10 replies
Just wondering about how you all manage you time in front of the computer.

Do you do weekly schedules or do you schedules each day in terms of hours?

I´m having difficulty getting up from the computer.
#management #time
  • Profile picture of the author WritingMadwoman
    This is something I still struggle with, even after years of working from home.

    I have to force myself to get away from the computer throughout the day, which I do at least every hour. I just walk around, maybe get something to drink or step outside for some fresh air. It also helps to do some physical chores, run up and down stairs - anything active.

    If you tend to work too many hours (I do), it can be helpful to set "office hours" where you work ONLY during those times. When the time is up for the day, force yourself to walk away and do something else.

    I'm getting better at it, but must admit that sometimes I cheat and stay on longer. But I'm careful not to do that too much because I feel really burned out if I spend any more than 8-9 hours on the computer daily.

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  • Profile picture of the author Raymond White
    Time management is very essential for someone who is managing job on the computer and also thinking of doing something extra. One needs to plan out his daily actions on the previous day so you get enough time to sort out the things which are of high importance. First things first concept. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    I'm terrible at it, but getting better. Its amazing I get anything done at all. I'm a scatter brain and all over the map.

    Lately I've been learning better time management skills. What I have discovered is that goals and time management are related. Sounds basic, but I never made the connection before. You have to focus on your most important goals and their related tasks each day and put a lower priority on lesser things. ( like typing this message )

    When I really wanted to use my day to get a lot done I always wrote a list and knocked off each item one by one. That worked like a charm. What I should be doing however is to organize that list from most important to least. I tend to try and knock off the easy quick stuff because it feels like progress.

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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  • Profile picture of the author raj564
    you seriously need it, if you got a regular day job and do the IM stuff at night when your free. Tony Robbins RPM is pretty good. think i need to re-listen to those CDs again.
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  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    If you have a full time job you really need to maximize your time spent/invested on your online business.

    To do lists work great!


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

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  • Profile picture of the author mikestenger
    I do daily schedules which I setup the night before. All it takes for me is to fire up notepad and get jotting done what needs done. I then prioritize from High Priority to Medium Priority to Low Priority.

    High stands for must be done today, medium priority is I should get it done today, and low stands for I should get this done in the next several days.

    On a side note, this is probably one of the best free videos on time management. Eben Pagan teaches some really great stuff in there that I think will help you and anyone looking to manage time better - WakeUpProductiveBlog: How To Manage Yourself And Your Time (And How To Dramatically Increase Your Personal Productivity)


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  • Profile picture of the author SeanyG
    Originally Posted by Terro View Post

    Just wondering about how you all manage you time in front of the computer.

    Do you do weekly schedules or do you schedules each day in terms of hours?

    I´m having difficulty getting up from the computer.
    I use cycles. Eban Pagen (behind double your dating), one of the gurus of IM, talks all about this.

    Our bodies need periods of rest and recovery to be able to function properly.

    Here is what he reccomends. 60 60 30 cycles.

    50 mins work - 10 min break - 50 mins work - 10 min break - 30 min eat and chill out break..... repeat.

    I tried it and I am getting so much more done and I have TONS more energy!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackbgd
    Originally Posted by Terro View Post

    Just wondering about how you all manage you time in front of the computer.

    Do you do weekly schedules or do you schedules each day in terms of hours?

    I´m having difficulty getting up from the computer.
    You just need to control yourself from wasting time on unimportant things - like checking your email every 2 minutes, facebook and other irrelevant stuff.

    I usually just make a strategy for the next few months, make some goals and then try to figure out how could I achieve it. And then I just try to do the relevant stuff - but it's easy to get carried away with thinking you are working, when you're actually just chilling on the net.
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  • Profile picture of the author netcatapult
    You need to make a list of things that absolutely need to get done for that day. Then break it down in terms of how much time you will spend on each task. Be realistic and be firm. Set aside one hour day to check your emails, reply etc. I know it is difficult and it is very easy to get side tracked... just make it a point to be disciplined.
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