Apparently, I am Poor and In Need of Assistance...
My 8 year old is in the 3rd grade and apparently when they
start school there is a lot of interaction. You know, where do you
live? What's your name? What do your parents do? kind of questions
asked by the teacher.
No doubt when the teacher asked "what do your parents do"? My 8
year old answered NOTHING lol....
So, he starts bringing home these forms for things like catholic charities,
fuel assistance programs, etc... Also, he kept bringing his lunch money
home saying he got "free lunch".
Finally, I called the school this morning and asked to speak to the
principal and asked why he was getting free lunch and why he
kept bringing these papers and forms for assistance home.
The principal said I would need to speak to the guidance counselor...
So, I'm thinking to myself "what the hell is going on"?, right? lol
The counselor gets on the phone and tells me that my 8 year old
said that both of his parents were UNEMPLOYED and that because
of that he got free lunch and they were trying to assist us financially...
Needless to say, I'm going to have to sit down with my 8 year old
tonight and have a talk with him

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