Can a newbie make 1k with a launch?

9 replies
If we teach a newbie how to launch

and the newbie create one offer that is on demand, doing it's proper research on jvzoo, warrior + and clickbank, the newbie make sure what is selling at the moment.

the newbie is plannign to sell the offer for $5 dollars with an upsell of $27 dollars, and a dowgrade of $17.

the newbie made a good sales page that convert.

The newbie paid for good graphics,

the newbie has jvs tool, and all it's needed.

the newbie will launch in 3 days and he has colected 10 Jvs with a 50k email list willing to prmote the product,

she has a goal of make 1k in profit after giving 50% comission.
will she be able to do it?
#launch #make #newbie
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Sure why not.

    I've seen newbies do 4 or 5 figure launch. My first launch made $22,000 in the first few weeks.

    The page converts, so it's just a numbers game.

    It's easy to run away and get lost with unrealistic dreams though..

    The reality is.. not all newbies get decent results.. I'd say most don't in fact.

    There are no guarantees, so hope for amazing results but plan for failure too.

    Have a plan B, plan C.. all the way to plan Z.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    My first launch years ago was a $29 WSO offer. It sold over $120,000. So the answer is hell yes.
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  • Profile picture of the author OfficiallyVinnie
    Of course, just like Will said, even though my first launch only made around $8,000 I had no one helping me, I didn't even know what I was doing. But never stop moving forward. Every failure only means another opportunity for success.

    Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I will predict the future for $5.
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    Originally Posted by fernelis2009 View Post

    If we teach a newbie how to launch

    and the newbie create one offer that is on demand, doing it's proper research on jvzoo, warrior + and clickbank, the newbie make sure what is selling at the moment.

    the newbie is plannign to sell the offer for $5 dollars with an upsell of $27 dollars, and a dowgrade of $17.

    the newbie made a good sales page that convert.

    The newbie paid for good graphics,

    the newbie has jvs tool, and all it's needed.

    the newbie will launch in 3 days and he has colected 10 Jvs with a 50k email list willing to prmote the product,

    she has a goal of make 1k in profit after giving 50% comission.
    will she be able to do it?
    Yes she will. Do try hard and get perfect results
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Why start another thread basically asking the same question?
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author jennydonald
    3 years ago, my first launch was $21 and I made a total sale of $34000.
    So yes, all is possible
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  • Yes easily. I would recommend doing a joint launch with an experienced marketer if you are just starting out.
    Get Your Free Online Prosperity Starter Kit >>>
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by fernelis2009 View Post

    If we teach a newbie how to launch

    and the newbie create one offer that is on demand, doing it's proper research on jvzoo, warrior + and clickbank, the newbie make sure what is selling at the moment.

    the newbie is plannign to sell the offer for $5 dollars with an upsell of $27 dollars, and a dowgrade of $17.

    the newbie made a good sales page that convert.

    The newbie paid for good graphics,

    the newbie has jvs tool, and all it's needed.

    the newbie will launch in 3 days and he has colected 10 Jvs with a 50k email list willing to prmote the product,

    she has a goal of make 1k in profit after giving 50% comission.
    will she be able to do it?
    It's possible, but not likely.

    IMO when doing something for the first time (or first few times), treat it as a learning experience, go in with low expectations and make your main goal to learn to get better for next time.
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