guys, your responses are greatly appreciated

    Pablo - what you suggested is exactly what I am doing right now in terms of FB ads (driving traffic to blog post of value -> lead magnet -> sales funnel). I just launched my FB ad this morning, so I'll check in 3 days time to see what data it's showing. That link you provided sounds like the American version of the guy I follow! But I will check it out, thank you.

    Randy - that dude in the video is OLD lol. I wouldn't mind making $$$$ packages though! I'm more into wellness these days rather than fitness. I did start out as a personal trainer but due to long-term illness, I've never really been able to ever get back to the fitness levels I condition goes up and down and I find that whenever I push myself physically, I have a massive relapse that lasts anywhere from a few weeks to a few months! So I very much focus on the nutrition and wellness side now - my niche is women in their 30s with chronic fatigue, digestive issues and weight challenges. I love helping people, but I really want to be more of an online marketer who does some health coaching on the side rather than intensive day-in-day-out health coaching if that makes sense. Some solid passive income at this stage for me is key. So yes I'm using Instagram and YouTube and also FB for videos, however, it's not as "action-packed" as fitness videos. More me on camera talking about different health topics related to fatigue and digestive health...not "so sexy" and viral! But building a brand and audience slowly.

    So I'm super proud of my online program, brand and website (I don't think I can post the links otherwise my post might get banned for "advertising"?!) and now I'm just looking for affiliates. I thought that Gumroad would be a good option and went with it based on my web developer's suggestion, however, I haven't so far attracted the eye of any current Gumroad creators/affiliates. It seems more of a faffy platform to register as an affiliate than say ClickBank and there's not many support groups (i.e. on FB) to help me out locating affiliates. Which is why I'm thinking of other affiliate networks.

    Had a bit of a frustrating afternoon looking into the WSO on here (after spending a few hours going through the setup and trying to install the payment button into my current sales page, I realised it's probably not the marketplace for my product) and then JVZoo (wouldn't let me go through the registration process! So I've emailed support).

    Waiting for Warrior Forum to approve of my program in the Affiliate Program Database. Submitted my payment. I think all I need are 1 or 2 good affiliates and I will be rocking (hopefully)
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  • Profile picture of the author 4DayWeekend
    What you need to remember about every affiliate network is that there's no guarantee of attracting any affiliates just by signing up. Especially in a competitive niche like health and nutrition.

    The WSO forum here is for people selling marketing / make money solutions, so that will be a no go for you. JVZoo is an affiliate network, but it's 99.9% in the online marketing niche too (as are the affiliates) so I would advice not to bother with it - it's going to waste your time.

    Clickbank is a great rounded affiliate network with tons of health and nutrition affiliates, but there's also lots of health and nutrition products, so there's no guarantee of organic affiliates. However, what you can do is find websites / people who are promoting similar products on Clickbank and approach them directly about the opportunity to promote yours. It might be that what they are promoting currently has gone a bit stagnant, so you're able to provide something better for them too.

    The best way to market your product is definitely social. Now you say you're already doing Youtube etc and it's not so 'sexy' but maybe you could scale things up. Go to different locations, vlog, collaborate with people and so on. The health and nutrition industry is driven a lot by people wanting to look better, so they like to see their coach. In nutrition, people buy into you, so video has a far greater conversion rate than an old school 'IM Style' sales page.

    Running workshops locally and getting your attendees to share on Facebook can also work well. You could consider collaborating with student videographers to create videos that have more potential to go viral - they're usually happy to help just for a portfolio piece.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cesar Sampaio
    Without a reasonably big budget, using FB ads are really not going to cause a big impact. Going social and using YouTube heavily are a good way to advertise without spending too much money.

    Besides creating your own content you could also talk with YouTubers and social media "stars" with a good following to advertise your product. Don't go for the bigger ones, the people with 10,000-100,000 followers are easier to deal with.
    A Step-By-Step Guide! Do Just This One Thing And Finally Make Money As An Amazon Affiliate
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Hey kate and welcome to this forum glad your here!

    I have definitely seen a need in the health and fitness market and that is a complete program.

    So many products on places like Clickbank or jvzoo etc only offer for example, the amazing meal.

    My friend has done a lot of underground research behind the scenes in this market and more than 80% of people are looking for the complete package all in one.

    Meal plan, training, stress management to keep weight off, sleep techniques all rolled into one
    ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author k8wellness
    Thanks guys for your feedback, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to me

    Lots of food for thought - no pun intended there with the nutrition!

    I don't expect to become a millionaire overnight and not with my first and only online product. I realise it will take time and of course getting out there, meeting people and making connections is going to be key.

    However, even if I can just get say 1-2 sales/day of my program through affiliates, then that will certainly be nice and especially much needed with a big rent cheque due in Feb! I worked out if I can sell 100 copies of my program (or 200 if I'm offering affiliates 50%), then that will cover my rent and provide me more money to reinvest and grow my business. Plus give me the continued motivation to know I'm on the right track and should keep pursuing this, since I feel like I'm putting in a LOT of work right now and waiting for the fruits of my labour to show! (OK that WAS a pun on nutrition!).

    4DayWeekend - great advice thank you. And I think you're from my neck of the woods? I'm guessing by the WBA badge I'm from Solihull, my Mum & Grandparents are from Black Country (my Nan still lives in Dudley).

    Cesar - great advice there and I'm definitely working on that. It's hard to always get even "medium-sized stars" to want to collaborate...there is a lot of competition in this industry. You have to work hard to find the people who want to collaborate!

    shaunybb - your friend is onto something there! That's what I'm hoping to do with this program - a complete package Well the start of something since it's 3 weeks. My 2nd planned program - the follow-up - is 6 weeks.

    I submitted my program in the Affiliate Marketplace here and got 2 affiliate requests already! Which I wasn't expecting at all, since as you say, here and JV Zoo are more to do with IM. So I'm hopeful! I'm kicking my web developer's butt to get ClickBank integrated since I think that is a potential big pond for my program. No guaranteed affiliates and big competition in H&F I know, however, I do think my product and brand stand out. Even the sales page - OMG some of those sale videos on CB are truly awful! Yet they're selling extremely well so who's laughing!
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    • Profile picture of the author 4DayWeekend
      Originally Posted by k8wellness View Post

      Thanks guys for your feedback, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to me

      Lots of food for thought - no pun intended there with the nutrition!

      I don't expect to become a millionaire overnight and not with my first and only online product. I realise it will take time and of course getting out there, meeting people and making connections is going to be key.

      However, even if I can just get say 1-2 sales/day of my program through affiliates, then that will certainly be nice and especially much needed with a big rent cheque due in Feb! I worked out if I can sell 100 copies of my program (or 200 if I'm offering affiliates 50%), then that will cover my rent and provide me more money to reinvest and grow my business. Plus give me the continued motivation to know I'm on the right track and should keep pursuing this, since I feel like I'm putting in a LOT of work right now and waiting for the fruits of my labour to show! (OK that WAS a pun on nutrition!).

      4DayWeekend - great advice thank you. And I think you're from my neck of the woods? I'm guessing by the WBA badge I'm from Solihull, my Mum & Grandparents are from Black Country (my Nan still lives in Dudley).

      Cesar - great advice there and I'm definitely working on that. It's hard to always get even "medium-sized stars" to want to collaborate...there is a lot of competition in this industry. You have to work hard to find the people who want to collaborate!

      shaunybb - your friend is onto something there! That's what I'm hoping to do with this program - a complete package Well the start of something since it's 3 weeks. My 2nd planned program - the follow-up - is 6 weeks.

      I submitted my program in the Affiliate Marketplace here and got 2 affiliate requests already! Which I wasn't expecting at all, since as you say, here and JV Zoo are more to do with IM. So I'm hopeful! I'm kicking my web developer's butt to get ClickBank integrated since I think that is a potential big pond for my program. No guaranteed affiliates and big competition in H&F I know, however, I do think my product and brand stand out. Even the sales page - OMG some of those sale videos on CB are truly awful! Yet they're selling extremely well so who's laughing!
      I am indeed from the Black Country. I live in Birmingham now, but originally I'm from West Bromwich

      By the sounds of it, you're taking massive action and that in itself is a huge step further than than most people. The next step after signing up to the networks would be to contact potential affiliates personally; introduce yourself and your product and where necessary, offer them a custom video / webinar / article or whatever else they might need from you in order to make sales.
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