by arepb
7 replies
I signed up for a new Dailymotion account today for a new project I'm going to debut in a month or so. What I found interesting is that Dailymotion took a pretty different tact when asking for signups for their newsletter and partner promotions. Instead of simply asking yes or no, they give you the boxes unchecked and provide two delivery methods. Instead of asking "Do I want this newsletter?" it asks "How do I want this newsletter?"

Subtle but effective

#optin #sneaky #tip
  • Profile picture of the author katiec
    Assuming that you want it is a great thing. Always give 2 choices, none of which are "No".

    Please read the sig file rules

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    that's pretty clever implementation of traditional sales techniques


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  • Profile picture of the author wkathome
    When marketing, you always have to be thinking on your feet.

    Perpetual Income 365 is a plug-and-play affiliate marketing software created by for all levels - from newbies to advanced marketers


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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
    There was a topic about giving people choices and making those choices for them....

    Basicly showed this method to a T and also said that if the no box requires a reason then most people will choose yes to just make it simpler.

    Very clever marketing none the less!

    Tom Brite
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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    • Profile picture of the author arepb
      They are unchecked, but the user flow is that he/she is filling out a bunch of forms and boxes prior to this step. Although opt ins go up when you force opt in (obviously), I thought this was the best of both worlds: user opt-in with the psychological game of twisting the usual approach.
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  • Profile picture of the author zapseo
    It's clever ... and relatively well-known.

    What's faar more interesting is to understand the mechanics behind this strategy so you can generalize it.

    The underlying "technology", if you will, is called "presupposition."

    Live JoyFully!

    Judy Kettenhofen Copywriter, Linguistic Magician & Marketer's Geek
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