What's the best way in selling video tutorial course?

9 replies

Wishing that you and your family are doing fine.

I plan to offer and sell video tutorial course targeting the local people in my area because I will be using our local dialect.

I plan to use a membership plugin and upload the videos on vimeo. I have never done this before.

One of my fears is that perhaps my future members will just download the videos and share them to others or they will just share their login details.

Your input will be very much appreciated.

#selling #tutorial #video
  • Profile picture of the author hmbd
    I think
    >> best way in selling video tutorial by publicity in social media.

    >> You may got a secured format which not downloadable video from your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Jones42
    Purchase banner advertising in various forum sites and blog where mostly traffic of newbie and starter.

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  • Profile picture of the author Marian
    Don't worry about sharing... just provide quality videos. And there are many choice how to publish and sell access to them.. one of them is e.g. "my product store" (just Google it).

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  • Profile picture of the author Ciaran
    If I was to go about selling a course online, I would do this:

    Provide free quality information wherever my target audience hang out online. Establish trust. Become known as the go-to-guy for this subject in my area. You could do quick YouTube videos with tips and tutorials and/or create free eBooks/checklists (could be used as a lead magnet and then promote course via email).

    Then, ask them to buy.

    If you've been providing them enough stuff for free, they'll be more than happy to buy.

    Maybe provide the first 1 or 2 videos of the course for free, with the option to buy after they've completed the trial?

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
    Buddy, is Udemy available in your area? Maybe you can upload your tutorial videos in there.
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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorWasim
    You can also try out udemy and skillshare and direct your people there as you are going to get the platform for free but these marketplaces will take the revenue share.

    If you want to sell from your own website choose a platform like smartmember or memberpress. Thanks :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    I plan to use a membership plugin and upload the videos on vimeo. I have never done this before.

    One of my fears is that perhaps my future members will just download the videos and share them to others or they will just share their login details.
    Check out OptimizePress. They offer a membership plugin with multiple ways to protect your content.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbbryant
    Make it affordable, it helps and maybe make them multiple parts , where the first one is free if they sign up for free membership that you could offer and then offer the next batch of videos for a reasonable price.
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  • Profile picture of the author briancbk
    depending on your budget, you can just put them on youtube, unlisted or private, and auto deliver the links upon receipt of payment. when you get some cash coming in, look into something like kajabi.

    as far as your fears of people sharing the links, dont focus on that. focus on providing good content, and building your buyers list. keep producing good content that those buyers will pay for over and over again.

    you can spend tons of money trying to secure and protect your content, and I can still copy it with camtasia, or another free screen recorder. focus on building. most people are honest.
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