Hi guys. I've been speaking to a prospective client who wants me to build a fashion style blog with affiliate links which is fine. But she wants to feature celeb photos with links to the clothing that they are wearing. She says lots of other blogs do this but I am worried about copyright. Here is just one of many blogs she used as an example in the meeting
Kate Middleton Style Blog
It shows all the latest images from a wide variety of photo agencies. But I think the blog owner must be paying a fortune to all the photo agencies or paps for these pics. When I raised this issue (I don't want to lose the project but I don't want her to be sued either) she dismissed my concerns as 'lots of people do it' and she could just take her own photo of the photo to get over the copyright issue. Yes she really said this!

Does anyone know how to acquire these pics legally? Is there a central photo agency that she can subscribe to or something? I don't want to be visiting my client in jail!
Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.