How to turn $1500 into $3000 with affiliate marketing?

19 replies
I have $1500 on my PayPal account and my goal is to make $3000 within 2 months with affiliate marketing (I don t have a list, I am not SEO expert or viral marketing expert). How to do that? Of course, I have some ideas but I would like to hear your advice about strategies, traffic sources (do you know some high quality traffic sources with dirt cheap CPC s ) etc. What would you do?
#$1500 #affiliate #marketing #turn
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    There are no guarantees in marketing. However, I can tell you what I do that has been working for me for a long time.

    For the past 16+ years, I have been monetizing 3rd party data (email) using PPL offers.

    The reason I use PPL(pay per lead...lead generation) offers is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher than offers that require you to make a sale.

    I favor offers that have a make, get or save money benefit to them, as they have overall worked the best for me. They also tend to have the greatest amount of mass appeal (will be of interest to a large general audience). So the potential exist to produce high volume and cross promotion of the offers is fairly easy.

    Some of the verticals that I have done extremely well with are: insurance, education, discount offers, debt, mortgage, credit, loans, assistance, homeowner offers, etc...

    The bulk of the offers that I promote pay $20-$40 per lead. I also promote other offers that pay more and less, but the price that an offer pays isn't the sole key factor of its profit potential. For example, you could have an offer that pays $9 and if it converts at 2X or better of a $20 offer than it would perform about the same as or possibly better. At the same time you could have an offer that pays $90, but if it converts poorly then it may not even be worth running. So how well an offer converts is just as important, if not more.

    Bottom line, it's just far easier to get someone to fill out a short form than to take out their credit card and make a purchase. So why struggle with trying to sell them this or that, when you could just provide free information to users that they actually want/need and get paid well doing it.

    To generate traffic, I acquire fresh targeted data (email) that is referred to as 3rd party data. Which is data that the users have given permission to receive messages from third parties. Which is 100% can-spam compliant.

    By acquiring data I'm building assets that I then own and can market to them over and over at low cost. Compared to what most marketers do, which is to pay for traffic or use some free traffic strategy that for many fails to turn a profit or was worth the time to implement.

    When you get data it will be based on a specific vertical (whatever the person requested info about or showed an interest in), which you then send a relevant offer based on it. So when I get data for life insurance, I send a life insurance offer. If I get data for education, I send an education offer, etc...

    Each record will have a data source URL...where the data was generated from. You want to test the sources individually and find which data sources perform the best and promote the good sources and ditch the poor sources.

    Also, you want to segment your opens / clickers - remove the unresponsive users.That way you will be building smaller but more responsive lists and eventually be able to send less and make more with each mailing. Essentially you are converting the data from quantity to quality.

    in the end, I'm monetizing data using PPL offers because they offer the path to least resistance to generating conversions / $$$ and converting the data into cash producing assets.

    There is a lot more that goes into all of this, but done right it can be extremely profitable. Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, for the most part, does 6-7 figures. While that is a huge range, much comes down to one's ability to scale and effectively manage / build the infrastructure needed in order scale.

    It's not for everyone, but something to think about.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author ACandi
    Hi ilovric001,

    I agree with Diablo that there are NO guarantees in online marketing.

    However if you want to double your investment in two months, selling someone else's product (Affiliate Marketing), pick a system with the following characteristics:

    1. The products MUST be high demand. So you select a niche that gets thousands of searches per month.

    2. The product offers must be part of a sales funnel. That is, a low price front end offer with 2 or 3 upsells.

    3. Those upsell should include a recurring income product (a monthly fee) and a high ticket product ($500 or over product).

    4. There should be a back end sales support system for the high ticket product. High ticket items need to be sold as investments and this requires added sales methods, that may include applications, screening and follow-up phone calls.

    5. With a sales funnel one customer could generate a higher average commission value than single products. With a recurring product included, you can generate ongoing commissions. And finally with high ticket products you could turn a profit with fewer sales.

    6. So you want to double your investment in 2 months? You'll need to develop an 8 week business plan which includes a 'cash flow' projection of potential income and the expenses you'll need to generate that income AND make the profit to hit your financial goal.

    When you start fleshing out your 8 week cash flow projection you will get a sense of the risks involved to reach your goal. You will also discover the volume of visitors and sales you'll need every week to hit your goal, and that would help you identify a strategy that will be likely to achieve your financial goal.

    Finally you'll note I said at the start, you need to pick a SYSTEM. So it's NOT a product but a system that has all the characteristics of 1 to 4 above, plus a business plan and marketing strategy as part of that system, if you want to improve your chance of hitting your financial goal.

    Turn $50 into $500!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    There are no 'guarantees' in some people's efforts (would be better said).
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  • Profile picture of the author topfan20
    where do you get this affiliate from ? clickbank or direct. I stared stock market blog which I love to use affiliate program , so would appreciate your thoughts.

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    • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
      Originally Posted by topfan20 View Post

      where do you get this affiliate from ? clickbank or direct. I stared stock market blog which I love to use affiliate program , so would appreciate your thoughts.


      Check this link out. Maybe it can help you.

      Trading Services Affiliate Programs |

      Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
      If you have great ideas in mind, it's best if you put them to work.

      There's really no assurance in this field, buddy. As IMers, we just do our best to offer people with products/services they need, and earn from it!

      But, let me share with you some of my strategies:

      In promoting my websites, I do SEO, social media marketing, blog/forum posting and commenting, and always update my websites with fresh content 2x weekly. I also do email marketing.

      Then, I generate my traffic through Google Ads and organic traffic (through the efforts I made in doing the activities above).

      Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Buy $1,500 worth of Content ( Articles, Videos) and sell them for $3,000
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by ilovric001 View Post

    I have $1500 on my PayPal account and my goal is to make $3000 within 2 months with affiliate marketing (I don t have a list, I am not SEO expert or viral marketing expert). How to do that? Of course, I have some ideas but I would like to hear your advice about strategies, traffic sources (do you know some high quality traffic sources with dirt cheap CPC s ) etc. What would you do?
    To set expectations, this is not likely to happen. Not trying to be a downer.

    With the $1500 initial investment it should be enough to start to learn affiliate marketing, but you may or may not make money from that.

    Do you have an idea on where you want to start? Like which traffic sources? etc?
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      Not trying to be a downer.
      Unfortunately, to many people on this forum, if you try to be realistic as opposed to fantastical, you are labeled as Donny Downer.

      Never stop fighting the good fight. You might save someone from financial ruin by tempering the enthusiasm of others by being the voice of reason.

      There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    First learn to turn $100 into $200. Your overhead starting out is under $30 so learn to invest the other to grow your business. Learn to capture and convert a lead. Traffic id learn ppc because once your good at that you can get really cheap super targeted traffic.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Tomas Lodén
    I've said this a thousand times..... Start with review sites outside the IM niche, an absolutely fantastic way to get started. Thats how i started and this is how my young daughter made her first 10k ... Simple and free. Good luck.
    6-fig affiliate marketer since 2003
    Free coaching to your first $100 dollars. DM me now..
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  • Profile picture of the author shmol
    I would put put that goal on the shelf right now and first learn how to put up a quality niche site.

    You may be thinking, on what topic.

    Pick something you know a lot about.

    Write ten good posts about it--you can use wordpress.

    And couple of these can be genuine reviews of products that you have actually used.

    I say this because if you review a product that you have purchased and really use, it will come through in your writing.

    Trust me, people will notice.

    Up next, set up accounts on social media, the big guys, facebook, twitter, reddit--and start sharing good and useful content about your topic.

    Do not sell, just just give good advice.

    Same goes with forums--if they a allow a sig--or build up your post count until you can have one--and just give good info.

    Do blog commenting as well, again, give good comments as this way they will actually stick.

    Once you are in a groove, put together something you can give away to build a list.

    It could be a free report a video or five day mini course.

    As for products, if you can see if you can find some that offer recurring commissions--which means you get paid over and over for doing the work once.

    Set a goal of doing something everyday for 100 days.

    If you do this, you will, chances are, be well are your way.
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  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    Use FB ads, Youtube ads, and Instagram ads with a good sales funnel. A good funnel should get you over $25 per opt-in average after all your ad expenses
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  • Profile picture of the author risgirly
    Originally Posted by ilovric001 View Post

    I have some ideas but I would like to hear your advice about strategies
    Maybe sharing your ideas would start the discussion better?
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    • Profile picture of the author ilovric001
      Originally Posted by risgirly View Post

      Maybe sharing your ideas would start the discussion better?
      Mostly, I have been thinking to promote high gravity Clickbank offers or CPA offers with PPC

      Also, I have been thinking to rent some videos on YouTube or ad space from some webmasters
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    Go with CPA offers via PPC.

    Clickbank is a newbie hell hole.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Go and make lead generation.

    Build Your List.

    Dont forget the TYP method: set a good offer in the thank u page after opt in so u can cash back some money instanlty,

    then provide good content to your list and dont be afraid to market products you trust to.

    Use solo ads to build your list. Udimi is a good marketplace, also Clickonomy.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I dont want to discourage you but nothing its guaranteed on IM if you want try it but you do it at your own risk .A good method its by promoting offer with ppc trafic but its very risky for beginers as you can loose money fast .In your case i will try to buy some quality guides and from there i will start to learn a business that will produce me passive income
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  • Profile picture of the author TechDigitals
    Originally Posted by ilovric001 View Post

    (I don t have a list, I am not SEO expert or viral marketing expert). How to do that?
    Quite a number of various ways to make money online.

    However, you've got bear in mind that there's a learning curve required to succeed with IM. And turning $1500 into $3000 within 2 months without prior experience may not be guaranteed.

    You've just got to get started by getting valuable resources based on what method/strategy you eventually decide to roll with, learn, put in the efforts and see how well you fare(as you can see, all these would require some time).

    You may hit the target, you may not! But the experience should be well worth the effort.
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