Has anyone done affiliate marketing with essay writing services?

2 replies
I'm wondering if anyone has been successful with marketing essay writing services. Any thoughts? Thinking about getting started with this and was looking for some feedback. It seems like a fairly easy approach if it's marketed correctly to college students.
#affiliate #essay #marketing #services #writing
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Iam sure there is a demand for it...i.e. quality college type essays with uniqueness.

    Of course I know some college students who have paraphrasing from formerly written stuff in their own words... down to a science

    - Robert Andrew
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    • Profile picture of the author Ben Friedman
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Of course I know some college students who have paraphrasing from formerly written stuff in their own words... down to a science

      - Robert Andrew
      Some students are good at taking things other people have written or said and re-wording it to appear like it is their own work.


      Ben Friedman - Affiliate Marketing Manager
      www.ukprize.co.uk - Skype: benfconvergys

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