Have you succeeded with or without Mentors?

45 replies
1. Were you able to make at least $100+/day in affiliate marketing by yourself or did it happen because you had a mentor to propel you into success?

2. Was it a paid mentor or somebody you sought out?

#mentors #succeeded
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I got started over 16 years ago and had to learn everything through trial and error.

    The only advantage was my timing, as it was much much easier back then to make money.

    Also, I have always, for the most part, generated leads. It's far easier to get users to fill out a form than to take out their credit card and make a purchase.

    I've also always acquired data (email) because I'm then building assets that I own and can market to over and over at low cost. Compared to what most marketers do, which is to pay for traffic or use some free method, that more than likely will fail to turn a profit without a proven funnel or wasn't worth the time to implement, to begin with.

    I got lucky when I started and everything went perfectly. Today that is highly unlikely and ROI is not what it use to be. I would dread starting out today not knowing what I know and would likely fail.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author shiftyeyes
      Yes, that was the gold rush as I understand. There is always a way to make money though. Robbing banks is the last resort
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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorWasim
    Mentor will always shortcut the process and you can also avoid many unnecessary things but if you are self-taught then you can learn anything through trial and error, tracking your result and improving your steps. There is no mistake all are steps to become whatever you want to become. Thanks :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    If I could do it over again, I'd probably get a mentor.

    Mentors can cut the learning curve immensely.

    Also, knowing what I know now, I'd get FREE mentoring from people who actually know what they're doing.

    There many ethical ways to get free mentoring. Think WIN/WIN.
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    • Profile picture of the author fahadfahad
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  • Profile picture of the author mrvm1
    Always use a mentor 100%, they have been through it all , know the pitfalls and their experience will be invaluable on your path to success. I mean if you want to be a world champion boxer you cant do this on your own. I was mentored by a super affiliate and couldn't have got where i am without his help and experience. In the long term there's only you who can make the choice to be a success as at some point you have to stand on your own 2 feet, thats when you really start learning.
    Good luck in your journey

    Less work More money More time

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  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    I have been in the industry for little over 7 years and gone the trial and error route

    If I have to start all over again, I would get a mentor

    I was very broke so the best thing to do was just join someone in something like MLM or affiliate marketing program and learn from them
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    • Profile picture of the author lil59
      I understand completely about the trial and error route. I have been trying MLM and affiliate marketing for about a year. My sponsor is so busy that he/she cannot get back with me. So, having a sponsor is not what I thought it would be. Having enough money would be a big help too. I have been learning everything from other people and Google. Having a mentor would be great to teach me some of what they know.
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Originally Posted by shiftyeyes View Post

    1. Were you able to make at least $100+/day in affiliate marketing by yourself or did it happen because you had a mentor to propel you into success?

    2. Was it a paid mentor or somebody you sought out?

    1. I never had a mentor, learned Internet Marketing on Warrior Forum, reading a ton of books and guides, free IM courses, trial and error.

    2. Never paid a mentor but have spent a large time self teaching and working hard to succeed at each endeavor.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I have had a mentor right from the beginning. A mentor is someone who will always be there to answer any question you have. My mentor has unlimited time for me.

    My mentor's name is GOOGLE


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author shiftyeyes
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      I have had a mentor right from the beginning. A mentor is someone who will always be there to answer any question you have. My mentor has unlimited time for me.

      My mentor's name is GOOGLE

      We know the same person
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    • Profile picture of the author fastlanesamurai
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      I have had a mentor right from the beginning. A mentor is someone who will always be there to answer any question you have. My mentor has unlimited time for me.

      My mentor's name is GOOGLE


      Good one man :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    When I first started I did it on my own, took a lot of trial and error. I eventually got some help from a friend (I wouldn't say mentor as I didn't get much help, just a little) and it helped greatly. If I had to do it again, I'd get a mentor - it saves time and money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mdshohidulislamrobin
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      I have had the same mentor for over 20 years, which I attribute to having such exceptionally early and continuous success.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShayB
    When I first started, I had lots of mentors. Here in the WF.

    My system was this:

    1. Ask a very specific question on the WF. (As specific as I could, depending on how much I did/didn't know.)

    2. Get advice from people I felt knew what they were talking about.

    3. Implement advice.

    4. Come back to the WF. Say, "I did [this step]. X was the result. Now what do I do?"

    5. Get further advice for the next step.

    6. Implement advice for next step.

    7. Come back to the WF. Say, "I did [next step]. Y was the result. Now what do I do?"

    8. Implement advice for the next step.

    9. Rinse and repeat as needed.

    I wasn't looking for a magic bullet. I needed help with getting started, and I had to take baby steps. There's a difference.

    I did have a personal mentor, but that was a bit further down the road.
    "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    It’s critical to celebrate and lift your peers. People are chasing potential mentors, and we should always have a mentor or two, but support and rock with your peers.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    More or less "models' that I looked up to and would emulate certain behaviors they would do... Not really Mentors per say. Similar to Shay

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    When I started my software business in 2002, I had no mentors. The biggest problem was not knowing that something was possible. I didn't even know it was possible to sell software online, then I did a bit of Googling and found some payment processors that didn't need a merchant account.
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  • Profile picture of the author Srikanth Reddy P
    Take it this way if you want to achieve Billionaire dollar dream what is the best thing you can leverage on?

    It's time.

    assuming your age is somewhere around 25. Now if you want to achieve your dream working 20 hrs a week it might take 10-20 years for you to achieve it.what if you chose mentor under whom you can learn while working which can reduce the time taken.if you want a theoretical mentor you can always read Books, Magazines.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Mentor's come in many different forms and at different times. The key is that you open yourself up to continually seeking out top players (in whatever field or achievement you are seeking) and to watch/learn, then apply what they teach you.

    Some of my best mentors were not paid and some did not even know they were mentors - I watched and learned from what they did without the relationship being formal.

    Other times I paid for mentorship - and each time it was MORE than worth it...

    Nobody makes it far without mentors - but as I say, they can take on many forms
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  • Profile picture of the author REIGN FOREVER
    Without a shout of a doubt I have succeeded in life far more than the eyes can see with mentors. Not saying that you can't succeed on your own because anything is possible especially if lady luck just seems to always be in your corner. Having mentors makes the journey to success a lot more easier and may cut back on the time and energy you spend to get there. These are the leaders who gained progression not only by failure but experience! So everything that they instill in you comes from years of homing down on their craft. Beware of those portraying to pillars of guidance and mimicking mentorship also because there are lot of people out here doing a lot of talking, but ain't saying nothing! #REIGNFOREVER
    Learn what they DIDN'T tell you about Affiliate Marketing Click Here For Free Video!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Welter
    I wish I could have one when I get started. It's great to be resourceful, do the trial and error but I realized it will also be a great help to hear from someone who was once on your jouney. That to save time and shorten the learning curve.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Chapple
    I've tried for 10 years to make it in IM without success. I paid for two mentors that didn't work well for me, i suspect it worked out a lot better for them. I'm pretty good at trading shares & Forex and currently putting a product together about trading. I have engaged a mentor about CPA, and he seems a far better mentor than the previous two. Even so there is so much to learn and understand, so a mentor steers you through. I liked ShayB's post one step at a time that works for me as well.
    I do believe in investing in yourself, so I will always seek someone who has achieved the desired result that I want to show me the way,
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  • Profile picture of the author ruellesmith
    You can always find a mentor to inspire you but today you can find so many useful information on the web. Just search whatever you want to learn in Google and you will get what you want Success will not happen over night ad oftentimes experience is the best teacher, you will always fail but eventually you will learn. Never shortcut the process and you will see that you will reach your goal at the right time.
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    • Profile picture of the author BBryanB
      I have found a combination has worked for me.
      First, the harder I work, the better my results is a great start.
      Temper that approach with looking at people who are successful in your niche and then if you can, pick their brain or at least try to emulate what they have done.
      Lastly, this works for me, the definition of insanity;
      Doing the same things over and over again and expecting differ net results !! Albert Einstein

      if what you are doing is not showing results, change course, experiment, try different approaches, don't keep doing the same things and expect better results.
      Good luck

      We are launching our opportunity now. Based in Vanada, looking to exspand through Affiliates, https://localmarkethubs.com/affiliates/

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  • Profile picture of the author frank jagger
    Everything I have achieved so far is from my own sweat and tears. Well not exactly from sweat and tears but you get the picture
    I never needed mentors, because from the small pieces of information that can be found on the forums you can develop own working methods. You just need to read between lines.

    Now I have bunch working methods that brings me very nice monthly income
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    • Profile picture of the author shiftyeyes
      Originally Posted by frank jagger View Post

      Everything I have achieved so far is from my own sweat and tears. Well not exactly from sweat and tears but you get the picture
      I never needed mentors, because from the small pieces of information that can be found on the forums you can develop own working methods. You just need to read between lines.

      Now I have bunch working methods that brings me very nice monthly income
      How long has that been working out for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Originally Posted by shiftyeyes View Post

    1. Were you able to make at least $100+/day in affiliate marketing by yourself or did it happen because you had a mentor to propel you into success?

    2. Was it a paid mentor or somebody you sought out?

    For me personally I knew what I had to do to make $100 a day, but having a mentor gave me accountability. He also had a challenge where he would give away prizes to whoever took the most action in his group coaching program. So, there was a lot of external motivation to take consistent action and not be distracted by other shiny objects.
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    I'd recommend a mentor - if you can afford it. As previous posters have suggested, you can save a lot of time and/or money working with a mentor.

    Just as importantly, it's very useful to have ongoing coaching and motivation. I see too many newbies getting frustrated and giving up. Flitting from one course to another is not a cardinal sin, but a lot of people are too impatient, too gullible about exorbitant promises and too quick to give up and start badmouthing the industry as a whole.

    Sure, you can pick up a lot on this forum and various Facebook groups. We all do it. But why spend months dabbling in a kind of perpetual A/B testing of what works for you and what doesn't when you can get right to the heart of the matter and begin practicing that which has been proven to work successfully overtime.

    To each his own. But if you can afford to get the lowdown and save time and money doing it, I'll go for a mentoring program with ongoing encouragement and coaching every time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    I have a couple of "Silent Mentors." (Essentially People/Experts I lean a great deal from without havening actually met them.)

    1. Eben Pagan
    2. Vishen Lakhiani

    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author lil59
    After reading all the posts on this topic, I really believe that having a mentor can make all the difference in the world to my business. I believe it really is the secret to success and it's no coincidence that all the really successful people in this business have mentors.
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  • Profile picture of the author carbry
    I succeeded without mentors, No one helped me while I was struggling and I learn with failures. If I want to say anything about mentors then failure is my mentor.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Never had a direct mentor, but I consider all the courses and products I read as "indirect mentors".

    Recently I did sign up for group coaching which was very helpful, and helped me reach new income goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I fully believe that a mentor, coaching, training, high-end course, etc... can save you a significant amount of time and money. The big problem is who to choose and are they real.

    I acquire $10's of thousands of dollars in all of the above per year, just so I can kind of stay on top of what is happening outside of my own field. I can tell you that there can be a significant difference between them and those that say you can find anything for free online, are so wrong.

    Do your homework before making a decision!
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Ryan,

    1: I don't think I know of anyone online who made money without the help of a mentor, but as far as premium mentoring/paying a coach, yep, I prospered without hiring sometime. But I did not make a dime until I learned from blogging pros through their blog posts, eBooks and product. Not hired any actively but I feasted on their helpful content.

    2: Just followed their insights, asked questions, picked brain boxes. That type of thing.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Hi Ryan,

      1: I don't think I know of anyone online who made money without the help of a mentor, but as far as premium mentoring/paying a coach, yep, I prospered without hiring sometime. But I did not make a dime until I learned from blogging pros through their blog posts, eBooks and product. Not hired any actively but I feasted on their helpful content.

      2: Just followed their insights, asked questions, picked brain boxes. That type of thing.

      Hey Ryan,
      I always used LIFE as a Mentor as well. It is one of the most effective and efficient Mentors out there. It will keep your arse on top of "it" and above all it will NEVER , EVER let you slack and always be honest with you to a fault

      Thought you might appreciate that
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  • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
    You don't need a mentor all the information is freely available on the web. Just implement the tactics and see what works.

    See what what others are doing successfully and adding in your own ideas and variations by testing - You learn organically . There is not one man with a million secrets who will tell you everything, but there are a million men with one secret each. Your job is to connect those secrets togther.

    I would find a mentor distracting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashok Panda
    It is possible to achieve success without a mentor. There is enough online material available from which one can learn and depending on individual ability the pace may be faster or slower.

    But having a genuine mentor can show you the right direction, share valuable experience and help achieve success faster which is invaluable.
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  • Profile picture of the author angelazar7
    As mentioned already, the info is out there, you can learn all you want to without a doubt. For me, having a mentor was much more of a mental aspect than anything else. I think I was in perpetual learning mode, but having a mentor gave me confidence to actually make a start and get out of that mode and into actual business mode. I've never looked back.
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  • Profile picture of the author lil59
    By having a mentor I can get advice. But I am going to need one that has experience in the business and has been where I am now struggling to get started. They could tell me the mistakes I am making or about to make and how to avoid them too. A mentor can point me in the right direction and help me get on to achieving my goals. The only problem is where and who can I get to be a mentor? I know Mr. Google too. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    Everyone has mentors.

    The real question is whether or not you should pay for one.

    I think it comes down to how you learn.

    Some people are natural leaders and others are followers. Both can be successful in their own right. Some people can learn from mentors by studying what they do, others need to be told how to do it from someone successful.

    Find out which one you are and which suits your learning style.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxinetimpact
    A good mentor has the experience and perspective that you don't have now to make the right moves, avoid pitfalls, and achieve your goals faster. His value isn't to give general advice like you can find in articles, books, and online programs BUT personalised advice tailored to your specific situation. It makes a big difference on your results.
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  • I didn't "succeed" online until I invested in a mentor. That said it's not impossible I think to make money online going on your own (a lot of people have done it) but I think it takes more time and effort, more trial and error. Getting a mentor can really speed things up for you.

    Getting a mentor will also help you grow. Of course you can make maybe some money online on your own but I think if it's your true desire to grow in business and as a person then having a mentor I think is something that will be invaluable for you. Successful people surround themselves with likeminded individuals.
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  • Profile picture of the author PrincePatridge
    You don't need a mentor to succeed in affiliate marketing. You just need some training and after that you will soon become a pro and even earn more than you expected.

    The person training you can offer free services (mostly friends) or there is a certain fee for training. Thats it.

    Secrets to making money online revealed!
    Click here to download YOUR free report now!

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  • Profile picture of the author JamieKL
    Where do I find these.... mentors?

    Guidance is always welcomed with me, I need constructive criticism in this field, after all, I want to develop a career in DM/SEO/Web development.
    Techlitic | GadgetsID | ExpertAndroid | AndroidOrg | MyFashionTech

    Always interested in collaborating and developing long lasting business relationships. PM me if you would like to talk about link swapping, guest posting, submitting an App review or have a general enquiry.
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