keeping leadpages after subscription ends

6 replies
A question for all of you using leadpages...

I just signed up yesterday for a trial and played a bit in their backend.
I kind of like the interface and convenience.

The question however is - if I decide to move to some other lead-page platform, there's no way I can 'take the page with me' right ?

My consideration is that if I spend time and effort perfecting the lead page and then perhaps decide to use another service - I'll lose everything.

Were you clear on which platform you will use beforehand or did you go through a lot of testing along the way ?
I know there are WP plugins (Instabuilder, WP Profit builder) with a one-time fee, which might deliver exactly the same results (?), for a much lower cost (long term).
#ends #keeping #leadpages #subscription
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Use OptimizePress. You can import and export pages.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    The cool thing about knowing how to create your own pages is that you don't have to pay any subscriptions. If you master this, you don't need to rely on ANY company.

    If you really like LeadPages and the opt in pages they created for you, why not keep it?
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    • Profile picture of the author McCloud94
      time and convenience...

      The monthly fee is what bothers me.. a bit too high, especially as I have several other expenses at the beginning of a business.
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    I use Optimize Press to build ALL of my landing pages. It's only a one time payment of $97.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourBizAid
    I will advise you try Thrive Themes and you will dump lead pages for good. The Landing pages load at blazing fast speeds on all hostings and this is what we use in building out our client funnels.

    Check them out today and read reviews on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author vic1
    I too use OptimizePress.

    #1: didn't like the monthly fee of LeadPages, ClickFunnels, etc... The cost of my own server etc... is minuscule compared to their monthly fees and I control/own everything.

    #2: IMO, nothing lasts forever; what do you do if sales go down enough to make LeadPages, etc... not worth it?

    I never tried Thrive; looks good, though, but compared to hosting your own site, OptimizePress stills comes out ahead.
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