Craigslist Internet Market Hunting

20 replies
Is Craigslist still a gold mine for Internet Marketing? Or has it been spammed to death? If you are succeeding there please share your Craigslist story.
#craigslist #hunting #internet #market
  • Profile picture of the author myob
    It always has been and still is a goldmine for internet marketing when used within their TOS. Amateurs still try spamming, which is increasingly unsustainable.

    What I do mostly is use the events section for recruiting distributors for my MLM company all over the US. Local distributors also retail MLM products and recruit in their geographic areas.
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  • Profile picture of the author buysellbrowse
    Speaking about marketing, we needed some specialty lubricant products and I went to to search, but the site redirects. All Amsoil product searches and offerings now take place on the company's own website. What really turned me off was that in order to purchase anything they ask the customer to register and create an account. Ended up buying other competitive brands of synthetic specialty oils on Amazon.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      This is one example of why so many amateurs fail in network marketing, and gives MLM a bad reputation.

      If only they would learn better from their experienced upline!

      I know a few Amsoil distributors who are making a killing on Craigslist (as well as right here on the WF).
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      • Profile picture of the author buysellbrowse
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        I know a few Amsoil distributors who are making a killing on Craigslist (as well as right here on the WF).
        It looks like ALL Amsoil distributors' websites now have this problem and redirect. I was truly looking to buy a couple of specialty products (i.e., compressor oil and small engine 4 cycle oil), so I did some research on the best synthetic oil brands to use. Price was not a factor, only quality. Amsoil does carry both, and the ratings are good. I have bought from them a while ago, and at the time products were only available from local distributors. Now, it looks like all online orders are fulfilled in-house, but in order to buy you have to register, yada yada...

        So I ended up buying Lucas SAE 10w-30 synthetic motor oil for the small 4-cycle engine and Dewalt SAE 30 non-detergent synthetic compressor oil from Amazon. That is to show you that nowadays there are truly good brand name alternatives to Amsoil to be found on the open market.

        Strangely, if you search, you'll find people who sell Amsoil products on eBay at higher prices than available directly from the manufacturer. Most stuff advertised looks like NOS (new old stock), in limited quantities. Why would potential customers want to buy the stuff?
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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Originally Posted by buysellbrowse View Post

          It looks like ALL Amsoil distributors' websites now have this problem and redirect.
          This is a major problem common to all MLM companies that offer replicated sites to their distributors. Amateur marketers think it rather clever to use redirects rather than building a bonafide website themselves.
          Originally Posted by buysellbrowse View Post

          I was truly looking to buy a couple of specialty products (i.e., compressor oil and small engine 4 cycle oil), so I did some research on the best synthetic oil brands to use. Price was not a factor, only quality.
          Excellent point showing there really is a true need for MLM marketers to pay more attention to retail sales.
          Originally Posted by buysellbrowse View Post

          Amsoil does carry both, and the ratings are good. I have bought from them a while ago, and at the time products were only available from local distributors. Now, it looks like all online orders are fulfilled in-house, but in order to buy you have to register, yada yada...
          Major bummer. Distributors are leaving a whole lot of money on the table by not adapting to this very common turnoff. Don't use replicated websites for prospect hunting.
          Originally Posted by buysellbrowse View Post

          So I ended up buying Lucas SAE 10w-30 synthetic motor oil for the small 4-cycle engine and Dewalt SAE 30 non-detergent synthetic compressor oil from Amazon. That is to show you that nowadays there are truly good brand name alternatives to Amsoil to be found on the open market.
          True. Consumers have the advantage of the internet, and the competition is especially intense in every arena where MLM products have claims of being cutting edge.
          Originally Posted by buysellbrowse View Post

          Strangely, if you search, you'll find people who sell Amsoil products on eBay at higher prices than available directly from the manufacturer. Most stuff advertised looks like NOS (new old stock), in limited quantities. Why would potential customers want to buy the stuff?
          This is basic marketing 101. People buy from those who they like and trust, even if the prices are higher than other comparable products. Both Amazon and eBaY have developed excellent reputations for quality and service with their regular customers. People are often willing to pay a premium just for personal service and reliabilty.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Its a traffic supply. I would not say so much for Internet marketing. I use craigslist to help get my youtube videos on the front page. Nobody does it and it seems to work like a charm over 80% of the time. ;-)
    Working to achieve higher results...
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    • Profile picture of the author lublu
      and where do you leave the link to your video? send an email to people?
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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by lublu View Post

        and where do you leave the link to your video? send an email to people?

        Tease them on the CL sales page with only enough info. to get them interested, get them to contact you via email and then sell. This turns the table and puts traffic in the position of asking for the product/service which in turn makes selling a lot easier.

        Make your traffic ask questions.

        I've done this on a few niches and it always works. I've had one CL ad/page that generated right at 100 legit email responses.

        Another ad, one lady kept emailing me about 5 times pretty much demanding I sell to her, lmao, that one was a crazy. All she had to do is a Google search and buy the same product from someone else at about half price.

        I don't do affiliate marketing on CL.
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        • Profile picture of the author lublu
          Yukon tell me please
          Do you often press "Renew" on your ads or do you make new ones every time?
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          • Profile picture of the author yukon
            Originally Posted by lublu View Post

            Yukon tell me please
            Do you often press "Renew" on your ads or do you make new ones every time?
            I renew the ads, it's easier for me to stay organized.

            Example flow...
            • Create CL ad.
            • Only give out enough info. in the ad to get traffic interested, only small facts, no hype.
            • Include a few images in ad.
            • I create a folder in my email for each unique CL ad.
            • CL traffic contacts me via email, the response gets put in the matching email folder.
            • I reply to the CL emails with more product info. they've requested and either make the sale via email or send them a link to a sales page.

            The key here is to never give out all the info. on the CL ad. This way generates a lot of leads because traffic is curious.

            This way also turns the table, once I get the email traffic helps make the sale by asking me questions.
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    • Profile picture of the author lublu
      How can I get in touch with you?
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel+
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    OP: If you define Internet Marketing as ARBITRAGE USING the Internet then the answer would be HECK YEAH!


    Buy low or get it free at Craigslist and sell as is online using several platforms and distribution models.

    There are several steps that GREASES the process so you can move tons of low cost to no cost (free section) stuff you get off Craigslist for some BEAUCOUP BUCKS (hey, turning $0 to something else way more than zero is beaucoup).

    The best part? You can do this all on autopilot and SCALE it up.

    Forget about the OLD WAY of making money of C LIST - ie., spamming

    That's still around but ARBITRAGE involves no spiced ham and is a lot more fun and if you know what you're doing, more profitable
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  • Profile picture of the author lublu
    Guys. Does this method work for promoting an affiliate projects (jvzoo etc) or building a list?
    ---->>> The Bigger Lovers Postcards - Postcrossing - Travel
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  • Profile picture of the author JoshDylan
    There is definitely a lot of spam all over craigslist. But if you do it right, you can successful market on craigslist, just don't over do it!

    - Jay - Business Advisor

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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Hecht
    In my views, i have tried posting ads on Craigslist but after the approval it automatically removed my ad. So i don't know why its happening.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    It was pamed to death but if you know your game and how to promote in acording to their tos you will make good money
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