How to Promote Free E-book?

13 replies
Hey guys, I have been working on an e-book for a couple months now. It is almost complete, it has to do with a tried and true online method. I want to give the e-book away for free, and content lock the download. I was wondering if anybody would be willing to share some ideas about how they would go about promoting this. I know people, especially people that are new to internet marketing will be interested.My ideas so far are to list on a few forums, youtube, and a blog to advertise, I know this will not generate enough traffic though. I know there is several better methods, I don't mind spending a couple hundred bucks if I can get it to really catch on. Thanks, and I look forward to everyones input!
#content #cpa #ebook #free #promote
  • Profile picture of the author Tesslady
    You don't have to pay much for promoting your free eBook. What you can do is promote it on your website/blog, as well as in social media. That could be your first step to promote your eBook.

    Good luck, and I hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
    Hi there,

    That's good if you plan to promote your free eBook on forums and YouTube. But, aside from that, you must also utilize social media and your blog to promote the product! As long as you present the free product in an interesting way (as if adding a must-grab feel to it while it's free), there's no need to worry much on traffic. Just promote in every appropriate area possible, and you'll be fine.

    Don't forget to make the eBook really content-rich and engaging! That also contributes to the number of good feedback you get from people who've actually read it, which you could use as a base to promote and invite more people to download it.

    Good luck!
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  • You should be using that ebook to build an email list on your blog. Have people optin in instead of downloading the book. You want to be building an email list / audience and an ebook is a great "bribe".

    Make a YouTube video based on the relevant keywords to your book and have a link to the optin page in the description. A really good idea is if your book is about "How to solve X" then name your video like that. Put in a good description about your book.

    Put a pop-up on your web/blog or a banner and promote your free book (catch their email).

    Use Twitter to promote it. A lot of possibilites there. Even Pinterest. Use all the free methods.

    Make a Facebook Like page / business page about your book and get a small community going. Have friends like it and hopefully they will share your info about the book. Then you could funnel people with FB ads to your page based on their interest. On the page you can have additional information about the book. Shoot a video about you talking about the book and how it can help them and that way people will start to know you and the person behind the book.

    I know this might sound a little scary (it was for me before shooting my first vid) and maybe something you don't want to do - but it really pays in my opinion - You should be branding yourself - build a community around you that trusts you and then promoting things and selling will become much easier.

    And yeah forum marketing is a good idea - put your signature at the bottom with a link to your blog / website where the book is one of the first things they see.

    Hope it helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Register on related facebook groups niche forums social media and dont promote it directly ,build some trust first give some useful information for free etc and then you can promote your ebook
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    After having your ebook and website running, you need to promote your site in order to get traffic and revenue also. There're many ways to promote, both free methods and paid methods.

    Free methods such as: Doing SEO strategies, Social Media Content sharing, Youtube Sharing, Facebook Content (Fanpage, Group), Twitter, Google+, Pinterest,...and many other channels that give you free using and promotions

    Paid methods such as: Doing SEM such as Google Adwords, GDN, Solo ads, Facebook ads, banner ads,...

    So it depends on your budgets that you will choose which methods that can give you the best effort, or you need to combine between free & paid methods in order to get the effective results

    I hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Put it on your own domain and list it in your Sig here. That's a good place to start

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Noobn25
    Okay awesome, thanks for all the valuable information guys, didn't expect such a great response to this question that means a lot!
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  • Profile picture of the author Laksh
    Why do you want to do content locking?? If you meant to lick this download to collect leads, run a giveaway in relevant FB groups. This can help you get more targeted people. Make sure your Autoresponder series is ready before you start giving away.
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    • Profile picture of the author Noobn25
      I want to content lock to earn money from all the time I put in to the ebook. will this not work?
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    If you are giving it away, why are you locking the content? It sounds like you are giving away a book they can't read. Beyond that you can give away free ebooks on warrior plus. I see that sometimes... you can also give away that book on a landing page as a free gift to get their email addresses which would actually double the benefit of your efforts.
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    • Profile picture of the author Noobn25
      I want to content lock the download so I can earn a few dollars for all the time put in to working on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robsn
    I agree with Hafstein. Use the free eBook to build your list. Give it away in exchange for their email address. After they opted in, redirect them to an affiliate offer. That way you will be able make some frontend sales right away!

    I know that there are a couple of locking plugins that let you lock the content on a certain page. If they want to continue reading it, they need to sign up with their email address. So Let's say your eBook is 34 pages long. They get the first 10 pages with awesome content completely for free, but then the content is locked and they have to sign up to continue reading!

    As for traffic, I would definitely go with social media, like twitter, facebook, instagram. Absolutely put a signature in your Warriorforum account and keep commenting on posts. Be consistent with it!

    I wish you the best of luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Robsn View Post

      I agree with Hafstein. Use the free eBook to build your list. Give it away in exchange for their email address. After they opted in, redirect them to an affiliate offer. That way you will be able make some frontend sales right away!
      Especially the last 2 years or so it seems like E-books have made a somewhat strong comeback with the proliferation of Kindle.

      - Robert Andrew
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