Interesting CTA (call to action) button testing

by arepb
3 replies
Interesting post on Get Elastic about the test of CTA buttons

I particularly like the finding of putting an image within the button to increase usage.

Call To Action Buttons: Does Size Matter? | Get Elastic
#action #button #call #cta #interesting
  • Profile picture of the author netcatapult
    Google webmaster tools is an excellent resource for A/B testing. Unforunately, this aspect of marketing is often forgotten. In my experience, I have found that the "Add to Cart" usually outperforms "Purchase", "Buy", and Buy Now" and bigger/bolder is better.
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    • Profile picture of the author arepb
      Originally Posted by netcatapult View Post

      Google webmaster tools is an excellent resource for A/B testing. Unforunately, this aspect of marketing is often forgotten. In my experience, I have found that the "Add to Cart" usually outperforms "Purchase", "Buy", and Buy Now" and bigger/bolder is better.
      Interesting. If I may, which niche are you selling to? In one experience I've had BUY all caps outperformed others (this was a website clearly selling one product), while "Add to my cart" was better for a site where the user was obviously directed to continue shopping.
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  • Hmmm... interesting. Thanks!
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