What lead generation method worked best for you in January 2017?

26 replies
It's February! At least where I'm at...

Marketing changes. We evolve with it. One day, a particular social network is high ROI, the next season it stops working.

Let's talk about your current successes.

Of all your lead generation channels and activities last month, what provided the most bang for buck?
#2017 #generation #january #lead #method #worked
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I have been generating leads for over 18 years. With 16+ of them using PPL offers.

    I think it comes down to what vertical you are working in.

    I monetize data (email), so it's not about the lead, but rather the data.

    I acquire fresh / targeted 3rd party data (email), which is data specific to particular vertical, in which the users have given permission to receive third party messages. So it's 100% can-spam compliant and has nothing to do with spamming.

    Verticals in which I get data for and have done extremely well with are: education, insurance, credit, loans, debt, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

    So essentially whatever the vertical that I am getting data for, I then send the users a relevant offer based on their interest. So if I'm getting education data, then I send an education offer. If I'm getting auto insurance data, then I send an auto insurance offer, etc, etc...

    Now it's nowhere's near as simple as it sounds and there is a lot more to it. But this is how I have have been doing it for a very long time and it does work.

    Outside of verticals that one can get data for, I would be looking at facebook ads because of their targeting abilities. But of course, that's easier said than done and you really need to know what strategies work best with FB or you're just going to be giving your money away.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author BW Channel
      Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

      I have been generating leads for over 18 years. With 16+ of them using PPL offers.

      I think it comes down to what vertical you are working in.

      I monetize data (email), so it's not about the lead, but rather the data.

      I acquire fresh / targeted 3rd party data (email), which is data specific to particular vertical, in which the users have given permission to receive third party messages. So it's 100% can-spam compliant and has nothing to do with spamming.

      Verticals in which I get data for and have done extremely well with are: education, insurance, credit, loans, debt, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

      So essentially whatever the vertical that I am getting data for, I then send the users a relevant offer based on their interest. So if I'm getting education data, then I send an education offer. If I'm getting auto insurance data, then I send an auto insurance offer, etc, etc...

      Now it's nowhere's near as simple as it sounds and there is a lot more to it. But this is how I have have been doing it for a very long time and it does work.

      Outside of verticals that one can get data for, I would be looking at facebook ads because of their targeting abilities. But of course, that's easier said than done and you really need to know what strategies work best with FB or you're just going to be giving your money away.
      Could you mention any sources for getting it?
      Or can you be a coach?
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe310
      Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

      I have been generating leads for over 18 years. With 16+ of them using PPL offers.

      I think it comes down to what vertical you are working in.

      I monetize data (email), so it's not about the lead, but rather the data.

      I acquire fresh / targeted 3rd party data (email), which is data specific to particular vertical, in which the users have given permission to receive third party messages. So it's 100% can-spam compliant and has nothing to do with spamming.

      Verticals in which I get data for and have done extremely well with are: education, insurance, credit, loans, debt, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

      So essentially whatever the vertical that I am getting data for, I then send the users a relevant offer based on their interest. So if I'm getting education data, then I send an education offer. If I'm getting auto insurance data, then I send an auto insurance offer, etc, etc...

      Now it's nowhere's near as simple as it sounds and there is a lot more to it. But this is how I have have been doing it for a very long time and it does work.

      Outside of verticals that one can get data for, I would be looking at facebook ads because of their targeting abilities. But of course, that's easier said than done and you really need to know what strategies work best with FB or you're just going to be giving your money away.
      Can you please tell us more about Facebook ads?
      1- Where to get the data from?
      2- How to use it?
      3- how to make sure it's profitable?
      4- Any more advice from you will be welcomed
      Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I start to promote also some cpa lead offers on youtube and this give me some good esults i will start to upload a lot of videos
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  • Profile picture of the author timokeefe
    Originally Posted by allancaeg View Post

    It's January! At least where I'm at...
    By January do you mean February

    I'm part of the Warrior Forum team, hit me up with any suggestions that could help improve the forum!

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    • Profile picture of the author allancaeg
      Originally Posted by timokeefe View Post

      By January do you mean February
      I did... edited
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  • Profile picture of the author Davidtakh
    I used to generating leads for more than 5 years. If you are making a database of email and phone number by generating leads then you need to update database weekly or monthly so that the data must be accurate. If people change company then email and phone number is also changed, so its need to verify whether the data is correct or wrong
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  • I used Facebook ads in january. I finally had some results doing them and got quite a few leads. If done right it's a very powerfool tool. My focus is though on content building and solo ads (much simpler imo).
    Get Your Free Online Prosperity Starter Kit >>> NextStepFreedom.com
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe310
      Originally Posted by Hafsteinn Thordarson View Post

      I used Facebook ads in january. I finally had some results doing them and got quite a few leads. If done right it's a very powerfool tool. My focus is though on content building and solo ads (much simpler imo).
      Can you please tell us jow to use facebook ads correctly??? Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author annajaden
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      I've been getting consistent exceptional results with content marketing for the last 20 years. Nothing else even comes close, in regards to generating highly convertible traffic and virtually unlimited scalability.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joey Babbs
    Facebook by far the best source for leads....


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    • Profile picture of the author Joe310
      Originally Posted by Joey Babbs View Post

      Facebook by far the best source for leads....
      would you please share more details regarding your experience with facebook ads? DOs and DO NOTs
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  • Profile picture of the author Affportal
    Facebook ads to lead magnets I build with high quality private label rights content.

    AffPortal Niche Research & Campaign Development Tools - CLICK HERE >>

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe310
      Originally Posted by Affportal View Post

      Facebook ads to lead magnets I build with high quality private label rights content.
      Can you please speak english, newbies here that need to understand. Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author boladeblogger
    I created a funnel and I have been using Facebook ads to rain in leads and sales, last December was my best month
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  • Profile picture of the author timokeefe
    I'm surprised FB ads are that popular, I've always struggled to get much out of them.

    What are you all doing with targeting and creatives?

    I'm part of the Warrior Forum team, hit me up with any suggestions that could help improve the forum!

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  • AdWords will be the best source for quality leads. You just have to be willing to spend some money...
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  • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
    Originally Posted by allancaeg View Post

    It's February! At least where I'm at...

    Of all your lead generation channels and activities last month, what provided the most bang for buck?
    To get more leads out of your traffic you need to improve your conversion rate. -

    1. A/B Testing- By adjusting certain elements such as removing the navigation bar, writing better headline copy, and adding customer reviews, a websites conversion rates can increase over 100%

    2. Add Testimonials and Case Studies (Social Proof) To Your Website-By adding testimonials and case studies to your website, you show your website visitors that others have come before them, are happy with you, and trust you.

    3. Add Micro-Conversions (whitepapers, eBooks, webinars)
    websites offer their visitors one opportunity to convert and its usually via their main Contact Us form

    Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11002568].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    I think old strategies STILL work.

    Like Facebook Ads, or better Solo Ads. Just go on Clickonomy or popular facebook solo ads group and see by yourself.

    in February 2017 it's good also try with Surveys, cause it's a relative fresh techniques.

    And also with Push Notifications, even if i dont try it cause for now i dont like it.

    these 2 are the main uptrend.

    And of course, the evergreen youtube.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11002826].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Joe310
      Originally Posted by Connann View Post

      I think old strategies STILL work.

      Like Facebook Ads, or better Solo Ads. Just go on Clickonomy or popular facebook solo ads group and see by yourself.

      in February 2017 it's good also try with Surveys, cause it's a relative fresh techniques.

      And also with Push Notifications, even if i dont try it cause for now i dont like it.

      these 2 are the main uptrend.

      And of course, the evergreen youtube.
      Thank for the tip. if you could give more strategies on facebook ads
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    For January I got the most bang for my efforts with two channels equally:

    1- SEO / blogging

    2- Youtube

    And those two sources were based off of work that I did last year.
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  • Profile picture of the author onlineworker11
    It has been facebook ads,really powerful and cost effective when you know how to do it.

    Turn $1 into unlimited $197 Click this.

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe310
      Originally Posted by onlineworker11 View Post

      It has been facebook ads,really powerful and cost effective when you know how to do it.
      Can you please tell more details how to do it the right way?
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Just publishing and promoting ebooks has been the best method for me in 01/17
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    • Profile picture of the author missmystery
      Originally Posted by Steve L View Post

      Just publishing and promoting ebooks has been the best method for me in 01/17
      Glad to hear of your success. Do you just publish them to kindle? I like to write about Natural health, and am working on my own e-books right now.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Steve L View Post

      Just publishing and promoting ebooks has been the best method for me in 01/17
      Yep !!
      Contrary to what the flavor of the month club may say, this is a tried and true method that won't ever be ineffectvie or out of style on the internet ,imo
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