What promotion/communication channels bring the most response in CROWDFUNDING?
2. Is CRF campain more successful because the product is great (it sells itself) or because of quality promotion? What makes ''great'' products fail and on the other hand some ''bad'' ones succeed? What if I'm doing promotion for someone else's idea and the idea is not something revolutionary? Should I just quit or could it be ''saved'' with good promotion practice? How would you explain similar products end up with different success? In what percentage you would say the success depends on let's say product 60% communication 30% luck 10%, or product 90%
communication 10% etc.
3. How do you measure response, how do I know which channel brings me the most backers? And therefore measure where to invest in promotion. What measure is the most relevant for response on social media (likes, shares, followers, retweets, subscriptions)
4. I've read many articles on this, but don't get many answers. They usually say make a good video, respond to backers, make buzz beofre the campain etc, but that is something I think should be common. Let's say I'm starting my own clothing line which I would sell online. We know there are a ton of companies doing just that, and my prouct isn't something extraordinary or different. Maybe only goodloking clothes differentiate me from competition. So, where do i communicate it? Just search fashion magazines and pitch? Or the idea is destined to fail in the beggining?
Many questions, I know, but I hope you understand what I'm asking. Thanks
Boyfriend -
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