Proud Clickbank Vendors Please Read!
Can I hear some of your stories being a clickbank vendor?
Maybe how much you made on your first product, if you made more or less than you thought you would, if affiliates found you automatically or if you found them, and if you did find them how?
Also anything you wish someone could or would have said to you when you were going to get your first product on clickbank.
I want to charge $197 for my product which is good for my niche, not too high, not too low. Do affiliates like selling products over $97 or do their scam alert red flags go up and they don't even give it a chance?
I seel most products are 27-47 and a few 67 and 97 I don't see much other prices.
I'm going to offer affiliates 50% so they will get almost 100 dollars per sale, does that attract affiliates or does it repel them because it can be harder to get someone to spend $197 than it is to get them to spend $27?
Is selling over 10,000copies in one year an unrealistic goal, or if everything is mint and clean with good copy, is it actually in the realm of reality?
I turn 29 next month and I want to make my first million before I'm 30, I'm selling in the dating niche and it's from a whole new approach, total untapped niche that speaks to the whole market.
Have you ever put out something of quality, with good sales copy, offered a good commission and didn't attract affiliates or sales?
Can I hear your good stories, bad stories, everything inbetween and anything you wish someone told you right before launching your first product??
Is there even many clickbank vendors here or is this forum mostly affiliates?
Also can you find good affiliates here or quality affiliates??
It's crazy because this Diabetic offer, the top affiliate earns over 500k MONTHLY, I've never even made 2k monthly before, and that's just an affiliate. I've tried affiliate marketing and I find it to be extremely hard, so for me it's much better to put together a great offer and let people who are good at affiliate marketing do the selling for me, for a very nice commission.
Is there any clickbank vendors here who do not make enough money to live off of, like at least afford to live in a one bedroom apartment?
I really want a house like the one that Mo Vlogs just bought, you can see it here:
Could I start making like 10-50 mill a year?
Assuming I did everything very well, and customers love my product and returns are extremely low, what would be your best guess that I should expect to make in one year? Have many of you already made your first million, and how long did it take you to make your first million?
Sorry about all the questions I just got nobody to talk to about any of this stuff.
"He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan ⢠"I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.
"He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan ⢠"I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.
All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise
Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise
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