Can a 52 year old guy learn how to do website design and internet marketing?

119 replies
I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

Can an old dog learn this stuff?
#design #guy #internet #learn #marketing #website #year
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    Course you can, nothing to stop you at all. Get some books, get some webspace and getting going on it! If you are looking to get a job in it then get some industry standard qualifications as well as that will help you.
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    • Profile picture of the author menjac21
      haha its like asking a baby if he can learn walk yes its possible my friend but are into the fact that you have to take action are you willing to move your body to get the result you want that is the question

      I Work With A Big Influencer Vick Strizheus Follow Me On Facebook For FREE Tips pm me

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  • Profile picture of the author anayb
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    Believe me you can become an Expert in an Hour at the age of 52. You don't need to take weeks or even days to become an expert. This knowledge can be effectively gained in a few hours -- an hour even. I have been doing it for years.
    Do you need an exclusive video product?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jerry Jackson
      Expert in an Hour? That's a bit demeaning to people who have been working in these fields for a few years. I think you can get a decent overview of the landscape of various disciplines over a few days of research and work from there.

      Age as a limiter to your ability to learn is pure nonsense, the only thing that stops you doing something is you believing you can't do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aashish Mittal
      I don't think that its possible in an hour. You may or may not become a beginner even in an hour. If you are talking about someone who already has some knowledge in this field then you may say that he may become an intermediary in an hour but an expert in an hour is not possible at all. If you can do so then let me know, I will be happy to even pay you a few 100 bucks if you made a normal person without any knowledge on web designing or internet marketing in an hour .
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  • Profile picture of the author posinfo1
    I think that you can do anything if you set your mind to it.

    Web design and internet marketing are two different skills that you can learn. I would recommend that you start with learning the techniques that will make you money online. Probably the best starting point is to master affiliate marketing. This where you refer people to a seller's website. If they buy a product or service, then you receive a commission. You do not have the hassle of taking payments or sending out orders. You simply refer people to the sellers site. If you do this well you can make a hat full or cash.
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    • Profile picture of the author anonyy
      how do you go about this?
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      • Profile picture of the author Joe Fioti
        Check out some Clickbank tutorials, they will teach you tons about affiliate marketing, and there are tons of different videos on how to promote different products on the Clickbank marketplace through a variety of different methods.
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    • Profile picture of the author NicolasDevDes
      Originally Posted by posinfo1 View Post

      Web design and internet marketing are two different skills that you can learn..
      I agree. Doing a Wordpress website it's easy. Doing a great website take a lot of time to learn.
      Best Wordpress Website Design/Customization/Fixing/Development - 10 USD/hs
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    I think, we should never stop learning. Age doesn't matter.

    Actually, we should be able to learn faster and easier when we get older. That's because when we get older we have a lot more experience in learning so we don't waste time. We know what we want to learn and why we want to learn it.

    One of the reasons why we hesitate to take on a learning project when we get older is because we think it will take a long time and it will be difficult.

    The reality is that today you can learn anything 10 times faster than 25 years ago. All the resources you need are at your fingertips. The internet is your friend.

    I suggest, you start learning today and never stop. BTW: you can learn web design in about 30 days. It's very simple.
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    • Profile picture of the author Raiser45
      Originally Posted by Joe Ray View Post

      I think, we should never stop learning. Age doesn't matter.

      Actually, we should be able to learn faster and easier when we get older. That's because when we get older we have a lot more experience in learning so we don't waste time. We know what we want to learn and why we want to learn it.

      One of the reasons why we hesitate to take on a learning project when we get older is because we think it will take a long time and it will be difficult.

      The reality is that today you can learn anything 10 times faster than 25 years ago. All the resources you need are at your fingertips. The internet is your friend.

      I suggest, you start learning today and never stop. BTW: you can learn web design in about 30 days. It's very simple.
      Absolutely you can take all the time of your life to learn the whole procces
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well for sure you can became but i advise you to be more focused in IM you must be good at something if you learn 10 things its not good .Also the trick in IM its traffic and no necesarly web design of course if you dont want to be a freelancer ..If you master trafic you can have a ugly site and you will make a lot of money ,But if you are an excelent site but no trafic guess what ? no money

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Profile picture of the author Randy McLean
    Web design is easier now then ever with software like WordPress. And anything you want to learn how to do can easily be found step by step on YouTube.

    Trust me, there are a lot of technical things related to internet marketing that I have had to check out. None of us come out of the womb knowing this stuff.

    Back in the day, you had to get out Notepad and do the HTML yourself. It could take hours sometimes just to get the exact look you wanted.

    Granted, some people are just more tech savvy than others but it doesn't mean you can't learn.

    My Dad is in his 70's and has a tablet, downloads apps, tracks my flights whenever I fly, got his ham radio license, has his own MacBook, Nintendo Wii etc.

    A lot of the time he actually shows me a thing or two about technology.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ethan Miller
      I've tried wordpress, but I've found that it is sooooo much easier and time saving to just hire a freelancer. My first wordpress sites seemed like it would be finished quickly and effectively, but hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks before I could get a decent website up. Fortunately I have a friend that is a freelancer that focuses on creating websites for people, and he is pretty damn cheap. He's created a few of my business websites and everytime the result far exceeds my expectations. Since he barely has any exposure on the site hes freelancing on, I'll give you the link to that.
      Konker - A Freelance Market For Those Who Bring Home The Bacon | Build
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    Old dog ? 52 ??
    WTH are you talking about lol

    Most CEOs are usually in their early to mid 60s when they reach their peak.

    I know of a very successful Warrior named Warren who started IM when he was 72 and he is still loving every minute of it.

    It's just a number by gosh

    - Robert Andrew

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author starringeddie
    You can definitely become an expert. I don't think age is a factor anymore for anyone Expertise in web design is not required anymore today as there are so so many tools on the market right now that can automate this for you depending on what kind of site you require. All drag and drop!! What you need to become an expert without a doubt is how to market and sell online. The best way to learn I reckon is to find a mentor or coach who has a great training program and offers an affiliate program as well. That way you can learn and earn. Having a coach also gives you guidance and puts some structure to your learning process. They teach you what they do. I wish I had known this little fact before I plunged my savings into an e-commerce platform right after quitting my IT job. Now, I was a network engineer who sat in a cubicle all day, so what did I know about marketing? wasn't funny what happened at that point to me.

    The other rules for success online are the same as any other business. Have a great quality product or service, understand the business model, know who your ideal customer is, create an avatar of this customer, know how to find them online, know exactly how your product or service fixes their problem & the for the most important bit.....know how the money flows in and out of your business. Many people want to make money online overnight without investing time or money. A real sustainable business will need your time or money and from my own experience, it's both. I hope that spew helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Phish Farmer
    Absolutely. I am 46, and have been doing technology work for 20 years, and I still haven't stopped learning yet. There's no "quick method" but if you are willing to put in the research and learning time, you can become a master, no problem.

    On the web design side, Wordpress is about as easy and automated as it gets. You can even get started for $0 by enabling web services on your PC and building your first site locally using Wordpress. Once you have it figured out (the features and GUI), you can move to a paid host for a few bucks per month. Think of the project as a sandbox to work in before you go Pro.

    Mastering search should be your first step (if you haven't already). Learning how to search with Google (or Bing, or whatever) will go a long way, especially since you'll need to use it yourself anytime you have an issue or question and need to find an answer (like you did, right here, today). Once you have search mastered, you'll also develop a good understanding for how users use search, which will benefit your understanding of IM significantly in the long run.

    Good luck and all the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Nothing to hold you back but I'd change the terminology a bit.

    Rather than a goal to be an "expert" - I'd set the goal to be "profitable" in IM.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZehnAli
    Absoluty sir you can. me maybe young. But, can't speak or write English fluently and i still can manage to make money online worldwide. For me, to become success we can't give any excuses. As long as we eager to learn, there is always have solution.
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    • Profile picture of the author ouissouz
      Me to i'm not speak and write english fluently, can u tell me how you manage to do it ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
    The problem is that you had to ask the question at all.

    Of course you can learn this stuff at 52. Unless you have some kind of learning disability, you can learn anything at any time.

    Don't let anybody fool you into thinking this stuff is rocket science. It isn't.

    Read. Apply. Analyze. Adjust. Repeat.

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnnyNight
      Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

      The problem is that you had to ask the question at all.

      Of course you can learn this stuff at 52. Unless you have some kind of learning disability, you can learn anything at any time.

      Don't let anybody fool you into thinking this stuff is rocket science. It isn't.

      Read. Apply. Analyze. Adjust. Repeat.
      I disagree I think it is very close to rocket sience...

      Rocket science is hitting the keyhole in the sky..

      Web site design is hitting the wallet in the pocket, if that's what this forum is about..

      Understanding the personality of your audience and what moves them needs to be reflected in design...
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Can a 52 year old guy learn how to do this stuff?


    A more important question is, can you do it?

    Since you went to school before the schools became glorified daycare centers, the answer is probably yes.

    But, as Kay pointed out, you don't need to be an "expert" to be successful.

    Website design?

    Unless you're planning to teach design, simple competence is enough.

    "Internet marketing?"

    Pretty wide open field, but again, simple competence in the methods or business models you choose to pursue is enough.

    Heck, in my neck of the woods, 52 makes you one of the kids, not an old dog...
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Can a 52 year old guy learn how to do this stuff?


      A more important question is, can you do it?

      Since you went to school before the schools became glorified daycare centers, the answer is probably yes.

      But, as Kay pointed out, you don't need to be an "expert" to be successful.

      Website design?

      Unless you're planning to teach design, simple competence is enough.

      "Internet marketing?"

      Pretty wide open field, but again, simple competence in the methods or business models you choose to pursue is enough.

      Heck, in my neck of the woods, 52 makes you one of the kids, not an old dog...
      If I remember correctly you are about half decade older than the OP ?
      And you don't seem to slowing down at all

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        If I remember correctly you are about half decade older than the OP ?
        And you don't seem to slowing down at all
        Yep, 58 by the calendar, but still young at heart most of the time. And in my part of the country, I'm still one of the kids.

        Cheers from "God's waiting room"...
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  • Why would you not be able to?

    So long as your literate and know the basics of how to use the internet (how to use email, perform searches, etc.) you should be perfectly fine.

    I personally think it's great that you want to learn something completely new. And you're definitely not too old. If you were you were over the age of 70, maybe. I think with your life experience you will probably be great at this :-)
    "The successful man is the one who finds out what is the matter with his business before his competitors do"
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    Of course.
    As long as you put in the time and effort, I don't see why not.

    Just remember this picture..
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  • Profile picture of the author garyl2k
    I love these types of posts, it isn't "Can I" it is more the case "Do You Want To" that is more then likely nagging at your right now.

    Because deep down you know you can learn anything, given time and patience, anyone can learn anything. But it is our desire to push our selves and change our mindset from the daily jobs we normally do to breaking it up into learning periods, putting what we learn into action.

    Also don't get caught up with just learning new things, set your self small goals every day and take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author oadvantage
    Webster wrote the dictionary in his 70's.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abdellah Moumdi
    Firstly you should mastering techniques and skills of applications competent in this field, that is not impossible or difficult, you just should have the will to achieve your objectives.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    Come on

    Do you even have to ask?

    Yes you can learn it in 3-6 months. There are tons of free courses online so don't waste money on purchasing courses.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    My mother is 70 and she is now learning IM. She is doing great! 52 is nothing. I am 45. The ONLY person who can truly determine what you can do is you!
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  • Profile picture of the author shmol
    Of course you can learn to do it.

    I will always remember when I finally broke down and decided to put up an website.

    I struggled and struggled, but, I just told myself that I was going to keep at it--until I got it.

    It was a struggle--and that is no lie.

    So, I can tell you this,

    Do not let anything stop you--your age--nothing, commit to doing and and go after it.

    Go for it!
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  • Profile picture of the author kevin2018
    Of course you can. You are brave to jump into IM at your age, but it is not very hard at all, just need to one step a time. Come to visit this forum often because there are a lot of experts on this forum and they can give you tons of great information.
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  • Profile picture of the author KingArthur

    You can test your brain at the above website. If you can learn well, then you should be able to learn the things you dedicate yourself to learning.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I turned 58 last month and I've amazed myself at what I've learned over the past five years. This is coming from a woman who struggled with her first VCR. (Which cost a fortune, btw.)

    If you're willing to put in the time and effort you can learn.

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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    You will probably excel at your age your passed the keg stands and chasing tail stage...

    Well maybe not the chasing tail part

    In all seriousness you are much more likely to be focused at the tasks at hand.

    So yes be like Nike and just do it
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    Don't let age be a factor. "Colonel" Sanders sold his recipe at age 62. Irt is about open mindedness, attitude, willingness to try and willingness to learn. There are books, videos, and reports about anything you want to learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prof Benjamin Omeke
    The simple answer is: yes you can! Even at 100 you can if you set your mind to it. Everything is about the mindset. Period
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    • Profile picture of the author YourBizAid
      Originally Posted by Prof Benjamin Omeke View Post

      The simple answer is: yes you can! Even at 100 you can if you set your mind to it. Everything is about the mindset. Period
      I second this guy. You can do it even at 100yrs if you set your mind to make it happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author ricklo
    If you want to do something bad enough you find a way. To achieve your goal and learn what ever you need to know how to get it done correctly .
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  • Profile picture of the author david2015
    Yes, definately. Anyone can learn them as long as they willing to put in time and effort to learn...

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    Mobile App For Income Click here to earn through mobile app industry
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  • Great,I am 26 this year,and sometimes I feel too old to learn,I feel shamful to think about that after i Read message below.
    We all should believe it`s never too late to learn.With passion,We can make it.Come on.
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  • Profile picture of the author smilealot
    I'm in a mastermind group that include people in their 50s to 80s. Some 60 year olds learning and doing amazing. The only limit is what we place on ourselves. A great resource, especially that you're starting out iin the IM world is The One Thing. It'll help you get direction and save you from Shiny Object Syndrome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vendor-Lock
    Well, you made it to the Warrior Forum and posted...
    so you're able in my opinion.

    Go for it ! believe in yourself !

    and have a great day toward your online success !!

    yours truly,
    Jeff Noyes

    Vendor-Lock Hosting & Software co.

    See why Hundreds of Warrior Forum Members are using this! ==>Get Yours NOW CLICK HERE <==
    Rave Reviews From Warriors Using This Service For Years Now ! Full Autoresponder/Hosting Done For You! Read for Yourself !

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  • Profile picture of the author Mohi Uddin
    How it possible?
    Can you remember anything?
    Remember, you need to study a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author anonyy
    I know how you feel whitlock, i had done dreamweaver and a bit of flash/photoshop training 10 years ago didn't have the money or an opportunity to use it but now i do and i have to relearn it all again as i have lost most of the knowledge i once had, but dont give in you will learn it, there is a lot more to it these days and different ways of doing it so i'm understanding new methods too.

    I know it's not something I can do full time as the money is not there anymore a friend of mind has given up doing it full time using dreamweaver too much tooing and froing by customers and doesn't like wordpress as he can't have full control over what he creates and how he wants to create it, it's a shame as he is self taught but there is still the option of doing it part time.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author lily cyrus
    of course!!! any one can learn any thing when he or she decides it and get dedicated to do that particular task!!! get some books,surf the internet and can take help of someone who is expert in this field!!lucky patcher apk
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  • Profile picture of the author pardu
    of course,The best place to start is wordpress because this is the quickest way to learn about web creation.Packed with all the resources most of these are free.Goodluck

    Moderator's Note: Affiliate link not allowed. Please edit.

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  • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
    I believe that learning has nothing to do with the age as long as you're motivated enough.

    So be it 52 or 25 all it takes motivation, devotion and willingness to do the things.
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  • Profile picture of the author CANDPro
    I think age is not a big problem. The determination and spirit of learning is important. Keep trying. No pain, no gain!
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  • Profile picture of the author cynthiaSEL
    You may well live to be 100! Investing in learning what interests you requires consistent, persistent effort over time. As long as you're willing to do so, and to re-evaluate your progress, yes, you can learn it in a significant way.
    Signature Risk! Apply expertise, serve people's needs. Get video skills...
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  • Profile picture of the author RG16
    Yes offcurce You can become an Expert at the age of 52. because man can do anything if he wills
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by RG16 View Post

      Yes offcurce You can become an Expert at the age of 52. because man can do anything if he wills
      Nice, thanks for the sterling contribution

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Nice, thanks for the sterling contribution
      At least he didn't say "see my sig" or throw in a (since deleted) affiliate link.
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    • Profile picture of the author opahopa333
      Speed and posibility of learn something is not about age.
      It's about your health status, self-discipline, willpower and motivation.
      Especially HEALTH STATUS.
      Different people in the same age have different abilities to learn and do something.

      Topic is not far from question like "can a 52 year old guy push 220lb bench press and squat"

      If you are a healthy adult, why not?
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by opahopa333 View Post

        Especially HEALTH STATUS. If you are a healthy adult, why not?
        Tell that to Stephen Hawking.

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    • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
      Simple answer is yes you can.

      Hopefully you will already have learned a lot from the time you made this original post.

      I was nearly 54 when I started in IM (8 years ago). I threw myself into it and within 12 months was earning a full time income.

      In fact everything you need to know is actually much more accessible and things are much simpler (technically) now than 8 years ago.

      Biggest mistake is taking advice from people who don't know any more than you do. Yes there are LOTS of those. Identify those that are actually giving good advice and training.

      Avoid magic button solutions and understand that to make money (online or anywhere) requires you to work at it, no matter what people tell you.

      Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by RG16 View Post

      Yes offcurce You can become an Expert at the age of 52. because man can do anything if he wills
      Really? If that's true why can't I get it up?

      More nonsense!

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  • Profile picture of the author digimouse
    Yes, you can. Whether it's web design OR internet marketing you choose to major in, you can "become an expert".

    Find a course online that'll get you up to speed very quickly and put yourself out there quickly. Don't hesitate. And don't depend on free advice from blogs. You'll take forever and lose the will.

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  • Profile picture of the author michaelch
    I think you need to find someone younger and hire him or her to teach you. A crash course.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Whats your why?

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author zahid334
    To learn anything the most important thing is MOTIVATION not AGE. Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    Yes. I was 49 when I started exclusively working online. It's all I do for a living and I make a great income and have a fantastic lifestyle.

    I only had a very small amount of previous experience of online marketing - I set up an ecom website with a pal in 1998 which was successful but I left the partnership in 2000. Most of what I had learned then was of limited use when I decided to get into it again 10 years later.

    Remember, the internet is just a whole bunch of other communication methods. Back in the day, I would be sending off thousands of letters to mailing lists. Now I can do that in seconds. Sales and marketing stay pretty much the same...just the delivery methods have changed.
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  • Profile picture of the author osamaAli
    when you'r stop learning you'r Sentenced yourself ignorance
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by osamaAli View Post

      when you'r stop learning you'r Sentenced yourself ignorance
      When you post like this you display your ignorance.

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  • Profile picture of the author Aashish Mittal
    Of course you can. Join an online based program for this or search your local area for finding any institutes or courses.
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  • Profile picture of the author ltremer
    I am now 70 and I just started learning Internet Marketing when I retired 6 years ago. So yes you can learn it if you put your mind to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author nick1956
    52 is not old ! trust me in my main business which is internet marketing we have many people in their 70's and 80'S age is just a number !
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  • Profile picture of the author gibbsjoan85
    definitely you can.. Just take time and patience to learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul634
    of course. you can.
    But if you want to make quick money visit here:
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  • Profile picture of the author milkitamanson
    Do you have anything more information so I can do some additional research?
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    If the old dog actually wrote this himself then YES.
    Grow your social media account, Spotify Streams, YT Views & IG Followers & More
    Software & Mobile APP Developer
    Buy Spotify, Facebook Bot & IG M/S Method
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10973957].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    I generally do my own html stuff for building sites and squeeze pages. A lot of what I do is cut and paste from my own sites or generic code (like how to place an image on my site in html). I do a Google search for whatever I am trying to do. w3schools always comes up at the top of the search and they have some great information. This can help you with HTML, PHP, CSS, Javascripting, XML etc. (I am not an affiliate of the school, but I do find them helpful.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10974163].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by mdallen View Post

      This can help you with HTML, PHP, CSS, Javascripting, XML etc. (I am not an affiliate of the school, but I do find them helpful.
      Or, just learn the basics of WordPress and forget all of that unnecessary crap.

      Java scripting? Seriously? lol

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  • Profile picture of the author artmelkon
    I am 52 and I think if you will it will happen. My only advantage here is that I am a former web programmer, but affiliate marketing is totally new to me and I even struggle to learn. I don't want to scare you but anything is hard at the beginning.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author farrow26

    Age is just a number to achieve anything. Anyone with a strong determination on achieving something will get it for sure. In order to start with basics and to go advanced make use of the following resources:

    3.Facebook Groups

    These are the best resources to get started.

    Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    It's never too late McDonalds started his business when he was over 50 years old my friend.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by VidasVegas View Post

      It's never too late McDonalds started his business when he was over 50 years old my friend.
      And had nothing but a hamburger stand until Ray Kroc turned it into a fast-food empire.

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  • of course it's possible! and 52 is hardly old. i'm nearly 54 and I think that when you're more mature it's actually easier to knuckle down and learn these new skills as you're no longer spending most of your time out of the house hanging out with your friends. age brings many benefits so I say go for it. you're never too old to learn! best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author johnydavid
    You can, if you focused and not give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    The day we stop learning is the day we die. Times change and nothing last forever we always need to learn new things and adapt to survive.
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  • Profile picture of the author ballisticscan
    Of course. The only limitation is the one you created for yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeymate
    Hello whitlock,
    I believe you can do both of it but... I just might take a couple of years for you to learn both.... But yes, you can do it.
    Let me explain why it will take you that long.
    I've been working over the last 10 years in the Internet Marketing field and even this discipline already formed it's own specialist niches e.g. Email marketers, Social Media marketers, Pay Per Click marketers, SEO experts etc....
    So you see why I say it might take a couple of years.
    For the designing part. I myself would not trust designing something. I turn to professional designers.
    However, if you are able to do both you are almost set to go. You might just need some Frontend and Backend developer skills....(these guys are usually trained engineers or prodigies)
    Best is to read a bit about these disciplines and take one on. The one you like most.
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  • Profile picture of the author dorim
    If you want to do this badly enough age will not be a barrier unless you believe it will be. Go for it, you're never too old!

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  • Profile picture of the author Iris Degnes
    Sure! Some people start a successful business in their 60s, so just relax, you can do this! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Ellen Chedid
    If you have two hands and a brain, then of course! I don't think for one second that age is ever a limit to becoming successful or more so getting into internet marketing. It's a simple fact of motivation and willingness to learn and achieve that will help you succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketklown
    videos, ebooks, trial and error, as you learn try out as you go (getting involved stimulates the brain more than if you were just watching or reading) and will also reduce procrastination, make a habit of giving yourself praise for the smallest of victories (can keep willpower up) other than that my advice would be learn as much as possible without ever giving up completely and you win.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeng cua
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    Absolutely YOU CAN.
    Age, location, what color of your skin does not matter, as long as you will be determined to learn and apply the things that you need to structure the right online business framework the right way, then this will work for you.

    I started my online business with zero knowledge about html, domain, no idea how to build a website and so on, but with determination you will always find your way.

    Go., go , go.

    All the best,
    jeng cua

    Jeng Cua Helps Top Professionals Land To High-Value Clients, Collect Premium Fees From Those Who Deserve Their Service By Creating Their #OwnRule Consulting Business In 6 Weeks.

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  • Profile picture of the author Protoss7
    Of course, but I belive is place for everyone

    “ The future is not in the hands of fate but in ours. ”
    — Jules Jusserand

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  • Profile picture of the author Ricky Borrows
    Technology is a scary thing! Actually it's not! Most people who are ready to learn anything new can excel with ease. All you need is mentorship and a community of like minded people for support and fun! What say you sir?
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Ricky Borrows View Post

      Technology is a scary thing! Actually it's not!
      Make up your mind. You'll never be successful with a wishy-washy outlook on life.

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  • Profile picture of the author incomeindaycom
    Of course. Learn The basics before any advanced strategies and You will be an expert. if you Choose one thing, master and dive on it you will be an expert and Teach people. Create Course.

    Never Give Up
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  • Why not, dear bro. There is no age limit of learning. Go ahead. Reach your goal. Thank you.

    Professional and creative graphic designer.I design minimalist and creative logos, business cards, stationery, web-pages and other designs. Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    As an Entrepreneur, it's never too late to do something amazing: Colonel Sanders (KFC) for instance, was 65 when he founded his Empire.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenha
    You just need to invest the time and understand that its a long run. better now that never. you'r still young.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sneraio
    Of course, why shouldn't you? Definitely, it depends on how motivated you are to comprehend, but there hasn't been a far more favorable amount of time in the record than now to master further expertise.

    With regards to website design - or even more exactly internet progress, there is numerous instruction substance readily available for your price of your online relationship, not to mention your time and efforts and effort.

    Samson Michael Lifestyle Insurance & Benefits Brokers Lifestyle Health Plans"

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  • Profile picture of the author goleza
    Why not? There is no limit age for learning. I learnt web designing at the age of 47. More less the same as yours. I can do many things related to web designing and internet marketing by myself. Just get books and mentors, you will become an expert. Never shy away because of age. This forum is another training ground for internet marketers. Visit it regularly to learn
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  • Profile picture of the author Verdatti
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    Absolutely, just go for it
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricky Borrows
    Sir there are people in our group that are around the same age and are becoming experts in web design and internet marketing every day. All they did was get in touch with a mentor and took it one step at a time. By now you are probably ready for a done for you web design system along with internet marketing training. Seek mentorship and model what they do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohi Uddin
    I was got this massage from " Answers Mode " that A person of 60+ can not be an expert because he lost his memory power.

    But I came to from here that A person of 60+ can be an expert.

    thanks to all
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  • Profile picture of the author Tesslady
    Your age doesn't matter, alright? You can be an expert in these fields! Just open your mind to possibilities, never stop learning, and practice what you've learned through work, work, work.

    Also, attitude plays a key role in this situation. Don't mind others who are telling you it's already too late! As long as you got patience, perseverance and consistency in you, you can surely do it!

    Good luck and stay young!
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  • Profile picture of the author Keith Everett
    Originally Posted by whitlock View Post

    I want to become an expert on web design and internet marketing.

    Can an old dog learn this stuff?
    To be honest, 52 is no age at all. I'm older than that and I've been making a living from the Internet for years. I also have colleagues who are their 60.s and 70's doing good business online.

    Age is all in the head...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10985978].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Keith Everett View Post

      Age is all in the head...
      Tell that to my feet.

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  • Profile picture of the author alexhan
    KFC founder Mr. Colonel Sanders success in his 60...
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by alexhan View Post

      KFC founder Mr. Colonel Sanders success in his 60...
      I'm thinking that maybe that damn fine, greasy chicken played a large part in his success. Do you think that might have had anything to do with it?

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    • Profile picture of the author oadvantage
      Webster started writing the dictionary around 70-80 years old.

      Wasn't Moses 80 also?

      You truly are as "old" as you think you are.

      Most people who get into IM stay stuck in one place after a couple months of learning, you can easily beat that by mid-year!!
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  • Profile picture of the author davehayes
    I am on this road myself, its not a new road, but an evolution of my current work and Im finding it enjoyable and rewarding for aa number of different reasons

    There are a number of others in similar age bands, currently fed up with AM wanting to do the same thing, so you can teach them.

    Happy to connect on facebook, google+ twitter or linkedin
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Lee
    Of course you can. In fact, you don't need to be an expert. You just need to develop a passion and love for doing it. Start with a good reason why you want to do Internet Marketing? Then just plug in and start learning and doing.

    And at only 52, you are still young.

    Cheers and all the best!
    Over 1.2 Million Members Have Joined!!! Don't Get Left Behind!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Victor Lee View Post

      Of course there's a possibility that you can.
      Corrected for honesty and accuracy.

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  • Profile picture of the author Indus Uno
    Age doesn't matter to learn any think if you wanted to. You can definitely become expert in web designing & internet marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Indus Uno View Post

      Age doesn't matter to learn any think if you wanted to. You can possibly become expert in web designing & internet marketing.
      Corrected for honesty and accuracy.


      P.S. I have lots of time. I can do this all day. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
    There's no age restrictions in learning anything. Sometimes, a guy of 22 gets billionaire and in some cases even senior citizen set nee example for the entrepreneurs.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by salmonjames21 View Post

      There's no age restrictions in learning anything.
      I could have sworn there's on the court documents something like 70 years old. And after this time it is mandated by law that there is a restriction to learn ????

      Can anyone verify if this is true or not

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author onlineworker11
    Yes of course you can,age does not matter

    Turn $1 into unlimited $197 Click this.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gina Branson
    I am an Italian 48-year-old woman who runs her own restaurant, learned english at 36 and how to build a website and advert online at 44. and I do my own marketing of the restorant. there are many things that I want to learn.

    age and tech bg really don't matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    If you want you can do anything, I know that there're many millionaire start their business after 60. So the age is not a big problem when starting up.
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  • Age is just a number. We never stop learning. Start today. Don't try to learn everything at once. One thing at a time and slowly grow until you have accumulated a lot of knowledge. The best advice is just decide to commit to this and you will become an expert.
    Get Your Free Online Prosperity Starter Kit >>>
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    As the saying goes you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

    Just kidding. Sure you can. Why not? Making money and everything else is a skill an all skills are learnable.

    The key is to follow the successful people and not all the opinions.

    Ask to see proof! If they do not show you them move on!

    Its funny how rude people are and yet they are trying to run a business. They will never succeed. Only spend time with people who give you the time back...
    Working to achieve higher results...
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