Can Anyone Be Successful At Internet Marketing?

by Jonathan 2.0 Banned
169 replies
I honestly think that anyone can be a success
at IM. ("Success" being defined as earning
something like 6-figures/year.) Why?

It's a simple (simple, not easy) process of 1.
Creating a product/something of value. 2.
Selling that product/monetizing that value And 3.
Driving traffic to your Website(s).

Now, there are several things you will need to
learn (if you decide not to outsource) however it's
something that I believe anyone can

Not everyone however will take all the necessary
steps that are required to succeed. Why? Well the
most significant reason for me would be that the
Person simply isn't suited for IM.
(They'd do
better doing something else to earn a living.)

Then there are people that simply won't keep going
(through several "failures" if necessary) until they
reach their goals(s).

All in all, though, I think that anyone can be successful
at IM. (Providing that they put in all the required time,
work, and effort.)

Thoughts and comments welcome.
: )

#internet #marketing #successful
  • Profile picture of the author myob
    The Warrior Forum is littered with failure, primarily because most people do not have the temperament required for success or achievement beyond mediocrity.
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  • Profile picture of the author johndetlefs
    I feel as though your post started with the faulty premise of "anyone can be successful at IM", and then quite successfully refuted your own point!

    Edit - Having had another re-read, I can see you're trying to separate work ethic from methodology, but we'll have to agree to disagree on that!

    Too many people come here with the belief they can make "$10,000 per month, even if you're a complete newbie, GUARANTEED!" that they're destined to fail.

    Most people are too lazy to build a successful business using online marketing.

    Winning in this game takes serious dedication to the task, a willingness to search out and learn from truly successful people who have succeeded before you (while weeding out your common garden variety bullshitters), and an insane work ethic.

    So while I admire your positivity, no, I don't believe everyone has these qualities, or that just anyone can make it in IM.

    You only get one shot at life - make it awesome.

    Everyone else also gets just one crack at it - help make theirs awesome too... or, politely step out of their way.

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    • Profile picture of the author Convergence
      Originally Posted by johndetlefs View Post

      I feel as though your post started with the faulty premise of "anyone can be successful at IM", and then quite successfully refuted your own point!

      Edit - Having had another re-read, I can see you're trying to separate work ethic from methodology, but we'll have to agree to disagree on that!

      Too many people come here with the belief they can make "$10,000 per month, even if you're a complete newbie, GUARANTEED!" that they're destined to fail.

      Most people are too lazy to build a successful business using online marketing.

      Winning in this game takes serious dedication to the task, a willingness to search out and learn from truly successful people who have succeeded before you (while weeding out the your common garden variety bullshitters), and an insane work ethic.

      So while I admire your positivity, no, I don't believe everyone has these qualities, or that just anyone can make it in IM.
      I agree, the only success I've achieved online is by putting in a full time +++++ work week. You don't even want to know what my hourly ROI is...LOL. The key to "success" online is figuring out one good business model, building on that until you have a self-supporting income and then moving onto the next biz model and building that out - the same ole "Rinse & Repeat" that we've all read about is the true key to success online, just like ANY business.

      Newbies - STAY AWAY FROM PROMOTING "IM" PRODUCTS, start promoting other niche affiliate products first, MUCH less competition...

      Just my 2 cents...
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    • Profile picture of the author dcbeckster
      Originally Posted by johndetlefs View Post

      I feel as though your post started with the faulty premise of "anyone can be successful at IM", and then quite successfully refuted your own point!

      Edit - Having had another re-read, I can see you're trying to separate work ethic from methodology, but we'll have to agree to disagree on that!

      Too many people come here with the belief they can make "$10,000 per month, even if you're a complete newbie, GUARANTEED!" that they're destined to fail.

      Most people are too lazy to build a successful business using online marketing.

      Winning in this game takes serious dedication to the task, a willingness to search out and learn from truly successful people who have succeeded before you (while weeding out the your common garden variety bullshitters), and an insane work ethic.

      So while I admire your positivity, no, I don't believe everyone has these qualities, or that just anyone can make it in IM.
      Great post! Yeah there are hundreds (if not thousands) of marketers out there they will tell you "buy my product and set it up on auto pilot and watch the money just come pouring in..." You're so right, it takes hard work, dedication, tenacity, and a clear vision in order to be successful online. Thanks for your comment.
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  • Profile picture of the author shmol
    Sure, anyone can be successful at IM

    However, two points.

    First, everyone will have a different I idea of what success is.

    Some people will be happy with an extra thousand a month--to them this would be successful.

    While others want to make 10,000 a month.

    Second, while anyone can do this, as you said,

    Not everyone will put in the time to actually "make it"

    Hope this Helps.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10991247].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by myob View Post

      The Warrior Forum is littered with failure, primarily because most people do not have the temperament required for success or achievement beyond mediocrity.
      Good point. However I don't personally believe in "failure." IMO it's just something that can teach you how to succeed. Thanks for the comment. : )

      Originally Posted by johndetlefs View Post

      Too many people come here with the belief they can make "$10,000 per month, even if you're a complete newbie, GUARANTEED!" that they're destined to fail.
      True. Many people think it's going to be easy to earn $10,000/month and only a fraction of those people keep on going until they reach their goal(s). However everyone (IMO) has the opportunity to become successful.

      Originally Posted by shmol View Post

      Not everyone will put in the time to actually "make it".
      Thanks shmol. (Unfortunately you're right.)
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

        I don't personally believe in "failure." IMO it's just something that can teach you how to succeed.
        Despite your personal denial, failure is real. Although it is the fundamental forging of character common to all high achievers, it most often marks the dead end of hopes and dreams.
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        • Profile picture of the author johndetlefs
          Originally Posted by myob View Post

          Despite your personal denial, failure is real. Although it is the fundamental forging of character common to all high achievers, it most often marks the dead end of hopes and dreams.
          You've gotta get a gig with Hallmarks.. that gear would sell by the truckload!

          I can see it now.. happy smiling kid, full of the possibilities of youth.. with "Failure is real" right below.

          Best Seller for sure.

          You only get one shot at life - make it awesome.

          Everyone else also gets just one crack at it - help make theirs awesome too... or, politely step out of their way.

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          • Profile picture of the author myob
            Originally Posted by johndetlefs View Post

            ... happy smiling kid, full of the possibilities of youth.. with "Failure is real" right below.
            The reality is that statistically 90%+ of kids (even of privilege) will fail due to drugs, addiction, prison, or mostly just through an unmotivated, anonymous existence of quiet desperation.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by myob View Post

          Despite your personal denial, failure is real. Although it is the fundamental forging of character common to all high achievers, it most often marks the dead end of hopes and dreams.
          I'm not saying that "failure" isn't real, just that it's something you can learn from to be more successful. That said, I love what you said about Character.
          : )
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Sure anyone can be but not everyone will do the steps and follow up to get there. Like anything or any new skill it takes time to learn!
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author MrWF
    No, a lot of people can't be successful and never will be. It takes hard work, dedication and mentality, non of which most people have or are willing to put in.
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    of all my 10 years in this business I've learned a lot of things.

    I've learned how to do SEO
    I've learned how to do Paid Advertising
    I've learned how to do email marketing

    ETC, ETC, ETC...

    I've basically learned how to do almost every major "method" to making money online.

    And although that experience is invaluable. I think the REAL secret to success with internet marketing can be summed up with one sentence.

    Create a solution to a problem someone is willing to pay for.

    Throw everything else out of the window. All the copywriting, all the sales tricks, all the SEO, all the fancy web design, all the tools, tips and tricks... Throw it all out and start building up from that single foundation...

    "I have a solution to a problem someone is willing to pay for. Now what method is the best to learn and master to help me get my solution shown to the people who need it".

    Thats the only approach anyone new to internet marketing should take when starting out. That's the real key to building a successful internet marketing career.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    "Can Anyone Be Successful At Internet Marketing?"


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  • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
    Can Anyone Be Successful At Internet Marketing?
    It depends where I'm answering this question: here or on my MMO website*.

    *I don't actually have such a website, but you get the idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I think anyone has the potential to be successful but for many factors obviously not everyone is a success.

    Aside from time, work and effort they need to be on the right direction as well imo.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    Failure is really only when you give up. The rest are lessons or true successes. I think attitude is the biggest reason why people fail. There is also a lot of mis-information too. This is why I suggest people learn from someone who teaches step by step stuff and who has been there.
    I suggest people start with their attitude:
    How to get in the Five Figure Freedom Mindset: 8 Limiting Phrases to stop using – Five Figure Freedom Review
    Don't limit your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author ACandi
    Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0

    Not everyone however will take all the necessary
    steps that are required to succeed. Why? Well the
    most significant reason for me would be that the
    Person simply isn't suited for IM. (They'd do
    better doing something else to earn a living.)

    Then there are people that simply won't keep going
    (through several "failures" if necessary) until they
    reach their goals(s).
    Hi Jonathan 2.0

    You stated two instances (see quotes above) why people can't be successful at internet marketing.

    You however expressed the belief that anyone can succeed at internet marketing.

    My conclusion is that in spite of your belief - not everyone will succeed and not everyone can succeed.

    Your definition of success i.e. $10,000 a month, automatically says that someone making $5,000 a month is a failure. I'm sure however, that if someone sets a goal of $1,000; $2,000 or even $3,000 a month and achieve those goals - they are successful.

    So I would define success as being able to achieve your financial goal online.

    I however thank you for a motivational post.

    Turn $50 into $500!
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  • Profile picture of the author PBScott
    There is a finite around of money around, and it is mostly distributed to the companies that started decades back, not new startups.
    So no not everyone can be successful at internet marketing, there is too much competition, and most of it are well established and already professional while you might still be learning what a H1 tag is.
    If you want to be dedicated and learn the trade, and work really hard at it, there is a possibility for eventual success.
    Although statistically, over 95% of people fail to make a living off internet marketing. Yes I have the stats for that if people need it.

    If you don't look at this => Really Funny Shirts <= you missed something in life

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  • Profile picture of the author chinup
    Only you can answer that. Do you have what it takes to learn the ropes, be patient, and be motivated to keep learning and pushing when you've failed?

    If so, yes. It can be done.
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  • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
    How I Learned Online Marketing (and How You Can Too)

    You learn by doing

    Have you ever heard the saying that you learn by doing? Its actually true. By trying different marketing tactics on your own site, you will learn what works and what doesnt
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  • Profile picture of the author avemfly619619
    i think failure is the success of goal.. if you learn from your failure then you definitely achieve your goal.
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    • Profile picture of the author VazghaValamudan
      FAIL stands for First Attempt in Learning, If we learn this, then there is no FAILS but success
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by VazghaValamudan View Post

        FAIL stands for First Attempt in Learning, If we learn this, then there is no FAILS but success

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  • Profile picture of the author Ellen Chedid
    I think anyone can be successful at internet marketing if they put in the work and use the right strategies. If you get into internet marketing expecting to make a fortune overnight then you are going to be extremely disappointed.
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    • Profile picture of the author VazghaValamudan
      You're Right Ellen, if one who put in the work & use the right business strategies will get succeeded - not only internet marketing, but also any business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wang Chain
    If success comes easily then it is not for long period. The Internet marketing is the field that needs time, devotion and strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author sylton
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  • Profile picture of the author Tesslady
    A lot of people tried venturing in IM, but most of them failed. Why? Because they think our work as IMers are pretty easy; not having to leave home to work, having time to do other stuff, and earning more compared to their day job!

    The truth is people only see what's on the surface. That's why when they try it for themselves, they give up too easily.

    So, IM does not mean success for everybody. WELL, for anybody who's willing to persist and work hard on this field, has surely more room open for success.
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  • Profile picture of the author expertcliping
    Yes, Internet marketing (IM) is help to do success Business, but most important think is that on which product or in which area you can start a business, this is most important for beginners so first analysis your business and then start your business and Internet Marketing, Social Marketing, etc. and then its all will be help for your starting of business.

    Best of Luck...
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamRay89
    No they can't.
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  • We all have different opinion here and everyone has a point. Success is defined by one's goals and aspirations. I believe everyone has a shot in affiliate marketing if you put your will to it. Mind power can definitely have a strong impact on success, just like the saying, "If there's a will; there's a way [to success]".
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  • Profile picture of the author zeetech68
    yes,anybody can be succesfull at IM if they have dedication and hard work and the most important thing have a lot interest in net surffing.if they have all these things then there is no need to anyone for learn about IM or to make perfect yourself at IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
    Honestly, no. Think of it as "survival of the fittest". Only the best, most hardworking and most persistent one succeeds.
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  • Profile picture of the author GabrielPoulsen
    I think that success can only be achieved if you have a good experienced teacher or go to the online school for learning Internet marketing. at first glance, it just take only three simple steps. but when you start to take in this case, there are still many nuances that need to know and which are of no less importance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pascal Kressig
    I agree on the fact that everyone can succeed in IM - ANYWAY, not the lazy one, not the one that is looking for a quick rich button, not the one that is not wiling to learn.

    My key factor that made me start get results time back when I was struggling, it was just one simple thing.

    Get a mentor that teaches from experience and not from theory
    Stick with ONE strategy, and stick long enough to master it!
    #1 Key factor = Follow the instructions - Take Massive Action - believe in yourself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992094].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Pascal Kressig View Post

      I agree on the fact that everyone can succeed in IM - ANYWAY, not the lazy one, not the one that is looking for a quick rich button, not the one that is not wiling to learn.
      If you believe that, then you are saying that not just anyone can succeed at IM.

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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        If you believe that, then you are saying that not just anyone can succeed at IM.


        Why do you always over analyze everything?
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  • Profile picture of the author rudi
    Honestly I think anyone can make a success of IM, however not everyone has the patience or the determination to do it right.

    The vast majority give up before anything takes hold. Anyone can make an income from Affiliate Marketing with perseverance, however earning 6 six figures does require the person to have a few qualities such as

    1. Common Sense
    2. Perseverance
    3. At least some charisma

    Without No1. you may as well p*ss in the wind because 6 six figures wont happen. In fact you need No1 plus AT LEAST one of the other 2.

    I have trained plenty of people to make money through IM, whether that be by affiliate, agency or consulting but occasionally you do get people that could send a stone to sleep. With video and audio being so essential, if you cannot get your audience remotely interested you wont get anywhere.

    Good iteration, common sense and perseverance are essential.

    New Course - Master Level Funnels - Get Multiple High Paying Clients While Living Life On Your Own Terms

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992136].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by rudi View Post

      Honestly I think anyone can make a success of IM, however not everyone has the patience or the determination to do it right.

      The vast majority give up before anything takes hold. Anyone can make an income from Affiliate Marketing with perseverance, however earning 6 six figures does require the person to have a few qualities such as

      1. Common Sense
      2. Perseverance
      3. At least some charisma

      Without No1. you may as well p*ss in the wind because 6 six figures wont happen. In fact you need No1 plus AT LEAST one of the other 2.

      I have trained plenty of people to make money through IM, whether that be by affiliate, agency or consulting but occasionally you do get people that could send a stone to sleep. With video and audio being so essential, if you cannot get your audience remotely interested you wont get anywhere.

      Good iteration, common sense and perseverance are essential.
      If you believe that, then you are saying that not just anyone can succeed at IM.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992139].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rudi
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        If you believe that, then you are saying that not just anyone can succeed at IM.

        No I am saying that not everyone can make 6 six figures from IM without at least some common sense.

        Admit it, how many times have you seen someone put up a plain post and a day later moan that they are not getting an income from it.
        I agree anyone can make an income from IM but making 6 figures is a different ball game.

        IM is a BIG market, it covers affiliate marketing, selling products, selling services, selling a personal brand but without at least common sense they are not going to be truly successful.

        New Course - Master Level Funnels - Get Multiple High Paying Clients While Living Life On Your Own Terms

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    It's a rather silly question and the answers match.

    Let me ask this:

    Can ANYONE make 6 figures working a job offline?

    Will people here say "yes, they can...."?

    No different than asking if "anyone" can be successful at IM. Some will succeed - many won't.

    In my opinion ALMOST anyone can make SOME money online - few will be highly successful. Just like most people can get and keep a job offline...but few will rise to the top mgmt level of the company.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Thanks for the comments/feedback People.
      : )

      I stand by what I said: I personally believe anyone can be successful at IM. It's simply a matter of going through all the necessary steps that it takes.

      However, again, some people would be more likely to succeed than others (for a number of reasons). Ultimately, though, I think the opportunity is there for everyone.

      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts".
        - Roy S. Durstine
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      • Profile picture of the author johndetlefs
        Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

        Ultimately, though, I think the opportunity is there for everyone.
        Now we're starting to move into the silly so as to not admit a faulty premise. Ultimately doesn't everyone have the opportunity to be just about anything?

        I can't believe this thread gone on so long when the original point made has taken such a beating. It's time to throw in the towel and lie on the canvas for a while to think things over.

        You only get one shot at life - make it awesome.

        Everyone else also gets just one crack at it - help make theirs awesome too... or, politely step out of their way.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      No different than asking if "anyone" can be successful at IM. Some will succeed - many won't.
      True. However I'm concerned about all the People who don't believe in themselves however (actually) have what it takes to be a successful "Internet Marketer." Let's liberate and empower people instead of keeping all the "success" to ourselves.

      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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      • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
        Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

        Let's liberate and empower people instead of keeping all the "success" to ourselves.

        Now you're just being silly.

        You obviously have never tried to "liberate and empower people" in the MMO space.

        "Can Anyone Be Successful At Internet Marketing?"


        Sorry, Frank, but the correct answer is, "Hell No!" Not with a blueprint in hand and a cattle prod on their backside.

        That's my belief, born of experience.
        Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
        All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992335].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

          Now you're just being silly.

          You obviously have never tried to "liberate and empower people" in the MMO space.

          Sorry, Frank, but the correct answer is, "Hell No!" Not with a blueprint in hand and a cattle prod on their backside.

          That's my belief, born of experience.
          You can never go wrong even remotely agreeing with me. lol

          Jonathan is the main source of this type of BS and he is shameless - and clueless.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992341].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
            Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

            Jonathan is the main source of this type of BS and he is shameless - and clueless.
            I'll be a Millionaire soon (by empowering and inspiring People) while you will just be BigFrank.
            "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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            • Profile picture of the author discrat
              Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

              I'll be a Millionaire soon (by empowering and inspiring People) while you will just be BigFrank.
              Hey Jonathan,
              Iam a romantic and sentimental person who gets inspired by others as well. I have always rooted for the underdog my whole life. It's part of who Iam. So I can relate

              But approaching 50 soon, I have observed that a segment of the population is beyond help. Beyond empowering and beyond inspiring. It's just not there for these people. Never has been and never will be. Just not in the cards

              Many of them are right here on WF

              Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992420].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                Originally Posted by discrat View Post

                But approaching 50 soon, I have learned that a segment of the population is beyond help. Beyond empowering and beyond inspiring. It's just not there for these people. And never has been
                Thanks discrat. Let's focus on the People who are going to be successful at IM. And help and encourage them the best we can.

                : )

                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                • Profile picture of the author myob
                  Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                  Let's focus on the People who are going to be successful at IM.
                  You're not going to find diamonds by digging in the trash.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                    Originally Posted by myob View Post

                    You're not going to find diamonds by digging in the trash.
                    There are many "diamonds in the rough."

                    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                    • Profile picture of the author myob
                      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                      There are many "diamonds in the rough."

                      Not in trash.
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                      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                        Originally Posted by myob View Post

                        Not in trash.
                        Something that helps me is to think about standing on Eternity with Jesus/God/Whatever and having them look at my Life on Earth. If you can say you did a good job, then there's nothing to be concerned about. However, if you can't say that, maybe it's time to look at your Life and priorities. (Just saying.)

                        Personally I think we're all here to do good and share our "love" with the World.
                        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992524].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author myob
                          Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                          Personally I think we're all here to do good and share our "love" with the World.
                          And how is that working for you, so far? There doesn't appear to be much of anything in reality to support your impossible dream. It is human nature to want to be mediocre, and you are not going to change that.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992538].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                            Originally Posted by myob View Post

                            And how is that working for you, so far?
                            It's in everything I do. Including (that I began creating in Hospital - Long story) .. And BlastFromThePast which is my $1 Million Website experiment.
                            : )

                            There doesn't appear to be much of anything in reality to support your impossible dream. It is human nature to want to be mediocre, and you are not going to change that.
                            To be honest, I don't know if it's human nature to be mediocre however what I know for certain is that a Person can create the Life of their dreams regardless of "limitations" (and what people say) especially so with IM

                            "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                              Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                              It's in everything I do. Including (that I began creating in Hospital - Long story) .. And BlastFromThePast which is my $1 Million Website experiment.
                              Self-promotion violates forum rules, unless you consider yourself a privileged character.

                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992551].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                                Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                                Self-promotion violates forum rules, unless you consider yourself a privileged character.
                                Lol My Shrink said I was very special.

                                Originally Posted by johndetlefs View Post

                                I can't believe this thread gone on so long when the original point made has taken such a beating. It's time to throw in the towel and lie on the canvas for a while to think things over.
                                (Lol) One of the most important qualities of being a successful Entrepreneur is the quality of perseverance.

                                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                              Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                              what I know for certain is that
                              We will all die. Beyond that, you know absolutely nothing for certain. Everything else is your personal belief.

                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992553].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                                Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                                Beyond that, you know absolutely nothing for certain. Everything else is your personal belief.
                                You forgot about Taxes.
                                : P
                                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992556].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                              Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                              It's in everything I do. Including (that I began creating in Hospital - Long story) .. And BlastFromThePast which is my $1 Million Website experiment.
                              I was bored out of my mind, so I figured I would check-out your handiwork.

                              What did I find? Nothing, Nada. Zip. Zero. I guess not everyone can succeed at IM, after all. No worries about self-promotion, here. :-)

                              Get to work, slacker!

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                              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
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                                • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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                                • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
                                  Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post


                                  It's not online yet. Essentially, it's 11 Tips/Advice I have learned from a decade (and more) dealing with Schizophrenia/Depression/etc.

                                  At the moment I have another 3 Tips to add (and then intergrade Social Media/Facebook comments) before it's finally live.

                                  First off you should get your site live now, if everything else is in place. Don't worry about inter grading social sites etc. Wasting time battling Frank is futile. You say you want to be a millionaire, then don't waste time here. Frank is trying to point out reality can be a cruel teacher !!

                                  Their are posters that come and go here that will never make it in IM. They come here buy a few WSO's then quit. Others are to lazy to put in any effort at all. These people don't have the mindset or skillset to make it. Most will blame everybody else for their failures. They will never put in the effort to make it here or in life. One day it will be to late. So not anyone can be Successful in this field.

                                  Get to work on your project give it a 100 percent effort. If after pursing this and maybe other idea's what ever happens succeed or fail at least you tried !

                                  Good Luck

                                  One final thing 10's of thousands think as a child they will be the next Tom Brady, Arnold Palmer, Michael Jordan, or other Superstar in sports but only a few make it. They lack the size, speed or discipline to make it up the latter. At the end of the day only a very rare few succeed to make it too the top.That's Reality in Sports,and for IM.

                                  You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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                                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                                    Thanks for the advice, DWolfe Nothing and nobody can stop me from accomplishing my ambitions/Websites.

                           (not online yet) was inspired from Andy Dufrene ("The Shawshank Redemption") and Gary Halbert ("The Boron Letters.")

                                    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                                    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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                                            • Profile picture of the author MValmont
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                                              • Profile picture of the author mdallen
                                                Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                                                Have you ever seen a picture of the guy?

                                                Probably not. Would make you understand a lot of things
                                                It is about willingness to act not just willingness to dream. Some people see stuff through and others hope someday it will happen...
                                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994896].message }}
                                                • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                                                  Originally Posted by mdallen View Post

                                                  It is about willingness to act not just willingness to dream. Some people see stuff through and others hope someday it will happen...

                                                  I made $18 000 last month, what about you?

                                                  I agree with you dreaming....without action is BAD. And This is what Frank is mad about, and I actually agree with him...

                                                  But to say that everybody that is into self-development is just a dreamer is just not true. Some of us are actuallyTaking massive action out there.
                                                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994963].message }}
                                                  • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
                                                    Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                                                    I made $18 000 last month, what about you?

                                                    I agree with you dreaming....without action is BAD. And This is what Frank is mad about, and I actually agree with him...

                                                    But to say that everybody that is into self-development is just a dreamer is just not true. Some of us are actuallyTaking massive action out there.
                                                    I partly agree with both of you. Self-development is not negative, more like the opposite. But many people nowadays tend to reduce the whole business thing to self-development.

                                                    At the end of the day the market doesn't care whether you have a positive mindset, have entrepreneurial spirit or stick to your goals. If you don't have a plan what you want to do and the knowledge, skills and attitude to execute that plan, nothing will happen. You can read as many Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki books as you want.

                                                    I literally know dozens of people claiming that they are successful entrepreneurs for like 2-3 years now just because they upload a pic a day where they sit in the garden with a Mac on the table saying how they love to do business from home not being in force to do 9 to 5 anymore. But when you ask them what they really do they have 100s of excuses and explanations on how they are still looking for the next thing or "reading 1 business book per week".
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                                            • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
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                                            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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                                                                • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                                                                  everybody with an IQ over 100 that red the entire discussion will come to the conclusion that I brought facts, good judgment, etc
                                                                  I doubt anyone with an IQ over 90 read the entire discussion - or is choosing a "winner". Then again, a few may be scratching their arse and hoping that works.
                                                                  Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                                                                  One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
                                                                  what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                    If you have a dream of being a successful Internet Marketer/Entrepreneur don't listen to all the people who say it "can't" be done. If you're 100% committed you will reach your goals as sure as the Sun will rise tomorrow.

                    Keep going and never give up.

                    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
                      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                      If you have a dream of being a successful Internet Marketer/Entrepreneur don't listen to all the people who say it "can't" be done. If you're 100% committed you will reach your goals as sure as the Sun will rise tomorrow.

                      Keep going and never give up.

                      This thread reminds me of an old joke...

                      How many self-help gooroos does it take to change a light bulb?

                      Only one, but the bulb has to want to change...

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992478].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

                        This thread reminds me of an old joke...

                        How many self-help gooroos does it take to change a light bulb?

                        Only one, but the bulb has to want to change.:
                        (Lol.) Yeah I first heard that from Anthony Robbins. "Wanting to change" is the most important component for sure. However everyone needs a little bit of "support" now and again.

                        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                      • Profile picture of the author myob
                        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

                        This thread reminds me of an old joke...

                        How many self-help gooroos does it take to change a light bulb?

                        Only one, but the bulb has to want to change...

                        The OP reminds me of Don Quixote, the hapless Man of la Mancha who imagined himself to be a knight on an errand to right the unrightable wrongs in his glorious quest of the impossible dream. No one wanted to change, and tragically, the comedy did not end well.
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                    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                      If you're 100% committed you will reach your goals as sure as the Sun will rise tomorrow.
                      Maybe - maybe, not. lol

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        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

          Now you're just being silly.

          You obviously have never tried to "liberate and empower people" in the MMO space.
          (Lol) It's a lofty dream however I would like to think that us, TheWarriorForum, are all here to help and support each other regardless of what "stage" we're at.

          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

            (Lol) It's a lofty dream however I would like to think that us, TheWarriorForum, are all here to help and support each other regardless of what "stage" we're at.

            Yes - but your claptrap does nothing to help or support anyone. They are worthless bromides that make you appear immature and not possessing a clue of what takes place in the real lives of other people. If they listen to you, and then fail at something, all you have accomplished is making them feel like a worthless loser. Jonathan said, "ANYONE can do this." There must be something wrong with me.

            Unfortunately, you don't care about doing that to people you claim that you want to help. You're extremely selfish in that regard, displaying a total lack of empathy for the personal struggles of others.

            You'll never relent though. You enjoy your own singular brand of cruelty, too much. lol

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            • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
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              • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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          • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
            Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

            (Lol) It's a lofty dream however I would like to think that us, TheWarriorForum, are all here to help and support each other regardless of what "stage" we're at.


            I wish that was the case. That's very idealistic. There are a lot of veterans who genuinely do offer great feedback and advice. Then, there are a lot of veterans who offer help in the interest of feeding their own fragile egos...

            I've seen posts where folks will ask questions (noobies) and the responses were very harsh. If you've worked hard to acquire a bunch of valuable knowledge, why (TRY) to make someone feel badly for not having said knowledge?

            This is a fascinating place... I'm always observing and one thing I've observed about Warrior Forum is that most folks operate independently in their own silos. They are used to building landing pages by themselves, e-mailing offers, generating traffic, getting offline clients, fulfilling offline clients' needs, etc. etc. They are mostly incapable of working collaboratively.

            They don't have the opportunity to be around teammates who collectively gain professional confidence as a result of securing team wins. If they're making money, they need another outlet to feed their ego because looking at the bank balance is not enough. This is an ideal place.

            Finally... I've noticed that folks are out to gain what they can from other humans (warriors) so as to benefit themselves to the greatest extent possible.

            The competition for the meager resources the banksters leave behind for us to fight over is becoming more and more fierce by the day.

            But... there still remain great people here. Just not many.
            FILL IN THE BLANKS!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I don't think everyone has the temperament to be an entrepreneur of any kind whether in IM or running a Taco Stand.

    You have to be willing to take risks, invest in yourself and your business, learn from your mistakes and keep going. You have to be do what it takes to find your own answers and what works and what doesn't.

    You can't be the type of person who wants someone to stand over you and tell you step by step, "Do this, now do this, and now do this."

    It's not the easiest path but some of us wouldn't be happy any other way.

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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

    I honestly think that anyone can be a success
    at IM. ("Success" being defined as earning
    something like 6-figures/year.) Why?

    It's a simple (simple, not easy) process of 1.
    Creating a product/something of value. 2.
    Selling that product/monetizing that value And 3.
    Driving traffic to your Website(s).

    Now, there are several things you will need to
    learn (if you decide not to outsource) however it's
    something that I believe anyone can
    Then you haven't been to East Tenessee and some of the trailer parks my relatives have lived in.

    In no way, shape, or form could these folks ( most at least) produce their own quality product that would sell.

    You could take a gun to their head and give them Frank Kern for 6 month One on One training and they still wouldn't be successful.

    Some people in Life just do not have the "wiring" in their brain to do some things. If you think otherwise then you live in a bubble and need to get out and see the World

    Of course, anyone can ...i.e there are some in the trailer park I know that could. I am just saying many of the ones I have run into CAN"T and will NEVER be able to.

    That's not being mean, just honest

    - Robert Andrew

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992152].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Some people in Life just do not have the "wiring" in thier brain to do some things. If you think otherwise then you live in a bubble and need to get out and see the World

      Of course, anyone can ...i.e there are some in the trailer park I know that could. I am just saying many of the ones I have run into CAN"T and will NEVER be able to.
      That's not being mean, just honest
      - Robert Andrew
      At least 98% if not more of the population are still connected to the mothership via their umbilical cord.

      [take umbilical to mean connected to job, social security, other support mechanism]

      It doesn't matter whether it is IM or any other business.

      Until one cuts the cord and tries to succeed there is little chance of success.

      Successful people are self-starters.

      They are self-made.

      People often fear things.

      One of those things they fear is success.

      If you want to be successful then cut the cord, face the fear, learn, grow, adapt, adapt some more, start to have some success, have more success, then succeed. . .


      keep learning.

      keep growing

      keep adapting.

      keep producing

      It starts with the leap of faith when you cut the cord.

      Best regards,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992176].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

        At least 98% if not more of the population are still connected to the mothership via their umbilical cord.

        [take umbilical to mean connected to job, social security, other support mechanism]

        It doesn't matter whether it is IM or any other business.

        Until one cuts the cord and tries to succeed there is little chance of success.

        Successful people are self-starters.

        They are self-made.

        People often fear things.

        One of those things they fear is success.

        If you want to be successful then cut the cord, face the fear, learn, grow, adapt, adapt some more, start to have some success, have more success, then succeed. . .


        keep learning.

        keep growing

        keep adapting.

        keep producing

        It starts with the leap of faith when you cut the cord.

        Best regards,

        Here is the thing Oz,
        This is not an excuse but many of the people Im talking about do not even have a clue of what success is nor do they care.

        This is generational. The family members they have been around pass it on and it becomes hard wired into their DNA and mentality.

        Let's face it there are people that are born to be sub standard human beings in life as far as having Success like we are talking about.

        As I said before I know it sounds mean. I know it sounds horrible but if you truly have seen it you know what I mean.

        Hell, they don't fear success . You know what they fear? That if they don't get that $50 by Friday they are going to be kicked out of their trailer and even worse they fear they can't buy their cigarettes for the weekend

        Enough with all this "touchy feely rah rah if you just put your Mind to it" BS. ( not directed at you Oz, just in general)

        Some just do not have the Mind nor never will have one

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992234].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          Enough with all this "touchy feely rah rah if you just put your Mind to it" BS. Some just do not have the Mind nor never will have one
          Seriously. This crap needs to be relegated to the 'Mind Warriors' forum. Constantly spewing this type of drivel does a huge disservice to a lot of people. It's beyond pathetic.

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  • Profile picture of the author Courage

    1. I honestly believe that (Today) you need to do
    PhD level studying. There are dozens of skills which
    need to be mastered and the learning never stops.

    2. You need a crazy insane work ethic. Most people
    don't even understand basic time management, let
    alone how to optimise to time for maximum returns.

    Most people are lazy, lazy, lazy (How many people
    are willing to work on a Saturday, let's get real here.)

    3. You need money and luck - lots of it - gone are the
    days of spending no money to get traffic (Correct me
    if I'm wrong.)

    And I'll give you one more piece of advice.

    I written copy for high level guys in the Forex, PUA
    and health niches. These guys are slick and hard as need to be able to manipulate people
    like a stone cold need to work like
    an unfeeling machine, and very few people are cut
    out for that kind of life.

    Building a million dollar business takes a tremendous
    amount of business savvy, and very few people have
    what it takes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10992202].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rudi
      Originally Posted by Courage View Post


      1. I honestly believe that (Today) you need to do
      PhD level studying. There are dozens of skills which
      need to be mastered and the learning never stops.

      2. You need a crazy insane work ethic. Most people
      don't even understand basic time management, let
      alone how to optimise to time for maximum returns.

      Most people are lazy, lazy, lazy (How many people
      are willing to work on a Saturday, let's get real here.)

      3. You need money and luck - lots of it - gone are the
      days of spending no money to get traffic (Correct me
      if I'm wrong.)

      And I'll give you one more piece of advice.

      I written copy for high level guys in the Forex, PUA
      and health niches. These guys are slick and hard as need to be able to manipulate people
      like a stone cold need to work like
      an unfeeling machine, and very few people are cut
      out for that kind of life.

      Building a million dollar business takes a tremendous
      amount of business savvy, and very few people have
      what it takes.
      You made some good points but I agree with some points and disagree with some....


      1. Yes the learning never stops, but there is 90% waffle out there and 10% actionable useful information. I do not have a degree, never mind a PHD yet my combined venture incomes mean I earn what I consider a lot of money and some might say is not a lot. But as long as you follow the right advice then there is no reason you cannot earn a decent income online.

      2.Agree that you need to work hard although I think smarter is much better. Don't get me wrong you need to work hard to succeed, but if people sacked off social media and youtube for a few hours a day and knuckled down then productivity would be so much higher.

      3. I agree you need money to get to the big bucks if you are starting from scratch.BUT there are ways to get going with no money and as long as that is re-invested then it can snowball pretty quickly to a good income. Every one of my businesses are bootstrapped and earn nicely but I agree that I had to work 7 days a week for quite a while before the paydays came in and 70%of people give up before they get there.

      On your other points you have it spot on. Despite the fact that many people think IM is a way to earn some money on the side, if you want to earn real money then it is a real business. Because it is a business it gets seriously cut throat especially if you encroach on other people territory which is standard in IM.

      New Course - Master Level Funnels - Get Multiple High Paying Clients While Living Life On Your Own Terms

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  • Profile picture of the author Cdean5532
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    • Profile picture of the author rudi
      Originally Posted by Cdean5532 View Post

      Yes, If you have a big email list and selling quality vendor products.
      The only issue here is that in order to have an email list that is worthwhile and relevant then you would already need to be good at IM in order to get it in the first place!

      Note, before someone says buy a can't buy a truly relevant opted in list without paying mega bucks

      New Course - Master Level Funnels - Get Multiple High Paying Clients While Living Life On Your Own Terms

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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Gilbert
    If your goal is just to have 500 number of subscribers and you achieved it, then you are successful.

    Everybody has their level of success
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  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan

    I don't believe that.

    It is not because of the field. It is because of who we are.

    Some people are disciplined and can get the work done. Others are not. Some people like to study. Others are not. Some people get scared really easily and give up on the first sign of danger. Others do not.

    I estimate that maybe 10% of the people engaged in Internet Marketing are earning more than $1000/month. These are the same 10% that could earn money no matter what they do, be it an offline business or a job.

    In all honesty, some people simply sabotage themselves or are not willing to put in the effort. Some people have a nagging wife that tells them "you'll never succeed in doing this". Some people are addicted to computer games or gambling or binge watching Netflix and all of these come in the way of IM success.

    I've achieved a great deal of things in my life already. Who wants to believe me, fine, who doesn't, that's alright too.

    And since I've started on this journey, I've discovered that who you are as a person matters a lot more than what you know. I'm not talking about attitude specifically (even if it is part of it). I'm talking about our sense of selves.

    I've learned that I'm my greatest enemy and my greatest ally and abilities like focus, discipline, persistence, self-reliance, courage in the face of danger are extremely, extremely important.

    The difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is not determined when times are good and the sea is calm. It is determined when it is a storm and you want to cry, you want to yell, you want to blame someone. It is when you have to admit to yourself that your path is wrong and you need to take a different one or when you risk being homeless or you eat twice a day just so you can follow your dreams.

    That's what makes the difference between success and failure.

    But why should we take personal responsibility when we can blame the gurus? After all, every single failure in our life is "not" ours. It is the fault of that greedy guru ... or of the country we live in ... or of our significant other ... or of faith and lack of luck.

    It is never us. It is never our inability to act, to take responsibility, to show courage in face of defeat. It is always else to blame because it is easier to sleep at night knowing that someone else is the reason why you're not kicking ass in life.

    So keep blaming someone else. I "assure" you that you'll have a great and fulfilling life this way.


    Best regards,

    PS: There's a site called Quora.

    Most of you know about it.

    You know what is popular there? Populist ideas delivered in an entertaining way.

    This is what the Internet has become. What's good, what leads to real growth is not popular. What is easy and fits into our mediocre frame of reality becomes an overnight success.

    And in all honesty, let's say that someone launches an WSO now that contains the real lessons of IM. This WSO tells you that you need to sacrifice, to work hard, to put everything on the line and that it will take five years to get to $10.000/month.

    That it takes day by day discipline and that you can't be a wuss anymore.

    Do you think people would buy it?

    Hell no. They would just head back to the "Earn $50.000/Month On Auto-Pilot" WSO. People tend to delete anything that makes them uncomfortable and validate their own thinking and beliefs.

    You know what you should do to succeed in IM?

    Join the army. Have someone teach you some discipline. Stop thinking you're a special cupcake and get good at getting things done and living with integrity towards yourself. Go into an environment where you must do what you said you'll do or you're going to be in trouble.

    90% of the folks here don't need another WSO.

    They need two weeks in a Marine boot-camp. Or they need to be in a place with strict rules and strict discipline. They need to give up on the BS story that they're special and entitled to success. Once this happens, they realize that life is simple.

    You get out what you put in. That's all. The quality and quantity of your input determines the quality and quantity of your output.

    E x E = R

    Efficiency x effectiveness = results

    But no. Be it here or in most mediums online, we prefer to pat ourselves on our backs that we're special and we're "getting there". To get there it actually means to work towards getting there.

    Offline is different. When you're in a room with people earning $50.000/month or more, you don't come with the same BS that you would have come online. You just act. Those people will look at what you do and what are the results of what you're doing.

    They'll be forgiving of not achieving results as long as you're hustling and putting in the effort. They'll appreciate someone who may suck, competence wise but at least has the attitude and is willing to work at it until he faints from exhaustion.

    Yet, you'll never see this stuff online. The Internet is nothing more nowadays than a mediocre medium that sells mediocre ideas that fits with peoples models of the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author jennydonald
    One word answer is NO

    Success needs luck, hardwork and common sense and not every have it
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  • Profile picture of the author tanooja1
    Hi there, that's a great question.

    It happens to be one that I love answering because my entry into the web marketing profession was so far off the beaten path.

    The answer will really depend on how you learn. I've noticed that there are several different learning styles.

    Visual Learners - These are your folks that learn best by watching someone else do whatever it is that you're trying to learn.

    Ideal Learning Method for Visual Learners: Video courses, YouTube or a physical classroom. If this is you you might enjoy Udemy, InstanteTraining or TutsPlus.
    Cerebral Learners - These folks are able to learn the material just by hearing how to do something.

    Ideal Learning Method for Cerebral Learners: Reading a book, joining an online forum or talking to others in the field.

    If this is you you might like (their premium subscription), reading Kaushik Avinash's book called Web Analytics: An Hour a Day or reading Aaron Wall's Building Findable Websites: Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond.

    Action Oriented Learners - If this is you, you learn best by doing the thing that you're trying to learn and adjusting to correct or improve upon your mistakes.

    Ideal Learning Method for Action Oriented Learners: Internships, freelance work, volunteer work.

    Note: I know it might sound weird to work on something that you may not know that well, but believe me...I've definitely seen folks that learned web marketing this way.

    Hope that helps!
    Tanooja Agarwal,
    Small Business Owner
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  • Profile picture of the author TeddyTech
    First think what is your success, come to conclusion about your success. Then find your audience and check how to concentrate on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

    I honestly think that anyone can be a success
    at IM. ("Success" being defined as earning
    something like 6-figures/year.) Why?

    It's a simple (simple, not easy) process of 1.
    Creating a product/something of value. 2.
    Selling that product/monetizing that value And 3.
    Driving traffic to your Website(s).

    Now, there are several things you will need to
    learn (if you decide not to outsource) however it's
    something that I believe anyone can

    Not everyone however will take all the necessary
    steps that are required to succeed. Why? Well the
    most significant reason for me would be that the
    Person simply isn't suited for IM.
    (They'd do
    better doing something else to earn a living.)

    Then there are people that simply won't keep going
    (through several "failures" if necessary) until they
    reach their goals(s).

    All in all, though, I think that anyone can be successful
    at IM. (Providing that they put in all the required time,
    work, and effort.)

    Thoughts and comments welcome.
    : )

    Hello Jonathan,
    As long as the one has the strong why he/she needs to be a successful at anything, sure you would have better chance to make success happen.
    Internet marketing is not different, however it needs open-minded as well as long term vision.

    There is no magic pill to successful marketers. Just like offline entrepreneurs, it takes effort and time to become rich. Sure, there are internet marketers out there making millions with only 5 hours of work a week from their coastal vacations, but you can bet that those gurus have invested thousands of hours to get to that point.

    All my best,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10993195].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Omarkenawy View Post

      Sure, there are internet marketers out there making millions with only 5 hours of work a week from their coastal vacations, but you can bet that those gurus have invested thousands of hours to get to that point.
      True. Good point. Thanks Omar.
      : )
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author trevordd
    If you are ready to study really hard and practice a lot, you can succeed in marketing. It will be great if you get some Professional mentoring support while learning. It is not an easy thing, so you have to realize that there will be some fails or disappointments. But if you overcome all that, you will be successful
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10993369].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by trevordd View Post

      If you are ready to study really hard and practice a lot, you might succeed in marketing. It could be great if you get some Professional mentoring support while learning. It is not an easy thing, so you have to realize that there will be some fails or disappointments. But if you overcome all that, you might be successful.
      Edited for plausibility.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10993631].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author risgirly
    Anyone can be successful at Internet marketing but not EVERY one will be

    It's tough but the tough keep going and keep doing what they should, until they succeed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10993667].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by risgirly View Post

      Anyone can be successful at Internet marketing but not EVERY one will be

      It's tough but the tough keep going and keep doing what they should, until they succeed.
      If not everyone, is - then not everyone, can. lol

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10993683].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Eden A
    Of course that anyone can do it,
    but not anyone will.

    because people don't understand what it takes to
    get there, and how much work and hustle you need to be willing
    to do to get there.

    People usually think okay I will go with that affiliate or that
    program and BOOM money will drop out from the sky

    That is a big misconception that people got used to think
    hear and see.

    It takes a lot more than just getting into some program
    thier is branding, traffic, open a website and a lot more
    to it than it seems.

    What people don't see is how those successful people
    got to where they are today,
    it took a lot of deduction and working night and day to
    get to where they are.

    So not everyone can make it only the people
    who are willing to give 200% in their business.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10993696].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Eden A View Post

      Of course that anyone can do it,
      but not anyone will.

      because people don't understand what it takes to
      get there, and how much work and hustle you need to be willing
      to do to get there.

      People usually think okay I will go with that affiliate or that
      program and BOOM money will drop out from the sky

      That is a big misconception that people got used to think
      hear and see.

      It takes a lot more than just getting into some program
      thier is branding, traffic, open a website and a lot more
      to it than it seems.

      What people don't see is how those successful people
      got to where they are today,
      it took a lot of deduction and working night and day to
      get to where they are.

      So not everyone can make it only the people
      who are willing to give 200% in their business.
      That's a lot of words to just say, "Not everyone can." lol

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10993704].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author myob
        The score never changes significantly:

        Failures: 95%+ Successful: <5%
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnnyNight
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994636].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Originally Posted by JohnnyNight View Post

            A total fraud like yourself...

            talk.. talk.. talk..

            You give the most simplistic of so called advice anyone could dream up without even getting out of bed...

            Never a website to prove anything...

            YAP.. YAP.. YAP...

            The only reason your still around is you have nothing in reality to do than be here..

            No credentials... NO NOTHING to prove a single thing,,
            Ouch. That's a bit, harsh. You need to follow my example and work on developing a pleasant personality. You'll make more friends that way. :-)

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994646].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author myob
            Originally Posted by JohnnyNight View Post

            A total fraud like yourself...

            talk.. talk.. talk..

            You give the most simplistic of so called advice anyone could dream up without even getting out of bed...

            Never a website to prove anything...

            YAP.. YAP.. YAP...

            The only reason your still around is you have nothing in reality to do than be here..

            No credentials... NO NOTHING to prove a single thing,,
            The steps to success really are quite simple, as not only myself but others (including BigFrank) have been writing about for years.

            But just like you, the OP, and nearly every other star-struck dreamer, they simply won't or can't do what it takes to succeed (defined in the OP's opening salvo as 6 figures)

            Even if I were to show my websites, you still will have nothing. The sites don't show the hundreds of thousands of articles syndicated in over 90,000+ online/offline publications pointing to them. Nor the countless emails, webinars, telephone calls, postal mail, videos, etc that consistently resulted in muilti-million dollar deals.

            So if you're not willing to do what it takes to achieve success yourself, using the time-proven best practices which I have shared on this forum (and which are not my own ideas), then get a job at McDonald's or similar menial job where you'll be told exactly how to help make someone else successful.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994721].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        That's a lot of words to just say, "Not everyone can." lol


        You have to give a little extra for 200%.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994000].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kevin2018
    "Can Anyone Be Successful At Internet Marketing?"

    I would agree with Frank. Not everyone can be successful, even with all steps laid out exactly as it should. Some people just cannot follow the steps, some people just do not have any funds to drive traffic, some people just could not get the time it needs. Some people will always come up with a reason, no matter what.

    One thing it is sure though, to be successful does take a lot of time, effort, patience, and numerous failures too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Wow I wander if anyone will see my post buried so deep here.


    Can anyone truly be successful?

    Yes I truly believe anyone can if they pay their dues.

    But paying your dues has a 'greater' deeper meaning...

    Successful Internet Marketing can mean FREEDOM because you have a shot at making a lot of money.

    And money is a form of freedom.

    But sadly the 'average' human mind can't handle freedom.


    Do you see what goes on in the world on weekends and holidays?

    The police, fire and ambulance is very busy and the emergency ward at the hospital goes absolutely berserk during these times.


    Because 97% of the population just can't handle being free for just '2 short days' between the work week.

    That's why 'personal development' is needed (on a daily basis).

    And guess what?

    Most people pursuing the IM industry are not reading personal development daily (or even listening to audios).

    Most people are 'chasing' the buck or looking for the 'secret' strategy.

    Personal Development FREE's the MIND.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994055].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      Yes I truly believe anyone can if they pay their dues.
      So - what you are saying is that if they are not willing to 'pay their dues" they won't be successful. Since not everyone is willing to do that, not anyone can be successful.

      Stop the insanity.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994278].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        If you tell someone "anyone can succeed in IM" - does that ensure their success?

        If you say "not everyone can succeed in IM" - does that guarantee failure?

        Of course not. It's a topic everyone can argue about because it's not black and white but grey all over.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994284].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author VazghaValamudan
          Yeah, Just think about people whom you think as successful.

          First, he/she is a similar human like us, who got succeed in IM or in any other business.
          Second, Think why we can't able to get succeed like the same human.

          We people need to have will power, to achieve anything & everything in Life.

          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          If you tell someone "anyone can succeed in IM" - does that ensure their success?

          If you say "not everyone can succeed in IM" - does that guarantee failure?

          Of course not. It's a topic everyone can argue about because it's not black and white but grey all over.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994325].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Originally Posted by VazghaValamudan View Post

            We people need to have will power, to achieve anything & everything in Life.
            That may be true, but all the willpower in the world cannot guarantee success, That is the main bone of contention within this thread.

            We're simply trying to get the OP to surrender his proposition that ANYONE can be successful at IM, when that is obviously not the case.

            Hundreds of people per day, more than likely, quit their pursuit of trying to be successful at IM, only to be replaced by others, the vast majority of whom will fail, bigly - regardless of work ethic, will power, a positive attitude or even a coach/mentor.

            Nothing is assured in life.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994414].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        So - what you are saying is that if they are not willing to 'pay their dues" they won't be successful. Since not everyone is willing to do that, not anyone can be successful.
        I'm not sure if you're joking or not, however, just because a person doesn't invest the necessary time, effort, energy doesn't mean that they (and other People) can't reach their goal(s)
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994428].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

          I'm not sure if you're joking or not, however, just because a person doesn't invest the necessary time, effort, energy doesn't mean that they (and other People) can't reach their goal(s)
          I never joke without adding an appropriate emoticon.

          So - now you're saying that a person doesn't even really need to apply themselves and they are still almost guaranteed success?

          There's no hope for you. I'm sure that after that post, no one will ever take you seriously, again - so I'll let this drop, now.

          You have totally proven my point that you just like to hear yourself spout your utter nonsense which is totally devoid of anything of merit or relevancy. lol

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994431].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
            Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

            I never joke without adding an appropriate emoticon.
            OK. : )

            So - now you're saying that a person doesn't even really need to apply themselves and they are still almost guaranteed success?
            No. What I'm saying is that even if a Person hasn't achieved their goal(s) (including taking action etc.) they can always start again and learn the necessary aspects of IM success.

            There's no hope for you. I'm sure that after that post, no one will ever take you seriously, again - so I'll let this drop, now.

            You have totally proven my point that you just like to hear yourself spout your utter nonsense which is totally devoid of anything of merit or relevancy. lol
            I think we're Kindred Spirits.

            "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994442].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
          Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

          I'm not sure if you're joking or not, however, just because a person doesn't invest the necessary time, effort, energy doesn't mean that they (and other People) can't reach their goal(s)

          If they don't put in the 'necessary', then the result (the goal) won't happen.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994438].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MValmont
        The answer is no.

        It really depends of the mindset of the person.

        Just read this thread and you will see a kind of person that is SUPER NEGATIVE, thousands of posts, not taking action, come here and bash people instead, etc. This type of person will NEVER MAKE IT.

        The reality is that making money online is way harder than people realize. There is a huge learning curve, and if your mindset is weak to begin with....You will end up a mad person on the warrior forum with tens of thousands of posts trying to demotivate other people.

        That's the truth. It is not for everybody. Not everybody is smart enough to begin with, but also not everybody has the right state of mind to begin with also.

        If you have the right mindset THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO is to try to argue and try to change someone with a bad mindset. Just avoid it as much as possible, it will drain your energy for nothing. Just focus on your thing and make money and let them talk. That's the next level. If you want to reach the next level on your journey you need to cut the noise. Just completely ignore these losers and focus on your path. They will not change.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994507].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
        Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

        We're like chalk and cheese Frank. I want all the people (who are more likely) to succeed to make something of their lives. While all you do is keep telling people why they can't be successful. (=Lame.)


        P.S. Your a Worldly Guy. Share some of your Knowledge for the Newbies to make them more successful.
        Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

        The answer is no.

        It really depends of the mindset of the person.

        Just read this thread and you will see a kind of person that is SUPER NEGATIVE, thousands of posts, not taking action, come here and bash people instead, etc. This type of person will NEVER MAKE IT.

        The reality is that making money online is way harder than people realize. There is a huge learning curve, and if your mindset is weak to begin with....You will end up a mad person on the warrior forum with tens of thousands of posts trying to demotivate other people.

        That's the truth. It is not for everybody. Not everybody is smart enough to begin with, but also not everybody has the right state of mind to begin with also.
        I think what Frank means is that IM is not for anybody and not everyone should go for it until he dies, just to desperately work in this industry.

        Motivation and all is great, but only if you have a PASSION for what you do. Many people are only in IM because they see an easy buck though, not caring about the industry at all but rather seeing some money at the end. If you are approaching it like this and do not see results after a long time, then maybe you should switch to another profession.

        Messi didn't begin playing soccer because he dreamed of being a multimillionaire at some point in time, but because it was his true passion. This is a big difference. If I work in IM for years without seeing any kind of results (and without being deeply into it either), I should maybe do something that interests me more or that I have bigger strenths in and try to make something out of it instead.

        Endless motivation and "never giving up" can also backfire if you don't know when to stop and do something else.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994517].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Fitawab Inc
    Patience is the key to success in Internet Marketing, be consistent and work smartly to win the race of IM.

    Who Wants to Be on 1st Page of google, Visit fitawab

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  • Profile picture of the author Md Nur Alam
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994360].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author myob
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994451].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        And another one bites the dust... Next ...
        I reported that post with this message: "Isn't this what you are supposed to be eliminating by first time posters."

        You're very welcome.


        P.S. The more we report this type of post and complain about them the sooner permanent steps will be taken to eliminate them. Do you think that clown would have registered to post that if he were asked to pay $5 to join the forum? We all know the answer to that question.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994456].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JohnnyNight
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994510].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Originally Posted by JohnnyNight View Post

          And a dope such as yourself next..
          Not likely anytime soon. But that actually was in reference to the example of a most pitifull spammer doomed to predictable failure by his method, mindset, and language handicap.

          Like many many others before him and countless many more to come, any one of those attributes is an epic fail. He typifies all three.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994551].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
    As well as everyone can become a plumber, bookkeeper or programmer. You need the knowledge, skills and attitude needed. Its not that internet marketing is a profession different to any other. Yes, among internet marketing you may find more charlatans and posers than in many or even most other professions, but those who do it the real way have to learn and work just the same as anyone else.

    So potentially, yes, everyone can do. That doesn't mean that anyone can do it easily.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994435].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Splatterfox View Post

      As well as everyone can become a plumber, bookkeeper or programmer. You need the knowledge, skills and attitude needed.
      Which means not ANYONE can, because not everyone possesses those things and even if they do - while it may improve their chances at success - that guarantees absolutely nothing. Do any of you folks read and think, before you post? lol

      I know I said I was done, but you folks render me powerless not to refute the constant idiocy.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994441].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        Which means not ANYONE can, because not everyone possesses those things and even if they do - while it may improve their chances at success - that guarantees absolutely nothing. Do any of you folks read and think, before you post? lol

        I know I said I was done, but you folks render me powerless not to refute the constant idiocy.

        You know that you can develop these three things (knowledge, skills, attitude) right?

        Reading some more of your comments in this thread I'm closer to your opinion than you might think though. Anyone can theoretically/potentially become successful in IM, however, ultimately this is practically impossible. First, like I said, you need the three aspects above, and second (which seems to be forgotten in threads like that) there is not an indefinite amount of space for online marketers. As well as you don't need 17 plumbers per house you don't need 5,000 marketers for every product that has ever been created. At some point you need products to market and people to market to.

        So the fact that not EVERYONE can be a successful marketer is already proven by the fact that there is not enough room for EVERYONE to be successful (moneywise) - which is one of the reasons why many many beginners never make it while the established, skillful advertisers make money all the time.

        Hope you get my point now
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994448].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by Splatterfox View Post

          So the fact that not EVERYONE can be a successful marketer is already proven by the fact that there is not enough room for EVERYONE to be successful (moneywise) -
          Interesting post. Thanks Splatterfox. My opinion is that there is a abundance of (potential) money everywhere .

          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994453].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by Splatterfox View Post

          You know that you can develop these three things (knowledge, skills, attitude) right?
          Of course. And you know that even if you develop them, you can still be an utter failure, right?

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994458].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
            Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

            Of course. And you know that even if you develop them, you can still be an utter failure, right?

            Of course, you CAN. This is why I said everyone CAN be successful in IM theoretically but the reality does (and always will) look different
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994460].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
              Originally Posted by Splatterfox View Post

              Of course, you CAN. This is why I said everyone CAN be successful in IM theoretically but the reality does (and always will) look different
              Well, theoretically, if I flap my arms and fart at maximum payload at the same time, I should be able to achieve lift-off. lol

              Almost anything is doable, theoretically, when it comes to having a career. My argument is not with what you have stated. It's 90% spot-on.

              Still working at getting Jonathan to accept that his basic premise is flawed, built on a foundation of wishful thinking and has no supporting evidence to bolster his claim.

              The Internet is strewn with the carcasses of the multitudes that have tried to be successful at IM. Many were brilliantly talented, had unworldly work-ethic, unbounded self-confidence, unlimited financial resources and a mother that loved them. Yet, the buzzards consume their flesh. lol

              That is my ONLY point. Regardless of everything, there are no absolute guarantees in life - only things that improve or diminish your chances of achieving your stated goals.

              Jonathan simply cannot grasp that universal truth.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994465].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
                Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                Well, theoretically, if I flap my arms and fart at maximum payload at the same time, I should be able to achieve lift-off. lol

                Almost anything is doable, theoretically, when it comes to having a career. My argument is not with what you have stated. It's 90% spot-on.

                Still working at getting Jonathan to accept that his basic premise is flawed, built on a foundation of wishful thinking and has no supporting evidence to bolster his claim.

                The Internet is strewn with the carcasses of the multitudes that have tried to be successful at IM. Many were brilliantly talented, had unworldly work-ethic, unbounded self-confidence, unlimited financial resources and a mother that loved them. Yet, the buzzards consume their flesh. lol

                That is my ONLY point. Regardless of everything, there are no absolute guarantees in life - only things that improve or diminish your chances of achieving your stated goals.

                Jonathan simply cannot grasp that universal truth.

                In my opinion the plain and absolute statement of "anyone can become rich/successful with IM" without adding a lot of "if's" onto it is an invention of people wanting to sell their courses and programs anyway.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994466].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                  Originally Posted by Splatterfox View Post

                  In my opinion the plain and absolute statement of "anyone can become rich/successful with IM" without adding a lot of "if's" onto it is an invention of people wanting to sell their courses and programs anyway.
                  Thank you. Finally - someone that can see past the glare of the shiny objects.

                  Work on Jonathan a bit, would you? He's not a bad guy. Just young and overly idealistic. It's important to recognize that his postulations are capable of causing more harm than good to the uninitiated. That's not a good thing.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10994475].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                The Internet is strewn with the carcasses of the multitudes that have tried to be successful at IM. Many were brilliantly talented, had unworldly work-ethic, unbounded self-confidence, unlimited financial resources and a mother that loved them. Yet, the buzzards consume their flesh. lol
                And if those people kept going (success defined 6-figures/year) they would have reached their goal(s). Why? Because it's a relatively simple process. Going back to my original Post, I don't believe that many if not most people will succeed at taking those steps.

                However I honestly believe they could have been successful if they were truly determined. The thing with Internet Marketing is that there is no "innate talent" required. It's a simple process that most people can follow. (However, again, some people would be more suited to it and will give up before they succeed.)

                "Never, never, never, never give up." - Winston Churchill
                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                  Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                  And if those people kept going (success defined 6-figures/year) they would have reached their goal(s). Why? Because it's a relatively simple process. Going back to my original Post, I don't believe that many if not most people will succeed at taking those steps.

                  However I honestly believe they could have been successful if they were truly determined. The thing with Internet Marketing is that there is no "innate talent" required. It's a simple process that most people can follow. (However, again, some people won't be more suited to it and will give up before they succeed.)

                  What you believe is meaningless. There is something called 'reality,' which you eschew at every turn.

                  Additionally, not everyone is a Churchill and nowhere did he ever state that if you, "Never, ever, ever give up," that you would ultimately succeed. It's called an inspirational message, not a guarantee of success.

                  What's wrong with you? You are simply incapable of surrendering an illogical point which can't be defended.

                  That's what I do. Get your own thing!

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                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                    We're like chalk and cheese Frank. I want all the people (who are more likely) to succeed to make something of their lives. While all you do is keep telling people why they can't be successful. (=Lame.)


                    P.S. Your a Worldly Guy. Share some of your Knowledge for the Newbies to make them more successful.
                    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                      We're like chalk and cheese Frank. I want all the people (who are more likely) to succeed to make something of their lives. While all you do is keep telling people why they can't be successful. (=Lame.)
                      Point to one instance where I have ever told a specific individual anything remotely close to that. You can't. I remind people that regardless of everything, they MIGHT NOT be successful. Who's more honest? lol

                      What you state is lame, because it's rubbish and you know it, you'll just never admit it.

                      P.S. Your a Worldly Guy. Share some of your Knowledge for the Newbies to make them more successful.
                      I have never not answered a specific question, directed at me personally, whether on the forum or via PM in the most honest, helpful and intelligent way I'm capable of. Even then, though, I still warn them of the pitfalls, To not do so would make me a not-so-nice individual.

                      Additionally, since most of my background is in running telemarketing operations, radio stations and directory sites. there is not much call for my expertise to be called upon. I have never NOT answered a question as best I can. Additionally, I have nothing to sell anyone, including pipe-dreams.

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                      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
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                        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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                          • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
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                            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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                              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
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                                • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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                                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
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                                    • Profile picture of the author myob
                                      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                                      Sad but true.
                                      The real tragedy here is you have failed to prove that everyone can be successful. So sad, but you truly lose.
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                                    • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                                      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                                      Sadly ... (Zzzzzzz Dolphins) ... I believe you.

                                      Sad but true.
                                      : (

                                      You didn't understand what I told you?

                                      You won't become a millionaire anytime soon by acting this way.

                                      Cut the bullshit from your life. You need to learn how to focus. Completely remove people like this from your life.
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                                      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                                        Originally Posted by myob View Post

                                        The real tragedy here is you have failed to prove that everyone can be successful. So sad, but you truly lose.
                                        Well I know for certain I can be a Millionaire. With my current venture BlastFromThePast. (And if that doesn't work I will try another Website.) I honestly believe I was born to be a successful Entrepreneur. And I will keep going until I reach that goal.

                                        Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                                        Cut the bullshit from your life. You need to learn how to focus. Completely remove people like this from your life.
                                        Amen. I agree 100%. It's good to surround yourself with People that believe in you/your Dreams.


                                        I remember (several years ago) about an Internet Marketer who was literally blind because of an accident at Work. Yet he made a good income with IM.
                                        : )
                                        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                                        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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                                          • Profile picture of the author pawandave
                                            Yes, anyone can be successful, the main reason of failure in IM is constantly changing thing OR not taking proper action...

                                            Pick one stream and make it work, invest time and money to make it work.. Yes, if you do not have enough time, i suggest to go with personal 1-To-1 coaching, but again do proper investigation before joining..
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                                      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                                        Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                                        Completely remove people like this from your life.
                                        I'm the only hope that he has for learning what he needs to be a successful and good person. His outlook on life and how to achieve success is warped and dooming him to failure.

                                        Go look at his websites. A long way from becoming a millionaire. lol

                                        He can 'believe' all he wants. It won't help him achieve anything.

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                • Profile picture of the author myob
                  Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                  Never, never, never give up. - Winston Churchill
                  "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. Then give up. There's no sense in making a damn fool of yourself". - W. C. Fields
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  • Profile picture of the author collison
    The knowledge required is not difficult, it is about upper high school level . It's not as academically hard as being a doctor which take 7 years at college.

    But it's probably harder to be successful because the issue of mindset. Potential problems:

    When you start a project you cannot know if it will be a success, you dealing with risk, all your effort may lead to no financial return and a loss of time and money . In fact it is almost certain that you will make no meaningful income in your first year, initial failure is demoralising.

    You are dealing with a confusing and changing environment, where there are no right or wrong answers. but a lot of maybes or guesses . You have to able to take action on unknowns. You will lose 90% of the time.

    It takes a strong mind to handle this
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  • Profile picture of the author Tomas Lodén
    If I had to start all over again from scratch I woulda go with review sites outside the IM niche, an absolutely fantastic way to get started.

    You want to review products that have search volume for the product name. Thats how i started. Simple and free. Good luck.
    6-fig affiliate marketer since 2003
    Free coaching to your first $100 dollars. DM me now..
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
    I only come here to see who'll be the first to give up. My money is on Jonathan; Frank is relentless.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
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      • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
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        • Profile picture of the author MValmont
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          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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            • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
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              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                Success at IM is relatively simple: Create something of value and then monetize that value. Pretty much anyone can do that.

                What I know for certain is that some people will do all that and more.
                : )
                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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            • Profile picture of the author MValmont
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

      I only come here to see who'll be the first to give up. My money is on Jonathan; Frank is relentless.
      lol. While I appreciate your faith in me, I'm no match for anyone's belief in a higher power, nor would I attempt to be. For many people, their faith serves them well. Personally, I don't get it, but I fully accept it. It's just not for me.

      The only things I place any faith in are my indomitable will, indefatigable spirit, unrelenting work-ethic, diverse life experience and intellectual horsepower.

      When I fail at something, I have no one to blame but myself, so I am able to pick myself up, dust myself off and use the benefit of my experience to move forward and create success that I can take full-credit for.

      That's the epitome of personal responsibility. :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author aligouda
    Internet Marketing is one of the best platform where you can enhance your business. This is the only platform where you can get your business UP or DOWN. If you use best strategy for Internet Marketing , then it will help you to grow your business otherwise.

    So use best Internet Marketing Successful Tips for your Succeed Business. Want to know how to use Internet marketing strategy to enhance your business? Use the following basic strategy for that.

    1- Right Web Design
    2- Search Engine optimization
    3- Content Marketing
    4- Social Media Marketing
    5- Use Email Marketing
    6- Make Potential Customer
    7- Develop Regular announcements to inform and keep up to date with new and potential customers.
    8- Make sure your website content focus on customers need and interest
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    You are probably both right. Anyone CAN do it. It isn't rocket science... but a lot of people will either take no action or wrong action and fall away. Some people have more quit in them... Others can be missing legs and run a marathon. Not everyone will be successful. Be one of the good stories
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by mdallen View Post

      Some people have more quit in them... Others can be missing legs and run a marathon. Not everyone will be successful. Be one of the good stories
      Whether in marathons or IM, high hopes end badly long before the finish line.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrickyDick
    Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

    I honestly think that anyone can be a success
    at IM. ("Success" being defined as earning
    something like 6-figures/year.) Why?

    It's a simple (simple, not easy) process of 1.
    Creating a product/something of value. 2.
    Selling that product/monetizing that value And 3.
    Driving traffic to your Website(s).

    Now, there are several things you will need to
    learn (if you decide not to outsource) however it's
    something that I believe anyone can

    Not everyone however will take all the necessary
    steps that are required to succeed. Why? Well the
    most significant reason for me would be that the
    Person simply isn't suited for IM.
    (They'd do
    better doing something else to earn a living.)

    Then there are people that simply won't keep going
    (through several "failures" if necessary) until they
    reach their goals(s).

    All in all, though, I think that anyone can be successful
    at IM. (Providing that they put in all the required time,
    work, and effort.)

    Thoughts and comments welcome.
    : )

    I was going to answer...

    Instead, I'm going to turn it into a WSO. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Point-Blank
    "Success" being defined as earning something like 6-figures/year. Really?? That's how success should be defined?? I don;t agree with that one rass.

    If success is defined by the measure of what you earn and and nothing else matters then let me the hell outa here...

    Earning a Six figure income, driving lamborghinis and ferraris is not success. Sending out "magic bean offers" to large email lists pitching products that 90% of the has no beneficial value to the end user is not success. Generating six figure income from manipulating the minds of people making them believe everything is achievable wth these push of a button products that wont be maintained, updated or be available in case you lost your download link is not success.
    Offering products that deliver what the sales page indicates it will deliver is success.
    Allowing your affiliates to earn their commissions when they generate sales for your products, that is success.
    Growing your reputation among beginners and intermediates who support your product launches know that your products will do exactly what they boast, that is success.
    Being known as a honest and service quality savvy online business entity, that is success.
    Knowing for a fact that you didn't rip off your customers and you offer to help others grow and establish themselves in the affiliate marketing arena, that is success.
    I could easily come up with 100 more indicators of success but by now I know you get the picture.

    Digital marketing strategist, finance and product consultant. Products at Warriorplus - Holiday Campaign Booster 3.0 and at JVZoo CPA Affiliate Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author coil101
    not really unless you know alot of people
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  • Profile picture of the author Harish Kateghar
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  • Profile picture of the author goleza
    Anyone can succeed in IM? Sure? And then you continue substantiating with the if ... if.... Why "if....?" if anyone can succeed in it? Is there a business that is for anyone? Sure? And you all assert like that? If it's for anyone then all people worldwide would be reaping handsomely from it. Well, for me I think success in IM is for those with the qualities of successful IM entrepreneurs. Not every Tom and Dick. Check yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Karl Karrlander
    Anyone can be successful, sure, you just need to be patient and have a good business model in place.

    I believe the latter to be extra important, I've seen so many people fail with their online businesses because they simply didn't have a good business model in place from the beginning.

    I would say this to any beginner:

    1. Make sure to do research on the market you're entering.
    2. Create a professional business model (your national tax and revenue service should have advice on this).
    3. Starting connecting with people in your industry.

    Bottom line, treat your online business like an actual business, act as if.

    That's basically my two cents; treating it like a business and having patience and being persistent.

    - Karl
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  • Profile picture of the author Rahman Colson
    Potentially Yes! Anyone can be successful at internet marketing, but just like anything else, it ain't for everyone. Just like owning a brick and mortar business, being an entrepreneur, or a business owner ,there is a learning curve that must be overcome before success happens. The best thing to do is read as much as you can and then find a mentor/coach that is successful and learn from them. Do your research and make sure you have the proper time to put into learning and focusing on this business, Success isn't an accident!
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  • Profile picture of the author seosavvyexp
    Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0

    Not everyone however will take all the necessary
    steps that are required to succeed. Why? Well the
    most significant reason for me would be that the
    Person simply isn't suited for IM. (They'd do
    better doing something else to earn a living.)

    Then there are people that simply won't keep going
    (through several "failures" if necessary) until they
    reach their goals(s).
    Hi Jonathan 2.0

    You stated two instances (see quotes above) why people can't be successful at internet marketing.

    You however expressed the belief that anyone can succeed at internet marketing.

    My conclusion is that in spite of your belief - not everyone will succeed and not everyone can succeed.

    Your definition of success i.e. $10,000 a month, automatically says that someone making $5,000 a month is a failure. I'm sure however, that if someone sets a goal of $1,000; $2,000 or even $3,000 a month and achieve those goals - they are successful.

    So I would define success as being able to achieve your financial goal online.

    I however thank you for a motivational post.

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  • Profile picture of the author seosavvyexp
    most people think IM is an easy task.that you can easily make 6 figures from.but that is wrong because it a lot of hard work to "earn 6 figures".
    in IM.
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    • Profile picture of the author timokeefe
      Yep, the mods decided to lock the thread, as it had devolved into personal attacks. A few users were also temporarily banned so that they could cool off. Thank you to all the people who kept it civil.

      I'm part of the Warrior Forum team, hit me up with any suggestions that could help improve the forum!

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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
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  • Profile picture of the author Shmoogie
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  • Profile picture of the author ruellesmith
    Oh well, you can be successful at internet marketing but there is no assurance still. You will for sure encounter so many failure before you can harvest the fruits of your hard work. There's just so many things to learn and a lot of failure to face.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Can't we all just get along?
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      Can't we all just get along?
      Why? These ignorant young twerps need to have insolence beat out of them so they can learn.
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      • Profile picture of the author MValmont
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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Feel better now? lol
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          • Profile picture of the author MValmont
            Originally Posted by myob View Post

            Feel better now? lol
            I do.

            I can't believe this forum turned into this. Bums not making money being negative towards newbie.

            It used to be the best place to learn about online marketing. Now it looks like a golden age social club for members with 2000+ posts.
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            • Profile picture of the author myob
              Would you like to be to be told that even you can earn six figures just by scratching your ass? lol
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              • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                Originally Posted by myob View Post

                Would you like to be to be told that even you can earn six figures just by scratching your ass? lol
                I am making six figures (soon 7) scratching my ass actually.

                What people don't get though, is that to get there, you have to work like a maniac. This is the part that most people don't get.

                Trust me, I'm not selling that it is easy to make money online. This is a hard process. But it is in fact possible and when you start to master this stuff, life is good.

                Everybody with an IQ above 100 can be successful at this. This is a fact. People don't have success in online marketing because:
                -They don't think it is possible
                -They quit at the first few obstacles (will have hundreds of them)
                -they are not fully committed (this is related to not thinking is it possible...They have conflicting beliefs that make them not take action)

                These are pretty much the most common reasons people do not make it.

                Can you argue logically with these facts?
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                • Profile picture of the author myob
                  Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                  I am making six figures (soon 7) scratching my ass actually.
                  I first made that more than 20 years ago, working my ass off. Now, just my residual annual income far exceeds that amount. lol Very few people can or are willing to do what it takes for high achievement.
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                  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                    Originally Posted by myob View Post

                    I first made that more than 20 years ago, working my ass off. Now, just my residual income far exceeds that. lol

                    So can you logically argue with what I said?

                    Or is that your way of agreeing with me.
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                    • Profile picture of the author myob
                      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post


                      So can you logically argue with what I said?

                      Or is that your way of agreeing with me.
                      What took you so long to come around to the exact point I made on post#2? ROFLMAO!!!!
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                      • Profile picture of the author MValmont
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                        • Profile picture of the author myob
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            • Profile picture of the author Michael Fuentes
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              • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
                Originally Posted by Michael Fuentes View Post

                What do you think? And, perhaps you want to dig deeper about the other guy? You mean this poster.." I am making six figures (soon 7) scratching my ass actually."
                I think this thread should have a moderator come in and clean it up or just pad lock it till it falls into oblivion. It has went way down hill the last two pages. Would not be surprised if a few people get a few days off also.

                You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    First of all you have to understand foundation of your mindset without this basics probably you will not be successful.That's why 98% earn less than $100 per month.Just sad
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Hartley
    Totally agree with this post. I'm learning and practicing affiliate/online marketing at the moment, and no it's not easy but as long as you keep following what you've been taught and be consistent, you will be successful.
    Thank you,
    Lisa Hartley
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  • Profile picture of the author themichaelcook
    I agree with you 100% Jonathan!

    When I first started, I wanted this so bad that it was all I thought about, and 8 years later it still is to be quite honest.

    I did spin my wheels for a while until I said enough is enough..

    I found a business model that works for me, and I went to town on it, and I haven't looked back sense.

    Some people who give up to easily don't know just how close they are to succeeding.

    The key is to not give up, find a business model that is proven, and work at it until you make it a success!

    Good post, buddy!
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  • Profile picture of the author pabda
    yes you can make money online internet marketing it's all boiled down to how you do things, do the right thing you make money do the opposite you lose money simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author scull79
    I think the best way to do anything including online, is do one thing and keep doing that one thing, it's easy to get side tracked by so many things, that's where your dedication will show....if you genuinely have a passion for what you are doing online, what ever angle you chose then you are more likely to stick with that and the end result will be you becoming successful because of it.

    I hope that help's, i wish you all the best with whatever you chose to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Salman H Saikote
    There is a finite around of money around, and it is mostly distributed to the companies that started decades back, not new startups.
    So no not everyone can be successful at internet marketing, there is too much competition, and most of it are well established and already professional while you might still be learning what a H1 tag is.
    If you want to be dedicated and learn the trade, and work really hard at it, there is a possibility for eventual success.
    Although statistically, over 95% of people fail to make a living off internet marketing. Yes I have the stats for that if people need it.
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