Ways to boost my blog - help please

7 replies
This is what I already do:

Optimise articles (600 words plus) and use related terms in article and tags
Bookmark to a couple of sites like Stumble and Reddit
Ping to Pingomatic

Is the above enough in terms of trying to get content to rank? Other than sharing on socials please can you share anything else I could be doing to improve my blogging success.

Thanks and have a great day.
#blog #boost #ways
  • Profile picture of the author RutledgeGroup
    I've found that indexing straight with google helps the search engines find your links faster. You can put the link as "link" in google and see if it's indexed. If not then log in and go to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url and put the link in. You'll find that once you index it with Google it will show up pretty fast. Go back and check in quotes and it should show up.

    That's one of the first things I do now after making a post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Intuz
    Take help of social media networks and highly authoritative social bookmarking platforms to promote your content.

    Share you blog posts to your niche networking sites. Share on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest etc,
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  • Profile picture of the author Sophia F
    Hope these SEO techniques helps you to improve your page rank.
    1. Place best keywords in the title, meta description, anchor texts
    2. Article submission, PR submission, Directory Submission
    3. Forum Posts, Guest Blogging
    4. Post on Major social platforms: Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter,
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    • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
      Hi Sophia and thanks

      Please can you give any more info? I guess Article submission are sites like Ezine - what is PR submission and Directory submission?
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  • Profile picture of the author Best Seller
    Originally Posted by Moneyland View Post

    This is what I already do:

    Optimise articles (600 words plus) and use related terms in article and tags
    Bookmark to a couple of sites like Stumble and Reddit
    Ping to Pingomatic

    Is the above enough in terms of trying to get content to rank? Other than sharing on socials please can you share anything else I could be doing to improve my blogging success.

    Thanks and have a great day.
    Try this: [A Brain Teaser for Copywriters] Spin Something Old into Something New
    Book Publishing Shortcuts for Online Marketers: the EXACT strategies today's top independent authors are using to sell thousands of books online every year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tahreem Saeed
    Share each new blog post across your social media networks, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. If you spend time cultivating your networks and share great content, social media sites can become some of your top traffic sources.

    Creative Designer and Developer !

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  • Profile picture of the author jayceexzero
    Make sure that you use high-density keywords and do not forget to place them in the title, meta description, tags, and anchor text. Apart from social media platforms, you can improve your rank through guest posting in high PR sites such as HubSpot, The Huffington Post, and other sites depending on your product or service offered.
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