I have 200k USD for this year which I can spend on branding. How to spend it?

28 replies
I have a budget for organic food brand for this year about 200k USD. How to spend it? I think I would put some money into Facebook ads, posts promotion and some money into Google Ads. Any other ideas? Thank you.
#200k #branding #spend #usd #year
  • Profile picture of the author jeng cua
    Originally Posted by Drumdrone View Post

    I have a budget for organic food brand for this year about 200k USD. How to spend it? I think I would put some money into Facebook ads, posts promotion and some money into Google Ads. Any other ideas? Thank you.

    I think the best thing to do is to plan first a winning strategy before spending any dime to advertising because traffic is the most easiest part of your business. If I were you, I will focus first on my hook mechanism on how to capture the right audience for my product. Do some split testing which landing page works better for you that gives you higher conversion. If you know the winner, then this is the best time to optimize your advertising both in Facebook and adwords.

    Hope this help.
    jeng cua

    Jeng Cua Helps Top Professionals Land To High-Value Clients, Collect Premium Fees From Those Who Deserve Their Service By Creating Their #OwnRule Consulting Business In 6 Weeks.

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  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    If you have $200.000, wouldn't it made a lot more sense just to hire a consultant and brainstorm with him?

    Every business is different. The small particularities of the marketplace, product, logistics, USP make for a different plan. You can study how the best did it but you're going to get guidelines, not a particular plan.

    You've got $200.000. I think there are better approaches to put that money to use than to get advice from people who know nothing about your business and therefore, can offer generalities.
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  • Profile picture of the author anayb
    Originally Posted by Drumdrone View Post

    I have a budget for organic food brand for this year about 200k USD. How to spend it? I think I would put some money into Facebook ads, posts promotion and some money into Google Ads. Any other ideas? Thank you.
    What? any proofs that you own 200k? I don't think so. Because, in reality, those who got that amount are too smart to looking for advise in open public forums. How did you earn that? It's better that you come up with some good marketing questions.
    Do you need an exclusive video product?
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by anayb View Post

      What? any proofs that you own 200k? I don't think so. Because, in reality, those who got that amount are too smart to looking for advise in open public forums. How did you earn that? It's better that you come up with some good marketing questions.
      How would you know Anayb?? sorry but what an idiotic statement to make ! you have no idea on his work life and by the looks of it he has a organic offline and online business he is trying to get off the ground

      Jealous some I think

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      • Profile picture of the author anayb
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        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Originally Posted by anayb View Post

          What? any proofs that you own 200k? I don't think so. Because, in reality, those who got that amount are too smart to looking for advise in open public forums. How did you earn that? It's better that you come up with some good marketing questions.
          Originally Posted by anayb View Post

          Not as much idiotic as you're. You chorus,someone claiming to have 200K, but you have no idea on his work life, and his expert contributions in WF are much less, only a few posts. Its people like you that others take advantage spamming this forum again and again.

          Do you know how much I make? Again, you got no idea about my full work life and what I primarily do, and you thought I am "jealous." What an idiotic statement!
          I could be very much wrong but you seem guided by your own circumstances when looking at the World and other people.

          There are plenty of older members who have accumulated easily $200K over time thru things like 401Ks, investments, IRAs, and just general savings.

          We're not all 23 here
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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by anayb View Post

          Not as much idiotic as you're. You chorus,someone claiming to have 200K, but you have no idea on his work life, and his expert contributions in WF are much less, only a few posts. Its people like you that others take advantage spamming this forum again and again.

          Do you know how much I make? Again, you got no idea about my full work life and what I primarily do, and you thought I am "jealous." What an idiotic statement!
          Most of your post are worthless. So are most of mine, but at least I provide some value in the way of humor - usually - depending on your sense of humor. :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author YourBizAid
    Go hire a consultant with a good track record.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    It's odd that you would have a $200K budget and be clueless where the money should be spent.
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    Find someone who is successful and has the results you want and get coaching from them. That should be your first order of business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Do you know how much I make?
    In the "how much do you earn" thread you called others "fraud entrepreneurs" - but you didn't post your own income...or proof. I understand that as it's no one's business what you earn - but if you are going to claim bragging rights....

    I don't know if the OP is blowing smoke - if he's working on his own business - or asking for help because his job is to apply a marketing budget for his employer.

    Either way - he needs more help than available on an open forum - and rudeness doesn't accomplish anything.

    We're not all 23 here
    So true - if I were 23 now, my goal would be retirement at 35.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Drumdrone,

    The best thing you could probably get from your thread is just speculative advice on how to spend your budget, and not what to do since we don't essentially know anything relevant at the moment ...

    So, for argument's sake, here goes:

    As a test with what I'm currently doing now (not organic food), I'd most likely spend 2/10 of that with offline ad firms in some of my priority target areas, specifically with companies that have proven to know their way when it comes to positioning new brands in relevant markets across my priority target areas; and

    I'd also use up 1/10 of that as a test ad spend budget with an online ad firm that's proven to know their way when it comes to using paid and organic online channels to position new brands across relevant markets in my priority target areas ...

    Then, I'd use 1/10 of that for improving my campaigns, another 1/10 to scale what works, and another 1/10 to gradually expand to my other target areas ...

    I'd of course have a target timetable of everything before I start; and

    Since I'll be left with 4/10, I'd invest 2/10 in other lower risk ventures and keep 2/10 as liquid savings ...
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  • Profile picture of the author wentzco
    Well the OrganicFood.com domain name is up for sale. I would take that $200K & make them an offer. My guess is that 200K won't be enough. You could however arrange a financed deal (I've done that a few times on sales) & spread out payments so that you still have ad budget to work with. You may ask about existing type-in traffic but of course if you were able build a site & rank 1st page on Google for the search term "organic food"... it could be a cash cow.

    Owning OrganicFood.com would be the ultimate branding campaign as well as a solid business asset IMO.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by wentzco View Post

      Well the OrganicFood.com domain name is up for sale. I would take that $200K & make them an offer. My guess is that 200K won't be enough. You could however arrange a financed deal (I've done that a few times on sales) & spread out payments so that you still have ad budget to work with. You may ask about existing type-in traffic but of course if you were able build a site & rank 1st page on Google for the search term "organic food"... it could be a cash cow.

      Owning OrganicFood.com would be the ultimate branding campaign as well as a solid business asset IMO.
      Do you have anything of value to offer? If you buy a domain name for $200k - you're now broke. I guess you could eat the domain name. It is organic, after all.


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      • Profile picture of the author wentzco
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        Do you have anything of value to offer? If you buy a domain name for $200k - you're now broke. I guess you could eat the domain name. It is organic, after all.


        And you are adding value Frank?

        Here's a couple older articles which will help people understand the value of generic premium domains with their actual experience. Pay attention... or you can listen to Frank I guess.


        In their own words: 93 successful business owners talk about the importance of their descriptive, generic domain names

        And then there is the owner of this forum who also understands the power of generic premium domain names - "Matt also says buying the Freelancer.com domain name (a transaction handled by Escrow.com) was a huge inflection point for his company and has paid huge dividends, which he explains on the show." Freelancer.com CEO Matt Barrie - DNW Podcast #33 - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views

        Of course I've been selling & buying domain names for the last 16 years so I understand the value of category killer domain like OrganicFood.com as well.
        - Resellers Needed For 6TB Backup/Storage (Earn 200% Month One, Residual & Override Commissions)
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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by wentzco View Post

          Of course I've been selling & buying domain names for the last 16 years so I understand the value of category killer domain like OrganicFood.com as well.
          Really? Yet you don't know the value of that domain name? Suggest you employ a domain appraisal tool. Of course, only a real appraisal will do. The hardest part is buying a domain at what they appraise at. Everyone thinks their domain name is worth 20X its actual value - if not 50X.


          P.S. Maybe I'm wrong. I can't find a free appraisal over $8500. Again, the trick is actually buying it - and then knowing what to do with it. By itself it's only worth what it's worth, by itself. Right?
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyNight
    Wow... Small Frank..

    You're losing it..!!

    Who said he would need to pay $200,000

    Get it together baby..!!

    That would be an AWESOME domain to get if he can get for a moderate price..!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10978884].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by JohnnyNight View Post

      Wow... Small Frank..

      You're losing it..!!

      Who said he would need to pay $200,000

      Get it together baby..!!

      That would be an AWESOME domain to get if he can get for a moderate price..!!
      And if I had wings, I could fly. "If." The most useless word in the English language. You couldn't go near that domain for $200k. You people are nuts. lol

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  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    Please listen to Frank. Anyone that tells you to take your entire nut to buy a domain, leaving you penniless, should be banned. lol

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  • Profile picture of the author oadvantage
    If you have a couple hundred thousand dollars for branding, it's best to create a video or multiple videos and release those on Facebook. You figure around 99% of your audience in most cases is going to be on Facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author Get Mega Rich
    your awesome man, I'd kill for that money for marketing budget right now. Having said that, I'd say promote it in facebook ads that portray organic food as a healthy choice and hire rich designers who die by organic food so that the marketing message doesn't get messed up and you make positive advertisements that make you back a ton of money. I think how you spend your marketing budget plays equally an important role as what you spend it in. Make sure the people who are receiving the budget to make the advertisement also love organic food so they create ads that are right for your campaign.

    Get Ridiculously Affluent Get Ridiculously Affluent Get Ridiculously Affluent
    my youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCer...AmazrcbHxp-dqw

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan S
    If you're comfortable losing that money in exchange of high profile branding like buying a Google page 1 domain then that move might be sensible. As in physical real estate, a domain can be flipped to multiple times the price. We are living in the information age where many big shot assets are virtual or digital in nature. Even assets of billions of dollars are nothing but numbers or pixels in your monitor. It's best to invest the money in a top premium domain, topnotch website, and first class advertising. 200K might not be enough soon after but you can attract investors if you have a clear and attracting business plan on top of what you've already started with the 200K. You can use business consultant if you like but be careful. An expensive consultant with no name will most likely win your money... but you'll win an experience (at least).
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    I am not telling you how to spend your money, that's not my right....
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    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Drumdrone has $200K and wants advice from people here on how to spend it?

    And people are doing their best to 'help' drumdrone?

    Maybe we are preaching to the choir....

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason1234
    Understand who your target audience is and narrow to as small of a niche as is both practical and profitable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason1234
    I am willing to work with you for 100k. Let's talk and see if we have a good fit
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