best traffic courses?

12 replies
Hi everyone, I'm new to internet marketing and I'm having traffic issues. I need to learn traffic from top internet marketers. what courses do you recommend? (price isn't an issue, just looking for GOOD stuff!)
#courses #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author profitboss
    There are many Traffic courses. I suggest you narrow it down to what it is you want to learn and focus on one source. I would check out any course on you tube video ad courses now as they are hot and good source of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author John47
    There are a lot traffic methods discussed by the leading internet marketing bloggers such as Matthew Woodward, Neil Patel, Pat Flynn and others. For a start have a look at these as the traffic techniques are updated continually.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Danny Darwin View Post

    Hi everyone, I'm new to internet marketing and I'm having traffic issues. I need to learn traffic from top internet marketers. what courses do you recommend? (price isn't an issue, just looking for GOOD stuff!)
    What type of traffic are you looking to use?
    Do you at least know if you're interested in paid or free traffic ?
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  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
    Originally Posted by Danny Darwin View Post

    Hi everyone, I'm new to internet marketing and I'm having traffic issues. I need to learn traffic from top internet marketers. what courses do you recommend? (price isn't an issue, just looking for GOOD stuff!)
    None of them. All of them. Some of them.

    It depends on what your objective is. It also depends upon what you are driving them towards and for what purpose. In other words, there are many types of traffic and many types of objective.

    For example, if I simply ask someone what food I should eat this takes no account of my objective of gaining weight (my objective). It takes no account of the fact that i'm a 62 year old man who wants to gain strength and muscle mass because it is strongly correlated with health (what the food is for).

    In my own business I use certain platforms and strategies to drive traffic to my ecommerce business (with much success, 6 figures + a month). But i know, through experience, that some sources of traffic are much more valuable than others, due to my specific objective and set up.

    So, what is your objective and set up?

    Hope this helps. Good luck with your ventures.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mdshohidulislamrobin
    Your internet traffic courses on visitors institutions (online and off-line) can will give you lot of visitors institutions. I don't know of anyone who can really evaluate all of them-- it's a obtuse way to select one.

    I used, which was excellent and I was able to finish the course extremely quick by just concentrating on the concerns.
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  • Profile picture of the author aborsuk2
    Try and check out Omar Martin, I'm not an affiliate but he has some pretty quality stuff of traffic generation.
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  • Profile picture of the author pcmonkey1
    Kevin Fahey and Josh Zamora are pretty good for video marketing, Facebook : Chris record, Brett rutecky, Instagram: Luke Mcquire (his stuff is autmation software with lots of good tidbits about how to structure your account, you can just get 'followliker' instead) , Pinterest: Stephan Ciancio

    these are mostly paid courses (teaching paid traffic), so scour the internet first for free stuff, but for Facebook: DO NOT TRUST older methods, as they may not work as well or at all anymore.

    Video, Pinterest and SEO are free traffic, but 'free traffic' is never free! You usually have to put in quite a bit of manual repetition to get anywhere-

    good luck!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Andrew Hurst
      Facebook seems the way to go! Instagram seems to be gaining in popularity with traffic generation on the free side.
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  • Profile picture of the author NewEnglandah
    To start look around YouTube. When you start learning more you will have more knowledge to ask the right questions. This will help you to look for the traffic training that fits your needs. Good Luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZachMiller
    I'd suggest paid methods..

    That's going to get you the quickest results..

    I usually tell people to start with SOLO or FB ads.. look for leader's that talk about that and JUST THAT..
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